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Turkey shoots down Russian jet (1 Viewer)

Any truth to the rumor that the failed Russian Air offensive is being led by somebody named Markovich Sanchezistan?

So Russia is fighting on 50 fronts, mostly against rebels who are fighting Asaad, not ISIS. Today they were flying missions against moderate Syrian Rebels, were warned a dozen times by the Turks, and did not respond. The pilot then was shot from the ground by the moderate Rebels.

Basically Russia is using satellite data that is 24 hours old and ground Intel provided by Asaad's regime. Then the pilots get on site, look out the window, and start dropping bombs hoping they hit something.

They are 30+ years behind the U.S. In military technology and probably behind the Turks also. Some Americans seem to think what Russia is doing in Syria is somehow a strong response and/or it's war plan is to eliminate ISIS. What it is however is akin to a blindfolded guy swinging at a piñata. Pretty much anyone on the ground in Syria is at risk of dying from an intended or stray Russian bomb, and the Russians simply don't give a #### if they are hitting the right or wrong targets.

So Russia is fighting on 50 fronts, mostly against rebels who are fighting Asaad, not ISIS. Today they were flying missions against moderate Syrian Rebels, were warned a dozen times by the Turks, and did not respond. The pilot then was shot from the ground by the moderate Rebels.

Basically Russia is using satellite data that is 24 hours old and ground Intel provided by Asaad's regime. Then the pilots get on site, look out the window, and start dropping bombs hoping they hit something.

They are 30+ years behind the U.S. In military technology and probably behind the Turks also. Some Americans seem to think what Russia is doing in Syria is somehow a strong response and/or it's war plan is to eliminate ISIS. What it is however is akin to a blindfolded guy swinging at a piñata. Pretty much anyone on the ground in Syria is at risk of dying from an intended or stray Russian bomb, and the Russians simply don't give a #### if they are hitting the right or wrong targets.
Otis is Putin??!!! :shock:

So Russia is fighting on 50 fronts, mostly against rebels who are fighting Asaad, not ISIS. Today they were flying missions against moderate Syrian Rebels, were warned a dozen times by the Turks, and did not respond. The pilot then was shot from the ground by the moderate Rebels.

Basically Russia is using satellite data that is 24 hours old and ground Intel provided by Asaad's regime. Then the pilots get on site, look out the window, and start dropping bombs hoping they hit something.

They are 30+ years behind the U.S. In military technology and probably behind the Turks also. Some Americans seem to think what Russia is doing in Syria is somehow a strong response and/or it's war plan is to eliminate ISIS. What it is however is akin to a blindfolded guy swinging at a piñata. Pretty much anyone on the ground in Syria is at risk of dying from an intended or stray Russian bomb, and the Russians simply don't give a #### if they are hitting the right or wrong targets.
I don't enitrely agree in that I don't think they are hitting Assad's troops, and those are the wrong targets. anyone short of that is the right target for them.

I have no doubt they want to take a pound of flesh from ISIS, but they also want to hit the rebels. So bombing damn near everything is a good option for them!

#### Russia.

1. Remember Putin invading and basically annexing the Crimea and all the consequences that had?

2. Remember Putin invading eastern Ukraine under the ruse of DPR and LPR. Watch them push to Kiev and then we might truly end up with a WWIII.

3. As a very large sub-piece of item 2, don't forget they accidentally SHOT DOWN a PPSSSENGER PLANE.
who hasn't shot down a passenger plane?
not us...psssst.. Iran Air Flight 655

I did hear the other day that Turkey is trading with ISIS. If true that's not a good thing.
I think you are referring to oil which is smuggled into Turkey as their gas costs something like $7 a gallon so there is plenty of demand there and that is all done black market wise. I am not familiar with any other significant 'trading'.

The Russians are not targeting Daesh targeting other rebel groups. The Turks are not targeting Daesh but the Kurds. The Assad forces are more worried about the rebels than Daesh. The Kurds will fight Daesh so far as to what they consider their territory and then all the more that Daesh fights kills all the other groups that hate them and vice versa- so be it. The Iraqi government can't fight anyone. Iraqi Shia militias backed by Iran are fighting Daesh. Hezbollah backed by Iran are fighting Daesh. The US and allied countries are bombing selective Daesh targets. Now the Russians and Turks are having a crisis. Iranians are propping up Assad. Gulf States are propping up rebel groups. Shia vs Sunni. Rebels vs. government. Terrorists vs everyone. Proxy wars.

And about another 2 dozen different angles going on.

What a freaking mess.

For context:

Russo-Turkish War (1877–78)...Czarist Russia declared war on the Ottomans on 24 April 1877 and its troops entered Romania through the newly built Eiffel Bridge near Ungheni, on the Prut river. The Prussian king Frederick II had sarcastically remarked a century earlier that a war between the Ottoman Empire and Russia would be "a war between the one-eyed and the blind"


Under pressure from the British, Russia accepted the truce offered by the Ottoman Empire on January 31, 1878, but continued to move towards Constantinople. The British sent a fleet of battleships to intimidate Russia from entering the city, and Russian forces stopped at San Stefano. Eventually Russia entered into a settlement under the Treaty of San Stefano on March 3, by which the Ottoman Empire would recognize the independence of Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, and the autonomy of Bulgaria.
- Less than 40 years later of course Serbian nationalism would lead to Russia coming to the rescue of its Orthodox Christian Slav cousins against the Austrians which then soon thereafter snowballed into WW1. Russia and Turkey were again at war at that time.

Ancient history though, right?

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What's Russia gonna do? Shoot down a Turkish passenger plane?
You can be sure there will be an asymmetrical response.
Like what? 2nd coming of the candy bomber only it's the pork chop bomber?
Ha, I love the way that sounds but I have no idea what it means.
amazing story- thanks for sharing that.

So Russia is fighting on 50 fronts, mostly against rebels who are fighting Asaad, not ISIS. Today they were flying missions against moderate Syrian Rebels, were warned a dozen times by the Turks, and did not respond. The pilot then was shot from the ground by the moderate Rebels.

Basically Russia is using satellite data that is 24 hours old and ground Intel provided by Asaad's regime. Then the pilots get on site, look out the window, and start dropping bombs hoping they hit something.

They are 30+ years behind the U.S. In military technology and probably behind the Turks also. Some Americans seem to think what Russia is doing in Syria is somehow a strong response and/or it's war plan is to eliminate ISIS. What it is however is akin to a blindfolded guy swinging at a piñata. Pretty much anyone on the ground in Syria is at risk of dying from an intended or stray Russian bomb, and the Russians simply don't give a #### if they are hitting the right or wrong targets.
I don't enitrely agree in that I don't think they are hitting Assad's troops, and those are the wrong targets. anyone short of that is the right target for them.

I have no doubt they want to take a pound of flesh from ISIS, but they also want to hit the rebels. So bombing damn near everything is a good option for them!
Up there the rebels are ethnic Turks, so the Turks have been stewing for some time about Russians blowing away Syrian-Turk villages and Turkmen civilians with impunity.

Now this.

What's Russia gonna do? Shoot down a Turkish passenger plane?
You can be sure there will be an asymmetrical response.
Like what? 2nd coming of the candy bomber only it's the pork chop bomber?
Ha, I love the way that sounds but I have no idea what it means.
amazing story- thanks for sharing that.
I've met him twice, he's quite an amazing dude.
What's Russia gonna do? Shoot down a Turkish passenger plane?
You can be sure there will be an asymmetrical response.
Like what? 2nd coming of the candy bomber only it's the pork chop bomber?
Ha, I love the way that sounds but I have no idea what it means.
amazing story- thanks for sharing that.
I've met him twice, he's quite an amazing dude.
did he give you candy?

if i were him i would give candy to everyone i met.

Shaun Walker ‏@shaunwalker7 2m2 minutes ago

So looks like Russia confirming one pilot dead due to "fire from ground", a marine on rescue op dead, fate of 2nd pilot still unclear
so the plane was allegedly shot down in Turkish air space, but the pilot parachuted into rebel territory...
Putting aside radar showing the incursions since we don't know if they are valid yet, wouldn't the Russian plane fly away from the missile, assuming their equpment picked it up? It makes sense to me that they flew away from Turkey while trying to evade the missiles, therefore the plane being a bit inside Syria when the missiles impacted seems to naturally follow.
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Shaun Walker ‏@shaunwalker7 2m2 minutes ago

So looks like Russia confirming one pilot dead due to "fire from ground", a marine on rescue op dead, fate of 2nd pilot still unclear
so the plane was allegedly shot down in Turkish air space, but the pilot parachuted into rebel territory...
Putting aside radar showing the incursions since we don't know if they are valid yet, wouldn't the Russian plane fly away from the missile, assuming their equpment picked it up? It makes sense to me that they flew away from Turkey while trying to evade the missiles, therefore the plane being a bit inside Syria when the missiles impacted seems to naturally follow.
It's also a really thin finger of landing jutting into Syria, basically looks like cutting through the western Maryland or West Virginia panhandles. They could have been over Turkey and out of it in no time.

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Shaun Walker ‏@shaunwalker7 2m2 minutes ago

So looks like Russia confirming one pilot dead due to "fire from ground", a marine on rescue op dead, fate of 2nd pilot still unclear
so the plane was allegedly shot down in Turkish air space, but the pilot parachuted into rebel territory...
Putting aside radar showing the incursions since we don't know if they are valid yet, wouldn't the Russian plane fly away from the missile, assuming their equpment picked it up? It makes sense to me that they flew away from Turkey while trying to evade the missiles, therefore the plane being a bit inside Syria when the missiles impacted seems to naturally follow.
Also- it seems that they were over Turkish airspace for mere seconds. So, it likely took the loosed missile longer to fly to hit it's mark and by the time it did- they were over Syria again.

What's Russia gonna do? Shoot down a Turkish passenger plane?
You can be sure there will be an asymmetrical response.
Like what? 2nd coming of the candy bomber only it's the pork chop bomber?
Ha, I love the way that sounds but I have no idea what it means.
amazing story- thanks for sharing that.
I've met him twice, he's quite an amazing dude.
very cool.

did you go with his other nick-name, "the chocolate uncle"?

What's Russia gonna do? Shoot down a Turkish passenger plane?
You can be sure there will be an asymmetrical response.
Like what? 2nd coming of the candy bomber only it's the pork chop bomber?
Ha, I love the way that sounds but I have no idea what it means.
amazing story- thanks for sharing that.
Agreed, but "The Chocolate Uncle" is perhaps the worst nickname in history.


Originally posted by Tommyboy in the the "When do we go in and wipe out ISIS" thread. Longer, but interesting.

No idea who we're for or against in this one. We're quick to jump on Putin's stuff no matter what, but Turkey is apparently propping up ISIS. Obama's been softer (viewed as weaker) than some would like, but why should we be in the middle of this cluster of a quagmire of a goat rodeo? What's the win by being more aggressive? That's not argumentative, just a question. I don't see the upside.
Every single player in the ME is both a good guy and bad guy at the same time. Well, except for ISIS.Turkey allegedly funded/supplied ISIS to an extent.

Iran calls for death to America, but are mortal enemies to the Sunni extremists ISIS, etc. Also Iran funds the Taliban it seems.

Russia are ****bags, but against ISIS and the other extremists fighting Assad.

Assad is a horrific dictator, but at least he won't be sending people across Europe to shoot up pubs.

Saudi Arabia is the heart of extremism in the ME, but a US ally for some reason ($$$).

The US is supplying extremists to fight Assad, but I'm pretty sure those same fighters will be shooting at us or our allies at some point.

What a mess.

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Originally posted by Tommyboy in the the "When do we go in and wipe out ISIS" thread. Longer, but interesting.

No idea who we're for or against in this one. We're quick to jump on Putin's stuff no matter what, but Turkey is apparently propping up ISIS. Obama's been softer (viewed as weaker) than some would like, but why should we be in the middle of this cluster of a quagmire of a goat rodeo? What's the win by being more aggressive? That's not argumentative, just a question. I don't see the upside.
Every single player in the ME is both a good guy and bad guy at the same time. Well, except for ISIS.Turkey allegedly funded/supplied ISIS to an extent.

Iran calls for death to America, but are mortal enemies to the Sunni extremists ISIS, etc. Also Iran funds the Taliban it seems.

Russia are ****bags, but against ISIS and the other extremists fighting Assad.

Assad is a horrific dictator, but at least he won't be sending people across Europe to shoot up pubs.

Saudi Arabia is the heart of extremism in the ME, but a US ally for some reason ($$$).

The US is supplying extremists to fight Assad, but I'm pretty sure those same fighters will be shooting at us or our allies at some point.

What a mess.
FWIW Assad funded al-Qaeda and of course Hezbollah.

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Originally posted by Tommyboy in the the "When do we go in and wipe out ISIS" thread. Longer, but interesting.

No idea who we're for or against in this one. We're quick to jump on Putin's stuff no matter what, but Turkey is apparently propping up ISIS. Obama's been softer (viewed as weaker) than some would like, but why should we be in the middle of this cluster of a quagmire of a goat rodeo? What's the win by being more aggressive? That's not argumentative, just a question. I don't see the upside.
Every single player in the ME is both a good guy and bad guy at the same time. Well, except for ISIS.Turkey allegedly funded/supplied ISIS to an extent.

Iran calls for death to America, but are mortal enemies to the Sunni extremists ISIS, etc. Also Iran funds the Taliban it seems.

Russia are ****bags, but against ISIS and the other extremists fighting Assad.

Assad is a horrific dictator, but at least he won't be sending people across Europe to shoot up pubs.

Saudi Arabia is the heart of extremism in the ME, but a US ally for some reason ($$$).

The US is supplying extremists to fight Assad, but I'm pretty sure those same fighters will be shooting at us or our allies at some point.

What a mess.
Yeah what a mess. Hoping cooler heads prevail here in the states among the folks running for President. Wouldn't think any of them are dumb enough to advocate any sort of aggressive response, but I'm not super confident in those thoughts...

Honestly, #### Turkey. I hope Russian demolishes them.
You do know that as a NATO ally an attack on Turkey is an attack on the US?
Do you know how well this worked in WWI?
So, see, you do realize how bad it is if Russia "demolishes" them. Not for the sake of Turkey (not much love for the Turks from me) but what it would mean to the world and us.
What would it mean?

Honestly, #### Turkey. I hope Russian demolishes them.
You do know that as a NATO ally an attack on Turkey is an attack on the US?
Do you know how well this worked in WWI?
The 400 year old Russian state was overthrown?
It gave birth to the USSR and Nazi Germany some years later out of the ashes.
Right, that didn't help Tsar Nick who made the call though.

Flip it around and it's also obvious that WWI (the first mobilization and refusal to pull back) and WW2 (split up Poland like a Turkey with the Nazis holding the knife with them) were both on Russia (ok with a helping hand from Wilhelm and Hitler).

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EUFundedProEUTroll ‏@EUFundedEUTroll 57m57 minutes ago

@20committee Levichev: Russia expects #NATO to provide explanations over Turkey’s downing of Russian jet http://tass.ru/en/politics/838894 …
- Note this is from Tass, the old official USSR press organ and now Putin's.
Hasn't this been explained already? Turkey has been warning Russia for months to stop flying over its airspace, Russia did it again, was warned again, didn't listen and got shot down/

EUFundedProEUTroll ‏@EUFundedEUTroll 57m57 minutes ago

@20committee Levichev: Russia expects #NATO to provide explanations over Turkey’s downing of Russian jet http://tass.ru/en/politics/838894 …
- Note this is from Tass, the old official USSR press organ and now Putin's.
Hasn't this been explained already? Turkey has been warning Russia for months to stop flying over its airspace, Russia did it again, was warned again, didn't listen and got shot down/
Yes, that has been explained. Russia: try another explanation.

EUFundedProEUTroll ‏@EUFundedEUTroll 57m57 minutes ago

@20committee Levichev: Russia expects #NATO to provide explanations over Turkeys downing of Russian jet http://tass.ru/en/politics/838894
- Note this is from Tass, the old official USSR press organ and now Putin's.
Hasn't this been explained already? Turkey has been warning Russia for months to stop flying over its airspace, Russia did it again, was warned again, didn't listen and got shot down/
Yet these innocent Turks violated Greek airspace over 1000 times in the first month of 2014.The only reason Turkey was allowed into NATO was because of their strategic location. Don't think for a minute these guys are less than thugs.

ETA link.


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So Russia is fighting on 50 fronts, mostly against rebels who are fighting Asaad, not ISIS. Today they were flying missions against moderate Syrian Rebels, were warned a dozen times by the Turks, and did not respond. The pilot then was shot from the ground by the moderate Rebels.

Basically Russia is using satellite data that is 24 hours old and ground Intel provided by Asaad's regime. Then the pilots get on site, look out the window, and start dropping bombs hoping they hit something.

They are 30+ years behind the U.S. In military technology and probably behind the Turks also. Some Americans seem to think what Russia is doing in Syria is somehow a strong response and/or it's war plan is to eliminate ISIS. What it is however is akin to a blindfolded guy swinging at a piñata. Pretty much anyone on the ground in Syria is at risk of dying from an intended or stray Russian bomb, and the Russians simply don't give a #### if they are hitting the right or wrong targets.
...and they're allegedly dropping WP.

So Russia is fighting on 50 fronts, mostly against rebels who are fighting Asaad, not ISIS. Today they were flying missions against moderate Syrian Rebels, were warned a dozen times by the Turks, and did not respond. The pilot then was shot from the ground by the moderate Rebels.

Basically Russia is using satellite data that is 24 hours old and ground Intel provided by Asaad's regime. Then the pilots get on site, look out the window, and start dropping bombs hoping they hit something.

They are 30+ years behind the U.S. In military technology and probably behind the Turks also. Some Americans seem to think what Russia is doing in Syria is somehow a strong response and/or it's war plan is to eliminate ISIS. What it is however is akin to a blindfolded guy swinging at a piñata. Pretty much anyone on the ground in Syria is at risk of dying from an intended or stray Russian bomb, and the Russians simply don't give a #### if they are hitting the right or wrong targets.
...and they're allegedly dropping WP.
Hey remember when the president asked for an AUMF in August 2013 against Syria because Assad had used chemical weapons and Russia then avoided all that by promising to take them all away?


And yet in 2012 we had a chance for Assad to step down in a deal with the Russians.

And here we are.

Russian warplanes have dropped banned white phosphorus munitions on civilians in northwest Syria, witnesses claimed yesterday as the Kremlin increased the number of its airstrikes on rebel-held areas. The incendiary weapon is used by armies to illuminate targets during the night or as a smokescreen during daylight hours. It is illegal under international law if fired over areas where there is a high number of civilians because the chemical is highly flammable and can burn through flesh and bone.
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Don't you guys wish Donald Trump was in charge right now instead of having to wait another year and two months? He'd show them who's boss!!

So Russia is fighting on 50 fronts, mostly against rebels who are fighting Asaad, not ISIS. Today they were flying missions against moderate Syrian Rebels, were warned a dozen times by the Turks, and did not respond. The pilot then was shot from the ground by the moderate Rebels.

Basically Russia is using satellite data that is 24 hours old and ground Intel provided by Asaad's regime. Then the pilots get on site, look out the window, and start dropping bombs hoping they hit something.

They are 30+ years behind the U.S. In military technology and probably behind the Turks also. Some Americans seem to think what Russia is doing in Syria is somehow a strong response and/or it's war plan is to eliminate ISIS. What it is however is akin to a blindfolded guy swinging at a piñata. Pretty much anyone on the ground in Syria is at risk of dying from an intended or stray Russian bomb, and the Russians simply don't give a #### if they are hitting the right or wrong targets.
Is there truly a wrong target in the middle east? seriously? Good for Russia :thumbup:

EUFundedProEUTroll ‏@EUFundedEUTroll 57m57 minutes ago

@20committee Levichev: Russia expects #NATO to provide explanations over Turkeys downing of Russian jet http://tass.ru/en/politics/838894
- Note this is from Tass, the old official USSR press organ and now Putin's.
Hasn't this been explained already? Turkey has been warning Russia for months to stop flying over its airspace, Russia did it again, was warned again, didn't listen and got shot down/
Yet these innocent Turks violated Greek airspace over 1000 times in the first month of 2014.The only reason Turkey was allowed into NATO was because of their strategic location. Don't think for a minute these guys are less than thugs.

ETA link.

looks like we flushed out the Armenian guy

Don't you guys wish Donald Trump was in charge right now instead of having to wait another year and two months? He'd show them who's boss!!
Posts like this are beneath you Tim....or so I thought.
Why? Isn't it a legit question as to how each candidate might handle this situation?
I tell you this much, any candidate who thinks that a US/NATO no-fly zone is going to work needs to have his head examined. There can't be anything dumber or worse than US fighters crossing swords with the Russians over Syria. I could almost give Trump a pass for stupidity in comparison to more experienced politicians who have advocated disastrous policies in the past and who can't seem to get it in their thick skull that those policies were wrong and so seem all the more ready to do it all over again in the chaos they created just in a situation 1000X worse. The only candidates who seem to have this down right now are Sanders and Rand Paul. We have ceded this field to Russia.

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Honestly, #### Turkey. I hope Russian demolishes them.
You do know that as a NATO ally an attack on Turkey is an attack on the US?
Do you know how well this worked in WWI?
So, see, you do realize how bad it is if Russia "demolishes" them. Not for the sake of Turkey (not much love for the Turks from me) but what it would mean to the world and us.
What would it mean?
I am starting to think that you don't know what NATO is.


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