Ended up removing it..Not so sure about heroes of the Aegean, but the other two (see above) are well worth it. For around $20 I feel like I got a brand new game. Whenever they do DLC they make some tweaks (a lot of expanded religion options).Seems to go 20% on GOG every so often.Damn. I might have to pay full price for this one...
Is the DLC worth getting?
And the additional leaders? Oh my, definitely worth it. óld world had 8 nations and 8 leaders. In addition to adding Kush (you may recall Amintore from Civ 6, she's in there) they now have 47 leaders to play!
@Foosball God
@The Z Machine
Don't know if all of you bought the original game, but if you did, DLC is worth checking out. I've played a few games and after playing Civ 6 so much recently, I really appreciate how much more challenging the AI is w/r/t combat here.
óld world's easiest level feels like Immortal at times.
Barely have the time to play Civ twice a week, so didn't have the time needed to understand all the things going on.