Burning Sensation
Seems this is the time of year people start looking to trade for 2009 rookie picks, especially teams that are 0-5, 1-4. Doesnt seem to be a great year if you are looking for RB's, but the WR class appears to be very good, with top end talent and depth. Still up in the air about the QB's, but LB's and TE's seem to be loaded this year.
Seems Wells is the consensus #1 pick if rookie drafts were held today, but is he that much higher than McCoy, Moreno, Murray or Scott? Also, How does Wells compare to the past three seasons consensus #1 RB's?(AD, Bush, DMac) If you were looking to acquire 1st round picks, which ones seem to have the best value, and how would you tier off the first round.
I know i touched on this in the 2009 thread, but i didnt want to clog it with rookie draft talk.
I watch some college football, but i dont have the expertise as alot of the guys on this board, so just hoping to get some opinions from the big college fans here.
Seems Wells is the consensus #1 pick if rookie drafts were held today, but is he that much higher than McCoy, Moreno, Murray or Scott? Also, How does Wells compare to the past three seasons consensus #1 RB's?(AD, Bush, DMac) If you were looking to acquire 1st round picks, which ones seem to have the best value, and how would you tier off the first round.
I know i touched on this in the 2009 thread, but i didnt want to clog it with rookie draft talk.
I watch some college football, but i dont have the expertise as alot of the guys on this board, so just hoping to get some opinions from the big college fans here.