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2024 Detroit Lions 3-1: MNF: DC and the Lions finally beat Seattle!! (25 Viewers)

No denying that I'm huge Jets fan, I bleed green... They stink, no bias defense from me. Our coach had a bad year, jury is still out.
But since this is the Lions thread, lets talk about them, ok Bobby?
I stay out of the Jets threads for that reason. ;-)

A lot of people seemed excited when Caldwell was told he would stay, (twitter) I do not understand that. I know not all, and if you dont like him this question isnt for you, but how can he have support from those who do? I know he made the playoffs, but think of where you would be with a good leader? I do not like Caldwell, goes back to when he was with the Colts. He just doesnt even seem like he is a coach, just a guy on the sidelines walking with no emotion. strange.

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No denying that I'm huge Jets fan, I bleed green... They stink, no bias defense from me. Our coach had a bad year, jury is still out.
But since this is the Lions thread, lets talk about them, ok Bobby?
I stay out of the Jets threads for that reason. ;-)

A lot of people seemed excited when Caldwell was told he would stay, (twitter) I do not understand that. I know not all, and if you dont like him this question isnt for you, but how can he have support from those who do? I know he made the playoffs, but think of where you would be with a good leader? I do not like Caldwell, goes back to when he was with the Colts. He just doesnt even seem like he is a coach, just a guy on the sidelines walking with no emotion. strange.
Just curious, where do you think this team will be?  You described their only offensive star a choke artist.  They have ZERO pro-bowlers.  The strength of this team is their kicking game.  Do you think this is a Super Bowl team?  Maybe if Bill Belichick was coaching the Lions, they might have a slight chance.  But what more could this team have done record-wise with another coach?  Do you really think this team was better than Green Bay or Dallas or NY Giants or Seattle?  

You guys need a new HC desperately. I have no sympathy for any Lions fan who supports Caldwell in any way.
Lions fans who do not support Caldwell, my condolences. You fans deserve better for what you put up with.
But if you are willing to put up with Caldwell in any way, you deserve the misery you are in now. You have to want greatness in order to achieve it, Caldwell is the furthest from greatness.
What do you need to see to know he isnt a good coach? Does he need to lose the last 5 games with everything on the line instead of 4?
Does he have to go 0-7 against teams in the playoffs instead of 0-6? Does he need to trail in the 4th quarter of all 17 games and not just 16?
Caldwell is the coach that needs Peyton Manning in his prime and a last place schedule to make the playoffs and maybe win a game. Next season expect him to guide the Lions to 6-10 at best with that schedule. 

Just curious, where do you think this team will be?  You described their only offensive star a choke artist.  They have ZERO pro-bowlers.  The strength of this team is their kicking game.  Do you think this is a Super Bowl team?  Maybe if Bill Belichick was coaching the Lions, they might have a slight chance.  But what more could this team have done record-wise with another coach?  Do you really think this team was better than Green Bay or Dallas or NY Giants or Seattle?  
With a better HC, they would have won the division and probably one playoff game. And that is like winning the Superbowl for Lions fans. You are right that this roster is mostly devoid of talent. But they also had one of the softest schedules in the league this season. Caldwell would probably be gone or on the hot seat right now if it wasn't for the schedule. 

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With a better HC, they would have won the division and probably one playoff game. And that is like winning the Superbowl for Lions fans. You are right that this roster is mostly devoid of talent. But they also had one of the softest schedules in the league this season. Caldwell would probably be gone or on the hot seat right now if it wasn't for the schedule. 
Maybe.  But they had a record 8 fourth quarter comebacks with a coupled of them being miraculous.  Not every coach pulls that out.  Maybe Caldwell just allowed that to happen, but there is more a 'better' head coach could have screwed up this season than they could have helped.  I am not sure it is fair to assume a better HC gets all those 8 wins.  I also don't see one team in the NFC playoffs they beat with a better coach.  Besides this is the Lions, landing a top head coach is likily out of the cards.  

You have to realize this is spill over from the game thread where Wheels drops in out of nowhere and calls Caldwell the worst in the NFL, says Stafford is a choke artist and declares Detroit fans as terrible deserving to lose.  The guy is a know-nothing troll who would get all offended and start attacking everyone.  No one thinks Caldwell is a brilliant foodball mind, but still got more out of this team than most would have.  Caldwell deserves criticism for last season, this season not so much. 

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To the comment about 8 fourth quarter comebacks.
They trailed in 16 of the 17 games they played, so they only won half the games they trailed, lets not act like thats so fantastic.
While comeback wins are good, it is diminished by how many chances they actually had.
He still got more out of this team than most would have? That is a false comparison because you dont know that answer.
Would McDaniels get more wins next year? We dont know. Would Shannahan? We dont know, but I'm sure most Lions fans would like to find out.
The Lions very well could have done better with many people by that argument.

Need help on D-line, LB, healthy RBs, a piece or two on OL and WR, and the ability to beat better-than-okay teams.

The above post pretty much sums things up for the Lions. They still have a lot of needs. They lack playmakers on both sides of the ball. This team has the talent of a 6 win team. They overachieved this year.

Despite losing their last 3 regular season games (and the playoff game), they still did far more this season than I expected them to. They have a long list of flaws and they were badly exposed in the last 4 games against 4 legit Super Bowl contenders. The experience the younger players gained in the last month is important. But this team was simply not good enough.

Maybe.  But they had a record 8 fourth quarter comebacks with a coupled of them being miraculous.  Not every coach pulls that out.  Maybe Caldwell just allowed that to happen, but there is more a 'better' head coach could have screwed up this season than they could have helped.  I am not sure it is fair to assume a better HC gets all those 8 wins.  I also don't see one team in the NFC playoffs they beat with a better coach.  Besides this is the Lions, landing a top head coach is likily out of the cards.  

You have to realize this is spill over from the game thread where Wheels drops in out of nowhere and calls Caldwell the worst in the NFL, says Stafford is a choke artist and declares Detroit fans as terrible deserving to lose.  The guy is a know-nothing troll who would get all offended and start attacking everyone.  No one thinks Caldwell is a brilliant foodball mind, but still got more out of this team than most would have.  Caldwell deserves criticism for last season, this season not so much. 
Not enough likes for this post. 

Sucks to lose that way.
What way? By 20 on the road to a team that played better on that night?

Been there many times...
I get it. I've been there. I watched my team implode and lose to a team more than once when I thought Seattle was a better team, but at some point don't you just have to leave that behind and move on? If Seattle goes to Atlanta next week and gets beat will you be able to move on? I guess that's why fan is short for "fanatic". Not trying to throw around judgment here. We're not robots (I mean me too).  Its that emotional attachment that makes the highs feel so great, but at the same time those lows keep us in the dumps for irrationally long period of time. There's some part of me that enjoys seeing the Raiders and Steelers lose because of Seahawk loses in 1983 and 2005.

Hope your team plays well today, Brew. 

My takes.   Caldwell was the right guy to bring in after Schwartz and settle things down but he is not the right guy now. Caldwell is now 3-19 against teams with a 500 record or better. The next time I see Jim "The Walking Dead" Caldwell talk during a game will be the first time.

 Finishing the season with 4 straight losses when one win could have been the difference maker ends the year on a sour note.  But in typical Lions fashion they announce they are bringing him back before the last game. Caldwell has one year left on his deal if they extend him they are extending futility.

Stafford is good enough to win but not an elite QB and still has zero playoff wins after 8 seasons as a starter. Stafford probably falls in the 8-12 area as a starter but the sad thing is the Lions are going to have to make him the highest paid QB in the NFL or let him walk.

Ebron again made another huge drop and got blown up at the line over and over. Ebron shows flashes but for the 10th overall pick he is a bust. Given that he can`t block at all he is useless in the run game.  Zenner is a good #3 RB/Special teams guy but not a lead back. Riddick is the same, great pass catcher but not a good runner.  Team needs a lead RB. Marvin Jones is a high paid bust at WR.  Bad routes and bad hands are not a good combo. Tomlinson is a bust at OG, Reif will be gone. Levy will probably be released as he does not want to play anymore.

The good.   Thought Decker and Glasgow both improved as the season went on. Slay and Quinn are solid in the secondary but they need another corner. Ansah is a stud, Tate is a perfect #2 WR but they really don`t have a #1. Sam Martin is a good punter and Matt Prater might be the teams MVP..without Prater this year the Lions would have been 6-10..and maybe they really are a 6-10 team. 

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I was actually surprised just how historically better Prater is beyond 50 yards than any kicker when I looked it up. 17 for 20 for the Lions the last three years and over 80 percent for his career.     Vinatieri at 61.8% was the closest I found.  Most elite kickers are around 50-55%.  80% is unreal. 

Justin Tucker could challenge at 70%, but he is young.  

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There is a lot about this team that says same old Lions, (with improvement)

But honestly find someway to fix the drops and get on the good side of calls/no calls and they did have a chance in any game.

(no idea how you get the calls to go your way, so they'll have to fix the drops and improve somewhere else then to win/playoffs)


Even last night, catch the ball and get the calls could have won that game, Seattle caught the ball with 1 hand an 1 butcheak for crying out loud...

(yah even with the rushing between Detroit an Seattle, had the above gone Detroit's way that playoff game was certainly winnable for them there)


Caldwell deserves 1 more year,  (give him the chance to try an finish what has been started, there is a fair amount to like) If not improve more then out the door!

Thing to remember is if Caldwell is gone than more then likely so are the coordinators as most the time that is what happens, Myself I hope the coordinators stay.

(not saying I'm completely sold as these are the best coordinators we can get, but In my view believe they are on the track to be some of the best going forward)

So yah I give the Entire coaching staff 1 more year then evaluate from there... (go put a few more pieces in this puzzle and see if you can improve on things here)

The Vikings are not going to pick up AP's non guaranteed contract for 18m next year.  Talk going around that AP will be a Lion for about 6m a year.  What do lion fans think about that.

The Vikings are not going to pick up AP's non guaranteed contract for 18m next year.  Talk going around that AP will be a Lion for about 6m a year.  What do lion fans think about that.
no thanks, personally I don't think he has much left & even if he does I don't see that being any more than a 1-2 year stop gap.

but who knows which way Quinn wants to go. he indicated on Sirius radio last week that upgrading RB was going to be a point of emphasis in the off-season.

I would rather we continue to build both lines and get an edge rusher. LB and another cover guy are priorities. I'm not really interested in playmakers or sexy skill postition picks/FAs if we cannot control the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball.

I'd take AP at that, for say 2 years..

He's not what he was, but that should make our backfield competent, talent wise at least.

the troll criticizing the Lions roots for a team that won half as many games as 2015, brought their coach back and have already announced he doesn't have a mandate to make the playoffs next year.


I would rather we continue to build both lines and get an edge rusher. LB and another cover guy are priorities. I'm not really interested in playmakers or sexy skill postition picks/FAs if we cannot control the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball.

Couldn't have said it better myself. We definitely need an edge rusher bad. We also need LBs who can make plays (turnovers, sacks, forced fumbles, tackles for loss, etc.). Another CB would help as well. The lack of playmakers on defense puts a ton of pressure on the offense. 

Again, Bobby... Whats does the Jets have to do with the Lions?
Are you insinuating I cant discuss another team because my favorite team is not good? I hope you are smarter than to think such a ludicrous and ridiculous notion.
You are comparing a coach who was a highly coveted coach when he was available in his 2nd year to a coach who has already been fired and has put up a 1-15 season.
I dont see me or anyone claiming Bowles is the epitome of greatness, but I do see many not accepting Caldwells failures because he did OK.
We can talk about that in the Jets thread though. I happen to also be a Yankees fan, I'm guessing you are a Tigers fan? We can talk that in the baseball thread if you want to discuss.

I would love to see your Lions sign Jeffrey to take the outside and move Tate to slot while having Jones as the #2.
Ebron has got to step up at some point, bust as it sits now.
LBs and line should be this teams only concern in the draft. Get the secondary and WR in free agency.

Maybe.  But they had a record 8 fourth quarter comebacks with a coupled of them being miraculous.  Not every coach pulls that out.  Maybe Caldwell just allowed that to happen, but there is more a 'better' head coach could have screwed up this season than they could have helped.  I am not sure it is fair to assume a better HC gets all those 8 wins.  I also don't see one team in the NFC playoffs they beat with a better coach.  Besides this is the Lions, landing a top head coach is likily out of the cards.  

You have to realize this is spill over from the game thread where Wheels drops in out of nowhere and calls Caldwell the worst in the NFL, says Stafford is a choke artist and declares Detroit fans as terrible deserving to lose.  The guy is a know-nothing troll who would get all offended and start attacking everyone.  No one thinks Caldwell is a brilliant foodball mind, but still got more out of this team than most would have.  Caldwell deserves criticism for last season, this season not so much. 
The primary difference between last season and this season was the strength of schedule. If you look at his entire body of work as the Lions HC, he averages 1 win per season against teams over .500. It's not good. And is it really that impressive if they had a record 8 fourth quarter comebacks that were almost all against teams with losing records?

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kegger said:
There is a lot about this team that says same old Lions, (with improvement)

But honestly find someway to fix the drops and get on the good side of calls/no calls and they did have a chance in any game.

(no idea how you get the calls to go your way, so they'll have to fix the drops and improve somewhere else then to win/playoffs)


Even last night, catch the ball and get the calls could have won that game, Seattle caught the ball with 1 hand an 1 butcheak for crying out loud...

(yah even with the rushing between Detroit an Seattle, had the above gone Detroit's way that playoff game was certainly winnable for them there)


Caldwell deserves 1 more year,  (give him the chance to try an finish what has been started, there is a fair amount to like) If not improve more then out the door!

Thing to remember is if Caldwell is gone than more then likely so are the coordinators as most the time that is what happens, Myself I hope the coordinators stay.

(not saying I'm completely sold as these are the best coordinators we can get, but In my view believe they are on the track to be some of the best going forward)

So yah I give the Entire coaching staff 1 more year then evaluate from there... (go put a few more pieces in this puzzle and see if you can improve on things here)
I came here to post this exact same thing. Word for word.  :thumbup:

Gopher State said:
The Vikings are not going to pick up AP's non guaranteed contract for 18m next year.  Talk going around that AP will be a Lion for about 6m a year.  What do lion fans think about that.
Can't catch or play out of shot gun. No thanks 

Can I just say I'm old enough to remember when the Lions got sick of going 9-7 and losing in the wildcard round every year, and decided to hand the keys over to He Who Shall Not Be Named?

Lions record over past 3 years by opponent's record:

0-5 wins: 8-2

6-9 wins: 17-5

10-16 wins: 2-14
That's not bad.  Most teams have very poor records against 10+ win teams.  It's the most overrated stat in football once you look at most teams records vs elite teams.

17-5 vs 6-9 win teams is very impressive.

Can I just say I'm old enough to remember when the Lions got sick of going 9-7 and losing in the wildcard round every year, and decided to hand the keys over to He Who Shall Not Be Named?
I can only guess you're talking about Bobby Ross, since the only time the Lions went 9-7 or better in consecutive years is '93-'95.


a) I don't think getting rid of Wayne Fontes was a big mistake.  He wasn't exactly Vince Lombardi.

b) Fontes went 5-11 the year he was fired

Actually I think Caldwell and Fontes have a lot in common.  Players' coaches, mediocre tacticians.  And frankly, I think Caldwell has a 5-11 season in him next year.

Exclusive Rights: TJ Jones, Hydar, Copeland 

RFA: Lucas, Thornton


Priority (must sign or find replacements):

Reiff, Warford, Boldin, Andre Roberts, Bryant, Bynes

Reiff - the Lions cannot depend on Lucas and/or Corey Roberts in 2017. Looking at the FA landscape, RT is almost surely one of the first three picks.

Warford - PFF rated him the 24th best G in the NFL, very good run blocker.

Boldin - 37, 15, 67, 28, 8. Age/experience next season, 2nd in catches, 1st in FDs, 1st in TDs.

A. Roberts - 2 return TDs, huge catches v. Rams & Vikings, but a frustrating player.

Bryant - 3 sacks in 5 games sandwiched in between suspensions & injury.

Bynes - PFF rated him the Lions best LB, he was an upgrade from Van Noy. This is the Lions biggest need & the likely focus of rounds 1 or 2 in the draft.

Other FAs: Bush, Taylor, Charles, Walker, Bostic, Harbor, Mulligan, Wright

Bush - played decent but at 30 night lose his role if Killebrew is ready for FT work.

Devin Taylor - after 7.5 sacks in 2015, Detroit made him the starter opposite Ansah. 4.5 in 2016, PFF rated him 108 of 109 edge rushers.

Charles & Walker - neither had much impact & finished the year well behind Nhgata & Robinson. It's important to have depth at DT to keep a fresh rotation but not sure these guys are the answer.

Bostic - 0 snaps due to injury but Quinn likes this guy.

Harbor, Mulligan, Wright - these 3 are why it's almost a certainty Ebron's option year gets picked up when the club is eligible to do so.

Butler & Jackson - both DBs came off the street & performed poorly. A cover DB is a top 3 need along with OL & LB.

Bell - 0 carries. Dude is a great guy, hope he sticks around the D, he's a good man. Gonna be a great coach if he decides to go that way.

Orlovsky - Rudock is the likely backup in 2017.

Muhlbach - death, taxes, the Muhl. For the last 13 years he's been the Detroit Lions long snapper. The party is probably over for the former pro bowler, who has missed just one game since 2005. Jimmy Landes spent the season on IR after being just the 4th LS drafted in the last 46 years.

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That's not bad.  Most teams have very poor records against 10+ win teams.  It's the most overrated stat in football once you look at most teams records vs elite teams.

17-5 vs 6-9 win teams is very impressive.
True - if not those teams wouldn't be 10+ win teams.

Also I would have left Caldwell in Seattle.   He's terrible.  How many points did we score in the 2nd half of our last 4?

Touting 4th quarter comebacks is garbage. It means you were losing going into the 4th.  I'd much rather see us having a lead and holding it

Stafford did enough to make me a believer and that we have to pay him, but I think were going to suck next year.  Can't run the ball, D can't stop good teams, WR can't catch 

Hopefully it will at least get Caldwell fired and then Quinn can get a real coach in there.

Bring on 2018

Green Bay (McCarthy 35-18)

2016: 0-5 wins (3-0), 6-9 wins (5-4), 10+ wins (3-2 & counting)
2015: 0-5 wins (3-0), 6-9 wins (4-3), 10+ wins (4-4)
2014: 0-5 wins (4-0), 6-9 wins (6-2), 10+ wins (3-3)


Minnesota (Zimmer 26-23)

2016: 0-5 wins (1-1), 6-9 wins (5-5), 10+ wins (2-2)
2015: 0-5 wins (1-1), 6-9 wins (8-1), 10+ wins (2-4)
2014: 0-5 wins (4-1), 6-9 wins (3-1), 10+ wins (0-5)


Caldwell (27-23)


(including playoffs)

I'd be curious to see a breakdown on the 6-9 win bracket.  I'm much more impressed with a win over an 8 or 9 win team than I am a 6 win team

oh and I went back and looked at the 2H of their last 4 games

they score 16 points in the 2nd half

3 against the Giants

0 against a Dallas team that didn't even care

10 against GB (with the TD coming in garbage time after the game was well out of hand)

3 against Seattle

that's pathetic and to me looks like a coaching staff that has zero clue how to make any adjustments

what a garbage franchise. 

I can only guess you're talking about Bobby Ross, since the only time the Lions went 9-7 or better in consecutive years is '93-'95.


a) I don't think getting rid of Wayne Fontes was a big mistake.  He wasn't exactly Vince Lombardi.

b) Fontes went 5-11 the year he was fired

Actually I think Caldwell and Fontes have a lot in common.  Players' coaches, mediocre tacticians.  And frankly, I think Caldwell has a 5-11 season in him next year.
You really think Bobby Ross is the object of lifelong hatred by Lions fans? You can't think of anyone else who's been involved with the team over the past two decades who might be more hated (hint: not a coach)?

oh and I went back and looked at the 2H of their last 4 games

they score 16 points in the 2nd half

3 against the Giants

0 against a Dallas team that didn't even care

10 against GB (with the TD coming in garbage time after the game was well out of hand)

3 against Seattle

that's pathetic and to me looks like a coaching staff that has zero clue how to make any adjustments

what a garbage franchise. 
And for the whole regular season they scored 56 points in the 3rd quarter- probably why they were trailing in so many games to start the 4th.

Stafford shouldn't be the highest paid player in NFL history but he is far from being the problem.

oh and I went back and looked at the 2H of their last 4 games

they score 16 points in the 2nd half

3 against the Giants

0 against a Dallas team that didn't even care

10 against GB (with the TD coming in garbage time after the game was well out of hand)

3 against Seattle

that's pathetic and to me looks like a coaching staff that has zero clue how to make any adjustments

what a garbage franchise. 
Does flappergreen have multiple accounts Dam Lambskin? That last statement just seems classic flapper over reaction Chicken Little response


I think this is a very interesting statistic and something to be said about either the defense or the offensive play calling. Coming out way too conservative after halftime. As much as the announcers were fawning over Cooter's offensive game plan when DET played GB week 17, if I'm a Lion fan I'm wanting him gone

Does flappergreen have multiple accounts Dam Lambskin? That last statement just seems classic flapper over reaction Chicken Little response


I think this is a very interesting statistic and something to be said about either the defense or the offensive play calling. Coming out way too conservative after halftime. As much as the announcers were fawning over Cooter's offensive game plan when DET played GB week 17, if I'm a Lion fan I'm wanting him gone
The bloom is definitely off the Cooter rose but I wouldn't cut him loose just yet.  I do think Riddick being out really hurt them...guy has a special skillset

Overall though I think it's hard to be positive about 2017

In his presser last week, JBC spoke about the lack of execution in third quarter, how it was a problem all year. Earlier this year I brought this up about Austin, but everyone jumped to his defense.

From a philosophical standpoint, this team does not make halftime adjustments. Repeat: neither the OC or DC has ever said "we made some adjustments " They simply don't do it.


The bloom is definitely off the Cooter rose but I wouldn't cut him loose just yet.  I do think Riddick being out really hurt them...guy has a special skillset

Overall though I think it's hard to be positive about 2017
I think you have to look at this as Caldwell's do or die moment. He set a bar of 9-7 with a 1st round playoff loss. If he doesn't exceed, or even equal that maybe, next year then he has to be gone. He has to be able to take this team over the hump.

I think there are a lot of things to be positive about for 2017... defense looks good, could be better. If you have AA and Riddick back that's a completely different skill set in the backfield that opens up the passing game. 

As a divisional opponent fan, I am not terrified of the Lions making a push for the divisional title next year, but they are the most likely to do so

As far as the RB issue goes, I heard a radio guy say they have not been in the top half of the league in rushing in this century. Hard to be a consistent winner without that. So instead of those who like to whine about the coach or the QB, they might want to work on that.

postseason totals: http://www.espn.com/nfl/statistics/team/_/stat/rushing

Following up on this, it also helps if you can stop the run. Thomas Rawls?

I like Cooter, but how much of his leash is Caldwells conservative gameplan? Is he calling runs on 3rd and 7 because the HCs gameplan dictates a kill the clock moment or is he doing it on his own accord? When Cooter lets loose he can make this offense do things, look at last year with nothing to lose and then this year with everything to win, it just seemed the Lions played and game planned not to lose more than they played to win. Punting on 4th down in the 4th with just a few minutes left against the Seahawks? Running on 3rd and long a few weeks ago trailing in the 4th? Is that Cooter or Caldwell? I know the OC is calling plays, but does he not follow Caldwells gameplan?

I like Cooter, but how much of his leash is Caldwells conservative gameplan? Is he calling runs on 3rd and 7 because the HCs gameplan dictates a kill the clock moment or is he doing it on his own accord? When Cooter lets loose he can make this offense do things, look at last year with nothing to lose and then this year with everything to win, it just seemed the Lions played and game planned not to lose more than they played to win. Punting on 4th down in the 4th with just a few minutes left against the Seahawks? Running on 3rd and long a few weeks ago trailing in the 4th? Is that Cooter or Caldwell? I know the OC is calling plays, but does he not follow Caldwells gameplan?
Caldwell doesn't look like he has a game plan so I would be shocked if Cooter didn't have nearly 100% control on play calling. Come to think of it I am not sure I have seen Caldwell talk to anyone during a game. He looks like a mall security guard on the sideline......spending his time equally between daydreaming and random observation. 

Caldwell doesn't look like he has a game plan so I would be shocked if Cooter didn't have nearly 100% control on play calling. Come to think of it I am not sure I have seen Caldwell talk to anyone during a game. He looks like a mall security guard on the sideline......spending his time equally between daydreaming and random observation
I could see casting him as Kevin James co-worker in the next Mall Cop movie.

I will never understand the rush to clean house. Throw out Caldwell, Cooter, Austin ... to what end? So Quinn can hire McDaniels to be as good a HC as every other Belichick disciple who's gotten promoted?

I'm not saying Caldwell is a great HC (he's not, though I also think he's not as bad as everyone says) or that he deserves the job for life. But the way you build a consistent winner is not by tearing everything down every couple years and rebuilding. What's wrong with starting out with a team that makes the playoffs two out of three years and trying to gradually improve it?

And as I alluded to upthread, never forget the experience of the past decade. It can get MUCH worse.

I don't think the Lions were winning anyway, but that finger injury to Stafford was huge. He was the main reason the team was 9 - 4. He never looked right after that injury, if you look at a couple of recent quarterbacks that have had finger injuries on their throwing hand they both had major drop offs, Carr this year before he broke his leg and Palmer last year. This team could be headed in the right direction, but needs more talent pretty much across the board.


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