Kinda crazy all this talk about pick time etc...which is kind of cool in a way cause it shows passion for this "hobby"...because many especially the old timers are really into it and want to see it move along cause making picks is like "really fun and stuff" and its a free type of competition that helps us in our home leagues, and also there is some pretty serious bragging rights and street cred on the line.......and the commentary used to be the best part....we used to have to actually do the drafts here (post picks) and then PM the guy up others just think it something cool to try and sign up for and don't really respect the commitment you are making to 15 other people....and while the "I have a job" and "I have a life" excuses are valid for everybody to a certain extent, it really doesn't justify the complete lack of consideration that often be honest "checking in twice a day" really doesn't cut it, because depending on where you draft you can hold things up during prime drafting time for the rest of the league...checking in at 8am and the not again till 6pm is really not cool...realistically if you can't check in multiple times throughout the shouldn't sign up.....this isn't even factoring in that YOU CAN SET IT UP TO BE NOTIFIED BY TEXT THAT YOUR ARE OTC.....if you are not willing to use that feature, then I would actually prefer you don't participate....if you are not willing to give up your phone number to receive the text that you are on the clock, then you need to be willing to check in every couple of hours or so to see whats up.....
oh....and you can also use the "predraft" feature if you know you will be out of pocket for awhile....there really is NO GOOD REASON to hold up the draft for even a semi extended period of time....
bottom line, sign up for the text notifications or check on these things throughout the day every few hours as a courtesy to others....drafts that stall and drag on frustrate people....dont sign up if you aren't going to be active.....I don't want to see these things go away....respect the fact that 15 other people are waiting on you....
sorry....much like when I have been drafting Hill and Pryor, I have been drinking....