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Anyone ever quit a job in the middle of your day? (1 Viewer)


Vontae Davis got me thinking about some really crappy jobs I have had in my life.   

Cutting Tobacco in the summers for extra money

Roofing houses


But I have never quit in the middle of the day/shift. 

I asked for a day off after I'd given two weeks' notice (this was in college), because I was starting a new job. And the manager said no, so I just quit at the end of that day's shift. Never mid-shift tho.

Quit once after the first day and quit once by phone call as soon as I got home from the mlm presentation that almost roped me into one of the exclusive positions with that company.  Never mid-shift.


Job with Dell out of school.  Was supposed to be the job I wanted, the place to be.  5 months later debugging code and filling in time with "high level tech support" (lol).. I realized that while I had no idea what it was I wanted to do with my life, this was not it.

I stood up and walked out that afternoon.  My "boss" didn't realize I was gone for 3 days.  Guy could not have picked me out in a line up.

Best call I ever made.


Waiting tables in college I was given the prime section of the restaurant on a Friday night.  I needed the money badly.  Jerkoff manager double booked that section and since the other server had seniority, he moved me to food runner for the night.  I was pissed.  But I sucked it up and ran food, steaming mad.  Then it happened:  I was about to take a giant server tray of BBQ out to a table and the door flew open knocking off plates of ribs, brisket, pulled pork, potato salad, you name it, it fell.  Instead of being a good guy and picking things up, I just shouted "F it, I quit" and walked out.  

Well, that wasn't very smart because again, I needed the money and I didn't really have any other options and it was a really stupid thing to do.  I smoked a cigarette outside and other servers came out asking what the hell just happened, etc.  One of  my best friends worked there too and convinced me to go back in and make things right.  So I tucked my tail between my legs and walked into the manager's office.  He wasn't amused at my antics and said he gave most of my shifts away, but that he also understood why I was so angry and despite my temper tantrum said I could keep the job if I wanted it.  :bag:

Oh, and I worked at The Gap in a Jackson, MS mall for about 2 months.  I sucked at it but there was a girl that broke up with me who worked there and I felt like the best way to win her back was to work with her at a soul sucking retail job.  :bag:

I was terrible at selling, awful at folding and when they moved me to greeter, the dozen or so assistant managers didn't find my shtick very funny at all "Welcome to the GAP, home of the BEST JEANS IN TOWN!!!!"   :mellow:   "HEY THERE, YOU LOOK LIKE YOU COULD USE SOME NEW JEANS!".  

Finally they stuck me in the back in the dressing rooms where I counted the items people carried in and then counted them to make sure there was no shoplifting.  After a day of that, I left and never came back.  The manager called me at the fraternity house over and over asking where I was but I told him I was done and not coming back in.  He said I needed to give him two weeks.  I told him I couldn't last there another two minutes.  Needless to say I didn't use him as a reference. 

Not me, but I've seen it happen a couple times.

One job was putting material in and taking it out of  a large commercial oven that ran about 900f  One guy leaned over it for the first time set his part on the rack, took off his gloves and apron and walked out the door. He was there for 10 minutes.  Another left for lunch and never came back.  

Happens in construction from time to time.  New guy shows up, leaves for lunch and doesn't come back.

I have been on both sides of this.   Worked at a lawn mowing company with my brother.  I  put a six inch scratch in the side of the truck we drove with a self powered mower.  Not great but it was a ten year old truck with a lot of scratches without company signage.  Our garage manager chewed our ###.  That guy was a ####.  Then the lawn mowing manager started in on us.  My brother pointed out how the landscaping manager had crashed two company trucks in DUI crashes in the last 6 months and this wasn't nearly as bad and why the #### did that guy still have a job.  Situation went downhill from there and we ended up walking out.  

I have had a couple employees go to lunch and never come back.  One went on a three day bender other one didn't like me. ?

I have also given the old if person x is here tomorrow I quit thing.  Had to quit once.  

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I was working at a printing company in Bielefeld Germany - illegally for cash (no work visa).  The boss I was dealing with got way behind in paying me, probably 6-8 weeks, and I started making some noise. I was pissed off and worried, had no credit card, no safety net at all over there.  One day a different boss called me off the line into his office and gave me a pile of cash, saying it should bring the company current, which I was sure it would.  I walked out of his office and straight out the front door.  I felt bad for the guy I was working with that day, but he was a #### anyway. Got back to my apartment, packed my stuff, paid the rent and bought a ticket to Munich that afternoon.

I was working at a printing company in Bielefeld Germany - illegally for cash (no work visa).  The boss I was dealing with got way behind in paying me, probably 6-8 weeks, and I started making some noise. I was pissed off and worried, had no credit card, no safety net at all over there.  One day a different boss called me off the line into his office and gave me a pile of cash, saying it should bring the company current, which I was sure it would.  I walked out of his office and straight out the front door.  I felt bad for the guy I was working with that day, but he was a #### anyway. Got back to my apartment, packed my stuff, paid the rent and bought a ticket to Munich that afternoon.

Yes, early in my career I took a recruiting position with a healthcare firm. Their office for me was a supply closet. Quit the middle of my second day.

Mr R used to work at Highland Superstores.  As they drifted into bankruptcy, it became obvious what the end would be.  At a rah rah meeting, the manager said, If there's anyone who thinks this store won't be in business in six months, he should leave now."  Eric picked up his stuff, waved, and left.   Mr R would have too, but he needed to use his employee discount to buy some electronics.  He left three days later.

Never midday. The closest for me was a telemarketing job in college that I never bothered to go back to after the third day and I didn't bother to tell them.

I never quit a work job in the middle of the day, but I once sobered up in the middle of a really bad beer goggle and quit that job mid-session.

I was denied entry once. Only job I've been fired from,  Mgr met me in the parking lot with a box full of my stuff. Happy Monday Morning, 

Yes. One summer my buddy and I got jobs through a temp agency working at UPS. Except instead of loading trucks for $15/hr, we were cleaning the building for $7/hr. Showed up the first day and it was us and about a dozen convicts on work-release. My buddy was a little skinny white-boy and they rode him relentlessly for 2 straight hours talking about all the sexual things they wanted to do to him. Finally it was time to do a perimeter sweep to pick up the garbage that collected along the fence. We were the only ones actually allowed outside, so naturally they chose us for the task. We walked straight to the car, fired up a spliff, and never looked back.

In high school I'd had a few summer jobs at a printing company my dad worked at for over 20 years.  During that time, I became pretty good friends with the owners two sons.  After graduation I joined the Air Force, was gone for 4 years, and my dad retired.  Right before I separated, the owner of the printing company died of a heart attack and his oldest son took the company over.  In a bid to save $$$ he changed insurance providers.  Part of that they had to re-drug test everyone in the company.  He temporarily lost 2/3rds of his workforce due to failed tests.

Knowing I was back and knew how to run a press, he asked me to come run one for him for a few weeks while his guys cleaned up and re-tried the tests until they passed (lol).  I was enrolled in a local community college (yay GI bill) but the next semester didn't start for 5 weeks so I had nothing to do and said yes as he was going to pay me decent money under the table. 

I worked for a few weeks, 12 hour shifts, 5 days a week.  I ended up covering for a guy on a Saturday but after a few hours was puking my guts out.  The weekend foreman (who'd worked for my dad almost my whole life) told me to go home and he'd cover for me.  Come Monday another foreman who didn't know me or my history with the new owner came out onto the floor and started tearing me a new butthole for leaving in front of god and everyone.  At first I tried calmly explaining that I was told to leave but he just kept laying into me.  I hit the stop button on the press and told the guy to get ####ed and run the press himself (he was the only other person qualified who was not already running another press).

He tried to walk it back and asked me to finish out the day, come in tomorrow, and if I still didn't want to work there he'd cut me my final check.  I told him the owner would pay me in cash the next time I saw him and was only working there as a favor to him.  Then he REALLY started trying to walk it back.  I just walked out.

I got a few calls from people that were there when I left congratulating me and telling me to let the owner know everything (the foreman was not well liked).  It felt great at the time as a lot of the people that were there had seen me grow up and as they were always the adults I was around, they were the people I'd looked up to.  I did still have some guilt as I knew my buddy really needed the help but after calling him and telling him everything that went down, he understood.  He ended up making the foreman cover my shifts until they got another pressman to pass his test but that was the only "punishment".

I was playing short and all of a sudden these cops come out on the field, cuff our third baseman and drag him away.  Everybody was dumfounded.  We ended up with Rover Ernie over at third.

I did once way back when. I couldn't even make it through orientation. A new crop of employees sitting in this room listening to this guy drone on and on and I was bored out of my mind. I went to lunch and never came back. I couldn't take another minute of listening to this guy talk.

If they had just put me right to work I probably would still be there till this day I just couldn't listen to that guy talk anymore.

A buddy of mine in high school went to work for RGIS.   This company counts inventory in all kinds of different stores.  According to my buddy, the job really sucked and they were always short people when they had a job to do.  Usually did the job late at night from 11 pm until the job was completed usually 3 am or later.  He was working at an Albertsons and they stuck him on the candy isle which is the absolute worst isle to count according to him.  He finished up the aisle punching in all the numbers into a strap held counting machine when he is told to recount the entire isle because the manager from RGIS doesn't think his count is correct.   Buddy tells him to #### off and leaves dropping his counter machine in the aisle in front of the Albertson's manager.  On the way out my buddy had brought  2 other workers with him and they had to leave as well to get a ride back home.  

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19 years old, some chain steakhouse restaurant - my good friend & I got a job and the managers thought they were rockstars or something (congrats on managing a Texas OuthornBack Roadhouse, guy!)... 

This was over the summer and I already had another job as a caddy, but I took this one with the intention of making a lot of money (for a 19 year old) over the summer. Buddy was hired a month before me and helped get me the job. By my 2nd week, I was miserable and the caddying was such a more lucrative gig (per hour). I remember this pretty vividly.

I had finished a round at the country club, I was in at 8am which was a late for me, so caddy master made me sit until about 1100am, that was my punishment (fair enough), but he gave me a great group/generous tippers, 2 bags/2 putters awesome dudes - ended up with almost $250 for the round, it took a little over 4 hours. I had to be at roadback longhorn by 4pm and it was 30 minutes away. I took a shower in the caddy bathroom sink, cleaned up, and was on my way with just enough time to spare. Got a flat on the way and it took 15 minutes to change. Ended up getting there about 10 minutes late, dickface manager chews me out, even though the restaurant was empty. I told him to go look at the donut on my car, he didn't care. 

He had me assigned to this ####ty section that only had tables for 2, and a bunch of them, a lot of work and very little payoff. I wasn't trying to climb the corporate ladder here for the better sections (which only went to the pros), just a ####ty summer gig for some extra cash. After setting up and being ready, my section sat there, empty, apparently as a punishment. Finally as the restaurant started filling up, they had to start seating my section. Pretty fun when they put 18 fat ####s down individually at the same time. Anyways, I start working through my shift and my $5-$10 per table tips, the misery started setting in. Finally, this obese moron orders a steak medium, which I bring to him. After he is done shoveling about 16 ounces of this high quality Grade F meat down his snout, he lets me know it is overcooked and would like another. I was prob a little too much of a wiseass at this point in my life, but this guy was just such a fat hillbilly, covered in stains from the steak he obviously didn't want to pay for. I asked him why he didn't let me know before eating most of his steak. At this point, he asked for my manager. I'm basically ready to go at this point anyways, I've had enough of this place. 

Manager takes me to back for a very brief talking to, as I now have a bunch of tables to tend to so his time to yell at me is minimal. Calls me some names, tells me I'm on thin ice, yada, yada, yada. I was just going to settle up (calculating what I had closed out and how much cash I owed) and go, but this ######## really pissed me off. 

I took the high road

I didn't

I added up what I owed bc I didn't want to be accused of stealing, put it in my envelope, and dropped it in the chute. Once this was done, I went to town in the ordering system. I put in at least two orders per table in my section, even tables that weren't sat. I walked around to the side, said I was going on a smoke break, got in my car, and drove away. My buddy called me like 2 hours later, said I was fired, we both got a good chuckle from that. Apparently, I left my section in chaos. Manager had to run around like a chicken with his head off, comp people stuff, tend to some of my tables before delegating it to others. The confusion of all the food that was coming out was supposedly epic too, although the cooks and other servers were happy as they got to eat the bulk of it. 

Pretty good story I think...

In high school there was a new ice cream shop opening up called Papa Joe's Ice Cream shop. Papa Joe came to the high school where his wife was principal and interviewed people. He hired 8 really good looking gals....and somehow, me.

So my job, all summer long was to scoop and eat ice cream, watch the Red Sox on the TV we had in the parlour and hook my friends up with free ice cream. Air conditioned - really the good life.

After a year of not getting a raise, some warehouse down the road was hiring for double the pay for sort of a jack of all trades. I decided I was up for hot work and quit the ice cream parlor for more money. 

Stupidest thing I ever did. I show up and they had me a toilet brush to go clean all the toilets. I didn't love it but what the heck. It was something like 100 degrees that day and there was no climate control in the warehouse. Next project, get up on the roof and slather hot tar all of it. I got through about 2 hours and walked off.

I begged for my job back at the ice cream parlor, he eventually caved but cut my hours in half. 


Oh, another one. I took a job delivering for some lumber liquidator warehouse kind of place. Another summer job, pay was good and they needed big dudes to carry heavy pieces of wood from the trucks into the work spots. My first day on the job, me and some other dude who was on his second week drove this truck to this house under construction. There was a huge dumpster blocking the driveway (we needed to go up the driveway and get to the back to unload, dumpster was like halfway up and we couldn't get the truck around) and this was a huge hill. Dumpster was going to be removed in a few days. The construction crew there was not sympathetic to our situation. Other guy had been there for a week and said this was the 3rd time something like this happened to him. He radioed dispatch, they yelled at us to get it done. I carried two loads up, looked at this other guy, said I was sorry and I wasn't doing it. He looked at me and said me either. 

We left the truck, split a cab back to his house, & smoked some weed. 

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Oh, and I worked at The Gap in a Jackson, MS mall for about 2 months.  I sucked at it but there was a girl that broke up with me who worked there and I felt like the best way to win her back was to work with her at a soul sucking retail job.  :bag:

I was terrible at selling, awful at folding and when they moved me to greeter, the dozen or so assistant managers didn't find my shtick very funny at all "Welcome to the GAP, home of the BEST JEANS IN TOWN!!!!"   :mellow:   "HEY THERE, YOU LOOK LIKE YOU COULD USE SOME NEW JEANS!".  

Finally they stuck me in the back in the dressing rooms where I counted the items people carried in and then counted them to make sure there was no shoplifting.  After a day of that, I left and never came back.  The manager called me at the fraternity house over and over asking where I was but I told him I was done and not coming back in.  He said I needed to give him two weeks.  I told him I couldn't last there another two minutes.  Needless to say I didn't use him as a reference. 
Hate to break it to you, but that Gap is no longer there.  

Was 19. A friend and I were working at a machine shop doing spot welding. Job was awful. Piecework, horn for break, etc. My buddy argued with the boss, and walked out that morning. He kind of picked a fight with the boss, because he had a line on another job at a construction site. I kept working, but figured without him there, I'd last maybe another day or so. 

He came back at 1:00 - the boss thought he was there to apologize. Nope - he came to tell me they needed another guy right now. So I left.   

19 years old.  Construction summer job with a company where my dad was general manager.  Insulation is tough enough, suckage-wise, and the other men on the job (middle aged and older) gave me a hard time most days.  They kept telling me this was my future, etc.  One afternoon during lunch (1983 construction workers brought lunch pales because we only got 30 mins for lunch) the men lined down the halls of the project site, sitting against the wall eating lunch without a word uttered.  The guy I was apprentice for leaned over and said "take a good look, son... see them?  That's you in 25-30 years."  I said nope.  I skipped that lunch, got up and walked to my car and never went back.  I was between fresh and soph year in a local university but didn't have much for tuition the upcoming semester (Father couldn't/wouldn't help financially).  A decision needed to be made. 

I saw my dad at home later that night and, of course, I knew that he knew.  He said "so, what happened... and what are you doing?"  I told him I wasn't feeling well (which was true) so I left the job site. Told him I didn't see a future in that line of work and will be looking for something else.  

The next day I stopped into the Air Force recruiting office and signed up.  Talked with dad again about everything and he was okay with my decision and wished me luck.  I spent the next 23 years in the Air Force and retired from active duty at 42.  I've been working in an IT related field supporting the DoD mostly ever since.    Best decision I've ever made.   

I considered that, but both Gaps are gone so I felt pretty confident.  
Damn.  Times are tough.  I was back there in 2013 and drove by where Red Hot and Blue used to be.  Cannot believe that place is gone.  I loved that place.  Made really good money for a college kid waiting tables.  Good food, great music.  Damn shame.

Yes..after my freshman year in college I got summer job working for a fire contractor.  First couple of days I was just delivering supplies and helping out here and there and thought this is cake.    Then my boss sent me and two other guys to gut a house that had a severe fire. It was going to be a 3-4 week job.  It was 90 out and the house was boarded up so it was pushing 100 inside.  I had to break out and remove all the burned and charred drywall.  Every time I hit the ceiling with my hammer powdered soot would hit my face and body and stick because I was sweating so bad. After an hour I was filthy and covered with soot.  I went outside and sneezed and black stuff flew out of my nose...after lunch I said  "Fellas..I am done..I quit, not going back in there"  Just walked out got into my car and was done.

Damn.  Times are tough.  I was back there in 2013 and drove by where Red Hot and Blue used to be.  Cannot believe that place is gone.  I loved that place.  Made really good money for a college kid waiting tables.  Good food, great music.  Damn shame.
I won't ask you what year you worked there, my wife waited table there back in the day.  She used to complain about her manager exposing himself.  

I work right across the street from there....its been a steady downhill slide for this part of town the past 15 years.  

Yep.  Telemarketing job (I got up to go the bathroom and just left on the first day).  And also a printing gig when I showed up and was doing a completely different job than what I was hired for, that was like three days in when I bailed.  They made me come in a pickup the paycheck for the two days I worked thinking that I wouldn’t.  

Rodrigo Duterte said:
I was playing short and all of a sudden these cops come out on the field, cuff our third baseman and drag him away.  Everybody was dumfounded.  We ended up with Rover Ernie over at third.
What was the story? Drugs? 

Kinda? Did a group interview with blockbuster during highschool. Two other kids were interviewing for the same job with me. I blew them out of the water and was offered the job same day. During the offer they told me about my duties and one of them was cleaning toilets. I declined the offer as soon as I heard that. They seemed confused right before I hung up. Idk what it is but I refuse to do that. My other highschool jobs when they told me it was my turn to clean the restroom I would just go stand in the bathroom for 10 minutes without doing anything. 

Rodrigo Duterte said:
I was playing short and all of a sudden these cops come out on the field, cuff our third baseman and drag him away.  Everybody was dumfounded.  We ended up with Rover Ernie over at third.
This is an entertaining story.

What was the story? Drugs? 
His girl claimed abuse so they came and got him.  No idea the history behind it but other guys said they always fought.  Looking back, I tend to believe her, although she was no saint.  She would fly to Vegas on weekends to strip and partied a lot.  That was the only saintly thing about her.

Hang on.  Let me check the weekend's lottery tickets.
How about getting fired? Does that count? Because I did this exact thing in a meeting.

25 years old. Sales job. Had a real uptight, type A "we work hard, we play hard" manager. He's reading a few of us the riot act because of our sales numbers (which were actually decent, but nothing is ever good enough for guys like this). I thought I'd lighten the mood. In the middle of his rant, I get up and pick up a newspaper that was laying on a desk across the room and open it up.

He stares at me incredulously and asks "what do you think you're doing?". I reply "seeing if I still give a @#$%"  - I look at the lotto ticket I had in my wallet, looked at the lottery numbers, and said "yup, I still give a @#$% - continue"

That was my last day. 

One year in college, I answered an ad for a temp warehouse job.  It was over winter break. I was already working for my pop but figured could use some extra cash.   So I was technically an employee of a temp agency.

Get to the warehouse. There is like  20 of us. Sitting at a table, literally sticking flyers inside magazines. After about 2 maybe 3 hours we finished that batch.  They had nothing for us to do and told us to just hang out once they got us something else. They then said to take dinner break and come back for the next wave of work.

I clocked out and went home.  It wasn't worth the extra cash.  Funny thing was 2 weeks later I got a check for the 4 hours or whatever I worked. :lmao:

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A couple times. The best, I think, was building the Morehead City State port years ago and the boss asked our crew to dig out behind the seawall for the third time. It was a beautiful day, and we told him off and went surfing. Quit surfing in time to apply for another construction job ten miles up the coast and the three of us were finishing concrete pads and residential foundations the next day. 

One year in college, I answered an ad for a temp warehouse job.  It was over winter break. I was already working for my pop but figured could use some extra cash.   So I was technically an employee of a temp agency.

Get to the warehouse. There is like  20 of us. Sitting at a table, literally sticking flyers inside magazines. After about 2 maybe 3 hours we finished that batch.  They had nothing for us to do and told us to just hang out once they got us something else. They then said to take dinner break and come back for the next wave of work.

I clocked out and went home.  It wasn't worth the extra cash.  Funny thing was 2 weeks later I got a check for the 4 hours or whatever I worked. :lmao:
So you essentially quit because it was too easy?


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