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Article In The Atlantic: Legalizing Sports Gambling Was A Huge Mistake (1 Viewer)

I'm unsure if I have a strong stance one way or the other with regards to illegal/legalized gambling. It seems to me that it is a very personal choice/decision how one views gambling.

I am a longtime FF player, participating every year in season-long leagues with cash prizes and occasionally participating in leagues where the top "prize" is bragging rights. I believe each type of league is technically gambling. In each type of league I am betting on myself to be successful, regardless of "prize."

I am also a person with a highly addictive personality. Other than a severe cocaine addiction mid-eighties to mid-nineties, which I thankfully walked away from, I have been fortunate enough to keep a lid on my addictive personality. Do I enjoy a drink or two, a toke or three of weed, splurging on a scratch-off or two, swinging into a real casino, or submitting a ticket on DraftKings? Damn right I do. Here's the thing though, I never spend more than I can afford to do without.

As far as gambling for $$ goes, I EXPECT to lose. If I somehow win some $$ I consider it a blessing. I might continue to gamble but never more than I expected to lose to begin with.

Not sure who mentioned it first in this thread, or who agreed but, in my eyes responsible gambling is a personal responsibility. Not a responsibility for the government to dictate.

I appreciate the article @Joe Bryant . Unfortunately I don't find anything in the article surprising at all. I'm going to reign it in at this point because any more comments from me will be rightfully perceived as turning this thread into a political one. I have no interest in being suspended or banned.

Thanks for the opportunity to post.

Thank you. I know this one was easy to get political and thanks for not going there.

It's an interesting discussion I think.
New article today.

Most of you probably know but The Atlantic is highly respected. This isn't some random blog.

The Atlantic is consistently at the top of thoughtful high quality journalism with a broad appeal and lots of respect.

I don't expect this will change one single thing in the least.

But it's notable.
Atlantic used to be highly respected. Now they're just government propaganda. If they're writing an article like this, it has an angle where the government is trying to shape society for its benefit.

Just glancing over it, the angle seems to be the government wants to further regulate how people live their lives. They helped unleash unlimited gambling on the public and now theyre using that as an excuse to step in and "help" people by putting in more regulation to control all of us.

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