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Ben Leber (1 Viewer)

saints guy

I have read (in other FBG posts) that SLB skill sets consist of some of the most complete capabilities having to cover/block TE, pass coverage and run stopper. Unfortunately SLB is a fantasy graveyard for most players. Leber ranked around 95th in my leagues' scoring last year and apparently has Merriman in his rear view mirror. With his talent or relative lack of it, is he a keeper to move elsewhere or destined for back up duty?

I have read (in other FBG posts) that SLB skill sets consist of some of the most complete capabilities having to cover/block TE, pass coverage and run stopper. Unfortunately SLB is a fantasy graveyard for most players. Leber ranked around 95th in my leagues' scoring last year and apparently has Merriman in his rear view mirror.

With his talent or relative lack of it, is he a keeper to move elsewhere or destined for back up duty?
destined for backup duty - shaun philips is also in the 3-4 OLB mix, which makes leber probably the 4th best among the talents on the roster at OLB.

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