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Better Keeper/Dynasty Players Duel Offs (1 Viewer)


Hey all,

Since many leagues are at the halfway point and beyond in their league and some teams are already realistaclly out of the playoff race, some owners are already looking ahead to the 2009 season with keeper players in mind.

I think it would be fun/insightful to put up two players at the same position against each other and have everyone gives their thoughts on who is a better prospect, updating the players every few days. The analysis would be for 2009 and beyond mind you, not for the remainder of 2008!

Nov 6th-


Jonathan Stewart (Carolina) vs Maurice Jones-Drew (Jacksonvile)


Braylon Edwards (Browns) vs Desean Jackson (Philadelphia)


John Carlson (Seattle) vs Owen Daniels (Houston)

So come on boys, let's hear your thoughts on these players are who would be a better keeper and get the discussion going. I'll do the work of keeping this part of the post updated with new players every few days.

RB: Drew-Jones

WR: Edwards

TE: Daniels

I'm not sure what I can really add to this, these 3 don't even seem close.

Yeah, I agree these aren't very close.

MDJ - Fred Taylor is done, but DeAngelo looks just as (if not more) competent as Stewart.

Edwards - Total package. DeSean is a weapon and gamebreaker but he doesn't have the 90/1400/17 potential Edwards has shown. DeSean has disappeared a lot lately.

Daniels - Carlson is a nice prospect but obviously he needs Hasselbeck to even make progress and back issues are tricky. Daniels is playing great now and has no reason to stop playing great.

Yeah, I agree these aren't very close.MDJ - Fred Taylor is done, but DeAngelo looks just as (if not more) competent as Stewart.Edwards - Total package. DeSean is a weapon and gamebreaker but he doesn't have the 90/1400/17 potential Edwards has shown. DeSean has disappeared a lot lately.Daniels - Carlson is a nice prospect but obviously he needs Hasselbeck to even make progress and back issues are tricky. Daniels is playing great now and has no reason to stop playing great.
I'll do a little devils advocate here, just to see if I can't help this along.Stewart has the size, pedigree and numbers from college to potentially be a top 5 RB. Williams hasn't done much up to this year and could revert to this disappointing form. Stewart also has some nagging injuries and is a rookie, so we could see a big difference in his second year. Also Stewart plays on a team that is offensively better imo. J-Drew is short, though not small and *may* not be able to carry the rock 300+ times a year. If he does will he wear down quickly? Also do we have any reliable info to say that Jacksonville will go with Drew as the main back when Taylor is done or could Jacksonville draft or pick up a another back to go comittee with? Lastly it seems offensively Jacksonville is going in the wrong direction... who is the stud WR there to Carolina's Steve Smith? Helps keep defenses honest.Edwards had a huge year last year, but before that he was just solid... not great. This year he seems to have reverted a bit. He has pretty poor hands and his route running isn't the best. Physically he has the tools, but can he put it all together again? Will his hands improve? Also how will Quinn affect him, will it help or hurt?Jackson is silly fast and had a fast start, but has slowed and possibly hit that rookie wall. But he does seem to have the speed and the hands to be a great WR, and in Philly he has a better QB imo than Edwards has. I'll take McNabb over Quinn/Anderson any day. Also Philly has Westbrook, which keeps the offense balanced, the passing lanes open and in general will keep the offense humming. Keep in mind outside of the freaks like Moss no rookie WR does well, but Jackson has soon glimpses. Owens vs Carlson I don't have much insight on, so I am very intersted in that. From what I've seen of both of them I think they have major talent but I have no idea who is better at this point.
Edwards had a huge year last year, but before that he was just solid... not great. This year he seems to have reverted a bit. He has pretty poor hands and his route running isn't the best. Physically he has the tools, but can he put it all together again? Will his hands improve? Also how will Quinn affect him, will it help or hurt?
His hands are hurting him true, but as to your first point, he hurt his knee midway through his rookie season was gimpy on it his second season and didn't seem to be back to 100% til last year...
Stewart has the size, pedigree and numbers from college to potentially be a top 5 RB. Williams hasn't done much up to this year and could revert to this disappointing form. Stewart also has some nagging injuries and is a rookie, so we could see a big difference in his second year. Also Stewart plays on a team that is offensively better imo.
Williams always looked decent when he got the rock. He averaged 5 ypc last year even though he got 0 starts. The only question with him was maturity - can he do the blocking and little things - and I think he has shown he's turned that corner. The backs are similar enough that you gotta figure eventually they choose one and the other leaves in FA. Stewart definitely has top 5 potential, but his near term value is much more limited than MJD barring injury.
J-Drew is short, though not small and *may* not be able to carry the rock 300+ times a year. If he does will he wear down quickly? Also do we have any reliable info to say that Jacksonville will go with Drew as the main back when Taylor is done or could Jacksonville draft or pick up a another back to go comittee with? Lastly it seems offensively Jacksonville is going in the wrong direction... who is the stud WR there to Carolina's Steve Smith? Helps keep defenses honest.
The real question is the line. A run first team doesn't need WRs. Tennessee's WRs are worse than Matt Jones/Mike Walker and they are finding success because of the line. But the Jags line is doing worse than last year. I really think the Jags see MJD as a full time back, and Fred Taylor has made comments directly to that effect.
Edwards had a huge year last year, but before that he was just solid... not great. This year he seems to have reverted a bit. He has pretty poor hands and his route running isn't the best. Physically he has the tools, but can he put it all together again? Will his hands improve? Also how will Quinn affect him, will it help or hurt?Jackson is silly fast and had a fast start, but has slowed and possibly hit that rookie wall. But he does seem to have the speed and the hands to be a great WR, and in Philly he has a better QB imo than Edwards has. I'll take McNabb over Quinn/Anderson any day. Also Philly has Westbrook, which keeps the offense balanced, the passing lanes open and in general will keep the offense humming. Keep in mind outside of the freaks like Moss no rookie WR does well, but Jackson has soon glimpses.
Part of the problem with Jackson's value is the Eagles. Outside of TO they haven't had focused on one WR. The top target changes from week-to-week more than any other team. And they could still target a top WR in FA, which could help or hurt his value.Another part is he just doesn't fit the mold of a top WR. There are short guys who can do it, but not many short rail thin guys. Royal/Smith are built like bulldogs, and even Santana Moss has 25 pounds on him.

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