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Biggest Draft Day pet peeves? (1 Viewer)

Hot Sauce Guy

We all have one...what’s yours? :shrug:

for me it’s in one league, no matter where I pick I always seem to land right next to the dude who’s won the league 6 times & snakes any value that falls our way. So I know that every other round I have zero chance at a player who slips. 

Happened again this year - I just found out I’m picking 1.01 - and naturally, that dude is picking 1.02 :doh:  

My other one is the “idiot savant” - dude who shows up to the draft completely unprepared, having done zero research, with a 5 month old magazine he bought on the way to the draft; drafts half a team of hurt players who somehow all get healthy at the right time and his team blows up & he wins the league. That might be the worst. I’ve seen this happen more than once.  :rant:

What’re your biggest draft day pet peeves? 

- whipped guy who is constantly on the phone with wife/gf throughout the draft and leaves immediately after the last pick is made

- guy who is never ready when it's his turn to pick....then calls out 2 guys who have already been drafted

- guy who says "great pick" or "I was going to take him" after every other pick

I don't do any in person live drafts. I find it impossible, and it's usually thrown together last minute so that's always an issue.

When I do my online drafts I feel like I share a lot of the same frustrations. Being right in front of or behind a guy who is as savvy as I am. So I end up drafting based on who I think won't make it through him, which can turn into mind games. I'm not too worried about the guy who isn't prepared. Except maybe when he takes way too much time to make a pick- or takes the full 2.5 minutes to pick (for some reason our commish sets such a high limit). 

I also don't like the chatter that happens with regards to who is slipping. Especially if it happens right near my pick and a not so savvy owner realizes this and takes the guy. Frustrating. 

So I guess for me the biggest pet peeve is my commish setting way too long of a timer and people taking the entire time to make their selection. Especially 1st round

guy who bails at last minute and thinks its no big deal to have the commish or one of the other owners draft "for him"...in my leagues, if an owner is not going to be there, he HAS to have somebody show up to draft for him...

Good one. That’s a HUGE taboo at my drafts. We have a “name an undrafted player & he's your next pick” rule in the league I commission.
dood... i may have to use this one... mine's a auction draft and i make people who are done filling their roster leave the room completely.

- guy who says "great pick" or "I was going to take him" after every other pick
 I’ve done it sarcastically a few times. 

One year to mess with my friend after he picked a RB I said, “there’s a pick”

I’m wasn’t saying it was good, wasn’t  saying it was bad. Just sayin it’s a pick.   :shrug:

After the draft my buddy said, “man, you had me second guessing that pick for 2 rounds when you did that”. 

I agree - hate dude who does it every pick but once in a while it’s good for head games to mess with your buddies. ;)  

dood... i may have to use this one... mine's a auction draft and i make people who are done filling their roster leave the room completely.
It’s very effective. It’s only been enforced once.

we also have a rule while on the clock for when someone asks “is so-and-so available?” 

Not anymore - you just picked him, chief. 

One year a new guy showed up without a cheat sheet, and since he was sitting next to me in the draft order he asked if he could just use my sheet when it came time for his picks. I said "So you have the pick immediately before me, and you want to use MY list to take what I consider the next best player?"

Luckily someone had a FF magazine laying around with a cheat sheet, so I made him use that. Good to keep a few of those magazines on hand at the draft. 

My biggest pet peeve is when I do hours and hours of research and I come to the draft prepared and the guy next to me askes if he can look at my cheat sheet because he didn’t do any research and has a three month old magazine.

There's a guy in our league who is a bit of a taco. His drafts usually consists entirely of players cherry picked from a "best players to grab in your fantasy draft" articles that consists entirely of sleepers. Generally, he just works his way down the list and takes these guys 5 or 6 rounds ahead of where they'll usually end up going, and it makes for ridiculous drafting scenarios that make me a tad bit bitter.

For example, it wouldn't be beyond him to take Jarvis Landry in the 2nd with Julio Jones still on the board, because the article listed Jarvis Landry as a sleeper while there was no mention of Julio. Julio slips to the next team who otherwise doesn't deserve a player of Julio's caliber in that spot, and I don't get a chance to snag Landry in the late 4th/early 5th where I would otherwise want to try to get him.

It usually makes me even more bitter that said Taco's team is usually in the midst of a massive losing streak, and yet he beats me anyways when our match-ups rolls around. Nothing is worse than getting beat by the league taco. 

- whipped guy who is constantly on the phone with wife/gf throughout the draft and leaves immediately after the last pick is made

- guy who is never ready when it's his turn to pick....then calls out 2 guys who have already been drafted

- guy who says "great pick" or "I was going to take him" after every other pick
Was going to post basically the same things. Extra annoying when these are rolled into 1 owner.

When doing an online draft , I get that they are “slow drafts” but don’t be online a pick before it’s your turn and then leave for four hours.

- whipped guy who is constantly on the phone with wife/gf throughout the draft and leaves immediately after the last pick is made

- guy who is never ready when it's his turn to pick....then calls out 2 guys who have already been drafted

- guy who says "great pick" or "I was going to take him" after every other pick
All of these. Probably encompassed by the 2nd one, but I'll add the guy in my league who waits until 2 minutes after the draft starts to get up and fix a plate of food.  Bro that's what the hour(s) leading up to the draft are for, you're on the clock #######.  

There's a guy in our league who is a bit of a taco. His drafts usually consists entirely of players cherry picked from a "best players to grab in your fantasy draft" articles that consists entirely of sleepers. Generally, he just works his way down the list and takes these guys 5 or 6 rounds ahead of where they'll usually end up going, and it makes for ridiculous drafting scenarios that make me a tad bit bitter.

For example, it wouldn't be beyond him to take Jarvis Landry in the 2nd with Julio Jones still on the board, because the article listed Jarvis Landry as a sleeper while there was no mention of Julio. Julio slips to the next team who otherwise doesn't deserve a player of Julio's caliber in that spot, and I don't get a chance to snag Landry in the late 4th/early 5th where I would otherwise want to try to get him.

It usually makes me even more bitter that said Taco's team is usually in the midst of a massive losing streak, and yet he beats me anyways when our match-ups rolls around. Nothing is worse than getting beat by the league taco. 
This. This #### right here. Great peeve - I share this one totally. 

My original was for the Taco that succeeds, but in your case it’s the Taco that completely hoses competitive integrity. 

Unless Taco is drafting adjacent to me, which he never, ever is. I always end up next to sharknado the human draft hammerhead (and he’s usually next to Taco) 

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I hate guys who complain about stuff that happen in drafts, especially the ones that feel a need to embellish it with some anecdote from their own draft.

My other one is the “idiot savant” - dude who shows up to the draft completely unprepared, having done zero research, with a 5 month old magazine he bought on the way to the draft; drafts half a team of hurt players who somehow all get healthy at the right time and his team blows up & he wins the league. That might be the worst. I’ve seen this happen more than once.  :rant:
My office league....the owner of the company has no idea what he's doing and makes no in-season moves or waiver pick ups. He doesn't even watch much NFL and certainly no college ball.  Pretty much goes by the Yahoo rankings. He's won the league more than once.

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When doing an online draft , I get that they are “slow drafts” but don’t be online a pick before it’s your turn and then leave for four hours.
That's the one right there, drives me nuts. If you have the next pick and can't predraft two players you probably shouldn't be playing. The other is when a player is right before the turn, makes his pick and leaves when both owners after him have predrafted so essentially he has two picks in a row but makes everybody wait and additional four hours because he didn't ever bother to look.

For live drafts it's the not ready guy.  It doesn't need to be a sprint but start thinking about who you're going to take a few picks before it's your turn.  We have a 3 min timer and I swear a couple of guys don't even look until it's their turn to pick.

I’m not that selective.  I’ll extend those boundaries outside the topic also.
 I’ve got to say, I typed “LOL“ and use the LOL emoji quite often. But this is legit the hardest but I’ve ever laughed at a comment on any discussion board at any time. lmfao.

truly  :lol:  

Surprised no one has mentioned the guy at the turn who almost times out, but appears just in time to make a pick.  Then doesn’t make the second one.

If you needed that much research time finding the first selection, there must have been another player you considered closely enough to choose next, right?  Does the process really need to start all over again?

Surprised no one has mentioned the guy at the turn who almost times out, but appears just in time to make a pick.  Then doesn’t make the second one.

If you needed that much research time finding the first selection, there must have been another player you considered closely enough to choose next, right?  Does the process really need to start all over again?

So In the league i commission I used to be a hard-### about picking at the turn. 2 mins for 1st pick, 2 for the next.

the league overruled me when they voted that turn gets 4 mins for both picks. 

It absolutely slows down the turns, because they almost always take the full 4 mins to hem & haw. 

Online drafts don’t do this, so why should the life draft? 

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I hate guys who complain about stuff that happen in drafts, especially the ones that feel a need to embellish it with some anecdote from their own draft.
I had that happen at my draft. This guy constantly complained about all the people complaining and finally some one turned him into a newt - he got better.

My biggest pet peeve is the guy who tells you he's playing all summer, that he's super excited...then no-shows for the draft and won't answer his phone.

I had a bunch back in the days I had way too many leagues....now that I'm only playing one, and it's a work one, my pet peeve is the same every year. There is always someone who ask for the draft day to be changed because he can't make it and after we all find another date which is most of the time a big pain in the ###, that same jack a.... is actually not showing up for the draft and pre-drafted.....God....if it wasn't a work league......

I think it's best summarized as an owner that knows very little about the NFL or fantasy football. Can probably name only a handful of active NFL players, doesn't have much understanding concerning FF strategy, probably doesn't know the league rules, etc.. Someone poorly educated from a football perspective, and is usually a perennial bottom dweller in your league's standings because of it.

The "I hate my team" guy. It's only the 4th round and he's already complaining about how he hates his team.
Tbh, that was me one year. Draft was on my birthday & I was *hammered* - we pre-faded like 3 hours before the draft. 

By round 5 I sobered up a bit & realized I hated every player on my roster. :lol:  

I didn’t complain all night, but I definitely muttered, “I hate my ####in team” more than once. 

Pretty sure I ended up 5-9, so at least I wasn’t wrong?    :shrug:

One year a new guy showed up without a cheat sheet, and since he was sitting next to me in the draft order he asked if he could just use my sheet when it came time for his picks. I said "So you have the pick immediately before me, and you want to use MY list to take what I consider the next best player?"

Luckily someone had a FF magazine laying around with a cheat sheet, so I made him use that. Good to keep a few of those magazines on hand at the draft. 
Or a laptop/iPad...it’s 2018

As a commissioner, it's the owner that doesn't respond to any emails during the off/preseason concerning possible rules changing. Then shows at the draft with a bunch of complaints and questions about such rules that changed. 

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you get X minutes for each pick.the guy who ALWAYS takes ALL X minutes for his pick, every pick, all draft long..whether it's #1 overall selection or the last pick of the draft. we have a new rule for that.when the bell rings, you're done , next guy up please! we know some people do ths stuff on purpose, heck you can go on fantasyfootballcalculator and watch it happen in mock drafts! there's always a guy who makes his select with 4 secs left, even if he's picking the first pick of the draft! 

love what others have said about the guy who ALWAYS says 'nice pick' after every selection, then goes on to tell us all that he's a great pick,should do well, new coordinator, new QB, bla bla..

dont like the guys who dont pay the bills when the money is due.we now go to cash only, up front night of draft, or you're out!o I mean we've had problems with the previous years winners not getting paid until july! 

I'm not a fan of the laptop guy who insists on a wifi connection and no way in HELL will he allow the draft to start unless/until we have wifi, he has the password, and can connect to 'his' sites in a reasonbly fast manner..he's the guy who has 18 electronic devices on his desk, along with 15 mags and folders full of papers, like he's a lawyer working federal case..he's tyipcally too cool to drink booze, he has a DD coffee and is frantically typing on his keyboard.all.draft.long. probably has a buddy only that he's Slacking with, helping him make those 'tough' decisions..seriously, just read off one player list.put lil' stars next to the guys you want.problem solved. technology guy sucks the life out of the drafting process..

the trader joe guy - has to always ask the whole league if they want to trade 'this' pick , or that pick...asks everyone , one at a time..usually txting the other guys for offers..

Beer mooch. You’re coming to the draft, be prepared. 

Guy who has to smoke a cig after every pick and comes in going “what’d I miss”

Can’t believe this guy is left guy

I picked an injured guy and didn’t know, can I have that pick back guy 

Pipes said:
For live drafts it's the not ready guy.  It doesn't need to be a sprint but start thinking about who you're going to take a few picks before it's your turn.  We have a 3 min timer and I swear a couple of guys don't even look until it's their turn to pick.
It's not that I'm not ready.  I just don't want the guys ahead of me to read my mind and steal my player.  It's happened to me more than once...

Can’t believe this guy is left guy
Guy I draft with who has pretty strong shtick does this a fair amount, but not when he's picking. Say four picks away just shake your cheatsheet a little, make a circle and say, "How is HE still available?" Great shtick.

Also, "He has no business still being around."

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Beer mooch. You’re coming to the draft, be prepared. 

Guy who has to smoke a cig after every pick and comes in going “what’d I miss”

Can’t believe this guy is left guy

I picked an injured guy and didn’t know, can I have that pick back guy 
Beer mooch pisses me off.  I only bring a sixer or so since we are there all ####### night but I always have to give one or two away to some mooch

Beer mooch pisses me off.  I only bring a sixer or so since we are there all ####### night but I always have to give one or two away to some mooch
Everyone in my leagues = good about bringing beer / whiskey.

have a friend in my main league who owns a pizza joint. This year he’s bringing a pony keg & 4-5 take & bake pizzas. 

Needless to day he’s become very popular in the league. :lol:  

I'll name one I haven't seen yet - the victory dance guy - after every pick he makes, he struts as if he got a steal

One year a new guy showed up without a cheat sheet, and since he was sitting next to me in the draft order he asked if he could just use my sheet when it came time for his picks. I said "So you have the pick immediately before me, and you want to use MY list to take what I consider the next best player?"

Luckily someone had a FF magazine laying around with a cheat sheet, so I made him use that. Good to keep a few of those magazines on hand at the draft. 
FBG used to put out a dummy cheat sheet for this scenario. I'm sure it's on the interwebs somewhere.

ETA: Found it- http://blackeyedjoe.com/07bej_top200.htm

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