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Bloodborne - PS4 (1 Viewer)


Starting a new topic because I dont want to clutter the videogame thread and I know I’ll be posting a ton about it. 

About 90 minutes and I’m already hooked.  Since I’ve played all 4 Souls games, the adjustment didn’t take too long and honestly I was never a shield guy anyway.  It’d definitely quicker combat, but it’s been hectic and fun.  There have been a few things I’m not used too - the lanterns instead of bonfires (I didn’t know what I was looking for), the blood vials instead of estus (I didn’t know how to use right away), and the long / short version of my weapon.

A few questions...

Does a lit lamp mean there’s someone behind the door to speak to?  I’ve seen a few, knocked on the doors, and then got berated for being outside.

Exactly how does the getting health back by attacking work?  Sometimes I feel like I should be getting health back, but it doesn’t come.

Should I regret picking up an item when I’m at 20 health / bullets only to find it was more of the same and I missed out or is it no big deal?

Does switching between the short and long version of my Saw Cleaver really make a huge difference?

The Good - 

Love the vibe, love the world, love the far off sound effects.

Love the blood splattered all over my player.

Love the combat.

The Bad - 

Not bad per se, but the world is very cluttered at the start.  I’m sure I’ll get used to it, but my first foray has me trying to figure what’s a pathway vs what’s a bunch of coffins.

So far it’s like if you made Resident Evil 4 in Victorian England and then threw it into the Dark Souls engine.  A+

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I’m gonna keep this going for now...

Through Boss #2 at this point. Boss #1 took about 4 tries (3x in abandoned character, 1st try on current). Boss #2 took 2 tries.  I did restart the game and went with the Hunter’s Ax. Took 25 minutes to do what took 2 hours on character #1.  Loving it.  I figured out most of my questions from post #1 so just moving things along now. 

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big fan of this game.    Sorry I missed your questions the first time you posted.

I know you probably don't want too many hints but knowing where to go next is very helpful as the game provides very little direction.

If you are interested, this link shows the order of bosses to fight

The questions I figured out pretty quickly, although the main reason I started character 2 is because I probably left 50 blood vials out in the world. I didn’t know that extras were auto-deposited for later use and I can already tell I’ll need a nice supply on hand for later on. 

The only big difference so far is I don’t see much for new weapons or new “armor.”  I am wearing the Hunter’s set now, but past that I’ve just upgrade my Ax a bit and am rolling along.  I’m trying to go through spoiler free, but the side quests / npc interactions are so random and hard to follow that I do try and get some help moving those along. 

Loving the game though. I was never much of a shield guy anyway, so the adjustment hasn’t been too bad. 

The questions I figured out pretty quickly, although the main reason I started character 2 is because I probably left 50 blood vials out in the world. I didn’t know that extras were auto-deposited for later use and I can already tell I’ll need a nice supply on hand for later on. 

The only big difference so far is I don’t see much for new weapons or new “armor.”  I am wearing the Hunter’s set now, but past that I’ve just upgrade my Ax a bit and am rolling along.  I’m trying to go through spoiler free, but the side quests / npc interactions are so random and hard to follow that I do try and get some help moving those along. 

Loving the game though. I was never much of a shield guy anyway, so the adjustment hasn’t been too bad. 
for weapons, I used the same one all game.  There is a lengthy upgrade path that you need to do for your weapon of choice.  The game is the least RPGish in terms of gear for all the Souls games.

I beat the game with out every figuring how to parry with the gun.  If you can get the gun parry timing down, things get much easier.

Don't ignore the Chalice dungeons.  They are fun and have some good stuff in them.

for weapons, I used the same one all game.  There is a lengthy upgrade path that you need to do for your weapon of choice.  The game is the least RPGish in terms of gear for all the Souls games.

I beat the game with out every figuring how to parry with the gun.  If you can get the gun parry timing down, things get much easier.

Don't ignore the Chalice dungeons.  They are fun and have some good stuff in them.
I got GOTY edition so looking forward to all DLC. Are those the chalice dungeons or just something I’ll see when they come up?

I don’t really bother with parrying too much. I can do it somewhat consistently with the large / slower enemies but it’s just as easy to dodge and attack. 

I got GOTY edition so looking forward to all DLC. Are those the chalice dungeons or just something I’ll see when they come up?. 
Chalice Dungeons are side areas that were part of the main game (not a DLC).  They have nothing to do with the main quest though.  You can access the Chalice Dungeons in the Hunters Dream area.  When facing the doll, the head stones on your right are used to warp to in game locations (lamps).  The head stones on the left are used to access Chalice Dungeons.   

I would recommend reading up on the Dungeons before entering so that you don't waste material or time.

Good call on the Axe.  I used Ludwig's Greatsword on my first character that I platinumed the game with, but I did a run later on with just the Axe from start to finish.  It's a great weapon, and you can have it from the get-go.  Spin-to-win.  You are right that there is little reason to change armor as you progress through the game.  Some sets are particularly good against poison and things like that, so you'll want to have them around, but you can wear the hunters set through the whole game just fine.  

You can farm blood vials from the starting area through the shortcut, killing the big guys (good practice for parrying too), the guys in the house, the werewolves, and the crows.  It will become a chore later on, but this is an easy spot to keep your blood vial supply up.  Later on you can just buy them with echoes.  

Missing out on heath items and bullets is no big deal.  They're farmable and buyable.

I didn't touch the chalice dungeons until the end of my first playthrough, which was probably an error.  There is some good loot in there.  By waiting so long, the first several dungeons were way too easy and boring and felt like a chore, but the difficulty ramps up dramatically as you go deeper.  Defiled Watchdog of the Old Lords was by far the hardest boss in the game for me, requiring at least 30 tries.  I didn't play the DLC, but my understanding is that it features some insanely hard bosses too.  

Fantastic game, and I'm jealous of anybody who is getting to play it for the first time.  If you're playing blind, you are going to miss some stuff, but that's fine and part of the "Souls" experience.  Best game of this generation IMO.

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Also, summoning will pretty much trivialize any boss fight.  I insisted on soloing everything my first time through, but on subsequent runs I summoned freely and basically massacred everything.  Summons can be hard to come by in late game areas now though.

Also, summoning will pretty much trivialize any boss fight.  I insisted on soloing everything my first time through, but on subsequent runs I summoned freely and basically massacred everything.  Summons can be hard to come by in late game areas now though.
I don’t have PS+ anyway. I just got the system for SP exclusives, so I didn’t bother.  

My own personal challenge is that I solo every boss on my first run anyway.  Some take much much longer than others, but I won’t summon until NG+. 

Good call on the Axe.  I used Ludwig's Greatsword on my first character that I platinumed the game with, but I did a run later on with just the Axe from start to finish.  It's a great weapon, and you can have it from the get-go.  Spin-to-win.  You are right that there is little reason to change armor as you progress through the game.  Some sets are particularly good against poison and things like that, so you'll want to have them around, but you can wear the hunters set through the whole game just fine. 

Nearly the exact same thing for me, down to the weapons. The only key armor set for me outside of Hunters was the one that reduced frenzy, which you'll definitely need for one single area later on.

Insight is basically humanity, right?  I think I read somewhere that if you have too much, enemies are tougher - is that correct?  I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do with it. I’m sitting at 9 at the moment.

Ive moved down into old yarnham at the moment and I’m getting peppered with a Gatling gun.  Loving the game and the atmosphere. The number of locked doors can be a bit overwhelming / I’m doing my best just to keep exploring though and I figure I’ll find the other side. 

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Old Yarnham was fun and the Cleric Beast is down - took 4 tries. 

Moved to to the upper part of the church and then into a new part of town and got wrecked.  That sent me into a cutscene and into a jail with a bunch of guys that one shot me. I’ve cleared my way to a bonfire but I’m afraid to use it yet and reset the enemies since they hit so hard.  I took a quick peak out the door and see a big pig, but I’ll decide what to do soon enough. Holding 12k echoes or I’d just roll with it.

Insight is basically humanity, right?  I think I read somewhere that if you have too much, enemies are tougher - is that correct?  I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do with it. I’m sitting at 9 at the moment.
If you don't intend to play online (ie summon players to fight) you can just spend it at the bath in Hunters Dream for equipment.

IMO, spend it when you can as each time you get an Insight point it lowers your Frenzy resistance.

If you don't intend to play online (ie summon players to fight) you can just spend it at the bath in Hunters Dream for equipment.

IMO, spend it when you can as each time you get an Insight point it lowers your Frenzy resistance.
Yeah I don’t have the PSN service and don’t really feel like getting it. I got the system purely for single player, so I’m not going to bother. 

Still loving this game and making solid progress.  Did a lot last night, took out The Witch of Hemwick, 1st try. Also took out Vicar Amelia on my 3rd attempt.  Not sure where to go after Vicar Amelia, went down and if you’re facing the church, to the right. Fought off two Hunters and then called it an evening.   I’ll pick back up later. 

Still loving this game and making solid progress.  Did a lot last night, took out The Witch of Hemwick, 1st try. Also took out Vicar Amelia on my 3rd attempt.  Not sure where to go after Vicar Amelia, went down and if you’re facing the church, to the right. Fought off two Hunters and then called it an evening.   I’ll pick back up later. 
if you ever get stuck, look back at the link I provided earlier in thread.  It will show the route to take through the game including optional and some what hidden areas you may not find on your own.

NewlyRetired said:
if you ever get stuck, look back at the link I provided earlier in thread.  It will show the route to take through the game including optional and some what hidden areas you may not find on your own.
Into the forbidden forest or whatever it’s called. Working my way through slowly for like 30 minutes and have accrued 45k blood echoes which is like 4 upgrade levels. I go down a narrow pathway, slip and fall into a poison river with a bunch of snakes and I die. I give out an audible “nooooo fuuuuuu” to which our puppy came over and started slapping at me trying to stop me from being upset.  :shock:

I loaded up back up making a mad dash to the Souls and it took me like 3 minutes of running - I homeward boned or whatever they’re called in this game out.  Phew.

Finished of Shadow of Yarnham. Took 7 tries / hardest one for me so far. On the 7th try, the game does that thing occasionally where everything just goes right, and I barely got touched. I tried focusing on the ghost with the scythe instead if the two with fire attacks. I just went after him and killed him.  Then I went after the the flaming sword guy and stayed in his hip pocket taking him down. After that, fireball guy was easy. I stayed right next to him so he couldn’t summon the hydras and life was good.  The first handful of times I would do ok and then the hydras would wreck me. 

Also took down Darkbeast Pearl in one attempt. I think I was over leveled for him though. I basically ducked under, spinning ax attack which stunned him, then visceral on the head. 

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Killed Rom - 4th try. 

Now everything went to hell.  I have an NPC who was friendly before is now angry at me, all the ones I got to the church acting strangely, the moon is red, it’s madness. 

Anyway, haven’t decided if I’m moving in to the hidden city or whatever it’s called, or if I’ll try some chalice dungeons now. 

I beat Rom on first try on my first two runs through the game, and I could never figure out why people had trouble with him.  Then I did a run where I died to him like half a dozen times.  That fight seems kind of random.

I beat Rom on first try on my first two runs through the game, and I could never figure out why people had trouble with him.  Then I did a run where I died to him like half a dozen times.  That fight seems kind of random.
There’s always weird stuff like that in these games.  Like I beat Orstein and Smough first try ever in DS1, but Seath rocked me for hours. In DS3, I think I’ve mentioned it somewhere but I never got Aldrich Devourer of Gods below half health for like 25 attempts, then on the 26th I don’t think he even hit me.  Similar thing with Shadows of Yarnham - not even close for 6 tries, 7th was super easy. 

On Rom

Try 1 I just ignored the spiders. I got to phase 3 but at that point there’s like 40 spiders and I couldn’t get close to finish him off. 

Try 2 and 3 I killedwave one of spiders and tried to kill wave 2 but kept getting hit by the ice berg projectiles. 

4th try, killed phase 1 spiders then ignored them for the rest. Enough were gone to give me room to attack Rom, but I didn’t waste time messing with them. 

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For Rom, I run around avoiding his attacks (they are all well telegraphed). When one of his minions attacked and did the head down in the dirt thing, I'd take the one hit kill. Then when I killed the little ones, I'd whacked him until he teleported. Rinse, repeat. It was a slow process each time, but never problematic. The key is being patient until you got the one hit kill situation for the minions. Lot of running around in circles.

I did the first chalice dungeon. It was ok. My least favorite parts of these games are the catacomb/dungeon / swamp parts, so I might hold off on these. I love the castle / city / town set pieces though which I think is a big part of my enjoyment with this game primarily being in different parts of a city.  I think I might just follow through the main story, then tackle some dungeons and DLC.

I did the first chalice dungeon. It was ok. My least favorite parts of these games are the catacomb/dungeon / swamp parts, so I might hold off on these. I love the castle / city / town set pieces though which I think is a big part of my enjoyment with this game primarily being in different parts of a city.  I think I might just follow through the main story, then tackle some dungeons and DLC.
I feel ya. I think I did one Chalice Dungeon and that was it. I know they have good loot, but I found them boring.

I did the first chalice dungeon. It was ok. My least favorite parts of these games are the catacomb/dungeon / swamp parts, so I might hold off on these. I love the castle / city / town set pieces though which I think is a big part of my enjoyment with this game primarily being in different parts of a city.  I think I might just follow through the main story, then tackle some dungeons and DLC.
that is a good idea.  If you did not enjoy the first dungeon then you might not like any of them as they are all similar.

One Reborn is down. 2nd attempt. Would have been first attempt, but he puked on me and that took my health off surprisingly fast. Onto the lecture hall or something like that. 

One Reborn is down. 2nd attempt. Would have been first attempt, but he puked on me and that took my health off surprisingly fast. Onto the lecture hall or something like that. 
I forget the exact sequencing, but I think you just finished the part of the game that was the bane of my existence when I tried to do a Blade of Mercy run.  Essentially I killed Eileen immediately for her weapon and played the whole game with that.  But I ran into a freaking wall when those Insight-sucking guys started showing up.  There was one in particular that I just absolutely could not get close enough to attack without getting grabbed and drained.  Even with the knock-back spell I couldn't do it.  That's one of the very few times that I just bailed on a playthrough.

I forget the exact sequencing, but I think you just finished the part of the game that was the bane of my existence when I tried to do a Blade of Mercy run.  Essentially I killed Eileen immediately for her weapon and played the whole game with that.  But I ran into a freaking wall when those Insight-sucking guys started showing up.  There was one in particular that I just absolutely could not get close enough to attack without getting grabbed and drained.  Even with the knock-back spell I couldn't do it.  That's one of the very few times that I just bailed on a playthrough.
Hmmm I’m not sure what those are?   I killed Eileen in the chapel where you fight Vicar Amelia because she went hostile on me after the moon change. I don’t really keep track of insight too much (had like 50 unused madman’s knowledge until I spent some for chunks to upgrade to +8), but I don’t remember any insight sucking guys. 

Inside the lecture hall I got sucked into a vortex and ended up in a nightmare. I homeward boned out of that, went back to the lecture hall and downstairs, opened a door and got sucked into a different nightmare. 

Also Patches!

I got some quality time in today - did the first nightmare and ended up beating Amygdala (1st attempt). I think I was overleveled a bit for this because I missed it earlier. At that point, I decided to see what areas I missed for whatever reason and decided to head to Cainhurst Castle. That level was awesome / unfortunately the boss seemed way too hard for me right now. I died once and decided I’d save him (Martyr Logarius) for a later time. Then I went to the upper cathedral which I missed and started seeing the insight suckers more in that area. I was making my way through and the puppy decided it was time to play. She’s not aware that FromSoft games can’t be paused, that’s something I’ll need to train her on after the usual commands. 

Edit: after some more time, F those insight suckers. They’re crushing me. If I cared more about my insight count, I’d be pretty upset by now. 

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Beat celestial emissary - 1st try

Beat Ebrietas Daughter of Cosmos - 6th try

took a look at the path guide and it appeared the only main game stuff left was the last nightmare level and some bosses that are in that area or immediately after. 

With that in mind, I decided to hit up the DLC. Made it to Ludwig / got him down to around 20% health but died. 

If anyone thinks there’s a better order, let me know. I just didn’t want to get into a situation where I’m going Boss to Boss and not able to branch out and do the other stuff. 

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Took a second run at Ludwig and got destroyed, so maybe I was lucky to get close on attempt one   I’m pretty highly leveled right now - maybe an 88 overall?

Beat Micolash - 2 tries. First try I fell off a ledge (where the bridge rises to after you kill him) in phase 2 after running around for like 10 minutes trying to figure out how to get to him. 🙄

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Upgraded Ludwig’s Holy Blade to +10 and it hits for massive damage now.  Went and beat Martyr Logarius on attempt #6. I tried a blood pellet before wailing on him and actually destroyed him pretty quickly. 

After that I needed to farm blood vials - did that til I got to around 160 in the bank and leveled up to around 92 or so. 

40 vitality

40 strength

16 endurance

35 skill or whatever it’s called and then the other stats are wherever they started. 

Attempt #3 on Ludwig comes tonight - I plan on going through the DLC at this point before finishing the rest of the game.  Also I have a confession - I summoned an NPC for Ebretius. To be fair, I had her beaten and down to one more hit and a full health bar. Somehow I got stuck in her tail area and couldn’t swing, eventually dying. So, screw that. 

Ludwig the Accursed is down!  12th attempt. 

If you haven’t played the DLC, I would recommend doing so or at least take a watch of the boss on YouTube. He was pretty epic. 

Pretty much at the endgame now I think...

Defeated Unspeakable Failures Boss on 1st attempt. 

Defeated Maria of the Astral Tower on the 3rd attempt. 

Made it to Orphan of Kos

By my calculation, I have just two bosses in the DLC - Laurence the 1st Vicar (0 for 2) and Orphan of Kos (0 for 1). After that, I’ve got whatever is left after Micolash but I read it’s pretty much the end. 

Level 101, 38 hours playtime. 

...and done!

I beat Orphan of Kos last night (try #6) which gave me a jolt of energy and I powered through the remainder. I was overleveled for Mergo, Gehrman, and Moon Presence, but what can you do?  You gain so many echoes in the DLC it’s hard not to be. 

Great game! A+

Right now I’ve initially slotted it as my 13th favorite game of all time, making it the #9 ranked SP game, and the #3 overall game this generation behind Dark Souls 3 and Rainbow Six Siege (#4 if you count The Last of Us as this gen). 

I do rank DS3 ahead just because I prefer the lore in that game, plus I like working towards different armors and shields, whereas there’s no real reason to even bother with different clothes in this game.  I’m really splitting hairs at this point though.

Heres my final boss tally - even though he didn’t take the most tries, I’d say Orphan of Kos was definitely the toughest. He’s very aggressive and the battle takes forever. 

Cleric Beast - 4th attempt

Father Gascoigne - 2nd attempt

Blood Starved Beast - 4th attempt

Vicar Amelia - 3rd attempt

Witch of Hemwick - 1st attempt 

Shadow of Yarnham - 7th attempt

Darkbeast Pearl - 1st attempt

Rom the Vacuous Spider - 4th attempt

One Reborn - 2nd attempt 

Amygdala - 1st attempt 

Celestial Emmisary - 1st attempt

Ebrietas Daughter of Cosmos - 6th attempt

Micolash host of the Nightmare - 2nd attempt

Martyr Logarius - 5th attempt

Ludwig - 12th attempt

Unspeakable Failures - 1st attempt 

Lady Maria - 3rd attempt

Orphan of Kos - 6th try

Laurence the first Vicar - 3rd try

Mergo’s Wet Nurse - 1st try

Gehrman - 1st try

Moon Presence - 1st try

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I don't have the DLC, but I've watched Orphan of Kos videos on Youtube.  That fight looks insane.
Phase 1 I figured out pretty quickly. It’s basically a placenta attack x1 or x3, and he has an attack where slams the ground which causes an explosion.  After his placenta attacks, he’s actually slow enough to get a visceral attack in, so I used my Ludwig +10 and equipped a rune for visceral attacks to do 20% more damage.  After attempt #4 I could get him to half health without getting hit too much. Phase 2 was balls to the wall crazy.  I basically just kept dodging and hoped he would finish his attack flurry close enough for me to hit him and run away. I got lucky on a few of those. 

Good call on the Axe.  I used Ludwig's Greatsword on my first character that I platinumed the game with, but I did a run later on with just the Axe from start to finish.  It's a great weapon, and you can have it from the get-go.  Spin-to-win.  You are right that there is little reason to change armor as you progress through the game.  Some sets are particularly good against poison and things like that, so you'll want to have them around, but you can wear the hunters set through the whole game just fine.  

You can farm blood vials from the starting area through the shortcut, killing the big guys (good practice for parrying too), the guys in the house, the werewolves, and the crows.  It will become a chore later on, but this is an easy spot to keep your blood vial supply up.  Later on you can just buy them with echoes.  

Missing out on heath items and bullets is no big deal.  They're farmable and buyable.

I didn't touch the chalice dungeons until the end of my first playthrough, which was probably an error.  There is some good loot in there.  By waiting so long, the first several dungeons were way too easy and boring and felt like a chore, but the difficulty ramps up dramatically as you go deeper.  Defiled Watchdog of the Old Lords was by far the hardest boss in the game for me, requiring at least 30 tries.  I didn't play the DLC, but my understanding is that it features some insanely hard bosses too.  

Fantastic game, and I'm jealous of anybody who is getting to play it for the first time.  If you're playing blind, you are going to miss some stuff, but that's fine and part of the "Souls" experience.  Best game of this generation IMO.
Yeah well...I bought it for the reviews and played for a while..and got killed so many times it made me crazy.

Decided to pick it back up again last night.....Go slower..Take my time......Got killed so many times.

I'm still trying though..Visually the game is great..but man do I get killed a lot.

Yeah well...I bought it for the reviews and played for a while..and got killed so many times it made me crazy.

Decided to pick it back up again last night.....Go slower..Take my time......Got killed so many times.

I'm still trying though..Visually the game is great..but man do I get killed a lot.
Dying is part of it. It’s just part of it, you die and learn. 

I know..but MAN I die a lot.  And early.  I'm still in Central Yharnam trying to get by the group that is all clustered around the fire.   Grrrrr

I know..but MAN I die a lot.  And early.  I'm still in Central Yharnam trying to get by the group that is all clustered around the fire.   Grrrrr
Use whatever it takes to pull out one at a time. I hid behind a wagon or something down on the street (on the left looking at the fire). I'd go out and flick a knife or whatever at one, making sure to only move forward enough to trigger the one. Rinse, repeat.

Use whatever it takes to pull out one at a time. I hid behind a wagon or something down on the street (on the left looking at the fire). I'd go out and flick a knife or whatever at one, making sure to only move forward enough to trigger the one. Rinse, repeat.
Still at it.  Found that you don't have to kill everyone you see.   So unless I want some blood echoes I just sprint past that group.   Easy enough to do.

I've leveled up my character some, and fortified my weapons.   I'm finding it easy to sprint from the lantern to the boss locations now that I know my way around.  Just killed the cleric beast and am now dreading Father Gascoigne..he looks tough.   Game is fun though

Still at it.  Found that you don't have to kill everyone you see.   So unless I want some blood echoes I just sprint past that group.   Easy enough to do.

I've leveled up my character some, and fortified my weapons.   I'm finding it easy to sprint from the lantern to the boss locations now that I know my way around.  Just killed the cleric beast and am now dreading Father Gascoigne..he looks tough.   Game is fun though
Running is an option but you will run up to enemies you can’t run from and be under leveled. I’d keep practicing enemies, run back and level up. If you can beat cleric beast you’ve got the skills to keep going. 

bigmarc27 said:
Running is an option but you will run up to enemies you can’t run from and be under leveled. I’d keep practicing enemies, run back and level up. If you can beat cleric beast you’ve got the skills to keep going. 
Yeah I did some farming and leveled up a few times.   Bringing those dragons or whatever they are into the doorway and hacking away at them was the best way.  

Still have not mastered the timing on the gunshot to stagger and the R1 visceral attack.  But working on it.

Yeah I did some farming and leveled up a few times.   Bringing those dragons or whatever they are into the doorway and hacking away at them was the best way.  

Still have not mastered the timing on the gunshot to stagger and the R1 visceral attack.  But working on it.
I never got good at riposting with the gun. Just not something I could get right.  I had played all the dark souls games though so I was used to the dodge and strike mechanics though. 

How the heck are you guys killing Father Gascoigne is few attempts blows me away.  he's HARD...I am getting better..slowly, but man he is tough


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