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Boldin says he is doing OK (1 Viewer)

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Cardinals | Boldin says he is doing OK

Tue, 30 Sep 2008 16:19:04 -0700

Darren Urban, of AZCardinals.com, reports Arizona Cardinals WR Anquan Boldin (head) made an appearance at the team's facility Tuesday, Sept. 30, and said he was doing OK. He appeared to have a slightly swollen jaw.


Arizona Cardinals Update Anquan Boldin's Injury StatusG_tiny by cgolden on Sep 30, 2008 1:44 PM MDT in NewsOne of the Arizona Cardinals many low lights of yesterday's blowout loss to the Jets was the injury to Anquan Boldin. It looked very severe at the time and it's disheartening anytime you see a player taken off the field on a stretcher, but by all reports Boldin will be fine. He was expected to stay overnight in a Manhattan hospital but he was released late last night and is back home. He wanted to get up and walk off the field but in an effort to be cautious he was carted off. I have no idea what his status will be for Sunday's game but I'd imagine we'll get an update at some point today. For now, it's good to hear that Q shouldn't have any lingering effects from that vicious hit.Update: Ken Whisenhunt was on KTAR's Doug and Wolf this morning and he confirmed that Boldin is back in town and he walked off the plane last night. He spent part of the night in the hospital where he passed the spinal examination and looked good enough neurologically to be able to fly. Whiz also said that it is too early to know about his status for next week but we should know in a couple days.Update (Part 2): Anquan Boldin's father has given a recent update on Q's current status. Boldin suffered a fractured sinus membrane and had to get some stitches in his lip but that he did pass a CT scan at the hospital. According to his father: "If it was left up to Anquan he would be able to play today, but we have to err on the side of caution. If he's cleared medically, though, he'll play."Update (Part 3): Anquan Boldin made an appearance at the team facilities today and according to Darren Urban, other than his jaw being a bit swollen and him sounding like he just had some dental work done, he looked like the same old Q. Urban did say he wouldn't expect Boldin to play this week but he also said he wouldn't count him out. We'll likely get a much better update tomorrow when Whiz meets with the media, but for now it's very good to hear Q is moving around conversing with team mates and coaches.
looks like he'll be back before we know it
I hope that the Cardinals err on the side of caution. I'd rather have him miss a week or two than have him come back too soon and risk a serious injury.

We've seen with other concussed players that guys that come back too soon have reoccurrences that are more severe (see Lindros, Eric).

I hope that the Cardinals err on the side of caution. I'd rather have him miss a week or two than have him come back too soon and risk a serious injury.We've seen with other concussed players that guys that come back too soon have reoccurrences that are more severe (see Lindros, Eric).
There has been nothing saying he sustained a consussion, so your post makes no sense. His only risk would be aggravating the jaw or sinus problem he now has.
I hope that the Cardinals err on the side of caution. I'd rather have him miss a week or two than have him come back too soon and risk a serious injury.

We've seen with other concussed players that guys that come back too soon have reoccurrences that are more severe (see Lindros, Eric).
There has been nothing saying he sustained a consussion, so your post makes no sense. His only risk would be aggravating the jaw or sinus problem he now has.
Teams are very reluctant to call a head injury a concussion since there are league rules as to when a plyer can come back from one. The player lost consciousness, has a fractured sinus membrane, and possibly lost teeth.But if that doesn't make enough "sense" to you, take it from Boldin himself:

Irvin and Boldin are very similar. They're even friends. Both made their names as physical receivers from the state of Florida. Both have been knocked out cold by the game they dearly love.

"When I talked to Anquan, I said, 'So what it is, man? How do you feel? Is it a concussion?' " Irvin said. "He said, 'Yeah. And I've got a fracture (sinus membrane). The doctors told me to take a week off, and then I'm going to come back and give them the dirt. I'm going to give it right back to them.'
I hope that the Cardinals err on the side of caution. I'd rather have him miss a week or two than have him come back too soon and risk a serious injury.

We've seen with other concussed players that guys that come back too soon have reoccurrences that are more severe (see Lindros, Eric).
There has been nothing saying he sustained a consussion, so your post makes no sense. His only risk would be aggravating the jaw or sinus problem he now has.
Teams are very reluctant to call a head injury a concussion since there are league rules as to when a plyer can come back from one. The player lost consciousness, has a fractured sinus membrane, and possibly lost teeth.But if that doesn't make enough "sense" to you, take it from Boldin himself:

Irvin and Boldin are very similar. They're even friends. Both made their names as physical receivers from the state of Florida. Both have been knocked out cold by the game they dearly love.

"When I talked to Anquan, I said, 'So what it is, man? How do you feel? Is it a concussion?' " Irvin said. "He said, 'Yeah. And I've got a fracture (sinus membrane). The doctors told me to take a week off, and then I'm going to come back and give them the dirt. I'm going to give it right back to them.'
Touche....and thanks for the info. :)
"When I talked to Anquan, I said, 'So what it is, man? How do you feel? Is it a concussion?' " Irvin said. "He said, 'Yeah. And I've got a fracture (sinus membrane). The doctors told me to take a week off, and then I'm going to come back and give them the dirt. I'm going to give it right back to them.'
Damn Q, thats sigworthy. I :lmao: Anquan Boldin.

The doctors told me to take a week off, and then I'm going to come back and give them the dirt. I'm going to give it right back to them.

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Sounds like his is going to take this week off though, which is the big news. Unless something changes or he decideds to ignore his doctors advice.

Arizona Cardinals Update Anquan Boldin's Injury StatusG_tiny by cgolden on Sep 30, 2008 1:44 PM MDT in NewsOne of the Arizona Cardinals many low lights of yesterday's blowout loss to the Jets was the injury to Anquan Boldin. It looked very severe at the time and it's disheartening anytime you see a player taken off the field on a stretcher, but by all reports Boldin will be fine. He was expected to stay overnight in a Manhattan hospital but he was released late last night and is back home. He wanted to get up and walk off the field but in an effort to be cautious he was carted off. I have no idea what his status will be for Sunday's game but I'd imagine we'll get an update at some point today. For now, it's good to hear that Q shouldn't have any lingering effects from that vicious hit.Update: Ken Whisenhunt was on KTAR's Doug and Wolf this morning and he confirmed that Boldin is back in town and he walked off the plane last night. He spent part of the night in the hospital where he passed the spinal examination and looked good enough neurologically to be able to fly. Whiz also said that it is too early to know about his status for next week but we should know in a couple days.Update (Part 2): Anquan Boldin's father has given a recent update on Q's current status. Boldin suffered a fractured sinus membrane and had to get some stitches in his lip but that he did pass a CT scan at the hospital. According to his father: "If it was left up to Anquan he would be able to play today, but we have to err on the side of caution. If he's cleared medically, though, he'll play."Update (Part 3): Anquan Boldin made an appearance at the team facilities today and according to Darren Urban, other than his jaw being a bit swollen and him sounding like he just had some dental work done, he looked like the same old Q. Urban did say he wouldn't expect Boldin to play this week but he also said he wouldn't count him out. We'll likely get a much better update tomorrow when Whiz meets with the media, but for now it's very good to hear Q is moving around conversing with team mates and coaches.
looks like he'll be back before we know it
Boldin will be fine, he just got his bell rung a little bit.
Sounds like his is going to take this week off though, which is the big news. Unless something changes or he decideds to ignore his doctors advice.
Agree to disagree. The big news, after seeing that hit, is that the guy will play football again at all this year...this week be damned.
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Have you heard of "karma" dude?, Boldin is gonna come back now and hopefully make the little value Breaston had, non existant, like he was already doing. He is a star in this league thats makes watching him and the games better and for us fantasy people to want an injury to any player is just down right sick.... My cousin is a Charger fan who was happy Brady went down, he is suffering mass injuries now. When good players like this get hurt it makes the league suffer. So to tell people to lighten up at your ignorance is rediculous!By the way Boldin is bar none the best out and out reciever this year!

He'll be back week 6 if not sooner! put that on the board!

Great News...

That hit bothered me and put a damper on that game.... Hope he comes back 100% asap!!!!

And no, I don't own him in FF - Wish I did.

a week off sounds right, then he cant put a shield on his mask, pad up his chin strap.

He certainly needs a week off, if only to let the sinus bone mend.

Does this situation and the movie Jerry McGwire come to mind?

Cardinals WR, playing for a raise/contract, doesnt get one at start of season, gets roughed up during season, agent is out on field during injury(from what I had heard), he is okay after the hit....

now, will AQ get the dollars from the Cards???


Have you heard of "karma" dude?, Boldin is gonna come back now and hopefully make the little value Breaston had, non existant, like he was already doing. He is a star in this league thats makes watching him and the games better and for us fantasy people to want an injury to any player is just down right sick.... My cousin is a Charger fan who was happy Brady went down, he is suffering mass injuries now. When good players like this get hurt it makes the league suffer. So to tell people to lighten up at your ignorance is rediculous!

By the way Boldin is bar none the best out and out reciever this year!

He'll be back week 6 if not sooner! put that on the board!
Have you heard of sarcasm, facetiousness, tongue-in-cheek?DUDE!?!

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steelcityman said:
a week off sounds right, then he cant put a shield on his mask, pad up his chin strap.

He certainly needs a week off, if only to let the sinus bone mend.

Does this situation and the movie Jerry McGwire come to mind?

Cardinals WR, playing for a raise/contract, doesnt get one at start of season, gets roughed up during season, agent is out on field during injury(from what I had heard), he is okay after the hit....

now, will AQ get the dollars from the Cards???

Not to be picky, be actually already does wear a face shield...so that's taken care of.
steelcityman said:
Does this situation and the movie Jerry McGwire come to mind?

Cardinals WR, playing for a raise/contract, doesnt get one at start of season, gets roughed up during season, agent is out on field during injury(from what I had heard), he is okay after the hit....

now, will AQ get the dollars from the Cards???

I believe its called "THE QUAN" ironic enough!!!
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Glad to hear it, I hope he makes a full recovery.
I do too...was just hoping it would happen in the off season (breaston owner)
We've reached a new low here.
How is it a new low? come on now.. you people are too serious. I said I hoped he would have a full recovery. Its not like I said I hope he never plays football again or something.
Give it up tool. You were out of line. Don't try to talk your way out of it.
steelcityman said:
a week off sounds right, then he cant put a shield on his mask, pad up his chin strap.He certainly needs a week off, if only to let the sinus bone mend.Does this situation and the movie Jerry McGwire come to mind?Cardinals WR, playing for a raise/contract, doesnt get one at start of season, gets roughed up during season, agent is out on field during injury(from what I had heard), he is okay after the hit....now, will AQ get the dollars from the Cards???:-)
That is why teams do not like to redo contracts. Boldin already had his deal redone a couple of years ago.
Great News...That hit bothered me and put a damper on that game.... Hope he comes back 100% asap!!!!And no, I don't own him in FF - Wish I did.
happy boldin is recovering. the NFL went and did it's due diligence and the one-game suspension and fine fit, but I think they went after the wrong guy. after watching the replay a few times. it appears that Rhodes, not Smith, was neglegent of "spearing". Rhodes left his feet and lowered his head before impact, which drove Boldin's head into Smith's. Smith kept his head up before impact, without assuming a "spearing" position. Boldin is one tough M-F'er. That was pretty brutal. The real time sound at impact was like listening to a car accident. you know it's pretty bad when the whole stadium crowd groans and then goes silent...
Have you heard of "karma" dude?, Boldin is gonna come back now and hopefully make the little value Breaston had, non existant, like he was already doing. He is a star in this league thats makes watching him and the games better and for us fantasy people to want an injury to any player is just down right sick.... My cousin is a Charger fan who was happy Brady went down, he is suffering mass injuries now. When good players like this get hurt it makes the league suffer. So to tell people to lighten up at your ignorance is rediculous!By the way Boldin is bar none the best out and out reciever this year!

He'll be back week 6 if not sooner! put that on the board!
You're new here, looks like you just joined yesterday. It's pretty established on this board that wishing injury on a player is instant bannification from the mods.I know the op meant it in jest, but the whole player-injury thing is a sensitive line that is not to be crossed...
Have you heard of "karma" dude?, Boldin is gonna come back now and hopefully make the little value Breaston had, non existant, like he was already doing. He is a star in this league thats makes watching him and the games better and for us fantasy people to want an injury to any player is just down right sick.... My cousin is a Charger fan who was happy Brady went down, he is suffering mass injuries now. When good players like this get hurt it makes the league suffer. So to tell people to lighten up at your ignorance is rediculous!By the way Boldin is bar none the best out and out reciever this year!

He'll be back week 6 if not sooner! put that on the board!
Are you really suggesting that Breaston's career will now be impacted by one guy on an internet forum who posted something you didn't like? That his time as a starter will be cut short and Boldin will recover faster because of "karma?" Do you really believe that your cousin's favorite team is suffering injuries because he, as a fan nobody knows, delighted in another player (from a different team) getting injured? To quote McEnroe...you cannot be serious.

Karma does NOT mean that unrelated people in different places suffer pain or pleasure as a result of what someone else does or doesn't do that impacts nobody. Karma means that the difference between what your life is and what your life could be is due to your own outlook, perceptions and action. It's a reap-what-you-sow thing, not a bad-luck-around-everyone thing.

I'm glad Boldin is okay. The guy wanted a big contract and didn't get it. It would be terrible if his financial future was impacted by taking a hit without having the security of a new deal. If someone says they wish he had recovered slower, that's an insensitive and ignorant wish and I doubt the guy really means that. But "karma" has nothing to do with Boldin, Breaston or your cousin. I think people have a tendency to overreact to posts they don't like. Maybe mine is one of those as well.

It's amazing that the guy did not get a concussion and even more amazing that he actually hasn't been ruled out this week yet. When I saw that clip I did not think there was any chance he'd be playing this week.

It's amazing that the guy did not get a concussion and even more amazing that he actually hasn't been ruled out this week yet. When I saw that clip I did not think there was any chance he'd be playing this week.
he had to have received at least a mild concussion from that hit. the trauma his head went through, two blasts from opposite directions like that. there's no way his brain didn't float around in there... for his sake, I hope not, but I'd be shocked if he didn't at least show symptoms.
He was knocked out, unconcious... Seems to me that there has to be at least a mild concussion.. Great news that it wasn't worse though.

brednbuddah said:
southeastjerome said:
It's amazing that the guy did not get a concussion and even more amazing that he actually hasn't been ruled out this week yet. When I saw that clip I did not think there was any chance he'd be playing this week.
he had to have received at least a mild concussion from that hit. the trauma his head went through, two blasts from opposite directions like that. there's no way his brain didn't float around in there... for his sake, I hope not, but I'd be shocked if he didn't at least show symptoms.
I know, I agree with you. I find it hard to believe he didn't. But from what Boldin said seems to indicate that he did not.
He said he didn't know if he had a concussion in the immediate aftermath of the collision."I took a concussion test yesterday but everything was cool," he said.
Given all the press last year about the NFL and concussions, I'd like to think that if he really did have a concussion last week, that they would have already ruled him out for week 5.
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brednbuddah said:
southeastjerome said:
It's amazing that the guy did not get a concussion and even more amazing that he actually hasn't been ruled out this week yet. When I saw that clip I did not think there was any chance he'd be playing this week.
he had to have received at least a mild concussion from that hit. the trauma his head went through, two blasts from opposite directions like that. there's no way his brain didn't float around in there... for his sake, I hope not, but I'd be shocked if he didn't at least show symptoms.
I know, I agree with you. I find it hard to believe he didn't. But from what Boldin said seems to indicate that he did not.
He said he didn't know if he had a concussion in the immediate aftermath of the collision.

"I took a concussion test yesterday but everything was cool," he said.
Given all the press last year about the NFL and concussions, I'd like to think that if he really did have a concussion last week, that they would have already ruled him out for week 5.
:thumbup: amazing.sorry if this has already been mentioned, but if he doesn't play this Sunday against Buffalo, ya think they'll hold him out until after the bye? (Buffalo, Dallas, BYE)

brednbuddah said:
southeastjerome said:
It's amazing that the guy did not get a concussion and even more amazing that he actually hasn't been ruled out this week yet. When I saw that clip I did not think there was any chance he'd be playing this week.
he had to have received at least a mild concussion from that hit. the trauma his head went through, two blasts from opposite directions like that. there's no way his brain didn't float around in there... for his sake, I hope not, but I'd be shocked if he didn't at least show symptoms.
I know, I agree with you. I find it hard to believe he didn't. But from what Boldin said seems to indicate that he did not.
He said he didn't know if he had a concussion in the immediate aftermath of the collision.

"I took a concussion test yesterday but everything was cool," he said.
Given all the press last year about the NFL and concussions, I'd like to think that if he really did have a concussion last week, that they would have already ruled him out for week 5.
:thumbup: amazing.sorry if this has already been mentioned, but if he doesn't play this Sunday against Buffalo, ya think they'll hold him out until after the bye? (Buffalo, Dallas, BYE)
imo if he`s NOT concussed than he will play asap...he`s a tough ### football player that wants his quan
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Boldin's father: WR would play this week

Cardinals receiver Anquan Boldin has a concussion, a cut lip and a busted nose, but otherwise is nearly ready for get back on the field despite the nasty hit that sent him to a hospital on a backboard in Sunday's loss to the Jets.

"If it was left up to Anquan he would be able to play today," his father, Carl Boldin, told the Palm Beach Post. "But we have to err on the side of caution. If he's cleared medically, though, he'll play."

Jets safety Eric Smith was fined $50,000 and suspended one game for the helmet-to-helmet hit that leveled Boldin. His coach called for the league to look into the hit, but the Boldin's father said the receiver is not harboring ill will toward Smith.

"Football is a contact sport," he said. "A person doesn't get into the right or wrong of it.

"As a wide receiver, you know you're going to be put in a vulnerable position from time to time. The main thing is he told me (Sunday) night he was fine, and it goes from there."

Boldin left the hospital Sunday night and returned to Arizona, where he's been resting. Former receiver Michael Irvin told the Arizona Republic Boldin told him doctors advised him to take a week off before returning to the Cardinals.

Irvin, who injured his neck in a 1999 game at Philadelphia, recommended Boldin take his time before deciding to return and said the memory of Smith's hit will linger for Boldin.

"It's impossible to say that he won't think about it next game, or that he won't flinch," Irvin said. "You can't stop your mind from sending you those negative thoughts. What you can do is say, 'Hey, mind, I'm not participating. I'm going across that middle, and I'm getting that football.' "

You're new here, looks like you just joined yesterday. It's pretty established on this board that wishing injury on a player is instant bannification from the mods.I know the op meant it in jest, but the whole player-injury thing is a sensitive line that is not to be crossed...
Please show me where I wished an injury on him!!!!!
Glad to hear it, I hope he makes a full recovery.
I do too...was just hoping it would happen in the off season (breaston owner)
We've reached a new low here.
How is it a new low? come on now.. you people are too serious. I said I hoped he would have a full recovery. Its not like I said I hope he never plays football again or something.
Give it up tool. You were out of line. Don't try to talk your way out of it.
Your the one now out of line!!! Im not trying to talk my way out of anything. :bye:
The guy wasn't out of line at all. Seriously, like any of you actually give a #### about Boldin in real life. The dude's not dying...it has already came out that he will be fine. So the dude is a Breaston owner and wants Boldin out...so what? If I owned Breaston I would too. Stop acting like you feel bad for a guy who is making millions of dollars if he plays or not.

No way doctors clear him to play this week.

I wish the best for him but the odds of him playing this weekend are .00001%.

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