BusinessTravelGuys, please say a prayer to the TravelGods for me for my trip to DFW next week. I've heard that American Airlines has been sucking butt lately and I really don't want this trip to get messed with.
Flew in and out of Dallas last week. On Tuesday when I arrived, the airport looked like a war zone. People are lying all over the place, and long lines at customer service. They had been hit with some storms earlier in the day that caused a lot of chaos with cancellations and delays. Since I was flying from hub to hub (from Miami), neither of my flights was canceled. On the return, the flight was delayed 90 minutes or so because the flight crew was running late, but I knew it wouldn't be canceled because they needed that 787 in Miami for an international flight. That's a pro tip.....if you are flying in coach from DFW to MIA or vice versa, if you are lucky, you can score a Premium Economy seat for the price of a Coach ticket because there are only 2 classes of service on domestic flights.