I am okay with you having your opinion about why RT sports (or any other site) is better, or that CBS is 'over priced'. But you then say that people who use it 'deserve a good bash on the back of the head.'
This goes back a few years, when mfl.com was just an infant. CBSSportsline made an overt bait-and-switch attempt to drive mfl.com out of business by offering its service for free, with the hope that the greater majority orf mfl.com's customers would jump to CBS.
This is not a true statement. The service was free, but it was because some company (Miller, IIRC) sponsored all the leagues and offset the cost in exchange for advertsising on every page of the site. People remember only that they didn't have to pay, but they selectively forget why it was they didn't have to pay. It was not 'bait and switch' (wrong use of that term, btw) and it was not predatory pricing tp eliminate the competition, it was a strategic partnership by Miller that caused this to be 'free'.
The entire CBS network went down for days at a time due to the flood of usage that they had not been prepared to accept. People literally could not run waivers for weeks at a time in some leagues.
I had five leagues on CBS during this 'free year', and I had two issues. Live scoring was slow in the first two weekends, and the site was horribly slow as I tried to enter my leagues rosters the week before kcikoff. (Everyone else was doing the same thing and it brought their site the it's knees.) I never experienced issues with running waivers, and certainly never had issues for 'weeks at a time'.
The year after this happened, CBS pulled the rug out from under their owners, changing from a free league to charging $130/league, while mfl.com stayed at $50/league & improved its options, growing in its versatility - that was the bait-and-switch part.
I addressed this, but it was a sponsorship, not predatory pricing. And it certainly wasn't bait and switch (that would be offering a fantasy football hosting service, and then actually giving them fantasy baseball service.)
CBS obviously had no intention of sending a reasonable amount of their profits into the product, and a lot of leagues there got the same problems with overloaded servers during the first few weeks of the season, creating huge problems for leagues with late drafts & creating waivers havoc in many leagues.
I don't know what they spent their profits on, but after the two issues I mentioned above, I have not have had any issues in the last four (five?) years since. Perhaps it is due to fewer leagues at CBS b/c it was no longer free, or perhaps it was because they upgraded servers.
Don't even get me started about CBS's attempted switch to the java draft system - an unqualified disaster that screwed a lot of drafts up badly.
I haven't used the live draft, so I can't speak to it, but I have used the Java for entering rosters at the same time others were drafting, and I had no issues.
It comes down to people remembering how CBS tried to eliminate its competition through a patently unfair business practice, then screwed its own owners
CBS in the meantime got exposed as the wolf in sheep's clothing that it was, and to this day still has tremendous bugs in its service - as evidenced by the waves of posts in the last 2 weeks of preseason through the first 2-3 weeks of regular season where people here are asking if anyone else is having trouble with their CBS league.
We remember mfl.com being steady & dedicated to its leagues while CBS tried to drive them out of business, and we appreciate the way mfl.com runs their ship while holding a reasonable line on their pricing. Hence the animosity to CBS and the spill over to owners who will come to the board crowing about how great CBS's product is.
That animosity is well deserved.