have to throw the flag down on this one..for Team 1, how many teams are in your league , 4? you got Zeke, Kamara, Hopkins,Thomas AND Ertz? c'mon now. seriously, I mean you have to be in a 4 team league, right? or you're drafting against 8 yr olds.
Team 2 has Rodgers, Barkley, Zeke, Kamara, Mixon, J.s.shuster,Evans .please.
Team 3 has OBJ AND Julio?! lol , Kamara, Big Ben, Lindsay?
Team 4 is the only one I could see that you needed to work to make it win.
anyways most of the advice is good. Go big for TE is correct, most fantasy leagues haven't changed TE rec pts from 15 yards to 25 to make them equal to WRs - but they should.
always have 2 QBs and play match-ups.thats the best nugget of your whole post.
but saying you won 4 of 5 leagues , with THOSE rosters, is a bit misleading. you SHOULD win 4 of 5 with those stacked gems!