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Deuce may not live up to expectations this year (1 Viewer)

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Da Masses

Going into the season I saw McAllister as a top 5, but now the Saints are trying to run him out of a single back formation, and it ain't working. It was obvious against the Bears last night. Plus he bulked up from last year some 15 pounds so he doesn't have the same break away speed like he did last year for the outside runs. Hopefully, Hasslett will snap out of this phase, and put a fullback in front of him. Otherwise, he may not produce top 5 like numbers.Just my observations from last night game.Off to draft will answer replies when I get back this evening.

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Deuce lost about 8 pounds from last yearWhat happened to Sam Gash ??Anyways Deuce should be fine ... its only pre-season and he was there bread and butter last yearThey would be foolish to lean away frmo him now

Yes, he is much bigger.Mainly the single back formation has me worried.I'm also afraid that Hasslett, being as stubborn as he is, won't acknowledge this as a problem untill it's too late. See you guys later.

Yes, he is much bigger.Mainly the single back formation has me worried.I'm also afraid that Hasslett, being as stubborn as he is, won't acknowledge this as a problem untill it's too late. See you guys later.
I think this guy is trying to spread false infoDeuce lost weight ... he did not BULK UP
I thought the plan for Deuce in the offseason was to LOSE 10-15 pounds to increase his breakaway potential. Did he gain weight instead?
No, He lost 2-3 lbs just like he has the last 3 seasons IIRC. NO and McAllister set a goal to continually reduce his weight gradually over time (say 2-5 lbs per year) from what I understand. As far as I know, this plan has been working and followed even up to this season. So McAllister should be leaner and more explosive, not fatter and less this season. I amybe mistaken about this though. Any NO homers with a verdict?
Yes, he is much bigger.Mainly the single back formation has me worried.I'm also afraid that Hasslett, being as stubborn as he is, won't acknowledge this as a problem untill it's too late. See you guys later.
I think this guy is trying to spread false infoDeuce lost weight ... he did not BULK UP
I agree - Da Masses may be drafting with fellow Shark Pool members soon. ;)
Terrelle Smith was Deuces FB last year and he is now with the Browns the now have Gash who has been more of a reciefer than a blocker and a 2nd year guy Spencer Frederick. Deuce will suffer

You know we're ready for the season to start when you're trying to find reasons not to draft Deuce McAllister :wall:

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I've heard reports that Deuce lost weight as well but he looks awfully sluggish for some reason.
As a Saints homer, I can tell you that people ALWAYS say this...that he doesn't "look fast." And it's true; when he's carrying the ball, half the time it looks like he's jogging. I think this is because Deuce is a BIG back, and probably doesn't have the shiftiness of an LT or a Portis. But trust me, he's extremely fast for a guy his size, and he's going to get his this season. If you think he can approach his 2002 TD numbers, you can make a case for Deuce at #2, or even #1 overall.
In other threads in recent weeks it was posted that Terelle Smith only played 30% of the Saints' offensive snaps last season... and Deuce was fine without him the other 70% of the time.I have also heard multiple times that he has lost weight, not gained, so I am completely discounting that part of the post here.No worries. Deuce is a virtual lock for top 5.

Going into the season I saw McAllister as a top 5, but now the Saints are trying to run him out of a single back formation, and it ain't working. It was obvious against the Bears last night. Plus he bulked up from last year some 15 pounds so he doesn't have the same break away speed like he did last year for the outside runs. Hopefully, Hasslett will snap out of this phase, and put a fullback in front of him. Otherwise, he may not produce top 5 like numbers.Just my observations from last night game.Off to draft will answer replies when I get back this evening.
I reported this post because of the false info about Deuce gaining weight. Lies!
So what you are saying just win baby is that Smith was only in 30% of the snaps well lets loook at that real fast.When You look at it the Saints lat year they had 1019 total offensive plays last year and 535 were rushing plays. McAllister had 351 attempts last year so 1019/351=29% of the running plays so in only 1% of the snaps would McAllister not have Smith out there by your own words

I posted a new thread which was subsequently locked, because as interesting a debate as this is (he gained 5 lbs, he lost 3 lbs, blah blah) - I would really like to know what some people believe about Deuce and the team this year.Will Brooks hurt him? Will it be another year where Deuce has the "promise" of 15 TDs, only to get 8? Will the team's inconsistency and coaching woes hurt Deuce enough - or will he shine through and come up with a 1500 yard, 15 TD season that a number 3-5 overall ranking indicates is attainable?Anyone with some real insight? TIA

First of all, I never said anything about him being undraftable. All I am saying is that he may not live up to the "Top 5" hype. Top ten yes without a question.I've know one thing about the Saints, they can make a good player look bad. Look at the Brooks situation. He is more effective on the run, Saints try to make him a pocket passer. Does that really hurt Brooks fantasy wise, not really. Does it hurt the Saints chances of winning, yes. Same thing is gonna happen IF they try to stick with that single back formation. Not only will it decrease Deuce numbers, but to me, he was having a hard time picking up the blocking assignments, and that may cause problems with the passing game in key situation if that persists.Back to Deuce, I don't care what people are reporting, he looks bigger and a little slower to me this year. Here in New Orleans, there are the DieHards and the Realists (I guess you can say that about any team, but it waaaay different down here). Diehard believe that this is the year the Saints are going all the way regardless of any changes, and there are a LOT of them on this board, so you will only hear "The Saints are the greatest thing since indoor plumming!!!". I am a Realist and I see the Saints front office do just enough to make the Saints marketable, not winnable. Benson is out to make money, not win championships.I just got finish drafting in a 10 and 12 team leagues where we start 3 RB, and in both leagues he went 1.04 and 1.03 respectively. I was in the 5 and 6 spot and was lucky enough to grab Portis (who I believe is a better back in a great situation). If I was in the 2, 3 or 4 spot I would have grabbed Alexander. First spot Holmes, without a question.Summarization: If the Saints keep running a Single Back lineup, I don't see him as a Top 5 back this year. I do see him as a solid fantasy starter. And lets all remember that it's still preseason and ALL of this may change.Good Luck to everyone this year.

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First of all, Terrelle Smith was a part time player, secondly, the saints drafted Mike Karney who was the best blocking FB in the draft. The Saints played Smith as a rookie, and will do the same with Karney. As for looking sluggish, he always does, it's just how he runs. He looked sluggish last year and went over 2000 in total yardage. There is nothing to worry about here.

Is this thread for real?

Deuce did NOT bulk up another 15 pounds. Seeing as how he weighed 240 last year..............do you really think he weighs 255? I don't think so........more like 235. He looks slimmer to me. He looks more like the guy from 2002.

Speaking of 2002, their base offensive set was singleback with three receivers. I don't recall Deuce struggling in that offense.

2003 Deuce http://www.azfamily.com/sharedcontent/east...16/images/3.jpg

2004 Deuce

http://www.neworleanssaints.com/photogalleryhome.cfm (click Saints vs. Bears and go to photo 06)

Make your own judgements........

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To Whom said Sam Gash is more of a pass catcher.All he does is block thats why he is their. He does not want to catch any balls.
I always thought of Sam Gash as one of the better blocking FB's in the game. Most carries in a season - 48 in 1993. Most receptions - 33 in 1996. In the last 3 years, Gash has averaged 7 receptions. Gash=Blocking FB.
Gash is a blocker. However, Gash is no longer on the team. They cut him in July.The no. 1 FB is now Mike Karney, a fifth-round draft pick in 2004 who was, by all accounts, the best pure fullback in college football last year. He should more than adequately replace Terrelle Smith, who is a great lead blocker but has been limited by back problems the last few years.

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All due respect I feel that given how busy the boards are this time of year and how so many people come and troll for information before their drafts, we need to set a few things straight that are being bandied about here as if they're up for debate.

Deuce showed up to camp weighing 238, about 2 pounds lighter than last year, when he showed up at 240. There have been various reports of his losing up to 10-15 pounds but those, by all accounts, were erroneous.


Deuce did run behind a fullback for most of his collegiate career and the majority of the time in the last two years in New Orleans. The team is adjusting to a new base formation which calls for two TEs instead of a fullback. Everyone involved has admitted some growing pains as the team and Deuce adjust to this new style.


I would encourage everyone to check out our News Blogger any time you have initial questions about what's been going on in camp. These issues were tackled head on by a simple search for McAllister in the Saints subfolder.


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