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Ed Hochuli needs a new crew (1 Viewer)


I'm a die-hard Pats fan, and all my fantasy teams are named after Ed Hochuli (of course I also have the Steeler D), so take this as you will...

For years, I have enjoyed watching Hochuli and his crew officiate games. They always seem to get it right, and Ed does a good job of explaining the calls. Aside from the Denver/SD game, this is the first time I've seen the crew this year. I hate to say it, but maybe all those posters are right: this crew is no where near where it used to be, and it is sad.

Don't read this as an excuse as to why the Pats lost: the Steeler D was too good today and it showed in the second half. We take our lumps and learn.

I just want the NFL to be above reproach with regards officiating and they were not today. Two Steeler Def. TDs disallowed in 3 weeks. The Pass Int. call missd on the throw to Gaffney in the first half. No hold on 61 on a the punt in the 2nd Q (that's on Hochuli). Like I said, the calls really didn't affect the game, they just showed the crew as "not very good."

I hate to say it, but Ed looked old out there today. Again, I love Ed and all my teams are named 'Hochuli"s Pipes" with the appropritate photo, but I am a little disillusioned.

I'm a die-hard Pats fan, and all my fantasy teams are named after Ed Hochuli (of course I also have the Steeler D), so take this as you will...For years, I have enjoyed watching Hochuli and his crew officiate games. They always seem to get it right, and Ed does a good job of explaining the calls. Aside from the Denver/SD game, this is the first time I've seen the crew this year. I hate to say it, but maybe all those posters are right: this crew is no where near where it used to be, and it is sad.Don't read this as an excuse as to why the Pats lost: the Steeler D was too good today and it showed in the second half. We take our lumps and learn. I just want the NFL to be above reproach with regards officiating and they were not today. Two Steeler Def. TDs disallowed in 3 weeks. The Pass Int. call missd on the throw to Gaffney in the first half. No hold on 61 on a the punt in the 2nd Q (that's on Hochuli). Like I said, the calls really didn't affect the game, they just showed the crew as "not very good." I hate to say it, but Ed looked old out there today. Again, I love Ed and all my teams are named 'Hochuli"s Pipes" with the appropritate photo, but I am a little disillusioned.
It was pretty smelly in the Jets-Broncos game as well - lots of refs looking at each other not knowing what to call. Some odd calls - an unreviewable fumble call, some bad PI calls, just real inconsistent. It is time to find real professionals.
I really don't want to sound like a conspiricist because I'm not. Just the first time I've seen the crew this year after all the hype and I was disappointed. You're right on one count, lots of officials looking at each other. Really inconsistent, and the one of the hallmarks of Hochuli's crews was always consistency.

Too bad. Has anyone else seen him this year and they had a good game? Please? I really am a Hochuli fan and am kind of bummed out right now.

(Yeah, pathetic I know, but...)


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