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Ex-wife marrying a dead beat this weekend (1 Viewer)


A little background story, my ex had an affair with my son's soccer coach 3 years ago so she moved out.  The guy has nothing to his name and my ex and I (mostly me) made a lot of good financial  decisions over the years so we're both well off,  I've made several attempts over the years to get her to put money into a trust for the kids where I would match her dollar for dollar with no success.  I found out this weekend from my kids who live with me full time that she is getting married on Saturday and that the beat guy was pushing to get married.  I called her to offer congrats then asked if she has made any financial arrangements for the kids future.  She said that a pre-nuptial was signed but I'm still concerned dead beat will siphon $$.  I haven't done any research into pre-nups so interested if anyone has any experiences???         

How old are your kids?

With her being your ex, there's only so much you can do.  

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How old are your kids?

With her being your ex, there's only so much you can do.  
Kids are 23 and 21.   I realize there's a limit to my involvement but want to advise ex now rather then 20 years from now when potentially all the money is gone.

Are you referring to an inheritance for your kids or saving money for something else?  They are adults now so I'm confused.

Kids are 23 and 21.   I realize there's a limit to my involvement but want to advise ex now rather then 20 years from now when potentially all the money is gone.
Well the kids are not kids anymore and your ex can do whatever she wants.  Not sure her age but if she is 50 or less and she stays married that could be 30 years. Hopefully she puts something in writing in case something happens to her though.  Good luck.

Kids are 23 and 21.   I realize there's a limit to my involvement but want to advise ex now rather then 20 years from now when potentially all the money is gone.
Gotcha.  Yeah, with your kids that old, I'd say just save money on your own for them (via trust or whatever is advised by your attorney).  

For her, I'd say just give your opinion on being careful with this guy.  That's on her.  You guys are divorced.  If she gets her money taken or doesn't save anything, oh well.  That's on her.

if the money is hers as part of the divorce settlement, it seems unlikely that there's much you could really do.  i guess you could try to give her suggestions and nudge her as best you can, but I'm not sure how you can ultimately force her to do anything.


That may be the best route to convince her to set-up trusts for the kids with each of us contributing equal amounts. 
Forget about convincing her, just have a lawyer set everything up. Small investment now for the kid's future and for your peace of mind.

I believe my ex-wife moved 5,000 miles away and married a stoner / surfer dude in Hawaii almost half her age (and the age of of children). Exes are going to do what they are going to do, so other than conveying an opinion to the ex-wife , there really isn't a whole lot you can do about it.

If your fear is that she won't save any money for the kids, inform your kids to not expect anything from her when she passes.

If your fear is that he will siphon all the money for themselves, inform your kids to not expect anything from them when that time comes.

I've had a couple sets of aunt/uncles that haven't treated me the same as my brother. Some of it has played out while they are still alive but I don't expect anything from them when they pass. My brother and I are the only nephews in the family.

I have heard this same story many times, usually it is a dead beat gold digging new wife that remarries and siphons cash from the hubby.

She can do whatever she wants with her money. I would try to invite her to make a contribution to a trust or fund for your kids and then walk away. She can do as she pleases with the money she has and there likely isn’t any good that’s going to come out of trying to pressure your ex-wife on how she spends her money. 

A little background story, my ex had an affair with my son's soccer coach 3 years ago so she moved out.  The guy has nothing to his name and my ex and I (mostly me) made a lot of good financial  decisions over the years so we're both well off,  I've made several attempts over the years to get her to put money into a trust for the kids where I would match her dollar for dollar with no success.  I found out this weekend from my kids who live with me full time that she is getting married on Saturday and that the beat guy was pushing to get married.  I called her to offer congrats then asked if she has made any financial arrangements for the kids future.  She said that a pre-nuptial was signed but I'm still concerned dead beat will siphon $$.  I haven't done any research into pre-nups so interested if anyone has any experiences???         
When your kids were 20 and 18?  

You're a good guy/dad to even be thinking about this. Happy belated father's day from Nipsey on the internet.

Agreed but I'm hoping some of it or most go our kids when everything is over vs. dead beat spending it down or his kids getting it.     
Gotta let it go. You have absolutely no control over any of this. Frankly, it’s none of your business.


Yesterday, my ex-wife took drove four hours RT to visit my uncle in the hospital. He had gall bladder surgery last week, will be discharged tomorrow - but you just never know how these things will go for an 80 year old. He’s the last of his generation; the other 17 aunts & uncles I grew up with, as well as my parents, are all gone. I don’t think she has seen him in 20 years, but they got along great when we were married. But she did it mostly because 1) it was the right thing to do, and 2) it was an opportunity to teach our 20 y.o. a valuable life lesson. My son will be a senior at Michigan Tech this fall and I’m thrilled he was able to spend some time with him. Uncle Fred is a retired doctor, great storyteller, very opinionated - he’s a piece of work, a real character, and I mean that in the most loving way.

My hope for all divorced FBGs is your ex- has as much class and decency as mine. We stay completely out of each other’s lives and always have (except to make visitation arrangements.) Once the divorce is final, you have ceded the right to speak into their life, and vice versa.


See if she would be willing to buy a life insurance policy for the expected amount of the estate, with the kids or a trust as the beneficiaries.  That way there would be an understanding that the deadbeat gets the house, cars, cash without a fight, and the kids get their expected inheritance. 

A little background story, my ex had an affair with my son's soccer coach 3 years ago so she moved out.  The guy has nothing to his name and my ex and I (mostly me) made a lot of good financial  decisions over the years so we're both well off,  I've made several attempts over the years to get her to put money into a trust for the kids where I would match her dollar for dollar with no success.  I found out this weekend from my kids who live with me full time that she is getting married on Saturday and that the beat guy was pushing to get married.  I called her to offer congrats then asked if she has made any financial arrangements for the kids future.  She said that a pre-nuptial was signed but I'm still concerned dead beat will siphon $$.  I haven't done any research into pre-nups so interested if anyone has any experiences???         
This whole post was just to throw in the bolded #humbleBrag, wasn't it?  WASN'T IT?!

Anyway, the answer here is to sleep with your daughter's soccer coach....I think.

Think I would spend more time teaching my adult children the value of hard work, spending money wisely, and saving money and worry  less about my ex 

Agreed but I'm hoping some of it or most go our kids when everything is over vs. dead beat spending it down or his kids getting it.     
Gotta let it go. You have absolutely no control over any of this. Frankly, it’s none of your business.


Yesterday, my ex-wife took drove four hours RT to visit my uncle in the hospital. He had gall bladder surgery last week, will be discharged tomorrow - but you just never know how these things will go for an 80 year old. He’s the last of his generation; the other 17 aunts & uncles I grew up with, as well as my parents, are all gone. I don’t think she has seen him in 20 years, but they got along great when we were married. But she did it mostly because 1) it was the right thing to do, and 2) it was an opportunity to teach our 20 y.o. a valuable life lesson. My son will be a senior at Michigan Tech this fall and I’m thrilled he was able to spend some time with him. Uncle Fred is a retired doctor, great storyteller, very opinionated - he’s a piece of work, a real character, and I mean that in the most loving way.

My hope for all divorced FBGs is your ex- has as much class and decency as mine. We stay completely out of each other’s lives and always have (except to make visitation arrangements.) Once the divorce is final, you have ceded the right to speak into their life, and vice versa.


A little background story, my ex had an affair with my son's soccer coach 3 years ago so she moved out.  The guy has nothing to his name and my ex and I (mostly me) made a lot of good financial  decisions over the years so we're both well off,  I've made several attempts over the years to get her to put money into a trust for the kids where I would match her dollar for dollar with no success.  I found out this weekend from my kids who live with me full time that she is getting married on Saturday and that the beat guy was pushing to get married.  I called her to offer congrats then asked if she has made any financial arrangements for the kids future.  She said that a pre-nuptial was signed but I'm still concerned dead beat will siphon $$.  I haven't done any research into pre-nups so interested if anyone has any experiences???         
she gone, move on, not your problem

A little background story, my ex had an affair with my son's soccer coach 3 years ago so she moved out.  The guy has nothing to his name and my ex and I (mostly me) made a lot of good financial  decisions over the years so we're both well off,  I've made several attempts over the years to get her to put money into a trust for the kids where I would match her dollar for dollar with no success.  I found out this weekend from my kids who live with me full time that she is getting married on Saturday and that the beat guy was pushing to get married.  I called her to offer congrats then asked if she has made any financial arrangements for the kids future.  She said that a pre-nuptial was signed but I'm still concerned dead beat will siphon $$.  I haven't done any research into pre-nups so interested if anyone has any experiences???         
Your kids soccer coach.  Godalmighty that is just wrong.  Hopefully he is not coaching anymore.

Your kids soccer coach.  Godalmighty that is just wrong.  Hopefully he is not coaching anymore.
The sad answer is yes.  He was fired for the above plus verbal/physical abuse then got another HS varsity HC job since our system doesn't allow previous employers to say anything. 

The sad answer is yes.  He was fired for the above plus verbal/physical abuse then got another HS varsity HC job since our system doesn't allow previous employers to say anything. 
Unbelievable.  Hopefully the kid whos coach it was hasn't been mentally screwed up too much from this.  They will realize he is a loser sooner than later and unfortunately their mother will likely become their burden one day.

Kids are 23 and 21.   I realize there's a limit to my involvement but want to advise ex now rather then 20 years from now when potentially all the money is gone.
sooooooo your kids were adults even when she moved out initially ? 

...... Stop worrying about what she is doing and just prepare the best you can for your kids future , by yourself.

If you were willing to match her "dollar for dollar" for a trust for your kids hopefully you were doing this on your own as well.

I've seen my fair share of people who think their ex is dating a loser.  Often times it turns out that the person thinking that has a skewed view of the person their ex is boning. 

I know, unbelievable! 

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I've seen my fair share of people who think their ex is dating a loser.  Often times it turns out that the person thinking that has a skewed view of the person their ex is boning. 

I know, unbelievable! 
My guess is dead beat soccer coach has some washboard abs. 

A little background story, my ex had an affair with my son's soccer coach 3 years ago so she moved out.  The guy has nothing to his name and my ex and I (mostly me) made a lot of good financial  decisions over the years so we're both well off,  I've made several attempts over the years to get her to put money into a trust for the kids where I would match her dollar for dollar with no success.  I found out this weekend from my kids who live with me full time that she is getting married on Saturday and that the beat guy was pushing to get married.  I called her to offer congrats then asked if she has made any financial arrangements for the kids future.  She said that a pre-nuptial was signed but I'm still concerned dead beat will siphon $$.  I haven't done any research into pre-nups so interested if anyone has any experiences???         
I think you were on the right track with using a trust, but it sounds like you were asking her to part with some of her money now by using an irrevocable trust in favor of the kids.  I would suggest trying to convince her to put ALL the targeted wealth into a revocable trust with her as the trustee.  This way she does not "give up" any of her money now.  There is no gift.  But if she dies, the trust becomes irrevocable and the successor trustee would have to manage trust funds according to the trust instrument.  That trust instrument would name your kids as beneficiary.  I think this would accomplish what  you want but would allow the ex-wife to feel secure that she still has all her money to use however she sees fit while she is still alive.  

Of course, you could also use a revocable trust to protect your assets from probate if and when you die....   

The kids were adults the whole time this was going on?   Totally confused why the ex has to worry about leaving them a pile of money just because you want too?  Hell she might figure screw it, you're going to leave them plenty anyways, I am spending mine and enjoying life.   Plus she was smart enough to sign a prenup.   Let it go and move on, nothing you can do....

I believe my ex-wife moved 5,000 miles away and married a stoner / surfer dude in Hawaii almost half her age (and the age of of children). Exes are going to do what they are going to do, so other than conveying an opinion to the ex-wife , there really isn't a whole lot you can do about it.
is your ex Male or female because they sound bad ###. 

Yeah, OK. You're still angry at your ex and you're masking it under the guise of wanting to create a trust for your kids.
Not really.   I even offered to put 2x what she put in.  We (ex and I) worked hard our entire lives and I think it belongs with our kids vs someone that doesn’t deserve any of it.  Besides trusts help preserve financial assets for the next generation.  Stay classy....

Not really.   I even offered to put 2x what she put in.  We (ex and I) worked hard our entire lives and I think it belongs with our kids vs someone that doesn’t deserve any of it.  Besides trusts help preserve financial assets for the next generation.  Stay classy....
How old are both of you?

Right now just take the 2X and put that in a trust for your kids if you want so you are covered on your end.  Your ex can do whatever she wants with her money as it seems she worked had and saved as well.

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