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FFA Movie Poll - 1989 It's snail paced Countdown Monday!! (1 Viewer)

#17  100pts


It's true. The last time I was inside a woman was when I visited the Statue of Liberty.

so poor...

A few words for the people here in germen's cine club: The worst crap ever seen on this honorable cinema. A very poor script, a very bad actors, and a very bad movie. Don't waste your time looking this movie, see the very good "mutantes verdes fritos anarquia radioactiva", or any movie have been good commented by me. Say no more.

That is at least 10 spots too high

Well, #### - I guess there was a tie here, too.  

#14  115pts


Where does he get those wonderful toys?

A Tim Burton flop

Tim Burton has commented that he wouldn't be caught dead reading a comic book.....and this movie (which is based on a comic book character)shows that. This movie and Burton's other batmans show his complete misunderstanding/ignorance of the whole Batman verse and his pathetic attempt to "Burtonize" it. It seems to him that near anyone can put on a costume and go from "regular Joe" to a caped crusader. Come to think of it, Burton described Bruce Wayne as a "regular guy" that becomes something else when he dons this costume. Bruce Wayne a regular guy??? He saw he parents murdered in front of him as a kid, rules an industry empire and is driven by his darker half to become a masked vigilante that swings from skyscrapers to fight crime. Tim Burton really, really needs to stick to his claymation type movies of weirdness because he has NO talent for an action movie & in-depth character like Batman. I pity Michael Keaton for getting stuck with a director like Burton for this movie.


#13  118pts


What I really want to do with my life - what I want to do for a living - is I want to be with your daughter. I'm good at it.


This film turned out to be a big disappointment. They hype said it was an underrated gem from the 1980s. Instead it's a very slow, flat film. Yes it's more classy than it's Brat Pack predecessors, but nothing happens. Some very dull teenagers go to a party. There's no plot, tension or chemistry.

Check out "Singles" for Crowe at his best, and virtually everything Cusack has done since.


#13  118pts


What I really want to do with my life - what I want to do for a living - is I want to be with your daughter. I'm good at it.


This film turned out to be a big disappointment. They hype said it was an underrated gem from the 1980s. Instead it's a very slow, flat film. Yes it's more classy than it's Brat Pack predecessors, but nothing happens. Some very dull teenagers go to a party. There's no plot, tension or chemistry.

Check out "Singles" for Crowe at his best, and virtually everything Cusack has done since.

I should've ranked this higher. Great movie.

Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)

[Rudd fires at Riggs, hitting him several times. Riggs falls, writhing in pain. Arjen's gun clicks empty. Roger aims at him]

Roger Murtaugh: [shouting] DROP IT, ARJEN RUDD! 

Martin Riggs: [weakly] Rog... 

Arjen Rudd: [holds up his wallet] Diplomatic immunity. 

[Roger slowly rolls his head on his neck, takes aim, and fires - his bullet goes through Rudd's wallet, and then his head]

Roger Murtaugh: It's just been revoked!


And don't forget Patsy Kensit

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I should've ranked this higher. Great movie.
I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.

#12  135pts 


I'll get all the sleep I need when I'm dead.

Holy cheese, Patrick!

Wow, was this something or was it something?

I'm speechless, I really can't believe that "Road House" was actually taken seriously at the time of it's release. I mean it has nothing, not a darn thing going for it. Except TONS of unintentional comedy provided mostly by the all around terrible supporting cast and then Mr. Mullets himself.

Swayze claims that he has studied martial arts and made this movie for "guys to enjoy his fighting skills". I'm no expert, but neither is old Patrick: Slow kicks - and only able to do them with his right leg, stupid looking posing in WHITE THIGHTS... What else? Of yes. The bad guy looks like the green insect from Walt Disney pictures, Marshall Teaque is making an ### out of himself with his little denim -thing and bear tooth ear ring, then there is this fat guy who sports the brown shades and cowboy boots. Whoa. If there ever will be a live action version of "South Park" - here's your Cartman. And then finally. The slogan that has no equal in even the cheesiest Chuck Norris/Seagal/VanDamme - movie posters. I don't remember it word to word, but it practically makes Swayze's Dalton sound like THE BADDEST Mother who's ever captured on celluloid. Trust me, he ain't.


Is Lethal Weapon the one where Danny Glover has a fishing boat? If so, I've been fishing in that actual boat with the director. That is all.

Born on the 4th of July was ranked appropriately IMHO.  It was good, but not as great as the liberal media made it out to be at the time of its release.


#11/#10  140pts


#### off.

If you work with me, I'll help you say "#### off" more clearly.

Boring and unimpressive.

I was utterly disappointed by this movie. I had read some of the other reviews here and had much higher expectations. I expected a drama with more intense character development. But that never happens in the movie. Daniel-Day Lewis is a good actor, but not as good as some reviewers here would have us believe. I tought he repeated the same set of 4 or 5 movements in the movie. I would rate his performance 6 out of 10.

Acting: 6 out of 10 Direction is 5 out of 10. Script is the worst: 2 out of 10.

I deleted the movie from my DVR at 70 mins. into the movie. Much better movies out there than this...



Whoa. Y'all take a chill. You got to cool that #### off. And that's the double-truth, Ruth.

Spike Lee's contempt for white America on display

I would not go so far to say this movie is terrible. I would say it is self-important, immature, obvious, and overwhelmingly one-sided. it seems Spike Lee does not believe there are any white people alive who are not either stupid, racist, phony, or downright evil. The movie chronicles a hot summer day in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. It's actually remarkably easy to be robbed, beaten within an inch of your life, and left for dead in that area. But you would never guess it to watch this movie. The residents are all merely misunderstood, mistreated and put upon. The only crime that exists is "phony crime",...crime that the white man forces the inhabitants to commit. The police are corrupt racists. A riot may occur, people may be beaten, stores may be burned - but that's only because this is such a horrible racist society. There's a white character (Danny Aiello) who one might think at first is a decent person, but don't be fooled - he's just a closet racist. He patronizes blacks and has desires for Spike Lee's teenage sister. One of his sons is a weak simpleton, the other is the "evil" brand of white racist. It is such a tragedy that good and evil, black and white, must exist side by side in an environment where the evil is empowered (the police, the storeowner with money/capital/power) to make the lives of the good (the black) so much worse. But c'est la vie,..Spike doesn't mess with fantasy, only with reality. And his reality is black and white. It is in fact fantasy, and pure propaganda, but Hollywood loves it.


I gotta say - I really liked the list when I initially looked at this year.  There's a lot of fun stuff.   

That said, we are going to have to try pretty hard to have a worse top 5 for a year than what I am going to reveal for this one....

I gotta say - I really liked the list when I initially looked at this year.  There's a lot of fun stuff.   

That said, we are going to have to try pretty hard to have a worse top 5 for a year than what I am going to reveal for this one....
So no Dekalog?

#9  145pts


It's not easy being a cast-iron #####. It takes discipline, and years of training... A lot of people don't appreciate that.

Kind of boring

Mr. Cameron is fond of portraying military people as somehow vacuous and monstrous at the same time, as in "Avatar," where he drives the point home with a vengeance. He gets another golden opportunity at military-bashing here, and his fans probably won't be disappointed. I, for one, got tired very quickly of the characters constantly yelling at and bickering with each other. None of them are particularly likable, especially the female lead. The constant efforts by the female lead's "ex" to make her like him again grow equally tiresome. As a subplot his obsession ends up overshadowing the rest of the story-line. The special effects in this film received a lot of critical praise, but by now they look a bit dated and predictable. Worse yet, they're simply too cutesy to be taken seriously. There were times when I thought I detected the telltale influence of Spielberg in this movie -- and I don't mean that as a compliment.


#8  180pts


Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K.

Bad Trip

I wasn't surprised with what I saw. This takes one gag--insanely idiotic guys--and beats it to death by having them display their ineptness through history. A few 80s movies tried this after 'Back to the Future', none lasted because they didn't understand the context.

Here we have two Biffs and no Doc to run the show. The historical figures themselves aren't interesting because they rely on the stereotypes we have in our minds. 'Kid in King Arthur's Court' also had these problems. There was so much potential here, so why did it fail?

I found the sequel more interesting because it explored the darker philosophical territory of life, death, etc. rather than simple textbook journeys like this. There was also the heavy duality motif that's absent here.

There are some good points like the self-referential Incest Joke. The writers improved on this the second time around, but it's pretty deep stuff for a light movie. Also, there's the irony of Keanu. From airhead to Messiah, that's society in a nutshell.

The music, vocabulary, and production design are throwaways. Fortunately, the writers had another chance with better crew to set things straight--and to Hell, literally, with nostalgia.

I liked sequel self-reference of 'Bogus Journey' to the history-bashing here. From there came 'Wayne's World' and Beavis & Butt-Head, two icons of early 90s culture.

Final Analysis = = Cinematic Dud


Gotta love the Abyss cracking the top 10...solid flick.  I think I like every movie Ed Harris has ever done...big Harris fan.

#7  228pts


Where do you think you're going? Nobody's leaving. Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no. We're all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here. We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny ####### Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white ### down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of #######s this side of the nuthouse.

Chevy Chase Christmas Disaster Jolt

I'm a noteworthy Chevy Chase fan. Not a huge fan, but noteworthy. I'm 34 and have somehow managed to never see this flick. So when I jumped on Amazon to purchase a slew of Christmas movies this year, and ran across this "hidden jewel", I was very excited. Lots of good feedback on it.

This has got to be the poorest performance of Chase's career. He completely coasted through all the witless dialogue. It was as if someone wrote the script over the weekend. The bloopers are very obvious, and the jokes are antiquated even for the 80s. The sets, or lack thereof, were so drab that I think they intentionally threw in the Nicolette Scorcese scenes just to distract us as much as the main character. The only actor who showed an ounce of spark was Randy Quaid, but his character was so redneck and purile that it was hard to like him.

1989 was an earlier era in filmaking, a more innocent time when shoestring budgets and obvious comedy were more invisible to the viewer. It's possible I could have found this amusing if I'd caught it in it's hayday, and subsequently relegated the film to cherished memory of yester decade status. But unfortunately, I saw it for the first, and now last, time tonight. This disk is a coaster.


I gotta say - I really liked the list when I initially looked at this year.  There's a lot of fun stuff.   

That said, we are going to have to try pretty hard to have a worse top 5 for a year than what I am going to reveal for this one....
Yeah it is deep but not top heavy. Two of the best films are already off the board (C&M, Do the Right Thing).

#6  233pts


We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.

Oy. Be open-minded, think like me!

I hate this movie. It tells the story of a English professor who makes an an impact on his student and challenges them to take on the "man" , in this case their private school. The problem is that the teacher is treated as a angel who can do no wrong, even when he encourages his students to rip out pages of a book because he didn't agree with the author's opinions. "Be open-minded, unless you disagree with a person." seems to be be his message.

The movie is heavy handed. All of the people who dislike the teacher are members of the "oppressive" leadership of the school, with the exception of the turncoat student who, as another reviewer points out, is given lines that make him look like a Neo-Nazi. Everyone who likes the teacher is good everyone who disagrees bad. Sorry the world does not work that way, sometimes bad people support good leaders, and vice versa. Don't fall for the filmmakers' tricks. This movie is not inspirational , it is deceiving, and overbearing with it's supposed message of freedom.


#5  249pts


I'll have what she's having.

Simply dreadful

Sorry, but someone's got to say it ... this movie is dreadful! Perhaps I don't have the right to pass judgement since I only managed to sit through about half of it, but I can't stand seeing all these 5 star eulogies and no-one putting the case for the prosecution.

Meg Ryan, probably the most irritating actress to have (dis-)graced the big screen, had already perfected her cutesy/dippy persona to such an extent that five minutes exposure was enough to send the less hardened of us gibbering from the room. Even fifteen years later, I'm finding it difficult to cope with the trauma of having been shut in a darkened cinema with 'that performance'.

As for the 'memorable dialogue' - it's possible I've blanked it out to protect myself, but I certainly couldn't repeat any of it now. Or even a minute after I left the building. Apart, of course, from the 'hilariously' original orgasm scene. Aaaagh! To give you a little context, I generally don't much like Hollywood movies - but I don't slate them all. This really is poor.

Oh! And by the way ... it's boring!!! Well, there it is. I'm glad to get that off my chest!


If you like Woody Allen, it’s a must. Even if you don’t care for Woody, it’s one of his best movies and lease “Woody Allen-esque” films.
I have a running list of movies from these polls that I didn't get to for the vote, but probably should, and I did put this one on it. 

#4  253pts


If you build it, he will come.

He was growing something more than just corn...

I won't say that this was the worst movie I have ever seen, because there are sure a lot of stinkers. However this seems to be the worst well reviewed movie. A lot of people thought it was great; I just found it to be moronic. The reluctant corn farmer (played by Kevin Costner) hears voices telling him to build a baseball field in his corn field. He somehow is able to obtain the lights and necessary equipment to do so. Don't even try to make sense of any of the logic in this movie - there isn't any. Once the field is built a bunch of ghost baseball players come out of the cornfields to play ball. However only a few people (probably those who have used LSD) can see them.

Through it all despite the fact that his loss of cropland used to build this ball is going to cause the them to lose the farm Costner grinds on with steely resolve. Farmer Costner's wife played by some actress that I thankfully have never seen before.) supports him all the way with a kind of annoying perkiness and pluck that she must have learned from watching tapes of Kathy Lee Gifford and Katie Couric. As this ludicrous farce progresses Costner drives off to pick up a washed-up hippy author played by James Earl Jones. The character of Jones has nothing to do with the plot of the movie but apparently those who made it just wanted him in the movie. Costner and Jones then pick up the ghost of a ball player turned doctor (played by Burt Lancaster.) Lancaster loved being a doctor but always regretted giving up playing ball now he has a second chance until he save Costners daughter from choking on a hot-dog. She was accidentally pushed off the bleachers by the farmers evil banker brother-in-law who has come to foreclose on the farm's mortgage. Once Lancaster has become a doctor to save the child's life he can no longer play ball. As I wrote before don't even try to figure out this. films logic. Everything ends well however since there are cares lined up in front of the farm to pay 20 dollars to watch ghosts play baseball. the ghost of Costner's character's father, a one time ball player then shows up to play catch with his son - Oh how sweet! The best thing about the movie was that it finally ended. Do not watch this piece of garbage.


#3  254pts


Nazis. I hate these guys.

cynical cash-in of the worst variety

Messy, even ridiculous, tribute to the James Bond films of the 1960s, and a disastrous finale to the original Indiana Jones series.

Like the locations, the plot is all over the map. Well, sure adventure films should travel the globe easily - but there ought to be a reason for it. The clues leading to the final discovery really have nothing to do with one another, are forced into patterns that really make no sense, and are simply used as excuses to drag the characters from England to Germany to Italy to Egypt - well, eventually, we loose track of just where.

Ford and Connery ham it up something fierce. The sets look like sets. The cinematography is second rate. The editing is competent and not much else. Spielberg seems to have fallen asleep in the director's chair quite a bit ("uh, are we making a movie? why didn't you wake me up?") The ending: pseudo-Christian pseudo-Mystical blather, not at all in keeping with any Christian mythos or morality, and dependent on B-movie puzzle solving, pratfalls, and cliff-hanging that utterly debase the mythic references to cheap rumors about possible gods.

This is cynical cash-in of the worst variety; stay away.


#3  254pts

My #1 for this year, I've actually been to Petra Jordan as well as Venice Italy partially because of my love for the Last Crusade.

Easily my favorite franchise and actually had a big influence on me as a kid. I've now visited 43 countries in large part due to movies like this one that inspired me to travel the world.

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#2  270pts


Give 'em Hell, 54!

Heavy-Handed, Emotional War Story

Here's another one of those films I really, really liked on the first go-round and was very disappointed on the second look years later. Maybe, by the second viewing after I had watched thousands of movies since first seeing this, I just got tired of the "race issue." Yeah, I am sure black people had to get treated with little respect back in the Civil War days, as well as many other days until recent decades, but I don't need to be shown the evil white man for two straight hours. We get the point earlier on and it doesn't need to hammered over and over and over. Denzel Washington, as great an actor as he is, seems to specialize in race-issue movies. He and Spike Lee need to move on. In this movie, every Caucasion but one (played by Matthew Broderick) is a racist bad-guy. Enough said.


Yeah it is deep but not top heavy. Two of the best films are already off the board (C&M, Do the Right Thing).
Yeah, and it seems like a good number of respected movies that did not even make the cutoff, assuming the two left are what I think... Driving Miss Daisy, Henry V, Sex, Lies, and Videotape, and Fabulous Baker Boys (my favorite first watch for this poll) for a few.

#1  277pts


Just a reminder, fans, comin' up is our "Die-hard Night" here at the stadium. Free admission to anyone who was actually alive the last time the Indians won a pennant.

'Major League' Anti-Christian Bias

Being a big baseball fan, I was anxious to see this movie. I did enjoy parts of it and got laughs out of Charlie "Wild Thing" Sheen's character as well as a few others. It was nice to see the poor Cleveland Indians wind up winners, too.

But, in addition to being a fan of the game, I am a Christian, too, and the bias against my faith in this movie was disgusting. Had they done this to any other group, I suspect you would have heard an uproar over it.....but Christians are fair game in the film world. Here, the dumbest and most annoying player on the team, of course, is the "religious" guy, "Eddie Harris," played cartoon-ishly by Chelcie Ross. He is pictured as a "nutcase" and a guy nobody likes. On the other hand we have the very likable voodoo-believing Latin American player. His superstitions are given great credence, naturally, with the voodoo actually being something that has real spiritual power. In the end, even Harris starts believing in them! Puh-leeze.

This film is one of the worst examples of Hollywood's prejudice you'll ever see. It's also sad comment that no one else here points this out.


Yeah, and it seems like a good number of respected movies that did not even make the cutoff, assuming the two left are what I think... Driving Miss Daisy, Henry V, Sex, Lies, and Videotape, and Fabulous Baker Boys (my favorite first watch for this poll) for a few.
Figured this would be the year that the Best Picture winner doesn’t makes the list. It didn’t deserve the Oscar but it’s worth a spot on our list though. 

Yeah, and it seems like a good number of respected movies that did not even make the cutoff, assuming the two left are what I think... Driving Miss Daisy, Henry V, Sex, Lies, and Videotape, and Fabulous Baker Boys (my favorite first watch for this poll) for a few.
Barely missed the cut.  If I wasn't so lazy and I took the cutoff to 50 those two and another movie would have been on the countdown.

I am spent, tipsy, and want to get in a couple episodes of my new TV show obsession before I pass out. I will post the rest of the movies that got votes, start the 1992 thread, and post the next year tomorrow.  


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