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Game of Thrones, tv only, books don't exist, no backstory...NERDS already ruining a series that hasn't started (2 Viewers)

Starks win the Battle of the Bastards, with the Vale swooping in at the end to turn the tide.  Ramsay is captured and dies gloriously, possibly by Sansa.

Greyjoys (Theon and his sister) flee to seek out Daenarys and give her their ships.

White Walkers finally make it to the wall and bring it down, thus ending season 6 with them climbing over the crumbled wall and going south to wreak havoc.

Just my 2 cents...

You know one thing that has really bothered me?  The Dorne story line and how they handled it this season.  It was clear they stopped showing us Dorne scenes due to audience #####ing about it.  But they had the sand snakes over throw and kill their uncle for NOT doing anything? Only to then spend an entire season... not doing anything.  I get that it wasn't getting good reception from the audience, but why not just end it with Mycella being killed and then just not show Dorne again.  That could have been the conclusion to Dorne there.
Because they need more scenes of "the most beautiful woman in the world".

I must say I was disappointed with what direction the Arya story went.  I really thought she would go through with training and end up back in Westeros, and take Cersei out herself, maybe even The Mountain (last two on her "list"?), while in someone else's face.
She now has assassin training, but no is longer obligated to serve the Faceless Men or the Many-Faced God. Something tells me she's planning on using her skills to work on her list, but in true GOT fashion, won't complete it.

Another random thought from rewatching the series.  Has anyone ever made a shirt that has a picture of the Hound on it with the caption "#### the King"?  I'd buy one.  

Man anyone predicting a Littlefinger death is crazy imo. Are you paying attention? The entire show has been about proxy battle for Westeros between Varys and Littlefinger, they both started almost every plotline going right now in one way or another and still have their shady fingers in everything. 

And? They are the catalysts behind every big thing since the pilot episode, and their behind-the-scenes machinations are exactly what makes them such good (and important) characters. Its way too early for either one to die, is all I'm saying. 
Plenty of important people have died I this series

And? They are the catalysts behind every big thing since the pilot episode, and their behind-the-scenes machinations are exactly what makes them such good (and important) characters. Its way too early for either one to die, is all I'm saying. 
You could say the same thing about Ned.

Martin's a guy who enjoys flipping or blowing up convention, not everything's necessarily going to wind up nice and tidy in the end. If anyone can get it at any time, I think that makes for much more compelling storytelling.

Plenty of important people have died I this series
Its not about being "important", which is an arbitrary definition. 

Varys and Littlefinger are the main characters actually playing the "game of thrones". They are the puppet masters driving the entire show and have been since the beginning. Its easy to forget because we get so caught up in the characters and their individual motivations, but they're all playing a game that was setup and begun by Littlefinger and Varys.

I don't think we lose either this long before the end of the series. This might as well be their show, we just happen to spend a lot more time enjoying the results of their work than directly observing them.

You could say the same thing about Ned.

Martin's a guy who enjoys flipping or blowing up convention, not everything's necessarily going to wind up nice and tidy in the end. If anyone can get it at any time, I think that makes for much more compelling storytelling.
Nah, Ned is exactly the type of main character you kill. He was reactionary, and he got played by Littlefinger and Varys more than maybe anyone else, ironically. 

I think of it like Varys and Littlefinger sitting on opposite sides of a chess board, white and black. Any major character whose death you would consider to be on the same level as them or even greater, I would argue was just another piece on their game board, one way or another.

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Its not about being "important", which is an arbitrary definition. 

Varys and Littlefinger are the main characters actually playing the "game of thrones". They are the puppet masters driving the entire show and have been since the beginning. Its easy to forget because we get so caught up in the characters and their individual motivations, but they're all playing a game that was setup and begun by Littlefinger and Varys.

I don't think we lose either this long before the end of the series. This might as well be their show, we just happen to spend a lot more time enjoying the results of their work than directly observing them.
I feel that now that Varys is on the side of Dany and Littlefinger seems to be teaming up with the Starks, this whole thing may come down to Targaryen vs. Stark in the end. Most people predict that Jon and Dany will team up against the White Walkers, but I have a feeling it is not going to be that predictable. Fire vs. Ice. 

I feel that now that Varys is on the side of Dany and Littlefinger seems to be teaming up with the Starks, this whole thing may come down to Targaryen vs. Stark in the end. Most people predict that Jon and Dany will team up against the White Walkers, but I have a feeling it is not going to be that predictable. Fire vs. Ice. 
Its a Song of Ice and Fire - nothing about Ice v. Fire

I feel that now that Varys is on the side of Dany and Littlefinger seems to be teaming up with the Starks, this whole thing may come down to Targaryen vs. Stark in the end. Most people predict that Jon and Dany will team up against the White Walkers, but I have a feeling it is not going to be that predictable. Fire vs. Ice. 
I don't think we know the full motivations or plans of either of them, but I'd be surprised if Littlefinger stuck with anyone but himself. He wants to end up on top of the heap, by any means necessary. Varys wants what he thinks is best for the realm, or so we are led to believe. Either way, I'm not sure it plays out like you think or that the title of the series (which they've never mentioned or used on the show) is going to be any major foreshadowing beyond the obvious dragons vs. white walkers.

Its a Song of Ice and Fire - nothing about Ice v. Fire
OK. I don't think I said it did.

I don't think we know the full motivations or plans of either of them, but I'd be surprised if Littlefinger stuck with anyone but himself. He wants to end up on top of the heap, by any means necessary. Varys wants what he thinks is best for the realm, or so we are led to believe. Either way, I'm not sure it plays out like you think or that the title of the series (which they've never mentioned or used on the show) is going to be any major foreshadowing beyond the obvious dragons vs. white walkers.
I guess I'm just hoping that it is a little more interesting than a typical the whole world bands together to save civilization storyline. But after the past two episodes of Arya's plot progression, I may be over-thinking. But there are a lot of theories out there based on the fact that in GRRM's world "good" and "evil" can be subjective and the end game may not be the obvious. It seems likely that the Night's King was of the Stark lineage, and the Children of the Forest's motivation for creating them was not "evil". And I am starting to feel like the story is moving in a direction where Dany is not necessarily "good". Her speech to the Dothraki was pretty unsettling and if they team up with the Sand Snakes, the Targ side becomes significantly less rootable. Jon likely being a mix of both (Stark and Targ) and having to make a choice would be an interesting plot development. I guess I'm just expecting the end game to be a bit more complex and nuanced than just the world vs. the bad guys. I mean the guy has written thousands of pages and taken 20 years and still can't seem to finish the story for it just to be a typical the world vs. the bad guys ending. 

Just hypothesizing. Obviously no one knows where this is going. 

Yeah, I'm with you. What I wonder is if the confrontation with the white walkers really is the end all of the series, and then we get some follow up...or does that happen earlier than we think, and we get a lot of post-WW invasion story. Or do the white walkers win for a while and push everyone south until Dany comes with the dragons? Could go lots of different directions, but there are plenty of characters who will still put their own selfish aspirations above the realm even if it seems obvious that they should be uniting against an invading army of the dead, so that should keep it interesting regardless.

I mean the guy has written thousands of pages and taken 20 years and still can't seem to finish the story for it just to be a typical the world vs. the bad guys ending. 

Just hypothesizing. Obviously no one knows where this is going. 
Or, the guy was great at creating a world and miserable at tying it up. He wouldn't be the first.

Nah, Ned is exactly the type of main character you kill. He was reactionary, and he got played by Littlefinger and Varys more than maybe anyone else, ironically. 

I think of it like Varys and Littlefinger sitting on opposite sides of a chess board, white and black. Any major character whose death you would consider to be on the same level as them or even greater, I would argue was just another piece on their game board, one way or another.
That's kind of the trade they ply, but neither are out-and-out the most powerful people in the world.

And even then, anyone can die. To hold them as omnipotent somehow goes against the grain of what Martin's set up.

That's kind of the trade they ply, but neither are out-and-out the most powerful people in the world.

And even then, anyone can die. To hold them as omnipotent somehow goes against the grain of what Martin's set up.
Oh, I agree in general. I just think story-wise, they haven't reached their end game yet. Martin has definitely created a world where either could die at any time, and Varys especially has not been much of a heavy-hitter lately imo. I just don't think their power struggle in the shadows is close to over yet.

T-Minus ~45 min.

As I said earlier to some friends of mine this is going to be a pivotal episode.  This will be the one that makes everyone remember what makes this show so great and really kick the anticipation for the final 16 shows into high gear, or it will be remembered as the episode where everything came unglued.

im very optimistic 


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