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I'm scared the Giants put it all together tonight. Or at least win on some big plays.

Still taking Chicago 30-24. But would not be surprised to see an upset. Eli to Cruz and Nicks can do major damage on Chicago's DBs.

Jacobs gonna go off ... Just went to pick him up and missed the cutoff by a couple of seconds

My team has so many injured players that it doesn't matter who I start. My season is done so I picked up and started Scott. What difference does it make?

if this were the 4th quarter and Chi needed points, the officials probably would have thrown a flag on the defence there.

TNF football theme song is so lame...that chicks wig looks like Elvira from 80's
I was going to post the same thing....super lame with weak suace
We went from the only theme song being "are you ready for some football" to this.

We need to get our balls back.
the giants need their ball back oof
Read in Ren voice
Wait a minute we're talking about a two time superbowl winner.

Bears went for it figuring that, if they don't make it, Eli will give them the ball back anyway.

TNF football theme song is so lame...that chicks wig looks like Elvira from 80's
I was going to post the same thing....super lame with weak suace
We went from the only theme song being "are you ready for some football" to this.

We need to get our balls back.
the giants need their ball back oof
Read in Ren voice
Wait a minute we're talking about a two time superbowl winner.
I've been a Giants fan since the days of Tucker Fredrickson and Spider Lockhart, and this season's just painful, two rings or not. Nice run by Jacobs though.


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