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Giants week 17 (1 Viewer)


Coughlin came out and said they were playing to win this game. However, they are likely to sit anyone who is borderline injured.

Anyone with info regarding how long the starters play? Will there be a David Carr sighting?

With Jacobs possibly out, is Ward a good play? Or will Bradshaw and Ware get carries?

IMO.. Jacobs sits. Ward plays just enough to get 1000 yards, then sits.. then you see plenty of Bradshaw & Ware..

Very little if any of Jacobs.

The NY Post says Carr will get to drive slow in the driveway:


Manning will start against the Vikings, but Carr is expected to finish and he's excited to finally get an opportunity to break a sweat. His role has been to work on the scout team in practice to give the defense an accurate look at the next opponent and to support Manning.
.....and yet they'll still beat the vikings. Chicago beats the Texans, and wins the Norse!! not that i care, but hey it's possible. i wish we had a thursday and staurday game this week. would be a good week to have a bunch of meaningful games on primetime.

No. It sounds like they are playing to win the game with their starters who are healthy. So a guy like Toomer, Antonio Pearce, the o-line beside Mackenzie, Derrick Ward (I hope) will play as long as the game is in question. I liked this quote:

WR Amani Toomer on why the Giants should play to win against the Vikings: "They came into our stadium last year and embarrassed us (41-17). I don't think we should forget that."

I still think if Ward plays it just until he hits his 1000 yards being the primary backup to Jacobs they will need him in the playoffs.. JMO

No. It sounds like they are playing to win the game with their starters who are healthy. So a guy like Toomer, Antonio Pearce, the o-line beside Mackenzie, Derrick Ward (I hope) will play as long as the game is in question. I liked this quote:

WR Amani Toomer on why the Giants should play to win against the Vikings: "They came into our stadium last year and embarrassed us (41-17). I don't think we should forget that."
They are going to play to win the game... with the players that are on the field.The dynamic is very different this year vs. last year's week 17 game. This year the Giants have had proven success to themselves and to others yet are relatively banged up. I wouldn't count on any Giants fantasy wise this week for the strong possibility exists that key players relaxing for the second half.

I'd be surprised if the Giants starters play the whole game. You can say a lot of things in the media, but do you really want Eli standing in there taking shots from Allen and Williams all game long? I'm betting he starts, plays a few series and then we see Carr. Same with most of their important starters. It's a different situation this year as they aren't looking to prove anything to themselves. Plus, it's hard to carry momentum into the playoffs when you have a bye.


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