my day
Been working way too hard and long, so I decided to drive out to the country and buy some laying hens. Guy had 10 to sell me, so I am off to the west side of Elgin. Guy told to take the highway toward Bastrop, which I assumed was 21, but that was actually 17 miles past 95, that I had passed close to half an hour ago. I loop around and go back, only baout an hour late.
We go into his coop, stepping over the foot and a half fence at the bottom of the coop door, He uses some kind of big chicken net to snare thee hens and put them in the box, which lift up and carry off to the car. Forgetting the foot and a half fence in the doorway, that of course trips me. I go sprawling forward, holding the box in front of me nad it hits the ground, shortly followed by my chin that smacks onto the edge of it. My knees and elbows are skinned and I'm literally seeing stars. A few moments later I regain my senses and load the box in the back of the car. We repeat twice (both times with me standing safely outside the coop, safe from the nefarious threshold.
I get all three boxes loaded into the back of the car and to make sure they don't escape, I thorw a piece of memory foam on top of the boxes to hold the lid down. I thought I was being smart, since if I hit the brakes hard, the foam wouldn't fall off. I finally get home an hour later and back up to my coop to let the hens out and in the first box only two are alive, the other two dead. THe other two boxes each contain three dead chickens. They felt hot as hell. I guess their body heat with the memory foam on top just made them to hot and they all freaking died.
Now my wife's pissed and our friend staying with us is back in her bedroom crying.
Nice to have a few hours off on a Saturday afternoon...