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GM's thread about nothing (4 Viewers)

What's that quote about scouting high school players and how "it=info and there's no expires by date on it?"

I want to use that as my "resume" post to get into the survivor contest.
"It=Info" is an old shark pool line, I don't know where it originated. Here's the rest of that post.
Perfect, thanks. "It=info" was from some dude's sig where he was going on and on about how he has "it" and blah blah, and that at the end he had the little "it=info"

It was beautiful.
I'll take your word for it.
What's that quote about scouting high school players and how "it=info and there's no expires by date on it?"

I want to use that as my "resume" post to get into the survivor contest.
"It=Info" is an old shark pool line, I don't know where it originated. Here's the rest of that post.
Perfect, thanks. "It=info" was from some dude's sig where he was going on and on about how he has "it" and blah blah, and that at the end he had the little "it=info"

It was beautiful.
The poster was Family Matters.
Was this a driving crossing or were you flying? My parents have lived in Canada since I graduated high school and I have crossed the border many, many times both driving and flying and no one has every once looked into one of my bags.
Where to begin.....JTC and I were driving to Montreal from Saratoga Springs, where we both had a fabulous weekend at the track and wanted to blow our winnings, so to speak. I had maybe 2 grams of weed on me and stashed it in my suitcase. JTC got an inside tip that the border crossing off the main highway would be less time consuming to cross, so we steered to a small border town and attempted to cross.When we got to the gate, we encountered a young border guard who must have failed out of Mountie school because the chip on his shoulder was massive and he was going to make us pay for all the failure and childhood ridicule he must have endured in his short, pathetic little life. With a thick accent, he questioned us like a German Nazi and was completely and utterly blown away that a man from Oregon and a man from Mass were riding in a car together. He found that highly suspicious and when we told him we were internet friends who played fantasy football together, he forced us to park the car in his station house and wait.JTC was summoned into the guard house and was grilled by Frenchy LaRue for about 10 minutes. Next thing I know, Frenchy and JTC return and I'm being asked to step out of the car. From there, Frenchy has us open the trunk, grabs our bags and begins to rifle through them. Since I did about as good a job hiding my stash as a 2 year old playing hide and seek, he found it right away and began acting like he just found a nuclear bomb. "WHAT IS THEEES? IS THEEEES DRUGS? WHOSE DRUGS ARE THESE"?I raised my hand and owned up to it. Frenchy told me to lean up agains the wall and I could literally feel his hard on as he frisked me down. "Now I am going to ask you one veeeeeeery important question and you must tell me the truth or things will be very very bad for you. Are there ANY more drugs in theees car?""No, man. That's it. I have like a nugget of pot. I was going to toss it out and forgot. There's nothing else in the car"."WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL SEE ABOUT THAT!" :hot: So Frenchy goes through the rest of the car, getting angrier and angrier about finding nothing and finally stops to take me inside the processing center. He sits me down in a room all alone and starts to weigh the weed. This gorgeous girl who was unfortunate enough to work with deputy dog saw me and asked if I was okay. I said "Am I going to go to jail" and she laughed, smiled at me and said "For pot? No way, he's just going to weigh it to see what to do next. Don't worry". :wub: You could almost feel the anger building inside Frenchy as he weighed the contraband and found it to be way less than anything punishable by Canadian law. He took FOREVER to process everything and finally told us that JTC could go on to Montreal, but that I would have to stay behind until the morning. Great solution, Frenchy. You really showed me.After about an hour plus of this nonsense, we faced the dire reality that now we'd have to circle back through the border guards on the US side and tell them exactly what happened. JTC was honest and forthright and told them excatly what transpired, so they pulled us into their guard house, searched his car and grilled us. Like Frenchy, they thought it was perposterous that we were friends and found our story about fantasy football to be about as pathetic and sad as Woz dogsitting for his GF while she's off having sex with others. There were two of them and they basically laughed at us..."Look Russ - these guys have to make friends on the internet! Can you believe that?" :toilet: "No kidding, Gene. What a bag of dorks!" So they wasted another hour of our life, found nothing and set us on our way. By then, it was like 11pm and were hell and gone from any major city. JTC was lividly pissed and decided to just push through and drive back to Boston. That guy is freaking machine. I was spent, phsically and emotionally. I told him I was checking out and fully expected to wake up wrapped around a tree in Vermont, but he got us home. Had tickets for the Red Sox vs. Angels game the next day, so that was all good. But there's a part of me that always wonders what in the hell kind of trouble the two of us would have found in Montreal. We were riding high from winning cash, had plenty of Benjamins to burn on strippers and were essentially headbanging all the way up from Saratoga. This was a worse end to a great run than the Sopranos.
:bag:But ouch, that sucks. I've only been in and out of Canada twice, and never had any problems like this.
As long as we're exchanging near drug smuggling mishaps...Junior year in college and I am going to Australia over Christmas break with my family (mom is an Aussie and I have relatives there). I am meeting them there as I'm coming from good old Boulder and they are flying from Toronto.The day before I leave is the last day of finals and this is smack dab in the middle of the 4-5 year period where I was was stoned every waking moment of every day so I'm up all night college drinking and smoking and my buddy takes me to the airport at around 7 in the morning. On the way we smoke a giant Marley sized spliff just for good measure. I also think it would be cool to bring a small nugget of sticky icky and a bowl so that I can get high on the beach in Australia. I had been a couple years earlier and customs had been a breeze. I had also been carrying back and forth to Canada on home visits, including smuggling a Z in a bike tire one summer so I though of myself as one smooth operator.We have a couple hour layover in Honolulu and I'm checking out the airport and notice this open air garden right in the middle of the airport. It's the middle of the night and no one is around so I figure I'll pack a bowl and have myself a toke or two. This works out beautifully and now I have a nice buzz as I board my next flight to Sydney. Fast forward to landing and here I am deboarding - a 21 year old, unshowered, shaggy haired kid with a shirt that says Boulder and is emblazoned with stick figures around the bottom leaping and dancing around, :bag: and I'm sure I stunk of stale booze and pot. I enter the baggage area prior to going through customs and wait for my bag. While sitting there, what do I suddenly spy across the room? Customs agents walking around with a dog! My heart and stomach take off in different directions and my mind begins to scramble. I take the jacket that my weed and pipe are stuffed in and put them with my carry on by a row of seats. I then go stand about 50 yards away by the baggage carousel. I figure that if the dog identifies my stuff, I just won't claim it and be on my way.Unfortunately, I had been partying so hard before and during my trip that as the dog walked by me, he sat down and wagged his tail despite me not having anything on me at all! I begin to empty my pockets but the guys with the dog wave me off and continue to patrol the area. They never do identify my jacket and carry on but over the next few minutes as I look around the room, I see little clusters of customs agents begin to gather and whisper amongst themselves while looking at me.In a moment of lightning calculation and cool headedness that came out of nowhere, as soon as I see that I'm screwed, I get up, walk over to my ditched stuff, grab it and head into the bathroom. In seconds, I'm in a stall and flushing my nugget and pipe down the toilet. Seconds later the bathroom door enters and I hear a strong Aussie, "#######it!" before they exit.I spend the next few minutes repeatedly flushing the toilet as the pipe had become lodged in the trap and I could hear it rattle every time I flushed. Eventually, I decided it would have to do and I walk out of the bathroom where about 5 custom agents are standing. They don't do anything and I smile at them and go and collect my luggage and head to customs. I go through customs and they immediately begin to go through all my stuff. I had brought a little box of pine needle and pine cone potpourri for my grandmother and they immediately dumped that out and started going through it and confiscated it. They then tell me that they are going to need to speak to me "in the back" and escort me to a small group of rooms off the customs area where they proceed to strip search me, ask me to lift up my sack so they can look underneath, bend and spread my cheeks, the whole works. Luckily there was no body cavity search.After finding nothing, they bring in the big chief interrogator who immediately starts asking me where the drugs are and what I did with the drugs. I reply that I have no idea what he is talking about and he starts yelling, "Bull####! Why did you go to the bathroom right after the drug dog identified you?". I replied that I didn't know it was a drug dog and that when it sat in front of me I offered to start emptying my pockets then and there. I also told him that travelling gave me the runs and that's why I went to the bathroom. I offered up my skid mark stained boxers as Exhibit A for this defense. I also told him that I had smoked on my way to the airport in Colorado and that this may have caused my hands to become resinated and this is what the dog had identified.I don't think they bought it but there was nothing they could do so they released me along with a letter from the Australian government saying that they apologized for the strip search and that my brief detention was not an indication of any wrongdoing. I then grabbed a taxi to my grandmother's house which I'm pretty positive they tailed. I still wonder if they put her on some surveillance after that, following her to her lawn bowling on Wednesdays and listening in on her phone calls...Anyway, that was 20 years ago. I'm a respectable member of society now.
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What's that quote about scouting high school players and how "it=info and there's no expires by date on it?"

I want to use that as my "resume" post to get into the survivor contest.
"It=Info" is an old shark pool line, I don't know where it originated. Here's the rest of that post.
Perfect, thanks. "It=info" was from some dude's sig where he was going on and on about how he has "it" and blah blah, and that at the end he had the little "it=info"

It was beautiful.
The poster was Family Matters.
I'll always remember "if It=Info, then LHUCKS is full of shinfo."
lolGood story. :confused:You guys are bit of amateurs though. A long time ago I was with three of my buddies and we were going to a bar. Two of the guys were wanted by the law already and one had some serious stuff on him. Sure enough we get pulled over by the authorities. One cop come to my window and another cop goes to the passenger side and asks for our ID's. I was busy waving my hand trying to get the pot smoke out of the car and told him that he didn't need to see our ID's and my buddies weren't the guys they were looking for. He told the other cop we were cool and we were on our way. Aloha.
lolGood story. :confused:You guys are bit of amateurs though. A long time ago I was with three of my buddies and we were going to a bar. Two of the guys were wanted by the law already and one had some serious stuff on him. Sure enough we get pulled over by the authorities. One cop come to my window and another cop goes to the passenger side and asks for our ID's. I was busy waving my hand trying to get the pot smoke out of the car and told him that he didn't need to see our ID's and my buddies weren't the guys they were looking for. He told the other cop we were cool and we were on our way. Aloha.
"Move along."
lolGood story. :confused:You guys are bit of amateurs though. A long time ago I was with three of my buddies and we were going to a bar. Two of the guys were wanted by the law already and one had some serious stuff on him. Sure enough we get pulled over by the authorities. One cop come to my window and another cop goes to the passenger side and asks for our ID's. I was busy waving my hand trying to get the pot smoke out of the car and told him that he didn't need to see our ID's and my buddies weren't the guys they were looking for. He told the other cop we were cool and we were on our way. Aloha.
"Move along."
Yeah, that's what he said.
lolGood story. :cry:You guys are bit of amateurs though. A long time ago I was with three of my buddies and we were going to a bar. Two of the guys were wanted by the law already and one had some serious stuff on him. Sure enough we get pulled over by the authorities. One cop come to my window and another cop goes to the passenger side and asks for our ID's. I was busy waving my hand trying to get the pot smoke out of the car and told him that he didn't need to see our ID's and my buddies weren't the guys they were looking for. He told the other cop we were cool and we were on our way. Aloha.
"Move along."
Yeah, that's what he said.
:no: :bow:
My PC has uTorrent for movies I find, and Torrent Episode Downloader, which is like TiVo for Torrents, it automatically searches the internet starting the day a new episode of a TV show airs, and keeps looking until it finds the new torrent. With a PS3 in the other room that can read the media server too, I have a library of just about everything.
This looks like a terrific way to keep up with new torrents. That's the main reason why it's kind of a pain to go 100% torrents and avoid cable/dish altogether. Just trying to find everything you need is a chore.I feel like I'm getting close to ditching DirecTV completely.
I might be Hippling here but eztv.it and demonoid have almost everything I need. The latter is a private site, but invites can be found pretty easily. EZTV is a tv-only site, and all of their rips are very good.
They then tell me that they are going to need to speak to me "in the back" and escort me to a small group of rooms off the customs area where they proceed to strip search me, ask me to lift up my sack so they can look underneath, bend and spread my cheeks, the whole works. Luckily there was no body cavity search.
I would've made a "let's put another shrimp on the barbie" joke.
When we got to the gate, we encountered a young border guard who must have failed out of Mountie school because the chip on his shoulder was massive and he was going to make us pay for all the failure and childhood ridicule he must have endured in his short, pathetic little life... ... Frenchy told me to lean up agains the wall and I could literally feel his hard on as he frisked me down...
I think this is what Kevin Bacon's character in "Sleepers" was based on.
charvik said:
KGB said:
on a side note, the WD TV is awesome! (even though Dell's delivery service may suck)
how are you using this? for what reasons?
Well, first of all, the credit for me even having one should go to zilla... and I purchased one as a gift for a technologically challenged friend to help him out with photos and home videos, tried and loved it.I have around 500-600 DVDs and it's a pain to store them, they take up tons of room and it's a mess to sort and find what you need. My wife also takes photos, and I'm talking brit-level when it comes to quantity, easily 5,000, along with home videos. Getting all these medias to play in one location (our flat screen) to show to friends/family/daughter/ourselves was a pain. I used to have a media server hooked up, and while I liked it, the wife wasn't thrilled. It was too hard to use I guess.Enter WD TV Live Plus...One device, one HDMI cable to the TV and two USB storage devices hooked up straight to it. It instantly recognizes all photos (folders), plays any format video, all music and anything else that exists on the hard drives. The Live Plus also has a network component, so it picks up files and information from attached units, like my wifes laptop.So, I have now been able to put 500+ DVDs, and 1,000+ CDs with music in storage, and have it all stored on 2 2Tb HDDs attached to the WD TV.(added bonus is that it plays anything you happen to find online *ahem*, has netflix and other nice little features)
best place to buy this?
I decided to stream stuff from my PC through my PS3 again, and after a couple of hours of futility realized that my Qwest Actiontec PK5000 modem simply doesn't allow it (and no firmware upgrades). So I plugged in my nicer Netgear router that has been collecting dust, and sure enough it works great.

I think I'm ready to start the torrent experiment here to see if I can get by without DirecTV. I'm thinking yes.

charvik said:
KGB said:
on a side note, the WD TV is awesome! (even though Dell's delivery service may suck)
how are you using this? for what reasons?
Well, first of all, the credit for me even having one should go to zilla... and I purchased one as a gift for a technologically challenged friend to help him out with photos and home videos, tried and loved it.I have around 500-600 DVDs and it's a pain to store them, they take up tons of room and it's a mess to sort and find what you need. My wife also takes photos, and I'm talking brit-level when it comes to quantity, easily 5,000, along with home videos. Getting all these medias to play in one location (our flat screen) to show to friends/family/daughter/ourselves was a pain. I used to have a media server hooked up, and while I liked it, the wife wasn't thrilled. It was too hard to use I guess.

Enter WD TV Live Plus...

One device, one HDMI cable to the TV and two USB storage devices hooked up straight to it. It instantly recognizes all photos (folders), plays any format video, all music and anything else that exists on the hard drives. The Live Plus also has a network component, so it picks up files and information from attached units, like my wifes laptop.

So, I have now been able to put 500+ DVDs, and 1,000+ CDs with music in storage, and have it all stored on 2 2Tb HDDs attached to the WD TV.

(added bonus is that it plays anything you happen to find online *ahem*, has netflix and other nice little features)
best place to buy this?
I got mine off Amazon...http://www.amazon.com/Western-Digital-Medi...8106&sr=8-2

$119 right now. You need to buy a USB Wireless Adapter as well, if you don't want to hardwire it (I am). Not a ton of software out there for this device yet, since it's brand new, but I'm sure the custom firmware will be available shortly.

I decided to stream stuff from my PC through my PS3 again, and after a couple of hours of futility realized that my Qwest Actiontec PK5000 modem simply doesn't allow it (and no firmware upgrades). So I plugged in my nicer Netgear router that has been collecting dust, and sure enough it works great.I think I'm ready to start the torrent experiment here to see if I can get by without DirecTV. I'm thinking yes.
Do you have TVersity?
I go visit some friends. One of them is out of town, but the rest of us head out that night. He arrives the next morning, me still awake from the night before playing video games (possibly even on a Dreamcast). It's about 8 am, so I think, "I'm not going to be sleepy for a few more hours, so a road trip should be fine." About an hour into the trip, we stop for gas. I get out and say, "Wow, do you smell that ####." He says, "Yeah, shut up about it because I have 25#'s in the back." I'm definitely wide awake at this point, starting to plan my escape routes if I sense an episode of COPS going down. We get back on the road and not 15 minutes later, I hear sirens. I'm telling him to pull over to me the hell out letting me take my chances running through the woods. A few seconds later, 3 state troopers go zooming by, ignoring us completely. Needless to say, I was on edge the entire trip, especially when we arrived at the shady destination which would "ease my concerns."

I think the statute of limitations has run out. :goodposting:

I have more, but probably need a few more Mexican smoothies to think about sharing them all. Aloha.

I go visit some friends. One of them is out of town, but the rest of us head out that night. He arrives the next morning, me still awake from the night before playing video games (possibly even on a Dreamcast). It's about 8 am, so I think, "I'm not going to be sleepy for a few more hours, so a road trip should be fine." About an hour into the trip, we stop for gas. I get out and say, "Wow, do you smell that ####." He says, "Yeah, shut up about it because I have 25#'s in the back." I'm definitely wide awake at this point, starting to plan my escape routes if I sense an episode of COPS going down. We get back on the road and not 15 minutes later, I hear sirens. I'm telling him to pull over to me the hell out letting me take my chances running through the woods. A few seconds later, 3 state troopers go zooming by, ignoring us completely. Needless to say, I was on edge the entire trip, especially when we arrived at the shady destination which would "ease my concerns."I think the statute of limitations has run out. :thumbup:I have more, but probably need a few more Mexican smoothies to think about sharing them all. Aloha.
I would have crapped myself. No question. :wub:
Sheriff Bart said:
Thanks Fred. In for 11.Touching story GM.
GM got the last spot in right in front of me. :thumbup:If Mrs. SLB didn't have to get an injection in her spine yesterday this wouldn't have happened.
charvik said:
Tiger Fan said:
on a side note, the WD TV is awesome! (even though Dell's delivery service may suck)
how are you using this? for what reasons?
Well, first of all, the credit for me even having one should go to zilla... and I purchased one as a gift for a technologically challenged friend to help him out with photos and home videos, tried and loved it.I have around 500-600 DVDs and it's a pain to store them, they take up tons of room and it's a mess to sort and find what you need. My wife also takes photos, and I'm talking brit-level when it comes to quantity, easily 5,000, along with home videos. Getting all these medias to play in one location (our flat screen) to show to friends/family/daughter/ourselves was a pain. I used to have a media server hooked up, and while I liked it, the wife wasn't thrilled. It was too hard to use I guess.

Enter WD TV Live Plus...

One device, one HDMI cable to the TV and two USB storage devices hooked up straight to it. It instantly recognizes all photos (folders), plays any format video, all music and anything else that exists on the hard drives. The Live Plus also has a network component, so it picks up files and information from attached units, like my wifes laptop.

So, I have now been able to put 500+ DVDs, and 1,000+ CDs with music in storage, and have it all stored on 2 2Tb HDDs attached to the WD TV.

(added bonus is that it plays anything you happen to find online *ahem*, has netflix and other nice little features)
best place to buy this?
I got mine off Amazon...http://www.amazon.com/Western-Digital-Medi...8106&sr=8-2

$119 right now. You need to buy a USB Wireless Adapter as well, if you don't want to hardwire it (I am). Not a ton of software out there for this device yet, since it's brand new, but I'm sure the custom firmware will be available shortly.
:bag: I have a ####### extra one.

So, I've been puppy sitting since Sunday: 3-4 month old "Smoke" labrador retriever. Still says "black" on the papers, but they decided it was worth it to pay a few hundred dollars more because it was a little lighter in color than the normal black labs.

First few days were good. My older lab put him in check a couple of times, but he was fine... except for that one spot under the chin :confused: . He pretty much hung out near me and stayed under my feet.

That all changed 2 nights ago. After pretty much having him housetrained in one night, he had an accident. I got a little loud and he got a little more scared of me. I guess my lab decided to play "good cop" to my bad, and they became best buds. Well, instead of being scared to roam the house when he was scared of the older dog, getting into every single thing imaginable and playing with all objects not nailed to the walls, he now believes he's king of the castle and I'm starting to remember why puppies aren't all that great most of the time. It seems as if he can sense when I'm settled and relaxed because it's then that he springs into action.

I went to take a shower this morning and left him to eat his breakfast. I returned downstairs to find shoes everywhere, food overturned (this is one of those bowls which supposedly won't turn over), the water bowl (which weighs more than him) overturned, garbage can toppled, and he rolled my entire kitchen in toilet paper. This took him 5 minutes, tops, as I knew it would be a good idea to rush through the shower. He was bored with all of that by the time I got back downstairs as he was chewing on the broom.

So, I've been puppy sitting since Sunday: 3-4 month old "Smoke" labrador retriever. Still says "black" on the papers, but they decided it was worth it to pay a few hundred dollars more because it was a little lighter in color than the normal black labs.First few days were good. My older lab put him in check a couple of times, but he was fine... except for that one spot under the chin :confused: . He pretty much hung out near me and stayed under my feet. That all changed 2 nights ago. After pretty much having him housetrained in one night, he had an accident. I got a little loud and he got a little more scared of me. I guess my lab decided to play "good cop" to my bad, and they became best buds. Well, instead of being scared to roam the house when he was scared of the older dog, getting into every single thing imaginable and playing with all objects not nailed to the walls, he now believes he's king of the castle and I'm starting to remember why puppies aren't all that great most of the time. It seems as if he can sense when I'm settled and relaxed because it's then that he springs into action.I went to take a shower this morning and left him to eat his breakfast. I returned downstairs to find shoes everywhere, food overturned (this is one of those bowls which supposedly won't turn over), the water bowl (which weighs more than him) overturned, garbage can toppled, and he rolled my entire kitchen in toilet paper. This took him 5 minutes, tops, as I knew it would be a good idea to rush through the shower. He was bored with all of that by the time I got back downstairs as he was chewing on the broom.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: I had a lab puppy - Miss Cleo. My god, she was harder to take care of than either one of my sons. RIP Miss Cleo. :cry:
So, I've been puppy sitting since Sunday: 3-4 month old "Smoke" labrador retriever. Still says "black" on the papers, but they decided it was worth it to pay a few hundred dollars more because it was a little lighter in color than the normal black labs.First few days were good. My older lab put him in check a couple of times, but he was fine... except for that one spot under the chin :goodposting: . He pretty much hung out near me and stayed under my feet. That all changed 2 nights ago. After pretty much having him housetrained in one night, he had an accident. I got a little loud and he got a little more scared of me. I guess my lab decided to play "good cop" to my bad, and they became best buds. Well, instead of being scared to roam the house when he was scared of the older dog, getting into every single thing imaginable and playing with all objects not nailed to the walls, he now believes he's king of the castle and I'm starting to remember why puppies aren't all that great most of the time. It seems as if he can sense when I'm settled and relaxed because it's then that he springs into action.I went to take a shower this morning and left him to eat his breakfast. I returned downstairs to find shoes everywhere, food overturned (this is one of those bowls which supposedly won't turn over), the water bowl (which weighs more than him) overturned, garbage can toppled, and he rolled my entire kitchen in toilet paper. This took him 5 minutes, tops, as I knew it would be a good idea to rush through the shower. He was bored with all of that by the time I got back downstairs as he was chewing on the broom.
Kinda makes me want to get a pup... for my ex.ETA: Hey Woz, how's it going?
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after reading some of this, I have come to the realization that my life is boring as ####.

after reading some of this, I have come to the realization that my life is boring as ####.
So are most of ours. But when 50 people are posting anything remotely interesting that's happening in their lives, you can get the wrong impression.
Speaking of which, about three weeks ago I met this (ahem... 23 year old) girl through mutual friends. It was her second day in town and I was literally the first guy she met in this city. (I have no idea what her friend was thinking introducing me to her). We've been hanging out, watching bands and getting messed up. Good times have been had.

My meeting this afternoon canceled and I know she's on an EDO, so I texted her to see if she wanted to go rafting.


Can't wait to see this girl in a bikini.

My lab, Bear, never chewed on anything I didn't give him specifically as a toy. He has no bladder control and could not be crate trained. He really doesn't bark uncontrollably either, although he whines at the backdoor when I'm home. He's almost annoyingly focused on any movement I make, but that's a good thing too and he does not play well with other dogs as I'm pretty sure he believes he's a very mean Rottweiler, as his first contact with a dog outside of his litter was my 10 y/o Rotty.

I think this experience is basically teaching me: be careful what you wish for.

I put in a doggie door and the bladder control issue was solved. Other dogs in the neighborhood will sit outside and just bark for hours on end with Bear just sitting on the back porch listening to them. While it's great to be able to leave the puppy in the crate without even a whimper, I couldn't imagine leaving him alone in the house for 2-3 days by himself as I have with Bear since he was 6 months old. He's a dream compared to the terror I have to keep vigilant watch over for the next couple of days. I'm not sure the funny, uncoordinated antics of a young puppy are worth the destruction he can create when I don't pay attention to him for 60 seconds or less.

Oh, Bear also likes to sit in the rain, on the back porch. There are AT LEAST 10 spots in the back yard which he can get under for cover: back porch (2nd story), under that porch, under the hottub deck, under the grill deck, under the boat, under the utility trailer, doghouse #1, doghouse #2, or any number of evergreens lining the back fence. Nope, he sits at the top of the stairs leading to the hottub deck in the pouring rain, waiting on me to get home when he springs to action and whines at the doggie door, waiting to come in and mop my floors with water, mud, dog hair, slobber, and anything else he has collected on himself over the course of the day. I love that now, thanks to this puppy experience.

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Locally they are having a mini festival of sorts this sunday. HOt wing eating contest, car show, hot legs contest for the ladies, all capped off with a ZZ Top concert. Not exactly my cup of tea but a buddy of mine works wiht a lot of bands on tours. ZZ Top is who he's producing for right now. Calls us up last night.

Apparently he's giving us the Wing contest. I am to get 4 buddies together and we're the only contestants. Prizes include a couple hundred in cash and a bunch of passes to the beer festival the next weekend (hundreds of imports for tasting). Obviously it's not going to be known that it's "rigged" but he doesn't want to screw with signups so it's going to be "Full" to anyone who asks. :thumbup:

Most amusing part is in exchange for our "efforts" we're getting free beer all day, tickets for the ZZ Top Show (again, not my fave band but I imagine they're alright live), with VIP passes & free beer for the show. :yes:

Hell.. I guess I didn't have anything to do for the day. Should be some amusing people watching. Will snap some pics and update from the show. Curious about the "Hot Leggs" contest...

Locally they are having a mini festival of sorts this sunday. HOt wing eating contest, car show, hot legs contest for the ladies, all capped off with a ZZ Top concert. Not exactly my cup of tea but a buddy of mine works wiht a lot of bands on tours. ZZ Top is who he's producing for right now. Calls us up last night. Apparently he's giving us the Wing contest. I am to get 4 buddies together and we're the only contestants. Prizes include a couple hundred in cash and a bunch of passes to the beer festival the next weekend (hundreds of imports for tasting). Obviously it's not going to be known that it's "rigged" but he doesn't want to screw with signups so it's going to be "Full" to anyone who asks. :)Most amusing part is in exchange for our "efforts" we're getting free beer all day, tickets for the ZZ Top Show (again, not my fave band but I imagine they're alright live), with VIP passes & free beer for the show. :lmao:Hell.. I guess I didn't have anything to do for the day. Should be some amusing people watching. Will snap some pics and update from the show. Curious about the "Hot Leggs" contest...
Have gut. Will travel.
Speaking of which, about three weeks ago I met this (ahem... 23 year old) girl through mutual friends. It was her second day in town and I was literally the first guy she met in this city. (I have no idea what her friend was thinking introducing me to her). We've been hanging out, watching bands and getting messed up. Good times have been had.My meeting this afternoon canceled and I know she's on an EDO, so I texted her to see if she wanted to go rafting.:)Can't wait to see this girl in a bikini.
What's an EDO and get pics you barf eating ********!*said out of jealousy and love, not hatred.
Locally they are having a mini festival of sorts this sunday. HOt wing eating contest, car show, hot legs contest for the ladies, all capped off with a ZZ Top concert. Not exactly my cup of tea but a buddy of mine works wiht a lot of bands on tours. ZZ Top is who he's producing for right now. Calls us up last night.

Apparently he's giving us the Wing contest. I am to get 4 buddies together and we're the only contestants. Prizes include a couple hundred in cash and a bunch of passes to the beer festival the next weekend (hundreds of imports for tasting). Obviously it's not going to be known that it's "rigged" but he doesn't want to screw with signups so it's going to be "Full" to anyone who asks. :confused:

Most amusing part is in exchange for our "efforts" we're getting free beer all day, tickets for the ZZ Top Show (again, not my fave band but I imagine they're alright live), with VIP passes & free beer for the show. :lmao:

Hell.. I guess I didn't have anything to do for the day. Should be some amusing people watching. Will snap some pics and update from the show. Curious about the "Hot Leggs" contest...
You're doing god's work here, GB. Leggs are the best womanly feature on the planet. :wub:
I guess it was about 14 years ago when my little sister called me and told me she was headed into town. She lived in Texas at the time and also spent a lot of time south of the border. She asked me if I needed any weed and I jokingly said "yeah, bring me 4 or 5 pounds." She shows up at my house a couple of days later with 4.5 pounds because she wasn't sure if she should bring 4 or 5. :goodposting: I think it cost me $1100. Then it was like the old times again, something I really didn't want to do. After a month I claimed I was out because the phone calls were getting annoying and I only dealt with people I knew my whole life. Long story short, my inner circle never had to worry about supply for a long, long, time. When we moved 7 years ago I found 3 ounces that I had "hidden" possibly while drunk & high. One on top of the kitchen cabinets, one in the back of a drawer and one between the mattresses. :lmao:

Whoever moved into the house after you probably got a housewarming present.
I sold to to some friends of ours and never heard anything. After finding the first one I was very thorough which is how I found the bag on top of the kitchen cabinets. Plus the house was only 750 square feet, there wasn't a whole lot of other places to hide stuff.
I mentioned this the other day at :e:, but I feel like my posting the last couple months has not been very good. Terrible, in fact.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can break out of this slump?

I mentioned this the other day at :e:, but I feel like my posting the last couple months has not been very good. Terrible, in fact.Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can break out of this slump?
You've had me chuckle pretty good a few times lately.....quantity has waned of late though. Of course, it's a little hard for someone like me to keep track of umm, various identities.

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