Has anyone considered the fact that Miami may want to throw the ball a little more with screnes and dump off passes because the offensive line is so bad? They may have targeted Gordon and Davenport because they can catch out of the back field and are better open field runners than Morris and Minor.
I have read a couple of articles that state that they do want to go to a more passing offense this year. They certainly do not have the WR's to do this so I can see them dumping to the tight ends more and backs out of the backfield.
Gordon would be a good match-up for this philosiphy.
Just curious, have you seen anything, anything at all in Wanny's entire head coaching career that would lead you to believe that he would actually use anything other than a battering ram between the tackles offensive game plan? I sure haven't. This guy's incredible stubborn streak will ruin his career (actually it has just about done that already) and the Dolphin's chances of winning this season.Now, I have no problem with Wanny's type of offensive game plan
*** IF *** your team has a solid O-Line and the right type of RB. Last year the O-Line sucked, but at least they did have a guy that could be a battering ram (even if he was over-used, mis-used, and generally abused in that role). This year they have neither the O-Line nor the RB (Gordon is no Ricky), yet Wanny continues headlong down the same offensive road.
He was recently quoted as saying something the the effect that **Travis Minor just wasn't getting it done banging it up in there between the tackles**. No crap coach One-Track?? That is completely shocking! Barring some miracle (like having that tumor removed from his brain pan) Wanny will continue his quest to prove that there is only one way to run an offensive team and Gordon (or any other back they are likely to get) is DOOMED.