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Grading next 4 weeks schedule Q (1 Viewer)


If you were going to tank the results of the charts below, how would you account for the bye weeks since you get zero for your player when he's on bye?

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points allowed

Team Week 7 Points Week8 Points Week 9 Points Week 10 Points Total

ARZ BYE  @CAR 16.2 @STL 32.8 SF 27.8 76.8 ATL BYE  @PHI 20.5 @OAK 27 NO 22.2 69.7 BAL @MIA 20.6 OAK 27 @CLE 18.4 @HOU 31.6 77 BUF SD 23.2 @MIA 20.6 NYJ 26 @NE 21.8 68.4 CAR NO 22.2 ARZ 24 BYE @OAK 27 73.2 CHI MIN 19.8 BYE  DET 31.8 TEN 11.2 62.8 CIN PIT 15.8 @HOU 31.6 JAX 21.3 BYE  68.7 CLE @WAS 19.5 @JAX 21.3 BAL 17.4 DEN 25.7 83.9 DAL @STL 32.8 TB 16.2 @NYG 16.8 BYE  65.8 DEN @NE 21.8 BYE  MIA 20.6 @CLE 18.4 60.8 DET @HOU 31.6 WAS 19.5 @CHI 18.2 JAX 21.3 90.6 GB IND 19.4 BYE  @TEN 11.2 @MIN 19.8 50.4 HOU DET 31.8 CIN 24 @MIN 19.8 BAL 17.4 93 IND @GB 24.2 @TEN 11.2 NE 21.8 @PIT 15.8 73 JAX BYE  CLE 18.4 @CIN 24 @DET 31.8 74.2 KC TEN 11.2 @NYJ 26 TB 16.2 @SD 23.2 76.6 MIA BAL 17.4 BUF 20.8 @DEN 25.7 SEA 30.2 94.1 MIN @CHI 18.2 BYE  HOU 31.6 GB 24.2 74 NE DEN 25.7 STL 32.8 @IND 19.4 BUF 20.8 98.7 NO @CAR 16.2 SD 23.2 BYE  @ATL 21.2 60.6 NYG SF 27.8 @PIT 15.8 DAL 23.5 @PHI 20.5 87.6 NYJ @OAK 27 KC 26.2 @BUF 20.8 STL 32.8 106.8 OAK NYJ 26 @BAL 17.4 ATL 21.2 CAR 16.2 80.8 PHI BYE  ATL 21.2 @SEA 30.2 NYG 16.8 68.2 PIT @CIN 24 NYG 16.8 @WAS 19.5 IND 19.4 79.7 SD @BUF 20.8 @NO 22.2 BYE  KC 26.2 69.2 SEA @TB 16.2 @SF 27.8 PHI 20.5 @MIA 20.6 85.1 SF @NYG 16.8 SEA 30.2 BYE  @ARZ 24 71 STL DAL 23.5 @NE 21.8 ARZ 24 @NYJ 26 95.3 TB SEA 30.2 @DAL 23.5 @KC 26.2 BYE  79.9 TEN @KC 26.2 IND 19.4 GB 24.2 @CHI 18.2 88 WAS CLE 18.4 @DET 31.8 PIT 15.8 BYE  66
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well they're not pasting well here with code or quote. I figured you guys would be interested. I usually do OK pasting charts....if someone else wants to try I posted them on my blog, link in sig.


passing yards allowed

ARZ BYE  @CAR 158.8 @STL 234 SF 226.5 619.3 ATL BYE  @PHI 187.8 @OAK 234 NO 227.3 649.1 BAL @MIA 239 OAK 234 @CLE 188 @HOU 210.4 871.4 BUF SD 253.5 @MIA 239 NYJ 237.6 @NE 201.4 931.5 CAR NO 227.3 ARZ 220.3 BYE  @OAK 234 681.6 CHI MIN 210.3 BYE  DET 250.6 TEN 172 632.9 CIN PIT 164.8 @HOU 210.4 JAX 229.7 BYE 604.9 CLE @WAS 202 @JAX 229.7 BAL 154.4 DEN 255.5 841.6 DAL @STL 234 TB 222.5 @NYG 185.2 BYE  641.7 DEN @NE 201.4 BYE  MIA 239 @CLE 188 628.4 DET @HOU 210.4 WAS 202 @CHI 236.3 JAX 229.7 878.4 GB IND 173 BYE  @TEN 172 @MIN 210.3 555.3 HOU DET 250.6 CIN 167.3 @MIN 210.3 BAL 154.4 782.6 IND @GB 178.8 @TEN 172 NE 201.4 @PIT 164.8 717 JAX BYE  CLE 188 @CIN 167.3 @DET 250.6 605.9 KC TEN 172 @NYJ 237.6 TB 222.5 @SD 253.5 885.6 MIA BAL 154.4 BUF 184.8 @DEN 255.5 SEA 229.6 824.3 MIN @CHI 236.3 BYE  HOU 210.4 GB 178.8 625.5 NE DEN 255.5 STL 234 @IND 173 BUF 184.8 847.3 NO @CAR 158.8 SD 253.5 BYE  @ATL 231.7 644 NYG SF 226.5 @PIT 164.8 DAL 212.8 @PHI 187.8 791.9 NYJ @OAK 234 KC 209.4 @BUF 184.8 STL 234 862.2 OAK NYJ 237.6 @BAL 154.4 ATL 231.7 CAR 158.8 782.5 PHI BYE  ATL 231.7 @SEA 229.6 NYG 185.2 646.5 PIT @CIN 167.3 NYG 185.2 @WAS 202 IND 173 727.5 SD @BUF 184.8 @NO 227.3 BYE KC 209.4 621.5 SEA @TB 222.5 @SF 226.5 PHI 187.8 @MIA 239 875.8 SF @NYG 185.2 SEA 229.6 BYE  @ARZ 220.3 635.1 STL DAL 212.8 @NE 201.4 ARZ 220.3 @NYJ 237.6 872.1 TB SEA 229.6 @DAL 212.8 @KC 209.4 BYE  651.8 TEN @KC 209.4 IND 173 GB 178.8 @CHI 236.3 797.5 WAS CLE 188 @DET 250.6 PIT 164.8 BYE  603.4
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rushing yards allowed

ARZ BYE  @CAR 105.7 @STL 169 SF 124.2 398.9 ATL BYE  @PHI 91.5 @OAK 115 NO 103.3 309.8 BAL @MIA 89 OAK 115 @CLE 137 @HOU 131 472 BUF SD 112.2 @MIA 89 NYJ 69 @NE 119.4 389.6 CAR NO 103.3 ARZ 93.7 BYE  @OAK 115 312 CHI MIN 73.7 BYE DET 171 TEN 95.8 340.5 CIN PIT 66.8 @HOU 131 JAX 110.8 BYE  308.6 CLE @WAS 83.8 @JAX 110.8 BAL 66.4 DEN 137.5 398.5 DAL @STL 169 TB 89.7 @NYG 94.4 BYE  353.1 DEN @NE 119.4 BYE  MIA 89 @CLE 137 345.4 DET @HOU 131 WAS 83.8 @CHI 74.3 JAX 110.8 399.9 GB IND 161 BYE  @TEN 95.8 @MIN 73.7 330.5 HOU DET 171 CIN 156.8 @MIN 73.7 BAL 66.4 467.9 IND @GB 153.3 @TEN 95.8 NE 119.4 @PIT 66.8 435.3 JAX BYE  CLE 137 @CIN 156.8 @DET 171 464.8 KC TEN 95.8 @NYJ 69 TB 89.7 @SD 112.2 366.7 MIA BAL 66.4 BUF 114.2 @DEN 137.5 SEA 126.2 444.3 MIN @CHI 74.3 BYE  HOU 131 GB 153.3 358.6 NE DEN 137.5 STL 169 @IND 161 BUF 114.2 581.7 NO @CAR 105.7 SD 112.2 BYE  @ATL 118 335.9 NYG SF 124.2 @PIT 66.8 DAL 87.5 @PHI 91.5 370 NYJ @OAK 115 KC 182.2 @BUF 114.2 STL 169 580.4 OAK NYJ 69 @BAL 66.4 ATL 118 CAR 105.7 359.1 PHI BYE  ATL 118 @SEA 126.2 NYG 94.4 338.6 PIT @CIN 156.8 NYG 94.4 @WAS 83.8 IND 161 496 SD @BUF 114.2 @NO 103.3 BYE  KC 182.2 399.7 SEA @TB 89.7 @SF 124.2 PHI 91.5 @MIA 89 394.4 SF @NYG 94.4 SEA 126.2 BYE  @ARZ 93.7 314.3 STL DAL 87.5 @NE 119.4 ARZ 93.7 @NYJ 69 369.6 TB SEA 126.2 @DAL 87.5 @KC 182.2 BYE  395.9 TEN @KC 182.2 IND 161 GB 153.3 @CHI 74.3 570.8 WAS CLE 137 @DET 171 PIT 66.8 BYE  374.8
Why don't you just use an average of the next four weeks.

Take the total yards or points or whatever and divide by the number of games played in the week. If a team has a bye you simply divide by 3 instead of 4. This would also allow you to weigh the weeks differently. For example, you may think this week's opponent is more important than the opponent in 4 weeks. So you can assign weights, say .4 to week 1, .3 to week 2, .2 to week 3 and .1 to week 4, multiply the weights by the stat and then divide by the sum of the weights (so if a team is on a bye in week 3 you'd only divide by .8 instead of 1).

Why don't you just use an average of the next four weeks.Take the total yards or points or whatever and divide by the number of games played in the week. If a team has a bye you simply divide by 3 instead of 4. This would also allow you to weigh the weeks differently. For example, you may think this week's opponent is more important than the opponent in 4 weeks. So you can assign weights, say .4 to week 1, .3 to week 2, .2 to week 3 and .1 to week 4, multiply the weights by the stat and then divide by the sum of the weights (so if a team is on a bye in week 3 you'd only divide by .8 instead of 1).
tried that first, seems to ignore that there's a byeStuck thinking just total (3) or total (4) and let people figure it outfirst and foremost, I'd figure this might make ya lean toward trading for or picking up a WW prospect. If I was trading for a RB facing Ds allowing 160 yards per week on the ground, it'd seem sugar-coated to not mention the bye.Thought maybe some formula...I don't knowthank you for the thought though
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Why don't you just use an average of the next four weeks.Take the total yards or points or whatever and divide by the number of games played in the week. If a team has a bye you simply divide by 3 instead of 4. This would also allow you to weigh the weeks differently. For example, you may think this week's opponent is more important than the opponent in 4 weeks. So you can assign weights, say .4 to week 1, .3 to week 2, .2 to week 3 and .1 to week 4, multiply the weights by the stat and then divide by the sum of the weights (so if a team is on a bye in week 3 you'd only divide by .8 instead of 1).
tried that first, seems to ignore that there's a byeStuck thinking just total (3) or total (4) and let people figure it outfirst and foremost, I'd figure this might make ya lean toward trading for or picking up a WW prospect. If I was trading for a RB facing Ds allowing 160 yards per week on the ground, it'd seem sugar-coated to not mention the bye.Thought maybe some formula...I don't knowthank you for the thought though
It's not ignoring the bye in the number, a RB facing D's allowing 140, 160 Bye and 180 is on average facing a team allowing 160 yards. But I understand what you're saying. Why not just mark the teams that have a bye with an asterisk or something to denote that it's based on a 3 game average instead of 4? Personally, I think the whole thing average or total sum might not be useful. For example, lets say Dallas is playing teams that allow 130, 140, 150, 160 rushing yards for a sum of 580 and average of 145. And Denver is playing teams that allow 100, 120, 140 and 220 for a sum of 580 and average of 145. Which do you target? Both sum and average are the same, but it looks like Dallas schedule is more consistent than Denver who plays a tough game a couple average games and a really easy game. See what I'm saying.
Personally, I think the whole thing average or total sum might not be useful. For example, lets say Dallas is playing teams that allow 130, 140, 150, 160 rushing yards for a sum of 580 and average of 145. And Denver is playing teams that allow 100, 120, 140 and 220 for a sum of 580 and average of 145. Which do you target? Both sum and average are the same, but it looks like Dallas schedule is more consistent than Denver who plays a tough game a couple average games and a really easy game. See what I'm saying.
Yeah I don't think the total is useful like that or going to sway your mind initially. I do think the total gives ya a headsup to dig in further. For example, Buffalo plays passing Ds with 931 total while Green Bay's opponents total is 555. I think you'd look at those opponents then. After taking a look at each game, then maybe the total is noteworthy.If two were real close, it wouldn't sway your opinion anyway
Jeff Pasquino said:
passing yards allowed

ARZ BYE  @CAR 158.8 @STL 234 SF 226.5 619.3   ATL BYE  @PHI 187.8 @OAK 234 NO 227.3 649.1   BAL @MIA 239 OAK 234 @CLE 188 @HOU 210.4 871.4   BUF SD 253.5 @MIA 239 NYJ 237.6 @NE 201.4 931.5   CAR NO 227.3 ARZ 220.3 BYE  @OAK 234 681.6   CHI MIN 210.3 BYE  DET 250.6 TEN 172 632.9   CIN PIT 164.8 @HOU 210.4 JAX 229.7 BYE  604.9   CLE @WAS 202 @JAX 229.7 BAL 154.4 DEN 255.5 841.6   DAL @STL 234 TB 222.5 @NYG 185.2 BYE  641.7   DEN @NE 201.4 BYE  MIA 239 @CLE 188 628.4   DET @HOU 210.4 WAS 202 @CHI 236.3 JAX 229.7 878.4   GB IND 173 BYE  @TEN 172 @MIN 210.3 555.3   HOU DET 250.6 CIN 167.3 @MIN 210.3 BAL 154.4 782.6   IND @GB 178.8 @TEN 172 NE 201.4 @PIT 164.8 717   JAX BYE  CLE 188 @CIN 167.3 @DET 250.6 605.9   KC TEN 172 @NYJ 237.6 TB 222.5 @SD 253.5 885.6   MIA BAL 154.4 BUF 184.8 @DEN  SEA 229.6 568.8   MIN @CHI 236.3 BYE  HOU 210.4 GB 178.8 625.5   NE DEN 255.5 STL 234 @IND 173 BUF 184.8 847.3   NO @CAR 158.8 SD 253.5 BYE  @ATL 231.7 644   NYG SF 226.5 @PIT 164.8 DAL 212.8 @PHI 187.8 791.9   NYJ @OAK 234 KC 209.4 @BUF  STL 234 677.4   OAK NYJ 237.6 @BAL 154.4 ATL 231.7 CAR 158.8 782.5   PHI BYE  ATL 231.7 @SEA 229.6 NYG 185.2 646.5   PIT @CIN 167.3 NYG 185.2 @WAS 202 IND 173 727.5   SD @BUF 184.8 @NO 227.3 BYE  KC 209.4 621.5   SEA @TB 222.5 @SF 226.5 PHI 187.8 @MIA 239 875.8   SF @NYG 185.2 SEA 229.6 BYE  @ARZ 220.3 635.1   STL DAL 212.8 @NE 201.4 ARZ 220.3 @NYJ 237.6 872.1   TB SEA 229.6 @DAL 212.8 @KC 209.4 BYE  651.8   TEN @KC 209.4 IND 173 GB 178.8 @CHI 236.3 797.5   WAS CLE 188 @DET 250.6 PIT 164.8 BYE  603.4
best way to do this next time is to use wordpad and a font that is justified like Courier.
didn't work well, tried that.

thanks for the suggestion

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Jeff Pasquino said:
passing yards allowed

ARZ BYE  @CAR 158.8 @STL 234 SF 226.5 619.3    ATL BYE  @PHI 187.8 @OAK 234 NO 227.3 649.1    BAL @MIA 239 OAK 234 @CLE 188 @HOU 210.4 871.4    BUF SD 253.5 @MIA 239 NYJ 237.6 @NE 201.4 931.5    CAR NO 227.3 ARZ 220.3 BYE  @OAK 234 681.6    CHI MIN 210.3 BYE  DET 250.6 TEN 172 632.9    CIN PIT 164.8 @HOU 210.4 JAX 229.7 BYE  604.9    CLE @WAS 202 @JAX 229.7 BAL 154.4 DEN 255.5 841.6    DAL @STL 234 TB 222.5 @NYG 185.2 BYE  641.7    DEN @NE 201.4 BYE  MIA 239 @CLE 188 628.4    DET @HOU 210.4 WAS 202 @CHI 236.3 JAX 229.7 878.4    GB IND 173 BYE  @TEN 172 @MIN 210.3 555.3    HOU DET 250.6 CIN 167.3 @MIN 210.3 BAL 154.4 782.6    IND @GB 178.8 @TEN 172 NE 201.4 @PIT 164.8 717    JAX BYE  CLE 188 @CIN 167.3 @DET 250.6 605.9    KC TEN 172 @NYJ 237.6 TB 222.5 @SD 253.5 885.6    MIA BAL 154.4 BUF 184.8 @DEN  SEA 229.6 568.8    MIN @CHI 236.3 BYE  HOU 210.4 GB 178.8 625.5    NE DEN 255.5 STL 234 @IND 173 BUF 184.8 847.3    NO @CAR 158.8 SD 253.5 BYE  @ATL 231.7 644    NYG SF 226.5 @PIT 164.8 DAL 212.8 @PHI 187.8 791.9    NYJ @OAK 234 KC 209.4 @BUF  STL 234 677.4    OAK NYJ 237.6 @BAL 154.4 ATL 231.7 CAR 158.8 782.5    PHI BYE  ATL 231.7 @SEA 229.6 NYG 185.2 646.5    PIT @CIN 167.3 NYG 185.2 @WAS 202 IND 173 727.5    SD @BUF 184.8 @NO 227.3 BYE  KC 209.4 621.5    SEA @TB 222.5 @SF 226.5 PHI 187.8 @MIA 239 875.8    SF @NYG 185.2 SEA 229.6 BYE  @ARZ 220.3 635.1    STL DAL 212.8 @NE 201.4 ARZ 220.3 @NYJ 237.6 872.1    TB SEA 229.6 @DAL 212.8 @KC 209.4 BYE  651.8    TEN @KC 209.4 IND 173 GB 178.8 @CHI 236.3 797.5    WAS CLE 188 @DET 250.6 PIT 164.8 BYE  603.4
best way to do this next time is to use wordpad and a font that is justified like Courier.
Did this one:
ARZ	  BYE	 @CAR  158.8 @STL  234	SF   226.5  619.3ATL	  BYE	 @PHI  187.8 @OAK  234	NO   227.3  649.1BAL  @MIA  239	OAK  234   @CLE  188   @HOU  210.4  871.4BUF   SD   253.5 @MIA  239	NYJ  237.6 @NE   201.4  931.5CAR   NO   227.3  ARZ  220.3	 BYE	 @OAK  234	681.6CHI   MIN  210.3	 BYE	  DET  250.6  TEN  172	632.9CIN   PIT  164.8 @HOU  210.4  JAX  229.7	 BYE	  604.9CLE  @WAS  202   @JAX  229.7  BAL  154.4  DEN  255.5  841.6DAL  @STL  234	TB   222.5 @NYG  185.2	 BYE	  641.7DEN   @NE  201.4	 BYE	  MIA  239   @CLE  188	628.4DET  @HOU  210.4  WAS  202   @CHI  236.3  JAX  229.7  878.4GB	IND  173	   BYE	 @TEN  172   @MIN  210.3  555.3HOU   DET  250.6  CIN  167.3 @MIN  210.3  BAL  154.4  782.6IND   @GB  178.8 @TEN  172	NE   201.4 @PIT  164.8  717JAX	  BYE	  CLE  188   @CIN  167.3 @DET  250.6  605.9KC	TEN  172   @NYJ  237.6  TB   222.5 @SD   253.5  885.6MIA   BAL  154.4  BUF  184.8 @DEN		 SEA  229.6  568.8MIN  @CHI  236.3	 BYE	  HOU  210.4  GB   178.8  625.5NE	DEN  255.5  STL  234   @IND  173	BUF  184.8  847.3NO   @CAR  158.8  SD   253.5	 BYE	 @ATL  231.7  644NYG   SF   226.5 @PIT  164.8  DAL  212.8 @PHI  187.8  791.9NYJ  @OAK  234	KC   209.4 @BUF		 STL  234	677.4OAK   NYJ  237.6 @BAL  154.4  ATL  231.7  CAR  158.8  782.5PHI	  BYE	  ATL  231.7 @SEA  229.6  NYG  185.2  646.5PIT  @CIN  167.3  NYG  185.2 @WAS  202	IND  173	727.5SD   @BUF  184.8 @NO   227.3	 BYE	  KC   209.4  621.5SEA  @TB   222.5 @SF   226.5  PHI  187.8 @MIA  239	875.8SF   @NYG  185.2  SEA  229.6	 BYE	 @ARZ  220.3  635.1STL   DAL  212.8 @NE   201.4  ARZ  220.3 @NYJ  237.6  872.1TB	SEA  229.6 @DAL  212.8 @KC   209.4	 BYE	  651.8TEN  @KC   209.4  IND  173	GB   178.8 @CHI  236.3  797.5WAS   CLE  188   @DET  250.6  PIT  164.8	 BYE	  603.4
not completely sure what your getting at - but if i understand you right - maybe you could use the league average yards on the bye week. That way, if you were stuck with a decision like

Player 1 plays a team giving up 120, 140, 160, and 180

Player 2 plays a team giving up 130, 150, 170 and has a bye

Say league avg is 140, player 1 would end up with a higher average


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