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Griese or Collins (1 Viewer)

Sinn Fein

Who has more value this year:

Brian Griese - moving into a starting role with TB, or,

Kerry Collins - moving into a starting role with Tenn?

I am assuming each has an equal chance of keeping the starting job for the season.

So, Kerry Collins and Brian Griese will be getting starting jobs this week, and nobody has any opinion on which starter will have a better season?

FWIW - this is for a back-up QB gig in a 16-team league - not looking to see if either is a top-15 QB.

Griese is not a lock yet to start this week and I'd be surprised if he plays more than a game...unless Garcia is out.

Sounds like Griese is only taking over for Garcia because he has a bum ankle. I doubt he holds onto the job all year

Collins will get more starts as the Titans wait for Young to get out of the looney bin.

I think they each have an equal chance of finishing the season as a starter - which is not to say its a good chance.

My question, I guess, really boils down to who has the better opportunity if they are each starting - TB's offense, or Tenn's offense.

Gruden Makes It Official; Griese To Start Sunday

Posted By Roy Cummings at Sep 10, 2008 at 03:07 PM

Updated Sep 10, 2008 at 03:11 PM

TAMPA - Now it’s official. Brian Griese will start Sunday against the Falcons. Bucs coach Jon Gruden just made the announcement in his post-practice press conference.

Gruden said there’s something not quite right with Jeff Garcia and that he wants to give Garcia a week to try to get himself right.

What that means for Week 3 against Chicago no one knows just yet. It would seem, though, that if Griese plays well, he’ll keep the starting quarterback job.

We’re going to get Griese here in just a minute, so we’ll have all the details of this move in Thursday’s Tampa Tribune.

Speculation among Bucs fans is this is just the politically expedient way to move Garcia out of the line-up for the season.

Flip a coin on these 2. I'll go with Collins based on the way that D looked which should help him out along with the run game. If he can avoid those crazy INT's he is famous for....... That's a big IF.

I hear you. I have Vince Young as my QB2 in a 16 team league and it is starting to look like he's gone for the season or at least a good portion of it. I'm debating whether or not I should pick up Griese or Collins and then drop VY.

I'm hoping Garcia doesn't come back in week 3 , but with Gruden you just never know. Look at how he used Dunn and Graham last weekend!

Right now (pending further details out of Tampa), I'm leaning towards Collins. In my opinion there is more likelihood of him starting multiple games this season. The game against the Falcons might be Griese's audition for the starter's job though.

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Collins chance of starting more games > Griese's chance
:goodposting: Griese would be for 1 game, I doubt Garcia's ankle is in that bad of shape.
I have a feeling that if Griese (and Collins) plays well - big if - they would each keep the starting gig. Just a gut feel - I just don't know which opportunity provided the biggest upside.
Yeah, I could def see a QB controversy in Tampa if Griese has a huge game.
People seem to be very sure about Garcia around here. He was good, not great last season. He missed 3 games and didn't play particularly well when he came back from injury:

Wk  Opp.	 Com	 Att	 Yards	TD	 Int15  vs ATL   15	  25	  109	  1	  1	  16  @ SFO	12	  20	  196	  1	  0 	18  vs NYG   23	  39	  207	  1	  2
Combine those performances with his age (38), what he did in the pre-season (78 yards and two picks on 18 attempts) and week 1 (only 5.4 YPA and a pick on 42 attempts), and I don't see why it's outlandish to think his days with Gruden could be numbered.
valhallan said:
People seem to be very sure about Garcia around here. He was good, not great last season. He missed 3 games and didn't play particularly well when he came back from injury:

Wk  Opp.	 Com	 Att	 Yards	TD	 Int15  vs ATL   15	  25	  109	  1	  1	  16  @ SFO	12	  20	  196	  1	  0 	18  vs NYG   23	  39	  207	  1	  2
Combine those performances with his age (38), what he did in the pre-season (78 yards and two picks on 18 attempts) and week 1 (only 5.4 YPA and a pick on 42 attempts), and I don't see why it's outlandish to think his days with Gruden could be numbered.
True, but Griese has hardly been dominant as a starter either putting up 10 Tds and 12 Ints in 6 starts with the Bears in '07. He put up 7 Tds and 7 Ints in 6 games with the '05 Bucs and 20 Tds and 12 Ints in 10 games with Tampa in '04. Griese is also 33.
Add Huard to these guys. He looked good in relief of Croyle, who has never looked very good. If Huard does really well the next few games, does Croyle get the starting job back?

Add Huard to these guys. He looked good in relief of Croyle, who has never looked very good. If Huard does really well the next few games, does Croyle get the starting job back?
Who knows. I think Herm has gone crazy because he says Tyler Thigpen will get some playing time while Croyle is out, so that hurts Huard's potential value. Knowing Herm, if Croyle gets healthy he'll get the starting job back.
valhallan said:
People seem to be very sure about Garcia around here. He was good, not great last season. He missed 3 games and didn't play particularly well when he came back from injury:

Wk Opp. Com Att Yards TD Int15 vs ATL 15 25 109 1 1 16 @ SFO 12 20 196 1 0 18 vs NYG 23 39 207 1 2Combine those performances with his age (38), what he did in the pre-season (78 yards and two picks on 18 attempts) and week 1 (only 5.4 YPA and a pick on 42 attempts), and I don't see why it's outlandish to think his days with Gruden could be numbered.
True, but Griese has hardly been dominant as a starter either putting up 10 Tds and 12 Ints in 6 starts with the Bears in '07. He put up 7 Tds and 7 Ints in 6 games with the '05 Bucs and 20 Tds and 12 Ints in 10 games with Tampa in '04. Griese is also 33.
27 TDs in 16 games for Gruden is way more than the 14 in 14 games Garcia has put up. But regardless, the point is if Garcia's skills have diminished, someone else is getting the starts. In deep leagues and start 2QB leagues, we care a lot about which guy is starting, even if he's not great. It's close, but right now my gut is telling me Griese could have a better shot than Collins to start longer, and certainly a better shot to put up decent FF numbers. He was brought back this off-season, which shows Gruden is comfortable with him. The Titans also signed Simms, which could easily be an indication that they want competition at their back-up/new starter spot.

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valhallan said:
People seem to be very sure about Garcia around here. He was good, not great last season. He missed 3 games and didn't play particularly well when he came back from injury:

Wk Opp. Com Att Yards TD Int15 vs ATL 15 25 109 1 1 16 @ SFO 12 20 196 1 0 18 vs NYG 23 39 207 1 2Combine those performances with his age (38), what he did in the pre-season (78 yards and two picks on 18 attempts) and week 1 (only 5.4 YPA and a pick on 42 attempts), and I don't see why it's outlandish to think his days with Gruden could be numbered.
True, but Griese has hardly been dominant as a starter either putting up 10 Tds and 12 Ints in 6 starts with the Bears in '07. He put up 7 Tds and 7 Ints in 6 games with the '05 Bucs and 20 Tds and 12 Ints in 10 games with Tampa in '04. Griese is also 33.
27 TDs in 16 games for Gruden is way more than the 14 in 14 games Garcia has put up. But regardless, the point is if Garcia's skills have diminished, someone else is getting the starts. In deep leagues and start 2QB leagues, we care a lot about which guy is starting, even if he's not great. It's close, but right now my gut is telling me Griese could have a better shot than Collins to start longer, and certainly a better shot to put up decent FF numbers. He was brought back this off-season, which shows Gruden is comfortable with him. The Titans also signed Simms, which could easily be an indication that they want competition at their back-up/new starter spot.
You definitely make some valid points and Collins hasn't put up numbers with the Titans, but he hasn't had much of an opportunity to do so either. I get your point about who is starting because as I said I'm considering Griese, Collins and Huard as my QB2 in a 16 team league with not much else available on waivers. I would have to drop VY though, so that is another thing to consider.

Just my opinion, but I think Griese is the better player. He had a nice stretch last year where he was a top-5 QB.

That said.........I think Collins will play more games and therefore has more value.

Griese could be top-15 in Tampa if he was the permanent starter, remember 05' before he got hurt? He will only start 1-2 games, so not an option unless you need a guy for this week.

Collins could be OK, may start the rest of the year, but has at least 4 games. He's a better option than what's on the WW IMO (T Jackson, Ryan, or Orton).

Griese could be top-15 in Tampa if he was the permanent starter, remember 05' before he got hurt? He will only start 1-2 games, so not an option unless you need a guy for this week.Collins could be OK, may start the rest of the year, but has at least 4 games. He's a better option than what's on the WW IMO (T Jackson, Ryan, or Orton).
Yup. In a 16 team league where the top 3 waiver choices at QB are Orton, Collins or Griese you know the pickings are slim. Luckily it is only a QB2 slot I'm looking to fill.
I think Garcia is done, based on these comments from Gruden:

"It's been a very interesting last few months," said Gruden. "We had the injury that occurred late last season. We had a prolonged calf injury. I've studied everything he's done. I really believe in this guy as a quarterback. Right now [Jeff] is not the same guy he was, and I want him to be that. That's all I'm going to say until I see the ball thrown with the crisp, accurate velocity and confident swagger. We're going to let him sit out for a week and hopefully he can get back with us soon."

"I just want him to get healthy, physically and emotionally, and hopefully he can come back and be the type of quarterback I know he's capable of being," said Gruden.

"I'm a pretty good judge of Jeff Garcia, and I'm a big believer in him. I just believe right now that what we're seeing right now is not what Jeff Garcia is capable of doing. That doesn't mean he won't be back soon. I do believe the best thing to do is go with Brian Griese, and that's what we're doing."

The guy is 38, dinged up, and unlikely to ever get back to form. If Griese plays well enough - I don't think Garcia ever sees the field again for Tampa.

Yep. And let's not forget the off-season tension about a contract extension and the Favre rumors. Looks like there has been some clear writing on the wall.


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