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Hardest to 'give up' - meat / booze / TV (3 Viewers)


Rank how hard it would be for you to give up these three items for say six months.  Top one is the easiest to give up, bottom is hardest.

1. Easiest

2. Easier

3. Harder

4. Hardest

  • Give up meat (vegetarian, no fish either)
  • Give up booze
  • Give up TV (any movies / shows, all devices)
  • Give up sex with another person



I think this would be my list too.  The "another person" part gives me pause to put that first.  The real difficult choice is between TV/Meat.  May need clarification if watching sports on my iPad qualifies as TV.  Either way, I think eating meat would be the hardest for me to give up.  :mellow:

6 months changes thing.  If it were forever then sex would be the obvious hardest choice because that'd be straight depressing and would ruin my marriage.  But, knowing there's a light at the end of the 6 month tunnel wouldn't be so bad. So, I'll go: 

HARDEST: TV - it'd kill me to miss the next six months of sports.  Basically the entire NFL season, baseball playoffs, Ryder Cup, GOT resuming, etc. Plus my wife and I usually watch a show together and a movie on a Friday night if we're home. 

HARDER: Meat and booze tied - genuinely think this would be as equally very difficult.  I stopped drinking during the week but wine is a look forward to Friday night thing and booze and golf is such a weekend staple for me with golf buddies that it would be a difficult adjustment.  Meat, well, I eat the #### out of meat and am trying to do high protein, low carb diet. 

EASIEST:Sex - This sounds so depressing, but I think this would be the easiest. 

ETA: Oops, I accidentally put them in inverse order from the OP's request. I have it going hardest to easiest. 

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Easy. Gave up booze almost 20 years ago because of medicine. I am now the worst date. I can't drink, so I'd be a great Designated Driver; but oh yeah...can't drive either! :cry:

Can I still play video games and watch movies?

Does chicken count as meat?

Booze- this is the easiest choice for me. I rarely drink

TV- As long as I can play video games still. And I can listen to the Yankees on the radio

Sex- I love it. It would suck for my wife but there's porn

Meat- If chicken counts as meat I don't think I can ever go vegetarian. If chicken doesn't count then this moves above sex.

Oh and if you added coffee to this list it would be at the very bottom. I love my coffee!

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1. Sex - been married 25 years and the wife and I have had a sexual revolution in the past year. The most and best sex we've ever had (ref: Cialis thread).

2. Booze - See #1 - wife started really liking margaritas in the last year, and that has greatly helped #1.

3. TV - It would be very tough to give up watching football on Sunday. 

4. Meat - I love meat. But as long as I have enough of #2, I can eat anything.

Easiest - Meat - "It's pizza time!"

Easier - Booze - "Hello weed!"

Harder - Sex - "Divinyls song!"

Hardest - TV - I can't watch football? That's going to be an issue.

Impossible - Gambling - I can't bet on football? Oof.

1. Sex - been married 25 years and the wife and I have had a sexual revolution in the past year. The most and best sex we've ever had (ref: Cialis thread).

2. Booze - See #1 - wife started really liking margaritas in the last year, and that has greatly helped #1.

3. TV - It would be very tough to give up watching football on Sunday. 

4. Meat - I love meat. But as long as I have enough of #2, I can eat anything.
Nice list but you numbered it backwards.  Ha ha - no sex for you!

Booze (I don't drink so this is a non starter)

Sex (hate this listed so high but being married for so long, it was inevitable I guess)

Meat (this is really hard but I could live on stir fry vegetables, pizza etc)

TV (TV and movies are my favorite pass times, I would be lost with out sports, movies, long form TV stories etc)

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I don't drink regularly so that would probably be easiest.   

Meat would be tough but I rarely eat red meat anymore - so other than chicken and bacon this would prbably be the next easiest

Probably Sex next

TV - I have an embarrassing love with watching tv/films like way too much

I could probably flip flop sex and meat.  I say this as someone who has been with my wife for 22 years.   With older kids/schedules/ages we get in ruts time to time.

This answer could change an hour from now 

6 months changes thing.  If it were forever then sex would be the obvious hardest choice because that'd be straight depressing and would ruin my marriage.  But, knowing there's a light at the end of the 6 month tunnel wouldn't be so bad. So, I'll go: 

TV - it'd kill me to miss the next six months of sports.  Basically the entire NFL season, baseball playoffs, Ryder Cup, GOT resuming, etc. Plus my wife and I usually watch a show together and a movie on a Friday night if we're home. 

Meat and booze tied - genuinely think this would be as equally very difficult.  I stopped drinking during the week but wine is a look forward to Friday night thing and booze and golf is such a weekend staple for me with golf buddies that it would be a difficult adjustment.  Meat, well, I eat the #### out of meat and am trying to do high protein, low carb diet. 

Sex - This sounds so depressing, but I think this would be the easiest. 
Being a 47 year old married for 20 year guy this is my ranking as well.  In my 20's this list would be reversed with Sex the hardest and TV the easiest.

Being a 47 year old married for 20 year guy this is my ranking as well.  In my 20's this list would be reversed with Sex the hardest and TV the easiest.
Yep.  25 year old and single Woz would have punched 35 year old and married Woz in the face and my list would have been inverted. But, alas, ten years, kids, a 60 hr/week job, and contractual monogamy changes things. 

Meat - a large part of my living comes from meat

TV - I don't watch a ton of TV, but this would be hard

Sex - Married 12 years. This isn't all that tough

Booze - Haven't had a drop for a couple weeks and not planning on indulging any time soon. Thought it would be harder when I decided to set a better example for my kids. I plan on indulging when I head out of town in a few weeks, but other than that, I'm on the wagon. maybe when the kids are out of the house, I'll take a nose dive off the wagon

What constitutes TV?  Big difference (and huge grey area) between a watching television set and watching a video on the internet.  Replacing tv with internet would move it further up the list for most people I imagine.

Beer, meat, sex..................................................................tv.  I don't even have a tv, it is effectively just a large monitor.  

Although if I tried each one individually, I could see myself failing on sex the soonest.

What constitutes TV?  Big difference (and huge grey area) between a watching television set and watching a video on the internet.  Replacing tv with internet would move it further up the list for most people I imagine.
I interpreted "TV" to mean live sporting events, shows, movies, etc. in their entireties whether watched on an actual TV or a computer.  

I assumed viewing the internet (so email, forums, articles, even youtube clips and podcasts)* were NOT included in the definition. 

*and, of course, I assumed porn clips from the internet were not included.  Otherwise that sex part would be much harder. 

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I interpreted "TV" to mean live sporting events, shows, movies, etc. in their entireties whether watched on an actual TV or a computer.  

I assumed viewing the internet (so email, forums, articles, even youtube clips and podcasts)* were NOT included in the definition. 

*and, of course, I assumed porn clips from the internet were not included.  Otherwise that sex part would be much harder. 
That makes it a no-brainier listing TV as the lowest.  The only things I ever watch live, and live through commercials for, are sports and news.   I can read my news and although it would be tough for 16 games I could stand to watch them the next day.

Rank how hard it would be for you to give up these three items for say six months.  Top one is the easiest to give up, bottom is hardest.

1. Easiest

2. Easier

3. Harder

4. Hardest

  • Give up meat (vegetarian, no fish either)
  • Give up booze
  • Give up TV (any movies / shows, all devices)
  • Give up sex with another person




Give up TV (any movies / shows, all devices)

Give up booze

Give up meat (vegetarian, no fish either)

Give up sex with another person

TV(I've got 3 little girls, I don't have control of the TV anyway)

SEX(I'm not the master of my domain)

BOOZE(weekend drinker)

MEAT(bacon, never give up the bacon)

Booze - easy, I don't drink all that much.

TV-SEX-MEAT- Nope, nope, nope - married 23 years, need all 3 equally.

Okay, here's my wife (true story.)  I look over to my wife and I said to her "I feel the say way about you as Paul Newman felt about his wife."  She said "how's that?"  I said, Paul Newman once said "I don't like to discuss my marriage, but I will tell you something which may sound corny but which happens to be true.  I have steak at home.  Why should I go out for hamburger?"  My awesome wife looks over at me and without missing a beat she said "Aw, well aren't you sweet."  And then she looks back down at the magazine she was reading and said ". . . and you know I feel the same about you, I mean, why would I go out for steak when I can stay home and have bologna?"  :)  

I'm like George Costanza and try to include them all together.  I refuse to place priority on them as it's just not fair.

Easiest - Alcohol; I've done this before for months at a time without much issue.

Easier - TV; I'd have a LOT more free time, read more and get more sleep.  I should probably do this anyway.

Harder - Sex; I could survive, but I love my wife and she's hot as heck.  Not getting to do her regularly for half a year would be rough.

Hardest - Meat; I've gone vegetarian for 3 weeks before and it is awful.  I was NEVER full and it kills my teeth from constantly chewing on veggies, rice, chips, etc.

That makes it a no-brainier listing TV as the lowest.  The only things I ever watch live, and live through commercials for, are sports and news.   I can read my news and although it would be tough for 16 games I could stand to watch them the next day.
I used to be a tv addict but with internet giving me scores and updates i almost don't need to watch actual games that end up putting me to sleep anyways.

Meat - done it before
TV - would be easy
Sex - doing it now indirectly (:rolleyes:) 
Booze - I need to do this now :gout:

1. Easiest - Booze; I rarely drink and when it do it's only socially on occasion

2. Easier - Meat; borderline vegan these days.

3. Harder - Sex; At least there are alternatives... :unsure:  

4. Hardest - TV; We watch some OTA stuff, but stream and cast a lot of shows that we use the big screen for. Mobile devices and PC monitors just won't cut it. We also play a fair amount of PS3/PS4. 

Easiest: booze (barely drink anyway)

Sex (had long droughts before, 6 months is manageable)

TV (could we time this Mar-Aug between Super Bowl and the first Thurs night game?)

Hardest: Meat (Keto has helped me keep to my desired weight and my body pretty much expects meat at this point)

TV (although if internet counted this might drop to the bottom)

Booze (would have been a lot harder choice, but probation ya know)



Booze is easy.  Plenty of ways to catch a buzz if needed.

Meat is pretty easy too.  GF cooks a pretty good veggie burger.

Sex is easy if I can still finger blast and munch my GF.

TV/Movies is easy if I can still play video games.  I'd read books and internet articles to pass the time.

I think the guys putting TV as easier than sex would have a rude awakening when they bust one after just a few min and then have nothing to do for the next half hr to an hr.  That's assuming they have a super willing partner.  You can only pump for so long until you're tired, sore, raw, chafed and dehydrated. 


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