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Healing And Moving Forward - Thoughts? (1 Viewer)

I’ve argued that the #1 roadblock to healing and moving forward is conservative distrust of the mainstream media. 
IMO, the #2 roadblock, and closely connected to the 1st, is conservative talk radio. 
Case in point: this morning I turned on 870 The Answer, a local conservative talk radio station. Here is what I heard almost word for word: 

“The fix is in: the Democrats needed Warnick and Ossoff to win, so they won. No hope at all of a fair election. Warnick and Ossoff are communists, they’re not even socialists, they’re communists, and anyone who studies history knows what communism is all about. This is a fight of good versus evil.” 
I guess you have to have a problem
If you want to invent a contraption
First you cause a train wreck
Then they put me in traction, mmm
Well, first came an action
And then a reaction
But you can't switch 'em 'round
For your own satisfaction
Well you burnt my house down
Then got mad
At my reaction
Well in every complicated situation
Of a human relation
Makin' sense of it all
Takes a whole lotta concentration, mmm
Well you can't blame a baby
For her pregnant ma
And if there's one of these unavoidable laws
It's that you just can't take the effect
And make it the cause, no

Well you can't take the effect
And make it the cause
I didn't rob a bank
Because you made up the law
Blame me for robbin' Peter
But don't you blame Paul
Can't take the effect
And make it the cause

Was hard not to notice last night how NYT Needle steadily predicted the course of events from relatively early on, while NBC and CNN covered it as a nail biter. It’s obvious why they did this, to stoke ratings, and it’s hardly the most egregious example of media irresponsibility subjugating truth to what sells, but amongst the 1,000 things that need to change, we need to clearly separate news from entertainment and impose standards for editorial, particularly if a company wants a broadcasting license. News should be cleverly separated from opinion, and subject to best practices.
I flipped the channel whenever MSNBC cut away from Kornacki and CNN cut away from King, so perhaps there was some narrative rubbish in between but I didn't get that sense at all. The message was consistently clear - if the DeKalb data dump is what we think it is then the blue team is going to win.

Disagree - but even if this were true, the problem isn't with conservatives, it's with the media. The media could make improvements to regain trust - and in some cases (CNN, NYT) restore their own deeply damaged brands - but that's not they're in business for. Good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair (hint: badwrongunfair) they're in the business ratings, views, and clicks.
Is it?  The media does what gets eyeballs and clicks.  That's their entire business model and why I checked out on them long ago.  Until WE demand differently, they aren't going to act differently.  That goes for all people...not just conservatives.  The "sides" here are getting exactly what they are demanding...that's not on the media.

Disagree - but even if this were true, the problem isn't with conservatives, it's with the media. The media could make improvements to regain trust - and in some cases (CNN, NYT) restore their own deeply damaged brands - but that's not they're in business for. Good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair (hint: badwrongunfair) they're in the business ratings, views, and clicks.
Is it?  The media does what gets eyeballs and clicks.  That's their entire business model and why I checked out on them long ago.  Until WE demand differently, they aren't going to act differently.  That goes for all people...not just conservatives.  The "sides" here are getting exactly what they are demanding...that's not on the media.
Strongly disagree.

When a politician is dishonest, that's on him not the voters.

When a company is dishonest, that's on them not the shareholders.

When media is dishonest, that's on them not the viewers.

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Strongly disagree.

When a politician is dishonest, that's on him not the voters.

When a company is dishonest, that's on them not the shareholders.

When media is dishonest, that's on them not the viewers.
Then vote against them.

Stop shopping with them.

And stop watching/reading them.

Want change? That^^^ is how it's done.

Strongly disagree.

When a politician is dishonest, that's on him not the voters.

When a company is dishonest, that's on them not the shareholders.

When media is dishonest, that's on them not the viewers.
That's not at all how behavior works though.  Behavior is learned...always has been always will be  :shrug:   

Which nations would those be again?
Finland, Iceland, Denmark, New Zealand, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, etc.

This really shouldn't be news to you or anyone else. The above countries, and several others are routinely ranked as having happier populations. And those countries have far greater social safety nets and universal health coverage.

Now, whether that would translate here is another question. But to act ignorant of the fact that year after year in survery after survey...well

Then vote against them.

Stop shopping with them.

And stop watching/reading them.

Want change? That^^^ is how it's done.
Thank you. Completely agree. Hold people and orgs accountable for their dishonesty. Stop dismissing and excusing it.

CNN & NYT are garbage and it's ridiculous to say "Well it's really the conservatives fault"

Finland, Iceland, Denmark, New Zealand, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, etc.

This really shouldn't be news to you or anyone else. The above countries, and several others are routinely ranked as having happier populations. And those countries have far greater social safety nets and universal health coverage.

Now, whether that would translate here is another question. But to act ignorant of the fact that year after year in survery after survey...well
I'm skeptical this would translate well here.   

"Scandinavian countries tend to levy top personal income tax rates on (upper) middle-class earners, not just high-income taxpayers. For example, in Denmark the top statutory personal income tax rate of 55.9 percent applies to all income over 1.3 times the average income. From the American perspective, this means that all income over $65,000 (1.3 times the average U.S. income of about $50,000) would be taxed at 55.9 percent."

How Scandinavian countries pay for their government spending

I flipped the channel whenever MSNBC cut away from Kornacki and CNN cut away from King, so perhaps there was some narrative rubbish in between but I didn't get that sense at all. The message was consistently clear - if the DeKalb data dump is what we think it is then the blue team is going to win.
God help me, I watched a decent amount of CNN last night - King consistently said wait for Dekalb but he also made it seem like a hail mary at times.  I definitely think they strung things along for viewership.  Not a huge deal as I'm assuming other cable news channels do the same.  But if you only listened to what they were saying you would have thought the Dems were both going to lose - at least until the big Dekalb drop.

It would bring down the temperature of the country if Trump would concede. Maybe encourage his followers to support the Biden administration and work towards the betterment of the country.
I remember all these people encouraging support of the Trump administration and work towards the betterment of the country.  It's amazing how quickly the narrative can change for folks.

God help me, I watched a decent amount of CNN last night - King consistently said wait for Dekalb but he also made it seem like a hail mary at times.  I definitely think they strung things along for viewership.  Not a huge deal as I'm assuming other cable news channels do the same.  But if you only listened to what they were saying you would have thought the Dems were both going to lose - at least until the big Dekalb drop.
I think part if it is - the media has gotten burned in the not-so-distatn past fro calling races before they are done. 

And, both races were close enough, than just a little anomaly could have altered the outcome, no matter what the projections were showing.

God help me, I watched a decent amount of CNN last night - King consistently said wait for Dekalb but he also made it seem like a hail mary at times.  I definitely think they strung things along for viewership.  Not a huge deal as I'm assuming other cable news channels do the same.  But if you only listened to what they were saying you would have thought the Dems were both going to lose - at least until the big Dekalb drop.
Well, yeah - they're feeding their target audience what they want to hear and doing what's necessary to sustain eyeballs. I can only say what I read because I only watch Wallace on that channel, but it's the same reason why Faux flipped the rig switch when they did. If we don't want opinions masqueraded as journalism all in the name of ratings then we must act accordingly. We don't. People like me that only tune in for the data nerds are the minority.

God help me, I watched a decent amount of CNN last night - King consistently said wait for Dekalb but he also made it seem like a hail mary at times.  I definitely think they strung things along for viewership.  Not a huge deal as I'm assuming other cable news channels do the same.  But if you only listened to what they were saying you would have thought the Dems were both going to lose - at least until the big Dekalb drop.
Agree. I was watching CNN and feeling their vibe then I'd read through the election thread here and saw people confident the Dems would pull off the sweep and I didn't know why they were feeling that confident.

So I put on Hulu and watch a couple of episodes of Letterkenny and felt much better.

I remember all these people encouraging support of the Trump administration and work towards the betterment of the country.  It's amazing how quickly the narrative can change for folks.
Trump’s first press conference he screamed at CNN “you are fake news”. Not really the best way to get things calmed down.

Just heard them talking on POTUS Radio a station that is left leaning that the country is so divided in what direction they want to go, and that the margin of majority is very slim that hopefully nothing too drastic happens the first year under Biden as that will cause even more turmoil.

We need to find a middle ground and stop pushing too hard one way or the other.  If you work for a company that has 100 employees and 51 are happy and 49 are not then your company will fail.

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Stop...just stop.  How you are still posting today is beyond me.  Take your personal  stuff to someone else. Im well past over it.
Please don’t board cop, it’s a legit question. If this country is going to heal everyone needs to look at how they treat others. If healing is actually a goal. 

Please don’t board cop, it’s a legit question. If this country is going to heal everyone needs to look at how they treat others. If healing is actually a goal. 
And I treat others by not getting personal...by continuing to post on a message board and disagree and do so civilly and I will keep doing that.  I won't be told to shut up or told how to post by someone who calls any disagreement with his side trolling.

So again...after all the warnings today...stop the personal back and forth.  Address my posts and not me.  Something you have been asked many times to do.

That speech wasn’t that of someone that was going to bring this country together from what I heard. 
Ok...that is your opinion.  I highly disagree...as it was the calm speech of a leader.

Do you believe Trump's speech this morning was that of someone looking for any sort of healing?

And I treat others by not getting personal...by continuing to post on a message board and disagree and do so civilly and I will keep doing that.  I won't be told to shut up or told how to post by someone who calls any disagreement with his side trolling.

So again...after all the warnings today...stop the personal back and forth.  Address my posts and not me.  Something you have been asked many times to do.
Please stop your schtick where you try to get anyone you can suspended from the “other side”. Nothing I said was inaccurate and was a legit question. 

Please stop quoting me since when you are questioned you respond in this manner. 

i don't want to heal.   I spent most of 2020 listening to lefties tell me on the news that Antifa "was an idea" or denying its existence at all.  And then, on video with buildings burning and hundreds of people rolling in the streets,  major media says "mostly peaceful protest"  https://conservativedailypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/calebhullmostlypeacefulcnn.jpg

look, i live in Portland.   This city is full of Antifa.  I can take you to meet them.   Hell they just had a publicly organized soccer tournament https://libertyunyielding.com/2020/12/29/antifa-starts-own-soccer-league-with-four-clubs-in-portland-or/

Portland looks like Detroit circa 2005.    It is boarded up windows, empty retail spaces and restaurants.   homeless encampments everywhere, streets crumbling, graffiti everywhere.  That's in the outlying areas of the city.   In the downtown, its even worse.  I spent all summer reading about Antifa trying to burn down the Federal Courthouse and Ted Wheeler (mayor) did virtually nothing to stop it.

We just had 4 years of "the resistance".   Get ready for 4 more.

i don't want to heal.   I spent most of 2020 listening to lefties tell me on the news that Antifa "was an idea" or denying its existence at all.  And then, on video with buildings burning and hundreds of people rolling in the streets,  major media says "mostly peaceful protest"  https://conservativedailypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/calebhullmostlypeacefulcnn.jpg

look, i live in Portland.   This city is full of Antifa.  I can take you to meet them.   Hell they just had a publicly organized soccer tournament https://libertyunyielding.com/2020/12/29/antifa-starts-own-soccer-league-with-four-clubs-in-portland-or/

Portland looks like Detroit circa 2005.    It is boarded up windows, empty retail spaces and restaurants.   homeless encampments everywhere, streets crumbling, graffiti everywhere.  That's in the outlying areas of the city.   In the downtown, its even worse.  I spent all summer reading about Antifa trying to burn down the Federal Courthouse and Ted Wheeler (mayor) did virtually nothing to stop it.

We just had 4 years of "the resistance".   Get ready for 4 more.

I appreciate the honesty, I guess. But wow.

@sho nuff - Just put him on ignore.  Seriously.  One of you has to be the bigger person.  Make it you.
That would be great, I’ve asked him to many times and you will find at least 30 posts with him trolling me in the last couple days. I ask him one question and he dodges it. I tried to find the feature but it’s not on my phone, hope he listens to you and thanks for the help.  :hifive:

In some bizarre, twisted way I think this sped up what we could call “healing”.

This is so beyond the pale that there really isn’t an other side.

The center has slid way over here.


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