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Homer question (1 Viewer)


I get the impression there is a big contingent of people that truly HATE the Colts. I don't get it. Marvin has to be the classiest receiver in the NFL; has the guy ever done an endzone celbration? Edge runs the ball on Sunday, and you don't hear from him until next Sunday. I'm guessing it's a Peyton thing, but why? Other than looking like he eats his own boogers, what does he do? I mean, I hated the Cowboys of the 90s, but that's because all they did was win. Unfortunately, the Colts don't have that problem. Someone, explain this to me.

I have no problem with the Colts at all. There's really no one on the team I dislike, and I'm especially a fan of Edge, Harrison, and Bob Sanders.

I don't hate them either. As I said in another thread, I think Peyton Manning is probably a really nice guy. I don't like all of his girations on every single play though. Of course there are times when you must but Manning takes it to the extreme and beyond.Line up and snap the friggin' ball already.

Im a colts fan most people are just reporting there flaws.Some people do hate them I think its the media that causes some of that.One thing for sure being a nice guy does not make you a winner in the nfl its the team that wants it the most that wins.

Right now there is no team outside of the Bears division that I like to see lose more than the ColtsNot really sure why this is

I really like Marvin and Peyton. I also enjoy watching underdogs win big games and seeing the big dogs fall.

I think the reason that some dislike the Colts has to do with a lot of the media buildup around them and for no reason. I mean it's been made out to seem by some of the media the last couple of years that they were the favorite and it would be shocking if they lost. What they base this on, I have no idea. I could understand if they were the Patriots, or the Cowboys of the 90's or the Niners before that etc..because those teams actually won something in the playoffs are had proven they could win. Indianapolis has never won a big game in the last couple years and for that, the media should percieve them as a team that's "on the rise" or "on the cusp" (kinda like a Cincy this year, or a San Diego, etc.) but never as a favorite or as if they are invincible (like they were percieved this year during the regular season). I think it's that discrepency in how they should be percieved in the media that rubs people the wrong way about the Colts. And it's too bad, because Dungy is a class act, and so is James, and Harrison, etc. But I think they blew their best opportunity to win the SuperBowl this year, everything aligned perfectly (the Pats out, homefield, etc) and will not have a chance as good as this in the next couple of years (due to contract situations on offence, the overall strength of the AFC with both playoff teams this year and teams who missed last year).

I don't hate the Colts as much as it's I love to see Manning lose. He has been built up as the second coming of Johnny U, Montana, Marino and Elway combined. He plays poorly in big games (entire career) and has never been able to win a championship. A generalization here, but everyone clamors about how he is going to be the best ever and how they would love to have him as their QB, however no one can explain why they do since he can't get his team on top. Yes football is a team game, but the QB is the ship's captain and with the regular season success that he has for that success to simply vanish in post season play is more than astonishing. Peyton, more than any other QB, has almost complete cotrol of the O game plan execution during the game. And has 100% authority to audbile into whatever play he sees fit. That's what gets me, everyone says he is some sort of Superman but apparently the playoffs are his Kryptonite since his abilities dimish greatly in the Playoffs. I would still like to know why someone would want him as their QB with his inability to succeed in the playoffs.

I don't hate the Colts as much as it's I love to see Manning lose. He has been built up as the second coming of Johnny U, Montana, Marino and Elway combined. He plays poorly in big games (entire career) and has never been able to win a championship.

A generalization here, but everyone clamors about how he is going to be the best ever and how they would love to have him as their QB, however no one can explain why they do since he can't get his team on top. Yes football is a team game, but the QB is the ship's captain and with the regular season success that he has for that success to simply vanish in post season play is more than astonishing. Peyton, more than any other QB, has almost complete cotrol of the O game plan execution during the game. And has 100% authority to audbile into whatever play he sees fit. That's what gets me, everyone says he is some sort of Superman but apparently the playoffs are his Kryptonite since his abilities dimish greatly in the Playoffs. I would still like to know why someone would want him as their QB with his inability to succeed in the playoffs.
Do you have any data to cite for the proposition that past playoff performance is a better barometer for future playoff performance than past (or even current) regular season performance? If you have some interesting evidence to defend that point, that would probably cause me (and others) to not want him.
they annoy me with their squeaky clean image and the fact that they ran up the score like fiends on several teams trying to get manning that record 2 years ago. plus it's fun to see the golden boy get shut out of ever winning anything.not to mention everything porter mentioned last week in his rant. all that trickery/finesse/audibling gets to be very sobering.

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I don't hate the Colts but...Manning's gyrations at the line are worse than watching that golfer's endless waggle. He also does the fake spike (Marino-copy) that fools no one anymore.I think he padded stats when he went for the TD record. Call me crazy, but take a seat when your 28 points ahead.I don't like what Archie/Eli pulled on San Diego.Vanderjerk is... well a jerk.That said, I have tremendous respect for Peyton's ability, for Edge, Harrison and especially Tony Dungy. I think Gruden's superbowl was on dungy's coat-tails.I was actually in their corner yesterday until Pittsburgh started getting the short end of several calls. So, I changed my allegiance to the Steelers.

I don't hate the Colts as much as it's I love to see Manning lose. He has been built up as the second coming of Johnny U, Montana, Marino and Elway combined. He plays poorly in big games (entire career) and has never been able to win a championship.

A generalization here, but everyone clamors about how he is going to be the best ever and how they would love to have him as their QB, however no one can explain why they do since he can't get his team on top. Yes football is a team game, but the QB is the ship's captain and with the regular season success that he has for that success to simply vanish in post season play is more than astonishing. Peyton, more than any other QB, has almost complete cotrol of the O game plan execution during the game. And has 100% authority to audbile into whatever play he sees fit. That's what gets me, everyone says he is some sort of Superman but apparently the playoffs are his Kryptonite since his abilities dimish greatly in the Playoffs. I would still like to know why someone would want him as their QB with his inability to succeed in the playoffs.
Do you have any data to cite for the proposition that past playoff performance is a better barometer for future playoff performance than past (or even current) regular season performance? If you have some interesting evidence to defend that point, that would probably cause me (and others) to not want him.
Moreso a gut feeling based on him, Manning, never being able to win the championship game on any level. I have no data to back this up other than the fact he has never won a championship on any level period. In post season games his performance always seems to be no where near his level of play in the regular season. I don't have time right now to look at all of his stats and do the numbers, but I will tonight.
I have no feelings for the Colts one way or another. I really like Bob Sanders. Dude's a house of fire. He'd make a great Steeler. :towelwave:

I don't hate the Colts as much as it's I love to see Manning lose. He has been built up as the second coming of Johnny U, Montana, Marino and Elway combined. He plays poorly in big games (entire career) and has never been able to win a championship.

A generalization here, but everyone clamors about how he is going to be the best ever and how they would love to have him as their QB, however no one can explain why they do since he can't get his team on top. Yes football is a team game, but the QB is the ship's captain and with the regular season success that he has for that success to simply vanish in post season play is more than astonishing. Peyton, more than any other QB, has almost complete cotrol of the O game plan execution during the game. And has 100% authority to audbile into whatever play he sees fit. That's what gets me, everyone says he is some sort of Superman but apparently the playoffs are his Kryptonite since his abilities dimish greatly in the Playoffs. I would still like to know why someone would want him as their QB with his inability to succeed in the playoffs.
Do you have any data to cite for the proposition that past playoff performance is a better barometer for future playoff performance than past (or even current) regular season performance? If you have some interesting evidence to defend that point, that would probably cause me (and others) to not want him.
Moreso a gut feeling based on him, Manning, never being able to win the championship game on any level. I have no data to back this up other than the fact he has never won a championship on any level period. In post season games his performance always seems to be no where near his level of play in the regular season. I don't have time right now to look at all of his stats and do the numbers, but I will tonight.
He had three of the best post-season games in recent memory, for what it's worth.But regardless, even if all of Manning's post-season play was better, I'd still need to see some pretty convincing evidence that bad post-season play is habitual or that there's something super unique about Peyton Manning that transforms him from Joe Namath to Browning Nagle. (That super unique thing wouldn't happen to be the Steelers and the Patriots, would it?)

I don't understand the Colts hatred either. Classy front office, classy coach, classy players. I'm thinking that a lot of Manning-bashers would give their right arm to have him under center on their team.

I don't hate the Colts. I do get freaked out sometimes when I look at Marvin Harrison. I don't think he is ugly or anything like that, but sometimes his eyes look really bugged like he just saw a ghost.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that I "Hate" the Colts...I "Hate" the Raiders.....always have...always will....I used to "Hate" the Cowboys.....when they were good...now, I kinda feel sorry for them...In both cases it wasn't so much the franchise that made me want to wretch, it was their fans.....Dallas fans disappeared from these parts when they started to suck. The Raiders "fans" around here don't really watch football...they just like the colors.Actually, I don't know any Colts fans.....I guess I just like watching people with pedigrees fall flat......

I hate how the media annointed Manning the 2nd coming and act as if his #### doesnt stink. Same goes for Eli. When he put together a few good games in a row this year, they were all over him ready to make him the 2nd best qb, only behind big bro. You get it everywhere, not just ESPN

I do not hate the Colts, but I do hate Peyton Manning. It actually goes beyond hate because I also used to hate John Elway, but I respected him. I have no respect for Peyton. My hatred of him is because, but not limited to:His refusal to have accountability. All the great QBs shoulder the blame of losses and deflect the criticism off their team. Thats what leaders do. Peyton shifts blame to the entire team or specific parts of the team like this week after losses. Disgusting. His inability to deal with pressure or show any heart whatsoever. No QB likes to take hits, but the good ones deal with pressure and take hits, stand in the pocket, and deliver the football even thought they know they are going to get blasted. This guy either just wings the ball 15 yards over guys heads or crumbles in the pocket like we saw on Sunday. His lack of heart also shows when the team is losing. He is a great downhill QB. If the Colts are winning and everything is clicking he is great. Give them a deficit and a have a couple things go wrong and this guy folds every time. How many playoff come from behind wins does he have?The way he shows up other guys on the field. I am so sick of this guy waving his arms at his receivers and pointing where they should have been after incompletions or interceptions. This was never more evident than during the 4 int game in NE. It also sickens me the way he fires the ball into the ground after false starts by the O line. They usually play really well and protect him great, but have one false start after he has you lined up for 40 seconds in your stance and out comes the baby in Peyton.His antics at the end of the half against Tennessee this year.It dosen't help that the media shoves him down my throat every chance they get.

I do not hate the Colts, but I do hate Peyton Manning. It actually goes beyond hate because I also used to hate John Elway, but I respected him. I have no respect for Peyton. My hatred of him is because, but not limited to:

His refusal to have accountability. All the great QBs shoulder the blame of losses and deflect the criticism off their team. Thats what leaders do. Peyton shifts blame to the entire team or specific parts of the team like this week after losses. Disgusting.

His inability to deal with pressure or show any heart whatsoever. No QB likes to take hits, but the good ones deal with pressure and take hits, stand in the pocket, and deliver the football even thought they know they are going to get blasted. This guy either just wings the ball 15 yards over guys heads or crumbles in the pocket like we saw on Sunday. His lack of heart also shows when the team is losing. He is a great downhill QB. If the Colts are winning and everything is clicking he is great. Give them a deficit and a have a couple things go wrong and this guy folds every time. How many playoff come from behind wins does he have?

The way he shows up other guys on the field. I am so sick of this guy waving his arms at his receivers and pointing where they should have been after incompletions or interceptions. This was never more evident than during the 4 int game in NE. It also sickens me the way he fires the ball into the ground after false starts by the O line. They usually play really well and protect him great, but have one false start after he has you lined up for 40 seconds in your stance and out comes the baby in Peyton.

His antics at the end of the half against Tennessee this year.

It dosen't help that the media shoves him down my throat every chance they get.
I hate the Baltamare I mean the Indianapolis Colts. My hate runs very deep for them I blame them for the down fall of my Browns. If the colts would not have thrown Baltamore under the bus, and left in the cover of darkness. My brown would have ray lewis and a ring. By the way how many rings dose Indy have. Show them the rings Tom. (real QB) I hate how the NFL hypes up Payton to be one of the greats. Record 0-4 agianst Florida 3-6 in the playoffs NO SUPER BOWLSAt least Dan Marino played in a Super Bowl. As for the rest of the team Marvion got nothing on T. Holt or S. Smith even the jerk T.O. made it to a Super Bowl. What about the edge is he really that much better then an avarage RB in the league NO. As for Dungy and his Assistis they cant when the big game. Look at there records in big games. Chumps is all I can say about the colts and there classless organization.

I do not hate the Colts, but I do hate Peyton Manning. It actually goes beyond hate because I also used to hate John Elway, but I respected him. I have no respect for Peyton. My hatred of him is because, but not limited to:

His refusal to have accountability. All the great QBs shoulder the blame of losses and deflect the criticism off their team. Thats what leaders do. Peyton shifts blame to the entire team or specific parts of the team like this week after losses. Disgusting.

His inability to deal with pressure or show any heart whatsoever. No QB likes to take hits, but the good ones deal with pressure and take hits, stand in the pocket, and deliver the football even thought they know they are going to get blasted. This guy either just wings the ball 15 yards over guys heads or crumbles in the pocket like we saw on Sunday. His lack of heart also shows when the team is losing. He is a great downhill QB. If the Colts are winning and everything is clicking he is great. Give them a deficit and a have a couple things go wrong and this guy folds every time. How many playoff come from behind wins does he have?

The way he shows up other guys on the field. I am so sick of this guy waving his arms at his receivers and pointing where they should have been after incompletions or interceptions. This was never more evident than during the 4 int game in NE. It also sickens me the way he fires the ball into the ground after false starts by the O line. They usually play really well and protect him great, but have one false start after he has you lined up for 40 seconds in your stance and out comes the baby in Peyton.

His antics at the end of the half against Tennessee this year.

It dosen't help that the media shoves him down my throat every chance they get.
:fro: Right on.For me, it is really about two things:

1) I hate the bush league "caught ya" penalty crap. I know some people think it's smart management, but the Titans game really made up my mind about it.

2) How can you not hate someone so beloved by every game announcer. It's painful to listen to sometimes.

Other than that, I can deal with him.

I do not hate the Colts, but I do hate Peyton Manning.  It actually goes beyond hate because I also used to hate John Elway, but I respected him.  I have no respect for Peyton.  My hatred of him is because, but not limited to:

His refusal to have accountability.  All the great QBs shoulder the blame of losses and deflect the criticism off their team.  Thats what leaders do.  Peyton shifts blame to the entire team or specific parts of the team like this week after losses.  Disgusting. 

His inability to deal with pressure or show any heart whatsoever.  No QB likes to take hits, but the good ones deal with pressure and take hits, stand in the pocket, and deliver the football even thought they know they are going to get blasted.  This guy either just wings the ball 15 yards over guys heads or crumbles in the pocket like we saw on Sunday.  His lack of heart also shows when the team is losing.  He is a great downhill QB.  If the Colts are winning and everything is clicking he is great.  Give them a deficit and a have a couple things go wrong and this guy folds every time.  How many playoff come from behind wins does he have?

The way he shows up other guys on the field.  I am so sick of this guy waving his arms at his receivers and pointing where they should have been after incompletions or interceptions.  This was never more evident than during the 4 int game in NE.  It also sickens me the way he fires the ball into the ground after false starts by the O line.  They usually play really well and protect him great, but have one false start after he has you lined up for 40 seconds in your stance and out comes the baby in Peyton.

His antics at the end of the half against Tennessee this year.

It dosen't help that the media shoves him down my throat every chance they get.
:fro: Right on.For me, it is really about two things:

1) I hate the bush league "caught ya" penalty crap. I know some people think it's smart management, but the Titans game really made up my mind about it.

2) How can you not hate someone so beloved by every game announcer. It's painful to listen to sometimes.

Other than that, I can deal with him.
The media definitely does add to my hatred for him. Gus Johnson, who I usually like, actuallly said that there is no better man or teammate in all of sport and that when he finishes football he could run for president during one telecasat this year.
I do not hate the Colts, but I do hate Peyton Manning. It actually goes beyond hate because I also used to hate John Elway, but I respected him. I have no respect for Peyton. My hatred of him is because, but not limited to:

His refusal to have accountability. All the great QBs shoulder the blame of losses and deflect the criticism off their team. Thats what leaders do. Peyton shifts blame to the entire team or specific parts of the team like this week after losses. Disgusting.

His inability to deal with pressure or show any heart whatsoever. No QB likes to take hits, but the good ones deal with pressure and take hits, stand in the pocket, and deliver the football even thought they know they are going to get blasted. This guy either just wings the ball 15 yards over guys heads or crumbles in the pocket like we saw on Sunday. His lack of heart also shows when the team is losing. He is a great downhill QB. If the Colts are winning and everything is clicking he is great. Give them a deficit and a have a couple things go wrong and this guy folds every time. How many playoff come from behind wins does he have?

The way he shows up other guys on the field. I am so sick of this guy waving his arms at his receivers and pointing where they should have been after incompletions or interceptions. This was never more evident than during the 4 int game in NE. It also sickens me the way he fires the ball into the ground after false starts by the O line. They usually play really well and protect him great, but have one false start after he has you lined up for 40 seconds in your stance and out comes the baby in Peyton.

His antics at the end of the half against Tennessee this year.

It dosen't help that the media shoves him down my throat every chance they get.
:goodposting: :goodposting:
I do not hate the Colts, but I do hate Peyton Manning. It actually goes beyond hate because I also used to hate John Elway, but I respected him. I have no respect for Peyton. My hatred of him is because, but not limited to:

His refusal to have accountability. All the great QBs shoulder the blame of losses and deflect the criticism off their team. Thats what leaders do. Peyton shifts blame to the entire team or specific parts of the team like this week after losses. Disgusting.

His inability to deal with pressure or show any heart whatsoever. No QB likes to take hits, but the good ones deal with pressure and take hits, stand in the pocket, and deliver the football even thought they know they are going to get blasted. This guy either just wings the ball 15 yards over guys heads or crumbles in the pocket like we saw on Sunday. His lack of heart also shows when the team is losing. He is a great downhill QB. If the Colts are winning and everything is clicking he is great. Give them a deficit and a have a couple things go wrong and this guy folds every time. How many playoff come from behind wins does he have?

The way he shows up other guys on the field. I am so sick of this guy waving his arms at his receivers and pointing where they should have been after incompletions or interceptions. This was never more evident than during the 4 int game in NE. It also sickens me the way he fires the ball into the ground after false starts by the O line. They usually play really well and protect him great, but have one false start after he has you lined up for 40 seconds in your stance and out comes the baby in Peyton.

His antics at the end of the half against Tennessee this year.

It dosen't help that the media shoves him down my throat every chance they get.
Thats what we all want on our team someone who will lose the big game. NEVER ONE A BIG GAME> You can have him I take Brady, Delhome I even take B. Johnson over him these guys can win. YOURS CANT CHUMP IS ALL HE WILL EVER BE>

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