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How do I play Blackjack? (2 Viewers)

Brintey Spears

I'm going to Vegas soon.

I'm gonna want to gamble. I don't expect to make any money, but I would like my money to last for longer than 10 minutes.

Can anyone give me a basic way to stretch my gambling out?

I understand the rules and all, just not really any strategy or anything even remotely close.

I'm going to Vegas soon.

I'm gonna want to gamble. I don't expect to make any money, but I would like my money to last for longer than 10 minutes.

Can anyone give me a basic way to stretch my gambling out?

I understand the rules and all, just not really any strategy or anything even remotely close.
Ask your dealer what you should do each hand. You'll catch on eventually.
If you can't take the card to the table, here a few quick tips that you should be able to remember.

Always split aces and 8s. Don't pay attention to what anyone tells you, the odds are in your favor to do so each time, no matter what the dealer has showing.

If the dealer has a 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 showing, do not hit anything you may break your hand on--if you have a 12 or higher. There are times you should hit anyway, but I'm just trying to give you easy tips to remember.

If the dealer has a 7 or higher showing, hit your hand to 17 or higher.

If you have a soft 17 (a hand with an ace, and any combination of cards which the total hand equals 7 or 17---note--soft means if you hit the hand with a ten, you won't break your hand). This move is also better odds for the player of winning.

Don't split tens. You will not make many friends doing this.

If you win, and your dealer is friendly, tip them. That is how they earn their living.

Have fun and drink one for me.

Also if there are any other simple gambling games I can try, please I am looking for reccomendations.

I am itching to place a sports bet or two as well. : )

Also if there are any other simple gambling games I can try, please I am looking for reccomendations.

I am itching to place a sports bet or two as well. : )
Blackjack and craps give you the best odds. Actually most of the casinos have mini-lessons or clinics on how to play stuff like BJ and craps. No shame is checking them out. Better than losing all your cash.
I have no shame anyway GB. I will be searching out these mini-lessons. Craps seems like fun.
Also if there are any other simple gambling games I can try, please I am looking for reccomendations.

I am itching to place a sports bet or two as well. : )
Blackjack and craps give you the best odds. Actually most of the casinos have mini-lessons or clinics on how to play stuff like BJ and craps. No shame is checking them out. Better than losing all your cash.
I have no shame anyway GB. I will be searching out these mini-lessons. Craps seems like fun.
Craps is a blast. Nothing better than being at a hot table with a bunch of cool people.
And they give you free booze, right?
Also if there are any other simple gambling games I can try, please I am looking for reccomendations.

I am itching to place a sports bet or two as well. : )
Blackjack and craps give you the best odds. Actually most of the casinos have mini-lessons or clinics on how to play stuff like BJ and craps. No shame is checking them out. Better than losing all your cash.
I have no shame anyway GB. I will be searching out these mini-lessons. Craps seems like fun.
Craps is a blast. Nothing better than being at a hot table with a bunch of cool people.
And they give you free booze, right?
:banned: :banned: :banned:
What in the world has taken me so long to visit this Mecca?
Also if there are any other simple gambling games I can try, please I am looking for reccomendations.

I am itching to place a sports bet or two as well. : )
Blackjack and craps give you the best odds. Actually most of the casinos have mini-lessons or clinics on how to play stuff like BJ and craps. No shame is checking them out. Better than losing all your cash.
I have no shame anyway GB. I will be searching out these mini-lessons. Craps seems like fun.
Craps is a blast. Nothing better than being at a hot table with a bunch of cool people.
Craps is by far the best game in the casino for odds and fun.
Britney, I have a great piece of advice for you since you are staying at NYNY.

There is a giftshop right around the corner from the front desk. It is open 24 hours/day. In that giftshop, they sell the little cheat cards, and you can definitely use them at the blackjack table. I'm not sure if there is such a thing for craps, but they do have them for some other games as well (video poker maybe?). Anyway, the best part about that gift shop is that they sell single beers for $3. Sure, you can get a drink from a cocktail waittress for free (usually tip her $1/drink though) when you are sitting at a table, but if you're just walking around the casino and what not, beers at the bars will likely cost you closer to $5 and if it's a crowded night you'll have to wait. There's never a line in the gift shop - $3 cold beers. Best thing ever.

Unless you are a winning player, here is the best way to gamble in Vegas:

1. Play the nickle slots. A lot of people play multiple nickles per trial, but you should not do this. Play one nickle at a time, and wait at least ten seconds (preferably longer) between plays.

2. You will be losing about a penny per trial. At four trials per minute, you will be losing about $2.40/hr.

3. Order a Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum and Cola from your c0cktail waitress. Tip her good, especially if she's hot.

4. Repeat step three as often as possible, and step one as un-often as possible.

Can you take these charts to the table?
I've never seen anyone told they couldn't. In fact a couple of years ago I was at a table with about 4-5 guys who were friends. Not one of them knew how to play...but they thought they did. They kept losing and finally one of them asks the dealer "Any advice?"She tells them what I posted above "Go buy one of those cheat cards."

They all laughed. She told them "Seriously". I cracked up.
I've brought a card to the table, the dealer was cool with it. In fact, the dealer kept a card on the table for communal use. The only annoying thing is that that other players tend to ask you for advise based on the card/chart. I hear Pai Gow is a fun game that can last a while (aka more free drinks while playing) cuz players tend to tie the dealer a lot.

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also, study the card a little before sitting down to play with it. people will start to get annoyed if it takes you 60 seconds to decide whether to hit or stay on every hand. might not hurt to practice a bit online a bit before you go...there are charts at wizardofodds that will help you.

if you're ever unsure what to do, you can usually ask and someone will help you out.

Pick up one of those little "cheatsheet" cards at the gift shop. Seriously.
The first reply is always the best.We should hook up at the blackjack tables, Brit, since I seem to recall that you're not really into poker.

26 more days!

Britney, I have a great piece of advice for you since you are staying at NYNY.

There is a giftshop right around the corner from the front desk. It is open 24 hours/day. In that giftshop, they sell the little cheat cards, and you can definitely use them at the blackjack table. I'm not sure if there is such a thing for craps, but they do have them for some other games as well (video poker maybe?). Anyway, the best part about that gift shop is that they sell single beers for $3. Sure, you can get a drink from a cocktail waittress for free (usually tip her $1/drink though) when you are sitting at a table, but if you're just walking around the casino and what not, beers at the bars will likely cost you closer to $5 and if it's a crowded night you'll have to wait. There's never a line in the gift shop - $3 cold beers. Best thing ever.
This, my friend, is a golden nugget.
Pick up one of those little "cheatsheet" cards at the gift shop.  Seriously.
The first reply is always the best.We should hook up at the blackjack tables, Brit, since I seem to recall that you're not really into poker.

26 more days!
Mark it in your itinerary, we are meeting up. At Blackjack or Poker or whatever.

I can play poker if that's what you dig. I know how. I've won a good share of money off my friends playing it. However, I however have no deisre to go into some big $$$ vegas poker room and get my backside handed to me. I don't caluculate odds or anything, I just bet when I'm going to win. That doesn't even out with people who really know what they are doing.

Find a table of three card poker. Tell the dealer it's your first time playing, and ask what you're supposed to do. Everyone I know who plays that game hit for a bundle their first time out. Then leave immediately.

I'm going to Vegas soon.

I'm gonna want to gamble. I don't expect to make any money, but I would like my money to last for longer than 10 minutes.

Can anyone give me a basic way to stretch my gambling out?

I understand the rules and all, just not really any strategy or anything even remotely close.
Great advice in here about how to play blackjack. Even better is the advice to pick a different game. Blackjack PLAYED PERFECTLY has pretty fair odds, but it goes FAST. Meaning your negative EV eats up your cash quicker. Furthermore, deviate from that chart once and it goes quicker. You want to get drunk, right? That's alot of pressure. The Pass/Don't Pass line is the fairest bet in the place. The Don't Pass is actually a hair better, but you won't be popular betting against the shooter. A $10 bet on Pass COULD last you 30 minutes...and there's almost a 50% chance you'll win. Just play that bet for a couple of hours and watch and learn the rest. Tip though: None of the other bets have as favorable odds as the pass/don't pass line. Everyone will urge you to "back up" your pass line bet because the odds are even more fair. They are right, but you might not want to put that much at risk on each roll if your only goal is to get drunk.

Good luck, have fun, and play craps. No thinking, just fun.

PS - The 18 number bets on roulette are also a pretty slow way to lose your stack while collecting free cocktails.

Also if there are any other simple gambling games I can try, please I am looking for reccomendations.

I am itching to place a sports bet or two as well. : )
Blackjack and craps give you the best odds. Actually most of the casinos have mini-lessons or clinics on how to play stuff like BJ and craps. No shame is checking them out. Better than losing all your cash.
I have no shame anyway GB. I will be searching out these mini-lessons. Craps seems like fun.
Craps is a blast. Nothing better than being at a hot table with a bunch of cool people.
Any hot table has cool people on it. It doesn't matter if they're all betting the minimum pass line bet with no odds. A hot table is just fun. GB craps.
Brit - i'm in vegas with Stingdiddy and a couple of other cats May 12th-14th. Is that the weekend you're in Vegas?

I'm going to Vegas soon.

I'm gonna want to gamble. I don't expect to make any money, but I would like my money to last for longer than 10 minutes.

Can anyone give me a basic way to stretch my gambling out?

I understand the rules and all, just not really any strategy or anything even remotely close.
Hey, I know you! Anyhow, I've been dealing for about 10years. What do you need to know? Do you know anything about gambling?
I'm going to Vegas soon.

I'm gonna want to gamble. I don't expect to make any money, but I would like my money to last for longer than 10 minutes.

Can anyone give me a basic way to stretch my gambling out?

I understand the rules and all, just not really any strategy or anything even remotely close.
Hey, I know you! Anyhow, I've been dealing for about 10years. What do you need to know? Do you know anything about gambling?
Just really any Vegas/Gambling advice I appreciate. And of course, anything I can get for free is totally awesome. : )
I'm going to Vegas soon.

I'm gonna want to gamble. I don't expect to make any money, but I would like my money to last for longer than 10 minutes.

Can anyone give me a basic way to stretch my gambling out?

I understand the rules and all, just not really any strategy or anything even remotely close.
Hey, I know you! Anyhow, I've been dealing for about 10years. What do you need to know? Do you know anything about gambling?
Just really any Vegas/Gambling advice I appreciate. And of course, anything I can get for free is totally awesome. : )
Well, for a lit'l quick advice I would recommend that you play like this:You have to assume that the dealer always has a 10 as there down card and if they have to draw a card you must assume that they will get a 10. (Reason: More 10s in the shoe or deck)

Most casinos make the dealer stand on all 17s (soft A+6=17, hard 10+7)

You never want to take the dealers bust card nor do you want the card so, for instance the dealer has a 5 showing (assume 10 is underneath) the dealer must hit.

You have 14 (DO NOT take a card) You should stand. The reason being is that the odds are favorable that the dealer hits a 10 which would give him 25 and a bust.

If the dealer has 9 (assume 10 is underneath) and you have a 4 showing the you would def. take a hit. In your mind you should try to beat 19.

Never hit on 17 or higher!

Some people hit 12 against a 2 or never take a hit on 16. Just be consistant!

Never touch the cards! Unless, you are playing pitch blackjack.

Don't expect the dealer to tell you what you should do. It is actually not allowed in most casinos but if you are tipping then you should find that the dealers are likely to help as much as possible.

Every casino is different but the general rules stay the same.

Try watching a $25.00 min table to observe how they play. Alot of players don't mind giving advice because their money is on the table also.

Lower limit tables tend to have less experienced players so the good advice might be slim.

Anyhow, don't try to chase your money! When you notice a run, PRESS your bet but don't get ahead of yourself. If the cards are bad then just play the min until they change.

Is this helpful or did I say too much?

Some people hit 12 against a 2 or never take a hit on 16. Just be consistant!
If you're not counting, it really doesn't matter what you do with a 16 against a 10. You may as well hit half the time and stand half the time. Consistency is for the weak.(If the dealer isn't showing a 10, it does matter what you do.)

Some people hit 12 against a 2 or never take a hit on 16. Just be consistant!
Also, you may be thinking of a 12 against a 4 rather than a 12 against a 2.With a 12 against a 2 or 3, you should hit unless the count is fairly positive.

With a 12 against a 5 or 6, you should stand unless the count is fairly negative.

With a 12 against a 4, if you're not counting or if the deck is neutral, it doesn't really matter what you. You can hit every other time if you want. (If you are counting . . . if the deck gets positive, stand; if the deck gets negative, hit.)

Also if there are any other simple gambling games I can try, please I am looking for reccomendations.

I am itching to place a sports bet or two as well. : )
Blackjack and craps give you the best odds. Actually most of the casinos have mini-lessons or clinics on how to play stuff like BJ and craps. No shame is checking them out. Better than losing all your cash.
I have no shame anyway GB. I will be searching out these mini-lessons. Craps seems like fun.
Craps is a blast. Nothing better than being at a hot table with a bunch of cool people.
Craps is by far the best game in the casino for odds and fun.
:goodposting: And its not really that hard to learn. Stick to pass-line bets with max odds, sprinkle in a few come bets and/or a few place bets and its 10x more entertaining than Blackjack. If you don't know the odds, just ask a dealer--they will tell you.

Only problem with Craps is that it can be quite pricey at the nice casinos like NY-NY....Excalibur next door generally has some lower stakes games going.

Some people hit 12 against a 2 or never take a hit on 16. Just be consistant!
Also, you may be thinking of a 12 against a 4 rather than a 12 against a 2.With a 12 against a 2 or 3, you should hit unless the count is fairly positive.

With a 12 against a 5 or 6, you should stand unless the count is fairly negative.

With a 12 against a 4, if you're not counting or if the deck is neutral, it doesn't really matter what you. You can hit every other time if you want. (If you are counting . . . if the deck gets positive, stand; if the deck gets negative, hit.)
What I am saying is that you need to be consistant with however you decide to play. I am not saying that you should or shouldn't take a hit. Don't confuse this guy!Never hit a 12 against a 4! Maybe a 3.........Remember, this guy is not going to be counting cards. He just wanted to know a BASIC strategy.

Also if there are any other simple gambling games I can try, please I am looking for reccomendations.

I am itching to place a sports bet or two as well. : )
Blackjack and craps give you the best odds. Actually most of the casinos have mini-lessons or clinics on how to play stuff like BJ and craps. No shame is checking them out. Better than losing all your cash.
I have no shame anyway GB. I will be searching out these mini-lessons. Craps seems like fun.
Craps is a blast. Nothing better than being at a hot table with a bunch of cool people.
Craps is by far the best game in the casino for odds and fun.
:goodposting: And its not really that hard to learn. Stick to pass-line bets with max odds, sprinkle in a few come bets and/or a few place bets and its 10x more entertaining than Blackjack. If you don't know the odds, just ask a dealer--they will tell you.

Only problem with Craps is that it can be quite pricey at the nice casinos like NY-NY....Excalibur next door generally has some lower stakes games going.
Craps is a fast game but it is def. my favorite.
Never hit a 12 against a 4!
Well, it's got the same EV as standing (within a few hundreths of a percent).
Have you ever heard the saying "a 2 is the dealers Ace" not 4
Regardless, some of the best advice is be consistant in however you play. Do NOT go with your gut feeling. Unless, you can count cards (next to impossible with a 6 or 8 deck shoe) you might as well throw the odds out the window unless the players are playing consistant. I do however, feel that sometimes it takes adding a hand or taking a hand out, to change the cards. I have been dealing for a long time and I see idiot players, that have been playing for years, and they lose tons of money. The players that seem to keep things in check are the players that are consistant with their playing strategy.

Are the odds of hitting the lotto better if you play the same #'s week after week or by changing your numbers every week?

Regardless, some of the best advice is be consistant in however you play.
More specifically, you should consistently make the correct play. So, for example, you should consistently split your aces, you should consistently stand on your hard 17s, you should consistently hit when you have 11 or less, you should consistently hit your 16 against a dealer's 7, and so on . . .But sometimes there is no correct play because two or more plays have the exact same EV. So it doesn't matter which one you choose.

Two examples of this are hitting/standing with a 16 against a dealer's 10, and hitting/standing with a 12 against a dealer's 4 (assuming a neutral deck). In each case, hitting and standing have pretty much the exact same EV, so one option is no better than the other. Flip a coin if you want to. Being consistent or inconsistent doesn't matter.

Are the odds of hitting the lotto better if you play the same #'s week after week or by changing your numbers every week?
They're the same. Being consistent or inconsistent doesn't matter here either.
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Regardless, some of the best advice is be consistant in however you play.
More specifically, you should consistently make the correct play. So, for example, you should consistently split your aces, you should consistently stand on your hard 17s, you should consistently hit when you have 11 or less, you should consistently hit your 16 against a dealer's 7, and so on . . .But sometimes there is no correct play because two or more plays have the exact same EV. So it doesn't matter which one you choose.

Two examples of this are hitting/standing with a 16 against a dealer's 10, and hitting/standing with a 12 against a dealer's 4 (assuming a neutral deck). In each case, hitting and standing have pretty much the exact same EV, so one option is no better than the other. Flip a coin if you want to. Being consistent or inconsistent doesn't matter.

Are the odds of hitting the lotto better if you play the same #'s week after week or by changing your numbers every week?
They're the same. Being consistent or inconsistent doesn't matter here either.
Let me ask you.......are you a player or a dealer? Never have I heard a dealer, supervisor, manager etc. give that kind of advice. I am a high limit BlackJack, craps, roulette etc. dealer/super and I have to disagree. in a friendly manner.

Whatever works for you is great though!

Forget Blackjack...craps is the best time you can ever have gambling. As long as you don't get completely killed, you'll have a great time.

The dealers will answer any questions you have, and will even tell you if your bets are not right. Craps can be as complicated or as simple as you want it to be. If you just bet the pass line and the odds (ALWAYS BET THE ODDS) you can learn the rest of the bets while you're just playing the simple stuff. Ask the dealers...they want you to learn the game.

Like Tanner said, there is nothing more fun or exciting than a hot craps table. Getting double-teamed by strippers notwithstanding.

Pick up one of those little "cheatsheet" cards at the gift shop. Seriously.
The first reply is always the best.We should hook up at the blackjack tables, Brit, since I seem to recall that you're not really into poker.

26 more days!
Mark it in your itinerary, we are meeting up. At Blackjack or Poker or whatever.

I can play poker if that's what you dig. I know how. I've won a good share of money off my friends playing it. However, I however have no deisre to go into some big $$$ vegas poker room and get my backside handed to me. I don't caluculate odds or anything, I just bet when I'm going to win. That doesn't even out with people who really know what they are doing.
Sometime between now and then I'll PM you and we can exchange cell phone #s.We're staying across the street at the MGM but we'll be running up and down the strip while we're there because our friends are Vegas virgins.

Now we need to find some MORE FBGs for this Vegas cornhole!

All I've really ever played is blackjack, poker and slots. For this trip, I'm hoping to add craps, pai gow poker, let-it-ride, and possibly more! Oh, and I'll probably put a large sum of money on RED at least once while I'm there. I'm way up lifetime at the roulette wheel, and the only thing I've ever bet on is RED.

Let me ask you.......are you a player or a dealer?
I'm not a dealer, although I'm not sure why that would matter. Some dealers know correct basic strategy; most of them don't. In any event, this has nothing to do with experience. It's just math. Whether to hit or stand with a 12 against a 4 is a math problem -- a very difficult one that I could not solve myself, but fortunately people with big computers have done it for us and published the results. Check out Don Schlesinger's Illustrious 18, for example. It's a list of the 18 most important deviations from basic strategy for counters (based on frequency of occurence and difference in EV).

Note that in the cases of 16 vs 10 and 12 vs 4, the dividng line between the standard play and deviation therefrom is a count of zero. So if the deck is even slightly positive, you should take an action different from the one you should take when the deck is even slightly negative. Thus when the deck is neutral, it doesn't matter which action you take.

If you are not counting, you are assuming that the deck is neutral. So with a 16 against a 10, or with a 12 against a 4, if you are not counting, it doesn't matter whether you hit or stand.

Unless, you can count cards (next to impossible with a 6 or 8 deck shoe)
Also, this is incorrect. Counting 8 decks is exactly the same as counting one deck (unless you are tracking aces and/or fives separately, but most counting systems do not call for this).
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Never hit a 12 against a 4!
Well, it's got the same EV as standing (within a few hundreths of a percent).
Have you ever heard the saying "a 2 is the dealers Ace" not 4
Regardless, some of the best advice is be consistant in however you play. Do NOT go with your gut feeling. Unless, you can count cards (next to impossible with a 6 or 8 deck shoe) you might as well throw the odds out the window unless the players are playing consistant. I do however, feel that sometimes it takes adding a hand or taking a hand out, to change the cards. I have been dealing for a long time and I see idiot players, that have been playing for years, and they lose tons of money. The players that seem to keep things in check are the players that are consistant with their playing strategy.

Are the odds of hitting the lotto better if you play the same #'s week after week or by changing your numbers every week?
This post is laughable from a mathematical stand-point. I hope it's shtick.

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