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How do you differentiate ya team if everyone goes in with the same tho (1 Viewer)


I wanna start this by sayin I play in a 12 team PPR all Tds 6pts Start 1QB 1RB 1WR 1TE 3 flex RB/WR

I kno everyone says how deep the Qb position is this yr and that always leads to the discussion of how we should wait on Qb and I can see that argument. While doing my numbers one thing that kind of struck me it seems to me that all the positions across the board are deeper this yr!

So in a 12 team league unless you are just a guppy everyone should be able to draft a pretty decent team. My question is If most of ya league comes into the draft room with the same concepts of wait on QB,draft RB early, WR is Deep, draft Graham early or wait on Te, how do we as owners differentiate our teams? With everyone running with the same concepts seem to me luck starts playing more of a factor! So what can we do different with our teams to deprecate ourself from the pack??

Is it by going 3 straight Wr to start the draft maybe Qb First maybe 3 straight Rb? Just something that's been on my mind this morning

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Depth of position matters less than choosing the correct players. If you're good at spotting talent that's under-valued, you'll do well in comparison to the other teams.

I'm a pretty strict VBD guy. If Rodgers is the top guy on my board in the 2nd, I'll take him in the 2nd.

Ive gone WR/WR/WR/WR in one league (3 flex, one as superflex). My WR3 is the fifth best WR on my board.

Due to this philosophy, I've rarely had RB squads on par with my competition. That's fine, as long as my advantage at other positions is enough to overcome that deficiency (the 4 WR league, I have Eli as my QB1, Bernard/Ivory as my RB1/2).

I wanna start this by sayin I play in a 12 team PPR all Tds 6pts Start 1QB 1RB 1WR 1TE 3 flex RB/WR

I kno everyone says how deep the Qb position is this yr and that always leads to the discussion of how we should wait on Qb and I can see that argument. While doing my numbers one thing that kind of struck me it seems to me that all the positions across the board are deeper this yr!

So in a 12 team league unless you are just a guppy everyone should be able to draft a pretty decent team. My question is If most of ya league comes into the draft room with the same concepts of wait on QB,draft RB early, WR is Deep, draft Graham early or wait on Te, how do we as owners differentiate our teams? With everyone running with the same concepts seem to me luck starts playing more of a factor! So what can we do different with our teams to deprecate ourself from the pack??

Is it by going 3 straight Wr to start the draft maybe Qb First maybe 3 straight Rb? Just something that's been on my mind this morning
Tho I kno this yr is difficult to judge, Im gonna say ya should draft the bpa. Don't go in with a script..... you should have an idea of who you will draft at your first round pick, but from there Im sure people will fall. :moneybag: :gang2:

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OP Ive been thinking about this too. With all the info out there these days, plus the tools that you can use to practically draft your team for you according to the "experts," its almost like everyone is on auto-draft.

So either you take the draft advice you describe above, and its about getting lucky vs the other guys in the league who take the same approach (obviously there's in-season mgmt that comes into play as well). OR you try to differentiate.

IMO you can differentiate two main ways:

  1. Totally different draft strategy -- as you say this would be going WR/WR/WR or QB early or some other different upside down approach. This is ballsy and if I played in more than one league I may be more tempted to try it.
  2. Take a bunch of chances on high upside guys earlier than the experts/ADP recommend -- this is more of a swing for fences mindset inside whatever draft strategy you employ. So if you go with the consensus strategy, it means reaching for guys early you really like with tons of upside. Get the guys you want. So rather than take Frank Gore you take Lamar Miller/David Wilson. Instead of Roddy White you take T Hilton. You reach and take risks on the high upside guys like T Austin, V Brown, D Jackson, Cameron, etc.
But its an interesting topic to me.

Hey scientist I here you and I believe in drafting bpa but so does everyone else. So what can be done to create a difference thru roster construction? I think LususV made a good point with the 4 straight WR it's outside if the box and def different from everyone else.

After watching every preseason game so far I'm growing cooler to the "QB is incredibly deep this year" meme.

Seeing Brees carve up defenses and attack downfield was a good reminder at not only how awesome he is, but how the Saints offense is built to rack up QB stats.

Meanwhile guys like Romo, Wilson, Luck and Dalton are all players that will deliver theoretical value, but at the end of the year they'll be clustered around each other while guys like Brees or Manning are on top.

Tier your players before the draft, and figure out where your opinion differs from conventional wisdom. Find the guys you think are undervalued and draft them; leave the guys you think are overvalued to be swept up in the more formulaic runs. I think effective tiering can be more useful than shifting to a particular position/roster construction strategy.

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OP Ive been thinking about this too. With all the info out there these days, plus the tools that you can use to practically draft your team for you according to the "experts," its almost like everyone is on auto-draft.

So either you take the draft advice you describe above, and its about getting lucky vs the other guys in the league who take the same approach (obviously there's in-season mgmt that comes into play as well). OR you try to differentiate.

IMO you can differentiate two main ways:

  • Totally different draft strategy -- as you say this would be going WR/WR/WR or QB early or some other different upside down approach. This is ballsy and if I played in more than one league I may be more tempted to try it.
  • Take a bunch of chances on high upside guys earlier than the experts/ADP recommend -- this is more of a swing for fences mindset inside whatever draft strategy you employ. So if you go with the consensus strategy, it means reaching for guys early you really like with tons of upside. Get the guys you want. So rather than take Frank Gore you take Lamar Miller/David Wilson. Instead of Roddy White you take T Hilton. You reach and take risks on the high upside guys like T Austin, V Brown, D Jackson, Cameron, etc.
But its an interesting topic to me.
Thank you that's exactly what I'm getting at I'm not asking who to draft or anything like that just something that was on my mind today after talking to others who love FF. IT almost seems like you drafting with robots everyone drafting with the same info and same draft strategies. It just seem like following that herd introduces more luck than what already exists

Go with committees. Wait for a QB and grab Big Ben/Dalton, they have easy schedules. Wait for a defense and take one with a juicy matchup in week 1 with your last pick like Ind, they play Oak. I don't advocate missing out on Graham but you can wait there as well. Get that next teir of guys like Olsen or gamble on somone like Cook. This way you're at least 3 deep at each RB and WR. It really messes up everyone elses draft process when you're avoiding runs while still getting value at the position you're avoiding. While everyone is competing for RB/WR on the wire you can easily find a QB/Def because no one will be trying. Try it in a mockdraft.

I wanna start this by sayin I play in a 12 team PPR all Tds 6pts Start 1QB 1RB 1WR 1TE 3 flex RB/WR

I kno everyone says how deep the Qb position is this yr and that always leads to the discussion of how we should wait on Qb and I can see that argument. While doing my numbers one thing that kind of struck me it seems to me that all the positions across the board are deeper this yr!

So in a 12 team league unless you are just a guppy everyone should be able to draft a pretty decent team. My question is If most of ya league comes into the draft room with the same concepts of wait on QB,draft RB early, WR is Deep, draft Graham early or wait on Te, how do we as owners differentiate our teams? With everyone running with the same concepts seem to me luck starts playing more of a factor! So what can we do different with our teams to deprecate ourself from the pack??

Is it by going 3 straight Wr to start the draft maybe Qb First maybe 3 straight Rb? Just something that's been on my mind this morning
I've never deprecated myself. Oh, I may have smoked and drank a little, but I've never deprecated myself.

Go with committees. Wait for a QB and grab Big Ben/Dalton, they have easy schedules. Wait for a defense and take one with a juicy matchup in week 1 with your last pick like Ind, they play Oak. I don't advocate missing out on Graham but you can wait there as well. Get that next teir of guys like Olsen or gamble on somone like Cook. This way you're at least 3 deep at each RB and WR. It really messes up everyone elses draft process when you're avoiding runs while still getting value at the position you're avoiding. While everyone is competing for RB/WR on the wire you can easily find a QB/Def because no one will be trying. Try it in a mockdraft.
GREAT call on the Colts D.

I was looking at the Bucs (@ Jets) and KC (@ Jags) but the Colts at home against the Raiders is the perfect way to start another year of Defense by Committtee.

Thanks! I owe you one!


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