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How Many Leagues? (2 Viewers)


Last year I participated in 15 managed leagues, no trading. It was a full time job. I also couldn't root for players since the same players were also on opposing teams. Waivers, late at night after work was no fun. Any suggestions on number of leagues to join?


seriously, unless you like not having a life, think you gotta consider going cold turkey and take a season off. mow the lawn on sundays, breathe the air.

1 keeper (i commish)

1 big money (fpc)

2 redraft (what the heck)

2 anarchy leagues (draft is the best part, no maintenance after draft)

my limit. :)

Oh boy....one of the semi-annual 'how many leagues' threads where we can call everyone else insane.

So I'm retired and don't have a life! :bag:

How many leagues? Just one more... :)

Ended up with 10 leagues last year... Looking at doing less (maybe 5 redraft, plus two dynasty) but focused on the leagues that I do better (basically all of them will be auction drafts). I spent way too much time during the week on watching the waiver wire in 10 leagues last year =/

For those people who do 1-3 leagues.... you put in all that work following the draft, posting/viewing the Shark Pool year round, reading up on July ADP... just to have three leagues?

Now that's insane.

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I have had between 2-6...three is perfect for me:

1 dynasty (28 team 2 division) - $75 with good payout potential

1 redraft (10 team) - $600 with very good payout potential

1 redraft (12 team) - $25 fun leagues

I don't have that much overlap of players and i always seem to cash in at least one of the leagues.

4 dynasties. One auction redraft that requires little attention post-auction.

Saving my last dynasty slot (five is my limit/sweet spot) for a league I know a buddy of mine is starting next offseason that's very different from my other leagues (devy + auction + contracts).

I find that redraft leagues I be in lots without it taking a ton of time.

Dyno and Keeper leagues are what really chew up the time. More trades, you have to weigh in a bunch of other factors and think more about moves.

The two biggest time monsters are: Salary Cap leagues and being a Commish.

It's tough to make suggestion about how many leagues without knowing what kinds of leagues you like. One thing you could do though is bring on co-owners. Wife's, children, brothers/sisters, parents and of course buddies. Leagues that are completely online are probably better for family since draft parties are usually sacred guy time.

i am like the beef jerky of being in your league because i am generally in the bag on sundays am spicy and can usually be found where beer is available for purchase so lots of people want me in there league and i am in a lot of them take that to the bank brohans

Last year I participated in 15 managed leagues, no trading. It was a full time job. I also couldn't root for players since the same players were also on opposing teams. Waivers, late at night after work was no fun. Any suggestions on number of leagues to join?
Try 50

4 redraft, 4 dynasties. Each of the redrafts is with a different friend or group of friends, so it would be hard to give any of them up. Only one is more than $100. I like the dynasty format better, as I think there are many different strategies to being successful. I've done one new startup for each of the last 4 years. I'm sure that will end soon, but they're fun. In some respects, it makes Sunday more fun since you've got players in every game. Yes, going against a guy you own does suck a little. It's also fun to almost be guaranteed of playing for at least 1 championship.

gandalas said:
How many leagues? Just one more... :)

But seriously, instead of doing a bunch of mocks I just joined a bunch of random public leagues last year. I had about 15 spread across three sites. It was a royal PITA to keep up with. I'd always have something slip through on a team, I could only truly manage 2-3 to their potential.

Four total teams this year and I'm trying really really hard to stick to that.

I want to add a second league, but I agree with the OP that late night waivers is a negative factor. Is anyone aware of any good public leagues in the $25 - $50 range that has waivers earlier than 11:00?

I'm in 4 Dynasties, 2 keepers and 4-6 redrafts (depending on if my 2 leagues here in Saigon restart this year - people come and go so you often need 6-8 replacements for the next year, looks like I will need 8 for this year)

It's my first year doing dynasties and keepers and wanted to get some experience so I threw myself in at the deep end, took over two existing dynasties and 2 startups and I'm considering adding one more!

1 dynasty league and 1 auction redraft.

I've had as many as 3 in the past, but that would be my limit.

One re-draft that I have run for 15 years or so, one re-draft auction league, one other re-draft (would like to see this one go to dynasty). That way, I would have one of each. Two of the leagues are IDP, and the other (the auction league) doesn't use team defense, which suits me just fine.

I do three serious leagues ($300+ entry fees), and one essentially free Zealots dynasty that isn't difficult to manage.

I have no idea how people manage to keep up with waivers/free agents etc. for more leagues than that.

Draft-and-forget it leagues are nice since they use optimal scoring, you get to do the most fun part of roster management which is the draft...........and you dont have to do ANYTHING during the season to manage the roster. Once the draft is over, no moves can be made.

A think a bunch of these, along with a few leagues requiring in season (or a few offseason dynasty leagues) management is the way to do.

Over the last 2 seasons I went from 13 in 2011, to 8 in 2012 now down to 4 total.

All Dynasty leagues.

I have a feeling I will be down to 2 for 2014.

Having so many teams took all the fun out of it. Yeah the money was great....but the return on time invested was starting to be dimished greatly.

I am comfortable with 4 no doubt. But I want to get back to rooting for my guys.....not worrying about well I can't root for Jamal Charles because he is against me in one league but playing for me in 3.

It really is lame.

2 teams max is my new rule.

Last year it got tough with 4 for me.





I left the one redraft, It seems every year, I get sucked into a friend/co-worker type league and it's just ran poorly.

I'm shopping a 4th league if someone I know contacts me with a live draft otherwise I can be content with 3.

2-3 these days.

I participated in as many as seven leagues one season but I was single and didn't have any offspring yet.

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my high was 9, which was way too much. I've cut it back to three long time leagues, but will go as high as four.

1 redraft with friends

1 long time dyno with internet peeps

1 anarchy

And I'll prolly jump in one more redraft with another group of friends closer to the start of the season

i have fluctuated over the last 10-12 years.

At my peak...concurrently..

12 football leagues


11 basketball leagues

Toned it down last season.

9 football + 7 basketball

1 16 Team Dynasty

1 12 Team Auction Redraft

1 14 Team Keeper

1 12 Team Superflex Auction Keeper

3-4 is a great number for a FF junkie who just plays it as a hobby IMO.

1 keeper league for me. Part of the reason is that it's a good format (IDP, deep rosters, keeper limitations etc) with good people and I have no interest in playing any other leagues unless I know they will be really worthwhile. One year I played a standard redraft, non-IDP and just found that I barely cared about it.

I did start off doing fantasy basketball and at one point I was doing 3 or 4 leagues a season but for me, that's at the upper limit. Anything more I think would really detract from the fun of it. These days I play 2 basketball leagues a year, one keeper H2H and one roto, and find that in the end I really only care about the keeper league.

One other thing I would say is that being in a lot of leagues for me kind of devalues the outcomes. Being in one league I'm totally focused on winning that league every year, and when I just miss out (I've been runner up twice but never won), man I really feel it. I still think about one of those losses from time to time! I think if I was in 10 leagues I would obviously have a better chance of doing well and winning a title so it might not mean as much. Equally if you miss the playoffs or whatever in one it wouldn't really matter because there's always one of the other leagues.

1 keeper league for me. Part of the reason is that it's a good format (IDP, deep rosters, keeper limitations etc) with good people and I have no interest in playing any other leagues unless I know they will be really worthwhile. One year I played a standard redraft, non-IDP and just found that I barely cared about it.

I did start off doing fantasy basketball and at one point I was doing 3 or 4 leagues a season but for me, that's at the upper limit. Anything more I think would really detract from the fun of it. These days I play 2 basketball leagues a year, one keeper H2H and one roto, and find that in the end I really only care about the keeper league.
What are the keeper limitations?
Play in best ball draft only leagues... I am in 10 mfl draft only leagues and ojce i draft im done for the season!! Ialso play in 1 redraft league 1 keep 4 league and a dynasty league as well.

What do you guys consider big money leagues? I am in a 12 team $500 per team league.

I was asked to join a $1500 per team league 2 years ago and thought that was just a bit too steep for me.

pantherclub said:
What do you guys consider big money leagues? I am in a 12 team $500 per team league.

I was asked to join a $1500 per team league 2 years ago and thought that was just a bit too steep for me.
Big money would just depend on the person. I think 500 is I think over 2k is crazy.


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