Holy Schneikes
I'm not sure what thread you are reading, but it seemed to me on average that most people did not think the original offer was something to get pissed about. Doubt most folks would consider it a fair deal, but certainly most folks DID NOT have the same reaction to it that you had.That offer was clearly a lowball, I think most would agree. My opinion of lowball offers is somewhere in the middle. Your best bet as an owner, as many have said, is to just laugh it off, offer a counter, etc - don't burn the bridge or even be particularly rude. However, there have been times in my own leagues where I have to admit I have been pretty annoyed with some lame lowballs. It is kind of insulting if you think of it as an offer the other side really thinks you might accept. Kind of a "How dumb do you think I am?" kind of situation. But, many offerers really do just view it as an opening and never really expect that that will be an accepted offer.Fixed.Like previously said, e-mail or private messages do work for gauging interest in players or picks.Anyway, I'll just agree to disagree with you every single person in this thread at this point.
Overall, I try NOT to send lowballs, because I agree with you there are better ways to initiate discussion. HOWEVER, the other side of the coin is this: sometimes you'll run into an owner who will absolutely NOT accept a deal without "dickering you down" on your offer, sometimes significantly. So if your initial offer is something close to what you expect might actually be doable, you don't have any room to negotiate, and the deal doesn't get done (even though the same deal MIGHT have gotten done if the initial offer was weaker). I don't think that is USUALLY the case, but I have run into owners like that and the classic lowball offer to start discussions really probably is the better option in that case.