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I need help losing weight and getting back in shape (1 Viewer)

Wow.  That's a lot of beer. As others have said you cut that and you'll lose 10 pounds first month with no other changes.  If you find it difficult I suggest you reading "the easy way to cut down drinking" by Alan Carr.  I drank that much I'm guessing and after reading his book I quit.  Been 3 months now with no booze.   Don't worry about only being able to do 5k steps a day.  Just try to be consistent.  If you own a Fitbit friend people then you can challenge them.  It is motivational.  

On a side note are you a dwi lawyer?

Well, I did so well with the food goal last month but so far I have failed on my goal of 15 min of activity. Having my wife go back to work this week has made it extra hard because we are adjusting to a new schedule and now we have to shuttle the baby to one place and the other kids to another and then the last few nights by wife has been late getting home which means after collecting the kids, I am trying to get them fed and ready for bed etc.


Gotta keep at it.

matuski said:
40-48 beers/week = 4000-4800 calories/week

That is almost a pound and a half a week by itself.
I was in that beer consumption range for many years. Two years ago I cut it to maybe 6/week (the other option was dying) often less, with an occasional binge. I've dropped 35 lbs, from squeezing into 36 inch waist to now comfortably wearing 32s. I exercise a lot and still consume a ton of calories, albeit much healthier ones. 

Has anyone used an under desk elliptical? Something like this?

I was thinking of getting one and just wondered if anyone has tried it.


No doubt its small, but it needs to fit under the desk. Just seems like it may be something to do while sitting on my ### all day at work.
I wanted to get something like that by a bicycle one to use while watching TV. I did some searching around for a few minutes- got distracted and never went back looking. If anyone finds a good option, let me know.

Did 7000 steps yesterday. :thumbup:  

I have upped the calorie intake to close to 1500 because I have had some downright scary low blood sugar episodes. I have had to up my carb intake just a tad to offset the fast acting insulin, which frankly I am taking next to nothing of the last few days. I used to have to take like 20-25 units before each meal--I am down to taking 5 units before some meals and even at that amount, I have dropped out and gone really low.

My wife has lost 3 pounds now--so she is glad to see that scale is moving downward--12 more pounds for her. She actually had to eat an orange last night at 7:00 because the myfitnesspal app wouldn't let her finalize her diary because she only ate 970 calories yesterday.

That app is awesome, but is there any reason to go premium?

I don't have a regular exercise routine simply because I have two very busy daughters 16-11 who have activities every day and there simply is no time for me to exercise.
One thing that helps me running around 3 kids to activities is that I use the time while they are at the activity to exercise. For example, if one of my kids has a soccer practice for an hour, I use that to go for a run while they are at practice. If it's an outdoor practice, I just run at the park.

If it's an indoor practice, I just run around the neighborhood where the practice is located.

You may think about something like this and do some walking or light jogging during that time.

Courtjester said:
Yeah if it weren't for insulin, I probably would have been a lot heavier than I am now. 

Wait, what? You are T1D, the single easiest way to lose weight is to eat in such a way that you need less insulin to maintain good control.  The single easiest way to put on mass as a body builder is to use insulin + carb backloading.  (Well and steroids, but leave that aside)

Wait, what? You are T1D, the single easiest way to lose weight is to eat in such a way that you need less insulin to maintain good control.  The single easiest way to put on mass as a body builder is to use insulin + carb backloading.  (Well and steroids, but leave that aside)
Yeah, 40 years. That's exactly what I am shooting for. I am feeling pretty good about my Humalog shots I take before each meal as far as the units vs carbs. I just need to get that unit number on the long lasting insulin shot I take at night perfected., because, like I posted above, I have had dangerous low blood sugar attacks around midnight (think blood sugars around 40). I used to take about 37 units of Lantus before going to bed. Last night I went 28 units and I woke up this morning with a b/s number of 199--so I am planning on going 30 tonight and see where that takes me tomorrow morning.

This is all actually a lot of fun....

Yeah, 40 years. That's exactly what I am shooting for. I am feeling pretty good about my Humalog shots I take before each meal as far as the units vs carbs. I just need to get that unit number on the long lasting insulin shot I take at night perfected., because, like I posted above, I have had dangerous low blood sugar attacks around midnight (think blood sugars around 40). I used to take about 37 units of Lantus before going to bed. Last night I went 28 units and I woke up this morning with a b/s number of 199--so I am planning on going 30 tonight and see where that takes me tomorrow morning.

This is all actually a lot of fun....
Not sure you are following me.  

To put this simply, you should be trying to reduce your bolus rates as low as possible without causing spikes in blood sugar.  This is done through diet.

Overnight basals have nothing to do with weight loss, as you continue to lose weight you will need to lower your basal rates but that's it.  

As a T1D you have a special metabolism.  Many of these rules posted here don't apply to you.  Macros are FAR more important to you than calories.

Talk to your doctor about going on metformin.  

Did 7000 steps yesterday. :thumbup:  

I have upped the calorie intake to close to 1500 because I have had some downright scary low blood sugar episodes. I have had to up my carb intake just a tad to offset the fast acting insulin, which frankly I am taking next to nothing of the last few days. I used to have to take like 20-25 units before each meal--I am down to taking 5 units before some meals and even at that amount, I have dropped out and gone really low.

My wife has lost 3 pounds now--so she is glad to see that scale is moving downward--12 more pounds for her. She actually had to eat an orange last night at 7:00 because the myfitnesspal app wouldn't let her finalize her diary because she only ate 970 calories yesterday.

That app is awesome, but is there any reason to go premium?
Jester, are you getting starvation ketones?

I imagine I am. I don't regularly check ketones other than when I am sick. I don't usually keep a bottle of sticks around because they have such a short lifespan once you open them. 

As gross as it sounds my wife is usually my first person to sound the alarm for me. Ketones give you this really bad, fruity smelling breath and she will just kind of look at me and go ketones, huh? 

So if I believe the new scale it said I was 221 this weekend. today I am 214.2---progress!!! 

Decided to weigh myself yesterday and am at 184.5.
Down 15 since mid Dec.
Got out to run 8/14 miles this SAT/SUN and will be amping up my weekly mileage to 25-35m+ in coming months.

Still eating some crap but just just a lot less of it.
Snacks and some lunches during work are now typically nuts/fruits/veggies with the occasional bad lunch.
Have to get on board during the weekends to get more fruits/veggies in me.

slowly climbing that mountain...


Other than last night (there was a banana peanut butter pie that I wanted to try and when I did surprisingly I wanted another piece... not sarcastic about the surprising. I am not that big on sweets and really not into pies at all)- eating is doing well. Still keeping the calories down. Allowing myself 'normal' foods but keeping portion size down which I have been mostly successful at- and even when I had a little more overall for the day I was still in a good range on calories.

My goal of activity has been a total failure so far though. My wife going back to work this last week has really caused the household to go into chaos and then this weekend my youngest came home from his first week at daycare with a cold and getting some errands done and then other family stuff.... yikes. But excuse, excuse, I gotta figure out a way to make it happen. It is not a lot that I am asking of myself in 15 minutes of activity. I just gotta Nike it.

That all said.... one pair of sweatpants that I have that are semi-permantly tied were falling off of me this weekend as are my suit pants this morning. So, I am still making progress.

the best weight loss plan is the one you can stick to. I used to count calories and I would never make it past 3-4 weeks, but for whatever reason I have absolutely no problem counting Weight Watchers points for months.

So Im down to 227.  Started at about 248.  I was stuck at 228 for about 2 weeks.  I have been walking religiously 10 - 14,000 steps a day for the last month.  I've only missed one day.  I've also been alcohol free for a little over three months.  I feel much better with much more energy.

I am now going to start to incorporate the 7 minute workout into my daily schedule.  This is that app that has 12 exercises on it that you do in 7 minutes at high intensity.  Apparently it is supose to simulate 1 hour in the gym.  It has high reviews in the app store.  If anyone has experience with this exercise app I'd be interested in hearing your feedback.  I will provide feedback after a month on this program.

Diet wise I've been fairly good.  Have actually cheated more then I wanted over the last two weeks but stick to no drinking calories, smooties, and homemade or whole foods.  I do need to start keeping track of my food intake but it is difficult when you are making smoothies.

One other thing of note, i've been eating fermented foods on a daily basis:  Kimchi, kefir, beet kvass, sauerkraut and miso soup.  I believe this has had a major impact on my colitis.  i've been more 'regular'  now than any time over the last 5 years.

How about just have an apple and a banana or some eggs instead of a "shake."
Duh, because actual food can't have all of the antioxidants and omega-3s and fish oils and stuff that you can get from throwing a bunch of freeze-dried powders into a blender and drinking it.  If they made it in a lab, it has to be good.

Duh, because actual food can't have all of the antioxidants and omega-3s and fish oils and stuff that you can get from throwing a bunch of freeze-dried powders into a blender and drinking it.  If they made it in a lab, it has to be good.
I just think that blending good food like fruits and veggies makes their consumption so much less satiating and satisfying.  Plus people typically put something else sweet in there (honey, etc) that adds calories.  But hey, I'm just not a shake guy, I'm sure there are other benefits.

How about just have an apple and a banana or some eggs instead of a "shake."
At some point for me it's hard to get enough calories on solid food. I eventually hit a point where I simply can't eat anymore without feeling sick.  A lot of people can't hit their macros, especially on protein from solid food alone.  Whey and other powders represent a step forward over just eating a billion chicken breasts or 3 dozen eggs.  

At some point for me it's hard to get enough calories on solid food. I eventually hit a point where I simply can't eat anymore without feeling sick.  A lot of people can't hit their macros, especially on protein from solid food alone.  Whey and other powders represent a step forward over just eating a billion chicken breasts or 3 dozen eggs.  
I believe you're the only person on this board who has this problem.  Your mileage definitely varies.

I'll do one better...GTFO with this "I can't get enough calories from food" in the "I need to lose weight" thread. 
If you're trying to lose weight AND retain muscle, that means you have to eat a substantial amount of protein every day. Depending on the person it can be upwards of 150-200 g per day. And that IS tough to hit without protein powder, for me.

Gaining weight the right way is the same problem as losing weight and in many ways harder.  People trying to gain weight without ending up looking like a fat ### have a real hard time.  You want to lose weight just stop eating.  You want to gain weight you have to do it right, or you are ####ed. So learning how people are successful in cutting fat is mandatory since you will always be putting on some fat while bulking.

I got really fat back in the day when there was this site called the beer spot, it was a site sort of like :e: but for beer.  We shipped beer around to eachother.  I cut down 35-40 pounds after quitting that site for good but a lot of that was muscle.  I looked awful.  2-3 years later I'm building back up.  All my MFP stuff is out in the open from the start, to the low weight to where I am now.  I quit putting food data but track the weight/%Fat/measurments on there because I think it was demotivating to people to see someone punching in 3500-4000 calories a day and being in maintenance.  

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If you're trying to lose weight AND retain muscle, that means you have to eat a substantial amount of protein every day. Depending on the person it can be upwards of 150-200 g per day. And that IS tough to hit without protein powder, for me.
Unless you're a complete newb to lifting, have genetics of the gods, or are on the correct "supplements", if you lose weight you will lose muscle.  The best you can hope is to hold on to as much lean muscle as you can.  And eating 150 - 200 grams of protein per day really isn't that difficult if you're eating the right food.  Supplements and shakes do make hitting this macr easier certainly.

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Gaining weight the right way is the same problem as losing weight and in many ways harder.  People trying to gain weight without ending up looking like a fat ### have a real hard time.  You want to lose weight just stop eating.  You want to gain weight you have to do it right, or you are ####ed. So learning how people are successful in cutting fat is mandatory since you will always be putting on some fat while bulking.

I got really fat back in the day when there was this site called the beer spot, it was a site sort of like :e: but for beer.  We shipped beer around to eachother.  I cut down 35-40 pounds after quitting that site for good but a lot of that was muscle.  I looked awful.  2-3 years later I'm building back up.  All my MFP stuff is out in the open from the start, to the low weight to where I am now.  I quit putting food data but track the weight/%Fat/measurments on there because I think it was demotivating to people to see someone punching in 3500-4000 calories a day and being in maintenance.  
You do know The Beer Spot is still around right?  You're always welcome back............

Unless you're a complete newb to lifting, have genetics of the gods, or are on the correct "supplements", if you lose weight you will lose muscle.  The best you can hope is to hold on to as much lean muscle as you can.  And eating 150 - 200 grams of protein per day really isn't that difficult if you're eating the right food.  Supplements and shakes do make hitting this macr easier certainly.
you didn't say anything I didn't say...

Hold on, you're really saying that someone can't add muscle while losing weight?
Nope.  Unless they've never lifted before or are on juice.  Those are really the only two exceptions.  Even dudes with great genetics lose some lean muscle mass in a caloric deficit.

Nope.  Unless they've never lifted before or are on juice.  Those are really the only two exceptions.  Even dudes with great genetics lose some lean muscle mass in a caloric deficit.
I disagree with the 'never lifted' part. I used to lift off and on but when I took it seriously I was ~50 lbs. overweight. I lost the fat while getting stronger. I think you're focused on people who are already serious lifters, not your guy that goes to the gym once a week.

There's simply not a metabolic pathway to add lean mass while in a calorie deficit. What's even worse is that early in the calorie restriction lean mass loss is at its worst. Meaning yo-yo type diets ultimately reduce metabolism by frequently starving lean mass while.  This is the issue Otis has and why he will ultimately end up at 280 in 5-10 years. 

OK, I'll tell you what I did when I lost 50 lbs. of fat AND gained muscle at the same time:

- ate ~150-200g protein a day (probably about 6 chicken breasts)

- lifted heavy weights 3 days a week

Granted I am a big guy and do not have trouble gaining muscle but I'm not what I'd consider genetically gifted.

ETA: I also wasn't in severe caloric restriction - eating about 2000 calories.

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how do you know you gained muscle? losing 50 lbs of mostly fat would make your existing muscles stand out and give you the illusion of gaining muscle, when all you did was retain your existing muscle (which is excellent, btw). I'm trying to do that now. Drop from 210 (160 lean mass) down to 180-ish and hold onto 155-160 lean mass.

Without using some sort of bodpod or hydro method of measuring BF% I call bull#### on anyone that thinks they were able to gain mass on a cut.  It's just simply not practical.  The leangains guys try and do this through tricks like backloading and fasting, but really there's not a ton of evidence that style works either.

When switching to lifting really heavy I was having trouble hanging on to mass even eating huge, I tried backloading and had only success really just hanging on to mass, but utlimately quit lifting heavy 3x a week because I was eating what amounted to 4 snickers bars after each workout.

how do you know you gained muscle? losing 50 lbs of mostly fat would make your existing muscles stand out and give you the illusion of gaining muscle, when all you did was retain your existing muscle (which is excellent, btw). I'm trying to do that now. Drop from 210 (160 lean mass) down to 180-ish and hold onto 155-160 lean mass.
I could lift heavier weights.


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