I also can't imagine any of the big three RB's busting. But, we all know it happens. I also happen to be high on Pierce as well. There are some guys that will produce at MLB year in, year out, I think he is one of them. (Imagine a Jet homer saying that about a Giant!) After looking at the RB's on this roster, I really don't think carrying three to cover the Carolina situation is an issue. Again, I would look at this as a one year deal, as far as the Carolina RB's go. I frankly don't think that Ruud, Crowder, DJ, Thurman, even Pollack or guys like Spears or Merriman last until his third round pick. Thomas Davis went at 1.9 in my dynasty, fer cryin out loud! (That guy had a slew of 1st rounders though, it made sense) . So, I don't buy into the "you can get an LB later scenario". not with a third round pick, you can't. In my IDP dynasty league, again, 16 teams, so if this is a 12 team league, it might play out differently, the first round was 13 O players. The second round was more like 14 D players. Additionally, I don't think Barnett is a sticker. I think he's a top twenty, but I'm not sure he can maintain even that over the long haul. I think he falls into the category of IDP that redman referred to. So, a lot of trade valuations are subject to each of our own player evaluations too. I doubt that the RB of the future is on the Panthers roster yet, but there is also a chance that he is, as well. Maybe Pearman surprises, and becomes a Westbrook type. I am certanly not predicting that, but I wouldn't rule it out either. I also don't think Toefield is all that, but I thought that about Holmes too, way back when. If it were me faced with this trade, I'd probably do what I could to get more value.... but I do think I would stare at the cieling some, too!
I wanted to also go against the common thought process, and look it it a bit differently. The truth is, in a deal like this, unless I knew all of the rosters, how many teams, how close i was to the holy league grail and understood the IDP scoring, I might well change my mind. But, given the limited info, I had a gut feel i'd look at this hard, and probably pull the trigger, with said caveats.