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Is anyone tired of hearing the word "vaunted" in football? (1 Viewer)

The word "vaunted" has been used so much in the football world last season and this season

  • Yes, I'm tired of hearing the word "vaunted."

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I'm not tired of hearing the word "vaunted."

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Frank Black

The word "vaunted" has been used so much in the football world last season and this season. Is anyone tired of hearing the word "vaunted" in football? Please vote yes or no.

I voted No. I do however think "beast" and "monster" are waaay overused. As in "he was a beast today" or "he could be an absolute monster"

Null vote. Totally depends on context and who says it. Example:


Facenda: "The vaunted Raider defense cut down the Washington Redskins in the Superbowl like a fierce Autumn wind."


Kornheiser: using it in any context.

Who are these vaunters, and has anyone ever actually seen them vaunting? And while we're on the topic, has anyone fenestrated the defatigable spring chickens yet?

vaunted is by definition a football word... to stop using it is to kill it.

I'd love to stop hearing the word Charlie but maybe that's only in a political context.


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