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Issue with forward massage therapist (1 Viewer)

(HULK) said:
Zow said:
seahawk 17 said:
Ironically my wife asked me today if I would think less of her, if she arranged for me to have a massage with a happy ending as a birthday present.

Perhaps you should speak to your wife about the possibility of getting one with your

My wife has allowed this. Its not unheard of imo.

ETA: We were on vacation in a foriegn land. I got pretty hyped up for an hour of relaxation w/ the ultimate ending. Ended up being 5 minutes of a chica slathering purell over my back (really?!?!? yes really :mellow: ) followed by a list of 4 options with various price points. Despite the fact that I was completely thrown with the difference between my imagination and reality, I went forward with the wife approved option. Which was fine. But overall, underwhelming. I still dream of a fabulous massage where 55 minutes are spent working my muscles and the last five are spent working the muscle. I'm pretty sure I could sleep for 12 straight hours after something like that.

ETA2: This was over a year ago and our marriage has not suffered at all as a result. Its been joked about maybe 3 times between then and now. Thats it. And honestly, I feel like we're a better couple today than we were when we left for that trip. Thats probably unrelated, but fwiw.
I mentioned this thread to my lady and asked her if a handjob at the end of a massage would be cheating.

I was expecting an instantaneous and emphatic no. Instead, she kind of hemmed and hawed and said, "I don't think so. Not really,"

I have only done massages at a spa with her with both of us together in the same room, so nothing erotic or never any forward massage therapists to worry about there. But, if some of you are looking to get a little handy, you might want to have your partner read the thread and get her thoughts. I am not planning on book any massage appointments any time soon, but I filed the nugget away.

And going back to the discussion on threesomes/allowing another man to bang your woman, it kind of got me thinking: would I really care if a dude was massaging my woman and it concluded with him massaging her breasts and playing with her ########/labia/#####? I am honestly not sure that I would care or feel threatened by that. I have never been lacking in confidence or too insecure, I trust her and feel that our relationship is at a point where I would never have to worry about her with another guy. In fact, I have never worried about her with another man.

Never had a massage, so just to be clear: you non-underwear people are laying face down naked on a table where a bunch of other dudes have laid face down naked?
Yes, but clean sheets are used for each customer. A bottom sheet is placed on the table first and then a top sheet that the client gets underneath just like a bed. The top sheet stays on top of the client at all times whether the client in laying down prone or supine on the table to cover parts of the body not being massaged to keep the client warm, soak up extra lotion, etc.

Zow said:
FUBAR said:
Zow said:
Gene Sackman said:
Seriously, you wear underwear when you get a massage? Why even go. If you cant relax

during a massage, you are just wasting your money.
:confused: 1. I can't relax during massages because I'm in ####### pain the entire time. But that doesn't mean I'm not comfortable. I don't see why

having underwear on or not means I am comfortable or not. It's not like my boxer briefs aren't comfortable.

2. I dunno, I don't see a reason why some relative stranger should be seeing my junk when there is no reason for her to, especially now that

I'm married. It's not like the underwear gets in the way at all and I always rationalized that wearing underwear would send the message that I was there for completely innocent reasons.
Do you not have a blanket or towel on?
Well yeah a blanket but I have to turn over or onto my side a couple times during. She's seeing my junk.

At no time am I on my side for a massage. I've gotten many from reputable places. Obviously I'm going to the wrong places.

First time I had a massage, the lady said get comfortable so I laid down on the table fully clothed. Freaked her out when she walked in the room. Then freaked her out again when I started to disrobe in front of her. The whole thing is stupid.

Personally I think much of this is imagination. No reputable masseuse is going to be giving happy endings.
From a Masseuse, I would expect a happy ending. From a Massage Therapist, I would expect professionalism.

Pretty big difference between the two.
This. Also, towels aren't typically used for draping dudes, except in teh pronos or by big hairy Russian male masseuses after a schvitz. . A towel would be used on a chick to cover her bresteses when she is supine on the table.

Which makes me think this thread is the typical Woz :fishing:

Personally I think much of this is imagination. No reputable masseuse is going to be giving happy endings.
From a Masseuse, I would expect a happy ending. From a Massage Therapist, I would expect professionalism.

Pretty big difference between the two.
This. Also, towels aren't typically used for draping dudes, except in teh pronos or by big hairy Russian male masseuses after a schvitz. . A towel would be used on a chick to cover her bresteses when she is supine on the table.

Which makes me think this thread is the typical Woz :fishing:
She does't use a towel. It's like this sheet thingy.

There's a point in the massage where she works on my hip flexors and IT band/hips. To do this I have to get on my side. She does what I presume is the professional thing with the sheet, but with me adjusting to my side and her having to get to these spots there'd be exposure.

Zow said:
seriously, underwear? do you wear them into the shower at the gym too?
I still don't get this. The analogies laid out are terrible too since for the massage there's noreason for her to be touching the area covered

by underwear whereas in a shower obviously you're washing that area and you aren't doing so in front of members of the opposite sex.
you're eliminating a key legit area by wearing them. and another non legit area.

(HULK) said:
Zow said:
seahawk 17 said:
Ironically my wife asked me today if I would think less of her, if she arranged for me to have a massage with a happy ending as a birthday present.

Perhaps you should speak to your wife about the possibility of getting one with your

My wife has allowed this. Its not unheard of imo.

ETA: We were on vacation in a foriegn land. I got pretty hyped up for an hour of relaxation w/ the ultimate ending. Ended up being 5 minutes of a chica slathering purell over my back (really?!?!? yes really :mellow: ) followed by a list of 4 options with various price points. Despite the fact that I was completely thrown with the difference between my imagination and reality, I went forward with the wife approved option. Which was fine. But overall, underwhelming. I still dream of a fabulous massage where 55 minutes are spent working my muscles and the last five are spent working the muscle. I'm pretty sure I could sleep for 12 straight hours after something like that.

ETA2: This was over a year ago and our marriage has not suffered at all as a result. Its been joked about maybe 3 times between then and now. Thats it. And honestly, I feel like we're a better couple today than we were when we left for that trip. Thats probably unrelated, but fwiw.
I mentioned this thread to my lady and asked her if a handjob at the end of a massage would be cheating.

I was expecting an instantaneous and emphatic no. Instead, she kind of hemmed and hawed and said, "I don't think so. Not really,"

I have only done massages at a spa with her with both of us together in the same room, so nothing erotic or never any forward massage therapists to worry about there. But, if some of you are looking to get a little handy, you might want to have your partner read the thread and get her thoughts. I am not planning on book any massage appointments any time soon, but I filed the nugget away.

And going back to the discussion on threesomes/allowing another man to bang your woman, it kind of got me thinking: would I really care if a dude was massaging my woman and it concluded with him massaging her breasts and playing with her ########/labia/#####? I am honestly not sure that I would care or feel threatened by that. I have never been lacking in confidence or too insecure, I trust her and feel that our relationship is at a point where I would never have to worry about her with another guy. In fact, I have never worried about her with another man.
A chick I dated briefly got a massage while we were in Vegas awhile back. She had the therapist massage her breast and get her off a little bit. I didn't care at all about, but was frankly just dating this girl for the sex.

In my current situation my wife has already expressed some concern regarding this therapist. I generally consider my wife to not be a jealous person. So really anything else isn't terribly relevant.

I've never had a massage but didn't realize most go fully Monty. Is it common for some ones little man to stand up and look around, like on the non-happy ending kinds?
It happens. They're used to it.
I was worried about this too but it has never happened to me and I don't ever recall even getting close. Probably since there's nothing erotic for me at all about a massage since the majority of it is spent getting knots out and loosening areas where I'm inflexible - both of which causes me pain.

What's the problem with a masseuse getting a peak at your junk?
Warts? Deformed? Small? Missing testicle?
Or, you know, I'm married and my wife probably prefers other women not seeing what I got.
See, that's not really supposed to happen. Get undressed in private, get under the blanket, blanket stays over you, masseuse is professional and careful with the hand positioning, get a massage with no incidents. No one sees anything they're not supposed to see.

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What's the problem with a masseuse getting a peak at your junk?
Warts? Deformed? Small? Missing testicle?
Or, you know, I'm married and my wife probably prefers other women not seeing what I got.
:lmao: If your wife is that paranoid about a masseuse seeing your pecker then you've got serious issues
yep and if you're the one worried about it, you have serious issues. would you freak out if a dude massaged your lady?

(HULK) said:
Zow said:
seahawk 17 said:
Ironically my wife asked me today if I would think less of her, if she arranged for me to have a massage with a happy ending as a birthday present.

Perhaps you should speak to your wife about the possibility of getting one with your

My wife has allowed this. Its not unheard of imo.

ETA: We were on vacation in a foriegn land. I got pretty hyped up for an hour of relaxation w/ the ultimate ending. Ended up being 5 minutes of a chica slathering purell over my back (really?!?!? yes really :mellow: ) followed by a list of 4 options with various price points. Despite the fact that I was completely thrown with the difference between my imagination and reality, I went forward with the wife approved option. Which was fine. But overall, underwhelming. I still dream of a fabulous massage where 55 minutes are spent working my muscles and the last five are spent working the muscle. I'm pretty sure I could sleep for 12 straight hours after something like that.

ETA2: This was over a year ago and our marriage has not suffered at all as a result. Its been joked about maybe 3 times between then and now. Thats it. And honestly, I feel like we're a better couple today than we were when we left for that trip. Thats probably unrelated, but fwiw.
I mentioned this thread to my lady and asked her if a handjob at the end of a massage would be cheating.

I was expecting an instantaneous and emphatic no. Instead, she kind of hemmed and hawed and said, "I don't think so. Not really,"

I have only done massages at a spa with her with both of us together in the same room, so nothing erotic or never any forward massage therapists to worry about there. But, if some of you are looking to get a little handy, you might want to have your partner read the thread and get her thoughts. I am not planning on book any massage appointments any time soon, but I filed the nugget away.

And going back to the discussion on threesomes/allowing another man to bang your woman, it kind of got me thinking: would I really care if a dude was massaging my woman and it concluded with him massaging her breasts and playing with her ########/labia/#####? I am honestly not sure that I would care or feel threatened by that. I have never been lacking in confidence or too insecure, I trust her and feel that our relationship is at a point where I would never have to worry about her with another guy. In fact, I have never worried about her with another man.
A chick I dated briefly got a massage while we were in Vegas awhile back. She had the therapist massage her breast and get her off a little bit. I didn't care at all about, but was frankly just dating this girl for the sex.

In my current situation my wife has already expressed some concern regarding this therapist. I generally consider my wife to not be a jealous person. So really anything else isn't terribly relevant.
I haven't heard of women doing this. Is this a thing for women getting "massages"?

Personally I think much of this is imagination. No reputable masseuse is going to be giving happy endings.
From a Masseuse, I would expect a happy ending. From a Massage Therapist, I would expect professionalism.

Pretty big difference between the two.
This. Also, towels aren't typically used for draping dudes, except in teh pronos or by big hairy Russian male masseuses after a schvitz. . A towel would be used on a chick to cover her bresteses when she is supine on the table.

Which makes me think this thread is the typical Woz :fishing:
She does't use a towel. It's like this sheet thingy.

There's a point in the massage where she works on my hip flexors and IT band/hips. To do this I have to get on my side. She does what I presume is the professional thing with the sheet, but with me adjusting to my side and her having to get to these spots there'd be exposure.
There are several massage techniques for IT band and TFL release which are accessible from the prone or supine position on the table. If you are on your side, you should be draped since IT\TFL techniques in this position do not require access to skin since they are compression strokes applied with the forearm or elbow. Again, If she knows how to drape a client, there's no risk exposing your junk..

Never had a massage, so just to be clear: you non-underwear people are laying face down naked on a table where a bunch of other dudes have laid face down naked?
Not a massage person either, but I'll ask: If you're going full monty, which I think is fine, are you also doing so if the provider is a male? Or do you not use male masseurs? If "no" to either, doesn't that make any massage inherently sexual? [/pulp fiction foot rub]
Not really. I just wouldn't feel as comfortable getting a massage by a male masseur. The point of a massage is to feel completely relaxed and comfortable.

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(HULK) said:
Zow said:
seahawk 17 said:
Ironically my wife asked me today if I would think less of her, if she arranged for me to have a massage with a happy ending as a birthday present.

Perhaps you should speak to your wife about the possibility of getting one with your

My wife has allowed this. Its not unheard of imo.ETA: We were on vacation in a foriegn land. I got pretty hyped up for an hour of relaxation w/ the ultimate ending. Ended up being 5 minutes of a chica slathering purell over my back (really?!?!? yes really :mellow: ) followed by a list of 4 options with various price points. Despite the fact that I was completely thrown with the difference between my imagination and reality, I went forward with the wife approved option. Which was fine. But overall, underwhelming. I still dream of a fabulous massage where 55 minutes are spent working my muscles and the last five are spent working the muscle. I'm pretty sure I could sleep for 12 straight hours after something like that.

ETA2: This was over a year ago and our marriage has not suffered at all as a result. Its been joked about maybe 3 times between then and now. Thats it. And honestly, I feel like we're a better couple today than we were when we left for that trip. Thats probably unrelated, but fwiw.
I mentioned this thread to my lady and asked her if a handjob at the end of a massage would be cheating.I was expecting an instantaneous and emphatic no. Instead, she kind of hemmed and hawed and said, "I don't think so. Not really,"

I have only done massages at a spa with her with both of us together in the same room, so nothing erotic or never any forward massage therapists to worry about there. But, if some of you are looking to get a little handy, you might want to have your partner read the thread and get her thoughts. I am not planning on book any massage appointments any time soon, but I filed the nugget away.

And going back to the discussion on threesomes/allowing another man to bang your woman, it kind of got me thinking: would I really care if a dude was massaging my woman and it concluded with him massaging her breasts and playing with her ########/labia/#####? I am honestly not sure that I would care or feel threatened by that. I have never been lacking in confidence or too insecure, I trust her and feel that our relationship is at a point where I would never have to worry about her with another guy. In fact, I have never worried about her with another man.
Sorry, but your lady is cheating on you. If she is saying that a hand job ISN'T cheating, then she's guilty and has at least given a wrister to another guy. No way does any woman (and 99% of guys) think a hand job isn't cheating.

(HULK) said:
Zow said:
seahawk 17 said:
Ironically my wife asked me today if I would think less of her, if she arranged for me to have a massage with a happy ending as a birthday present.

Perhaps you should speak to your wife about the possibility of getting one with your

My wife has allowed this. Its not unheard of imo.ETA: We were on vacation in a foriegn land. I got pretty hyped up for an hour of relaxation w/ the ultimate ending. Ended up being 5 minutes of a chica slathering purell over my back (really?!?!? yes really :mellow: ) followed by a list of 4 options with various price points. Despite the fact that I was completely thrown with the difference between my imagination and reality, I went forward with the wife approved option. Which was fine. But overall, underwhelming. I still dream of a fabulous massage where 55 minutes are spent working my muscles and the last five are spent working the muscle. I'm pretty sure I could sleep for 12 straight hours after something like that.

ETA2: This was over a year ago and our marriage has not suffered at all as a result. Its been joked about maybe 3 times between then and now. Thats it. And honestly, I feel like we're a better couple today than we were when we left for that trip. Thats probably unrelated, but fwiw.
I mentioned this thread to my lady and asked her if a handjob at the end of a massage would be cheating.I was expecting an instantaneous and emphatic no. Instead, she kind of hemmed and hawed and said, "I don't think so. Not really,"

I have only done massages at a spa with her with both of us together in the same room, so nothing erotic or never any forward massage therapists to worry about there. But, if some of you are looking to get a little handy, you might want to have your partner read the thread and get her thoughts. I am not planning on book any massage appointments any time soon, but I filed the nugget away.

And going back to the discussion on threesomes/allowing another man to bang your woman, it kind of got me thinking: would I really care if a dude was massaging my woman and it concluded with him massaging her breasts and playing with her ########/labia/#####? I am honestly not sure that I would care or feel threatened by that. I have never been lacking in confidence or too insecure, I trust her and feel that our relationship is at a point where I would never have to worry about her with another guy. In fact, I have never worried about her with another man.
Sorry, but your lady is cheating on you. If she is saying that a hand job ISN'T cheating, then she's guilty and has at least given a wrister to another guy. No way does any woman (and 99% of guys) think a hand job isn't cheating.
Did you not listen to Mr. Clinton?

Maybe it depends on what the definition of is is - I'd define it as a terrorist group. Which means women are terrorists.

Never had a massage, so just to be clear: you non-underwear people are laying face down naked on a table where a bunch of other dudes have laid face down naked?
Not a massage person either, but I'll ask: If you're going full monty, which I think is fine, are you also doing so if the provider is a male? Or do you not use male masseurs? If "no" to either, doesn't that make any massage inherently sexual? [/pulp fiction foot rub]
Not really. I just wouldn't feel as comfortable getting a massage by a male masseur. The point of a massage is to feel completely relaxed and comfortable.
Not for a therapeutic massage it isn't.

Never had a massage, so just to be clear: you non-underwear people are laying face down naked on a table where a bunch of other dudes have laid face down naked?
Not a massage person either, but I'll ask: If you're going full monty, which I think is fine, are you also doing so if the provider is a male? Or do you not use male masseurs? If "no" to either, doesn't that make any massage inherently sexual? [/pulp fiction foot rub]
Not really. I just wouldn't feel as comfortable getting a massage by a male masseur. The point of a massage is to feel completely relaxed and comfortable.
Not for a therapeutic massage it isn't.
True. I only do the girly massages. :bag:

Never had a massage, so just to be clear: you non-underwear people are laying face down naked on a table where a bunch of other dudes have laid face down naked?
Not a massage person either, but I'll ask: If you're going full monty, which I think is fine, are you also doing so if the provider is a male? Or do you not use male masseurs? If "no" to either, doesn't that make any massage inherently sexual? [/pulp fiction foot rub]
Not really. I just wouldn't feel as comfortable getting a massage by a male masseur. The point of a massage is to feel completely relaxed and comfortable.
Not for a therapeutic massage it isn't.
True. I only do the girly massages. :bag:
Ask for a deep tissue massage next time and report back :thumbup:

(HULK) said:
Zow said:
seahawk 17 said:
Ironically my wife asked me today if I would think less of her, if she arranged for me to have a massage with a happy ending as a birthday present.

Perhaps you should speak to your wife about the possibility of getting one with your

My wife has allowed this. Its not unheard of imo.ETA: We were on vacation in a foriegn land. I got pretty hyped up for an hour of relaxation w/ the ultimate ending. Ended up being 5 minutes of a chica slathering purell over my back (really?!?!? yes really :mellow: ) followed by a list of 4 options with various price points. Despite the fact that I was completely thrown with the difference between my imagination and reality, I went forward with the wife approved option. Which was fine. But overall, underwhelming. I still dream of a fabulous massage where 55 minutes are spent working my muscles and the last five are spent working the muscle. I'm pretty sure I could sleep for 12 straight hours after something like that.

ETA2: This was over a year ago and our marriage has not suffered at all as a result. Its been joked about maybe 3 times between then and now. Thats it. And honestly, I feel like we're a better couple today than we were when we left for that trip. Thats probably unrelated, but fwiw.
I mentioned this thread to my lady and asked her if a handjob at the end of a massage would be cheating.I was expecting an instantaneous and emphatic no. Instead, she kind of hemmed and hawed and said, "I don't think so. Not really,"

I have only done massages at a spa with her with both of us together in the same room, so nothing erotic or never any forward massage therapists to worry about there. But, if some of you are looking to get a little handy, you might want to have your partner read the thread and get her thoughts. I am not planning on book any massage appointments any time soon, but I filed the nugget away.

And going back to the discussion on threesomes/allowing another man to bang your woman, it kind of got me thinking: would I really care if a dude was massaging my woman and it concluded with him massaging her breasts and playing with her ########/labia/#####? I am honestly not sure that I would care or feel threatened by that. I have never been lacking in confidence or too insecure, I trust her and feel that our relationship is at a point where I would never have to worry about her with another guy. In fact, I have never worried about her with another man.
Sorry, but your lady is cheating on you. If she is saying that a hand job ISN'T cheating, then she's guilty and has at least given a wrister to another guy. No way does any woman (and 99% of guys) think a hand job isn't cheating.
Not really understanding the logic here. Are you suggesting that my woman is moonlighting as a masseuse?

I've never had a massage but didn't realize most go fully Monty. Is it common for some ones little man to stand up and look around, like on the non-happy ending kinds?
I have and I usually ask to what degree they want me to strip....Some say whatever you are comfortable with and others have said you can leave your underwear on...

Sorry, but your lady is cheating on you. If she is saying that a hand job ISN'T cheating, then she's guilty and has at least given a wrister to another guy. No way does any woman (and 99% of guys) think a hand job isn't cheating.
Sorry, but your lady is cheating on you. If she is saying that a hand job ISN'T cheating, then she's guilty and has at least given a wrister to another guy. No way does any woman (and 99% of guys) think a hand job isn't cheating.
Wait ..what? Your wife has given you a green light to have someone slap happy?..Something is fishy there. This thread is about to turn.

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Never had a massage, so just to be clear: you non-underwear people are laying face down naked on a table where a bunch of other dudes have laid face down naked?
Not a massage person either, but I'll ask: If you're going full monty, which I think is fine, are you also doing so if the provider is a male? Or do you not use male masseurs? If "no" to either, doesn't that make any massage inherently sexual? [/pulp fiction foot rub]
I had a deep tissue massage from a dude once (wife booked). I was kinda pumped because I like a ton of pressure for a massage, really gets the knots out and I'm not a sissy like Woz is about it. Thing is, dude had super hairy arms and liked to do the elbow dig move. So I spent an hour feeling the brillo pads strapped to the guys arm all over my back. I felt creeped out. Haven't had a male massage therapist since and don't think I would. Even though my back felt great afterwards, it was not worth the weirdness.

And does "get her off a little bit" mean rubbing her out to completion, or something less? Totally thought this was a guy thing.
I honestly didn't ask her to specify. For one, she was bat#### crazy so I didn't take anything she said as 100% truth. And two, the impression I got is that he massaged her boobs and maybe rubbed her for a little bit in her favorite area. I didn't get the impression that it was a full blown servicing to completion.

(HULK) said:
Zow said:
seahawk 17 said:
Ironically my wife asked me today if I would think less of her, if she arranged for me to have a massage with a happy ending as a birthday present.

Perhaps you should speak to your wife about the possibility of getting one with your

My wife has allowed this. Its not unheard of imo.ETA: We were on vacation in a foriegn land. I got pretty hyped up for an hour of relaxation w/ the ultimate ending. Ended up being 5 minutes of a chica slathering purell over my back (really?!?!? yes really :mellow: ) followed by a list of 4 options with various price points. Despite the fact that I was completely thrown with the difference between my imagination and reality, I went forward with the wife approved option. Which was fine. But overall, underwhelming. I still dream of a fabulous massage where 55 minutes are spent working my muscles and the last five are spent working the muscle. I'm pretty sure I could sleep for 12 straight hours after something like that.

ETA2: This was over a year ago and our marriage has not suffered at all as a result. Its been joked about maybe 3 times between then and now. Thats it. And honestly, I feel like we're a better couple today than we were when we left for that trip. Thats probably unrelated, but fwiw.
I mentioned this thread to my lady and asked her if a handjob at the end of a massage would be cheating.I was expecting an instantaneous and emphatic no. Instead, she kind of hemmed and hawed and said, "I don't think so. Not really,"

I have only done massages at a spa with her with both of us together in the same room, so nothing erotic or never any forward massage therapists to worry about there. But, if some of you are looking to get a little handy, you might want to have your partner read the thread and get her thoughts. I am not planning on book any massage appointments any time soon, but I filed the nugget away.

And going back to the discussion on threesomes/allowing another man to bang your woman, it kind of got me thinking: would I really care if a dude was massaging my woman and it concluded with him massaging her breasts and playing with her ########/labia/#####? I am honestly not sure that I would care or feel threatened by that. I have never been lacking in confidence or too insecure, I trust her and feel that our relationship is at a point where I would never have to worry about her with another guy. In fact, I have never worried about her with another man.
Sorry, but your lady is cheating on you. If she is saying that a hand job ISN'T cheating, then she's guilty and has at least given a wrister to another guy. No way does any woman (and 99% of guys) think a hand job isn't cheating.
Its not cheating if your wife says its okay and knows about it. Cheating implies deception.

What's the problem with a masseuse getting a peak at your junk?
Warts? Deformed? Small? Missing testicle?
Or, you know, I'm married and my wife probably prefers other women not seeing what I got.
Are you Amish/Protestant/Mormon?
Me too! I checked our bible and there is no policy equating a massage therapist accidentially seeing your twig and berries with maritial indiscretion.

You are seriously missing out if your butt isn't getting massaged imo. Lots of muscles there.

Never had a massage, so just to be clear: you non-underwear people are laying face down naked on a table where a bunch of other dudes have laid face down naked?
Not a massage person either, but I'll ask: If you're going full monty, which I think is fine, are you also doing so if the provider is a male? Or do you not use male masseurs? If "no" to either, doesn't that make any massage inherently sexual? [/pulp fiction foot rub]
Not really. I just wouldn't feel as comfortable getting a massage by a male masseur. The point of a massage is to feel completely relaxed and comfortable.
Not for a therapeutic massage it isn't.
True. I only do the girly massages. :bag:
Ask for a deep tissue massage next time and report back :thumbup:
Yep, to defend myself here I'm getting the deep tissue work done and getting certain ligaments broken down to improve flexibility. There's nothing actually relaxing or intended to be relaxing about it. It's designed for initial, short-term intense pain to prevent long-term constant pain and soreness later.

El Floppo said:
Zow said:
seriously, underwear? do you wear them into the shower at the gym too?
I still don't get this. The analogies laid out are terrible too since for the massage there's noreason for her to be touching the area covered

by underwear whereas in a shower obviously you're washing that area and you aren't doing so in front of members of the opposite sex.
are you wearing a thong?

otherwise, your hamstring has a habit of going up past the underwear. not to mention lower-back goes down there too. do you have a weird thing about people massaging the muscles that go through and past your butt?

woz- seriously... I've had a lot of massages- never with underwear. "strip down and get under the towel" is never prefaced with "keep your tighty-whitey's on and.."
He needs the underwear to hold his boner down.

What's the problem with a masseuse getting a peak at your junk?
Warts? Deformed? Small? Missing testicle?
Or, you know, I'm married and my wife probably prefers other women not seeing what I got.
Are you Amish/Protestant/Mormon?
Me too! I checked our bible and there is no policy equating a massage therapist accidentially seeing your twig and berries with maritial indiscretion.

You are seriously missing out if your butt isn't getting massaged imo. Lots of muscles there.
I'm not either. I just see no benefit to going fully nude (she does the butt over the blanket anyway) and since my wife has indicated that she prefer this therapist to not see what I got, I see no reason to give her the chance. :shrug:

El Floppo said:
Zow said:
seriously, underwear? do you wear them into the shower at the gym too?
I still don't get this. The analogies laid out are terrible too since for the massage there's noreason for her to be touching the area covered

by underwear whereas in a shower obviously you're washing that area and you aren't doing so in front of members of the opposite sex.
are you wearing a thong?

otherwise, your hamstring has a habit of going up past the underwear. not to mention lower-back goes down there too. do you have a weird thing about people massaging the muscles that go through and past your butt?

woz- seriously... I've had a lot of massages- never with underwear. "strip down and get under the towel" is never prefaced with "keep your tighty-whitey's on and.."
He needs the underwear to hold his boner down.

Never had a massage, so just to be clear: you non-underwear people are laying face down naked on a table where a bunch of other dudes have laid face down naked?
Not a massage person either, but I'll ask: If you're going full monty, which I think is fine, are you also doing so if the provider is a male? Or do you not use male masseurs? If "no" to either, doesn't that make any massage inherently sexual? [/pulp fiction foot rub]
I had a deep tissue massage from a dude once (wife booked). I was kinda pumped because I like a ton of pressure for a massage, really gets the knots out and I'm not a sissy like Woz is about it. Thing is, dude had super hairy arms and liked to do the elbow dig move. So I spent an hour feeling the brillo pads strapped to the guys arm all over my back. I felt creeped out. Haven't had a male massage therapist since and don't think I would. Even though my back felt great afterwards, it was not worth the weirdness.
Ouch, that sucks. I've actually considered going to a man and wouldn't have any real problem with it because a man could probably apply more pressure, but you've definitely given me second thoughts haha.

Never had a massage, so just to be clear: you non-underwear people are laying face down naked on a table where a bunch of other dudes have laid face down naked?
Not a massage person either, but I'll ask: If you're going full monty, which I think is fine, are you also doing so if the provider is a male? Or do you not use male masseurs? If "no" to either, doesn't that make any massage inherently sexual? [/pulp fiction foot rub]
Not really. I just wouldn't feel as comfortable getting a massage by a male masseur. The point of a massage is to feel completely relaxed and comfortable.
Not for a therapeutic massage it isn't.
True. I only do the girly massages. :bag:
Ask for a deep tissue massage next time and report back :thumbup:
Yep, to defend myself here I'm getting the deep tissue work done and getting certain ligaments broken down to improve flexibility. There's nothing actually relaxing or intended to be relaxing about it. It's designed for initial, short-term intense pain to prevent long-term constant pain and soreness later.
So you're into S&M, huh? Wouldn't have thought that. I bet they charge extra for that kinda treatment, amirite?

Your wife has expressed being uncomfortable with you seeing this masseuse.

You have expressed being uncomfortable seeing this masseuse.

Yet...you continue to see this masseuse?

What's the problem with a masseuse getting a peak at your junk?
Warts? Deformed? Small? Missing testicle?
Or, you know, I'm married and my wife probably prefers other women not seeing what I got.
:lmao: If your wife is that paranoid about a masseuse seeing your pecker then you've got serious issues
I didn't say she was paranoid.
Then why does she even bring it up? It's pretty standard, aside from a few people here, that you undress completely for a massage. I've had couples massages with my girlfriend in the room and we both stripped down nude.

Your wife has expressed being uncomfortable with you seeing this masseuse.

You have expressed being uncomfortable seeing this masseuse.

Yet...you continue to see this masseuse?
It's new issue. I have not booked another appointment since starting this thread.


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