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Jeffrey Epstein: there is definitely nothing to see here folks, I am feeling very sleepy, I think I'll take a nice nap. (3 Viewers)

ren hoek

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

The eccentric hedge fund manager, whose friends included former President Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Prince Andrew, was also suspected of trafficking minor girls, often from overseas, for sex parties at his other homes in Manhattan, New Mexico and the Caribbean, FBI and court records show.

Facing a 53-page federal indictment, Epstein could have ended up in federal prison for the rest of his life.

But on the morning of the breakfast meeting, a deal was struck — an extraordinary plea agreement that would conceal the full extent of Epstein’s crimes and the number of people involved.

Not only would Epstein serve just 13 months in the county jail, but the deal — called a non-prosecution agreement — essentially shut down an ongoing FBI probe into whether there were more victims and other powerful people who took part in Epstein’s sex crimes, according to a Miami Herald examination of thousands of emails, court documents and FBI records.

The pact required Epstein to plead guilty to two prostitution charges in state court. Epstein and four of his accomplices named in the agreement received immunity from all federal criminal charges. But even more unusual, the deal included wording that granted immunity to “any potential co-conspirators’’ who were also involved in Epstein’s crimes. These accomplices or participants were not identified in the agreement, leaving it open to interpretation whether it possibly referred to other influential people who were having sex with underage girls at Epstein’s various homes or on his plane. 

As part of the arrangement, Acosta agreed, despite a federal law to the contrary, that the deal would be kept from the victims. As a result, the non-prosecution agreement was sealed until after it was approved by the judge, thereby averting any chance that the girls — or anyone else — might show up in court and try to derail it.

This is the story of how Epstein, bolstered by unlimited funds and represented by a powerhouse legal team, was able to manipulate the criminal justice system, and how his accusers, still traumatized by their pasts, believe they were betrayed by the very prosecutors who pledged to protect them.

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How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

The eccentric hedge fund manager, whose friends included former President Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Prince Andrew, was also suspected of trafficking minor girls, often from overseas, for sex parties at his other homes in Manhattan, New Mexico and the Caribbean, FBI and court records show.

Facing a 53-page federal indictment, Epstein could have ended up in federal prison for the rest of his life.

But on the morning of the breakfast meeting, a deal was struck — an extraordinary plea agreement that would conceal the full extent of Epstein’s crimes and the number of people involved.

Not only would Epstein serve just 13 months in the county jail, but the deal — called a non-prosecution agreement — essentially shut down an ongoing FBI probe into whether there were more victims and other powerful people who took part in Epstein’s sex crimes, according to a Miami Herald examination of thousands of emails, court documents and FBI records.

The pact required Epstein to plead guilty to two prostitution charges in state court. Epstein and four of his accomplices named in the agreement received immunity from all federal criminal charges. But even more unusual, the deal included wording that granted immunity to “any potential co-conspirators’’ who were also involved in Epstein’s crimes. These accomplices or participants were not identified in the agreement, leaving it open to interpretation whether it possibly referred to other influential people who were having sex with underage girls at Epstein’s various homes or on his plane. 

As part of the arrangement, Acosta agreed, despite a federal law to the contrary, that the deal would be kept from the victims. As a result, the non-prosecution agreement was sealed until after it was approved by the judge, thereby averting any chance that the girls — or anyone else — might show up in court and try to derail it.

This is the story of how Epstein, bolstered by unlimited funds and represented by a powerhouse legal team, was able to manipulate the criminal justice system, and how his accusers, still traumatized by their pasts, believe they were betrayed by the very prosecutors who pledged to protect them.
Hey, remember that woman who claims when she was 13 years old Trump raped her? With Epstein?  Trump’s old friend?

Hey, remember that woman who claims when she was 13 years old Trump raped her? With Epstein?  Trump’s old friend?
The only new information in the story posted is the Acosta's role in the sweetheart plea deal.  The rest of the stuff about Epstein, including his links to Trump (and the gross Trump quote) had been reported on before "Katie Johnson" filed her lawsuit.  All the squirrelly stuff that made it almost impossible to report her story also argues against her credibility.  I pretty reflexively hate Trump and believe women, but I think there's a reason that suit was voluntarily dismissed.

This should be a MUCH bigger story, in that it’s more than likely Trump paid back favors because of his involvement, but to prove we’re in a virtual simulation of some kind, the only reason this wasn’t brought up during the presidential election is because Hillary couldn’t harp on the issue - because Bill was also likely one of the implicated.  This is why people were really angry in 2016 at the choices.
Yeah, not the only reason.  I don't know how it could have been a bigger story when she wouldn't talk to journalists, even if they agreed to preserve her anonymity.  The "team" around her made the guys pushing the Seth Rich theory look like Edward R. Murrow.  

The only new information in the story posted is the Acosta's role in the sweetheart plea deal.  The rest of the stuff about Epstein, including his links to Trump (and the gross Trump quote) had been reported on before "Katie Johnson" filed her lawsuit.  All the squirrelly stuff that made it almost impossible to report her story also argues against her credibility.  I pretty reflexively hate Trump and believe women, but I think there's a reason that suit was voluntarily dismissed.
That’s not really new either. Which is what I’m talking about.  This is from March, 2017  


The only new information in the story posted is the Acosta's role in the sweetheart plea deal.  The rest of the stuff about Epstein, including his links to Trump (and the gross Trump quote) had been reported on before "Katie Johnson" filed her lawsuit.  All the squirrelly stuff that made it almost impossible to report her story also argues against her credibility.  I pretty reflexively hate Trump and believe women, but I think there's a reason that suit was voluntarily dismissed.
I wasn’t aware that Dershowitz was accused of having sex with a minor. I googled it and it turns out the accusation was out there, he vigorously denied it, and threatened to sue. But somehow I missed it. 

This should be a MUCH bigger story, in that it’s more than likely Trump paid back favors because of his involvement, but to prove we’re in a virtual simulation of some kind, the only reason this wasn’t brought up during the presidential election is because Hillary couldn’t harp on the issue - because Bill was also likely one of the implicated.  This is why people were really angry in 2016 at the choices.
Well it was only published yesterday, and it's a long read.  I posted about it in the #metoo thread but I'm glad Ren started a new thread.  Even if most of it had already been reported in bits and pieces, seeing it reported out this way, in a compelling narrative form, really drives home how repulsive the whole thing is. 

Also Acosta is one of the names that gets mentioned for AG, so the timing of the story obviously kills that. And if there's any shred of decency and accountability left it should cost him his Cabinet post too.

In terms of national attention I believe a lot of this has been reported in South Florida. Even look at this report, it’s the Miami Herald, a great paper, but where is WaPo & NYT?

In terms of national attention I believe a lot of this has been reported in South Florida. Even look at this report, it’s the Miami Herald, a great paper, but where is WaPo & NYT?
There's really no story for the Post and Times right now.  The Herald did the work, what could they add? I'm sure they've reached out to Acosta/Labor and the White House for comment, but I'm also sure they've gotten nothing back because Trump administration. They'll chase those folks down and try to get something from them, but until then there's really nothing to report. FWIW their reporters and other nationally prominent journalists have been retweeting the story and praising it pretty much non-stop since it came out yesterday. 

Obviously cable news could signal boost it too, but it's hard for CNN to find time for stuff like this when the schedule is jam-packed with important stuff like Rick Santorum denying climate change.

There's really no story for the Post and Times right now.  The Herald did the work, what could they add? I'm sure they've reached out to Acosta/Labor and the White House for comment, but I'm also sure they've gotten nothing back because Trump administration. They'll chase those folks down and try to get something from them, but until then there's really nothing to report. FWIW their reporters and other nationally prominent journalists have been retweeting the story and praising it pretty much non-stop since it came out yesterday. 

Obviously cable news could signal boost it too, but it's hard for CNN to find time for stuff like this when the schedule is jam-packed with important stuff like Rick Santorum denying climate change.
It's a fair point, recovering an old story doesn't sell. They need to sell after all. But it was more to your point about pressure on Acosta to resign. If that were to happen it has to go further than Miami copy.

Ok these are two articles, both from the first week of 2016.

Billionaire sex offender's 'sweetheart deal' violated our rights, victims tell feds

- 1/2/16 Sun-Sentinel.

Sex-abuse victims want to depose feds involved in Jeffrey Epstein deal

- 1/1/16 Palm Beach Daily News. - For some reason the old link for this is dead.

Couple more:

Labor Nominee’s Role in Sex Case Could Draw Scrutiny

- 3/15/17 State of the Nation blog.

Random tweeter, 7/8/18.

Labor Nominee’s Role in Sex Case Could Draw Scrutiny

-2/17/17 NYT - I stand corrected as to my point above about WaPo/NYT not covering this.

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I argued in another thread recently that we, the common people, through our representatives, can never truly reach and effect the powerful.  That was in response to someone suggesting that we could tax the rich to pay for programs.  The rich live by their own codes and rules.  They exist in an extra-legal status and plane. They always have.  The levers of power are in their hands, all else is illusion.

Not only would Epstein serve just 13 months in the county jail, but the deal — called a non-prosecution agreement — essentially shut down an ongoing FBI probe into whether there were more victims and other powerful people who took part in Epstein’s sex crimes, according to a Miami Herald examination of thousands of emails, court documents and FBI records.
We had this happen down here. We are like the Petri dish of corruption - got a corruption scandal? It's been done in NO. We had a situation in which a so-called "brothel" was busted as part of an ongoing corruption probe. It was a real brothel, we have those here - and very common people could go to it, like it was in actual house (one btw owned by the local, very, very old mafia). But the girls also went elsewhere - yachts, hotels, homes, trips. Hotel concierges referred customers. But it was also used by - politicians, judges, lawyers, doctors, and the influential and powerful. Even David Vitter was exposed to have been a customer. - I only point this out because while at some point the brothel was shut down by the Feds, the client list remained secret. The customers, with one exception, some random doctor, were kept secret. It came up in the Nagin investigation. It came up in a sweeping political scandal in the Parish next door. - Sex was used as a weapon. It was used for bribery, for extortion, for political power. Big stuff around here but nationally small beans. However ultimately it was shown the brothel was part of an interstate syndicate of brothels in Miami, NYC and elsewhere.

The pushback will be it's just sex and it's just conspiracy theorizing. Epstein is a multi-billionaire. Who was on Epstein's list of men who availed themselves of his offerings? What did he get for it? This is what it's about. It is a matter of public concern and it's also part of the MeToo story. Same goes for the Mayflower Madame and I'm sure there are others out there whose names we will never know.

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The Herald also identified about 80 women who say they were molested or otherwise sexually abused by Epstein from 2001 to 2006. About 60 of them were located — now scattered around the country and abroad. Eight of them agreed to be interviewed, on or off the record. Four of them were willing to speak on video.

The women are now mothers, wives, nurses, bartenders, Realtors, hairdressers and teachers. One is a Hollywood actress. Several have grappled with trauma, depression and addiction. Some have served time in prison.

A few did not survive. One young woman was found dead last year in a rundown motel in West Palm Beach. She overdosed on heroin and left behind a young son.
Unlike other convicted sex offenders, Epstein didn’t face the kind of rough justice that child sex offenders do in Florida state prisons. Instead of being sent to state prison, Epstein was housed in a private wing of the Palm Beach County jail. And rather than having him sit in a cell most of the day, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office allowed Epstein work release privileges, which enabled him to leave the jail six days a week, for 12 hours a day, to go to a comfortable office that Epstein had set up in West Palm Beach. This was granted despite explicit sheriff’s department rules stating that sex offenders don’t qualify for work release.

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Well it was only published yesterday, and it's a long read.  I posted about it in the #metoo thread but I'm glad Ren started a new thread.  Even if most of it had already been reported in bits and pieces, seeing it reported out this way, in a compelling narrative form, really drives home how repulsive the whole thing is. 

Also Acosta is one of the names that gets mentioned for AG, so the timing of the story obviously kills that. And if there's any shred of decency and accountability left it should cost him his Cabinet post too.
Ha! Good one.

Yeah, not the only reason.  I don't know how it could have been a bigger story when she wouldn't talk to journalists, even if they agreed to preserve her anonymity.  The "team" around her made the guys pushing the Seth Rich theory look like Edward R. Murrow.  
There was more than one girl and the first lawsuit of several was filed in 2015. - The right wing blogosphere ran with it, totally different thing than the legal team behind this.

“The damage that happened in this case is unconscionable,” said Bradley Edwards, a former state prosecutor who represents some of Epstein’s victims. “How in the world, do you, the U.S. attorney, engage in a negotiation with a criminal defendant, basically allowing that criminal defendant to write up the agreement?”
Is there something about Bradley Edwards we should know?

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One of the most infuriating articles I've read in a while.  Hard not read something like that and argue against the idea that there are two separate justice systems out there based on class.  That guy deserves his shiv-ing.

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I argued in another thread recently that we, the common people, through our representatives, can never truly reach and effect the powerful.  That was in response to someone suggesting that we could tax the rich to pay for programs.  The rich live by their own codes and rules.  They exist in an extra-legal status and plane. They always have.  The levers of power are in their hands, all else is illusion.
Yeah, I can't think like this.  It might take a long time but things can change.

I wasn’t aware that Dershowitz was accused of having sex with a minor. I googled it and it turns out the accusation was out there, he vigorously denied it, and threatened to sue. But somehow I missed it. 
One of the conspiracy theories out there is that Dershowitz suddenly became a huge Trump defender because Trump has dirt on him involving Epstein and underage girls.

Epstein got 3 12 yo French girls for his bday.  Gross!  Epstein should be in prison for life.  What the heck kind of dirt did he have on Bears Stern's to skate on pedophilia?

Epstein got 3 12 yo French girls for his bday.  Gross!  Epstein should be in prison for life.  What the heck kind of dirt did he have on Bears Stern's to skate on pedophilia?
This guy threw massive and lavish pedo parties.  He likely had dirt on all kinds of politicians and corporate executives.

I am not a fan of mob justice, but if they found this guy's body in the woods somewhere, I would lose no sleep over it.

:tinfoilhat: Counselor---my spider senses go off when people start giving up extra details. "old old Russian" "therapeutic massage." Interesting.


Dershowitz confirmed to me that he received a massage at Epstein's Palm Beach home, adding that the woman who provided it was of legal age.

"What happened was I, um, he lent us, this was well before any of this thing came out, he lent us his house once. And I was there, my grandchildren were there, my daughter was there, and we all got massages."

"And, um, it was therapeutic. I had a therapeutic massage with an old old Russian, but I never never ... and that was part of when we had his house for about a week during I think it was Christmas vacation." 

"Believe me, if I had known that anything improper had ever taken place in that house, I never would have allowed my children, my grandchildren, my wife, my daughter-in-law, my son, to have spent time there. I can tell you categorically there were no inappropriate pictures, no inappropriate anythings. It was like any other house."
The fact that he told a needless and obvious lie about the nature of legal representation right out of the gate doesn't give him a lot of credibility. There are several obvious ways that Dershowitz could have ended his representation of Epstein here.

Epstein did get a deal of a lifetime but only because of a flaw in the system - that flaw is Alexander Acosta

I wonder if enough people raised hell about this is there would be more action ?

For those speaking Trump, Epstein rubbed elbows with Democrats and Republicans alike

Epstein owned a private Boeing 727 jet and traveled in it frequently, logging "600 flying hours a year (...) usually with guests on board".[50] In September 2002, Epstein flew Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, and Chris Tucker to Africa in his private jet. Flight records show Bill Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 26 times. Epstein's plane has been nicknamed the "Lolita Express" by media due to his conviction and the accusations of sexual involvement with underage girls made against him.[4][51][52][53]

Epstein is also a longtime friend of Prince Andrew and Tom Barrack,[54] and has partied with celebrities such as President Donald Trump,[55] Katie Couric, George Stephanopoulos, and Woody Allen.[56]

Epstein did get a deal of a lifetime but only because of a flaw in the system - that flaw is Alexander Acosta

I wonder if enough people raised hell about this is there would be more action ?

For those speaking Trump, Epstein rubbed elbows with Democrats and Republicans alike

Epstein owned a private Boeing 727 jet and traveled in it frequently, logging "600 flying hours a year (...) usually with guests on board".[50] In September 2002, Epstein flew Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, and Chris Tucker to Africa in his private jet. Flight records show Bill Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 26 times. Epstein's plane has been nicknamed the "Lolita Express" by media due to his conviction and the accusations of sexual involvement with underage girls made against him.[4][51][52][53]

Epstein is also a longtime friend of Prince Andrew and Tom Barrack,[54] and has partied with celebrities such as President Donald Trump,[55] Katie Couric, George Stephanopoulos, and Woody Allen.[56]
Welcome back, Stealthy!

This Acosta fellow seems like a terrible guy. What's he up to these days?

TobiasFunke said:
This Acosta fellow seems like a terrible guy. What's he up to these days?
Sec of Labor I think ....  but Acosta has done some meaningful things, he's been recognized and given accolades more than one ....

Acosta has twice been named one of the nation's 50 most influential Hispanics by Hispanic Business Magazine. He serves on the Florida Innocence Commission,[33] on the Florida Supreme Court's Commission on Professionalism,[34] and on the Commission for Hispanic Rights and Responsibilities.[35]

on Epstein ........... he failed but Epstein is/was a billionaire, connected to Clinton, Trump, Prince Andrew, Woody Allen, Caitie Couric and who knows the extent. I think men and women like that need to tumble and fall hard for their crimes, its rare when they do is harsh reality.

this was all in 2007/2008 right ? the original plea ?

2018 is a decade different and I bet Epstein wouldn't get off nearly as easily today - we as society are better now at demanding some justice ( Bill Cosby, Kareem Hunt etc ) ....  times change

I wasn’t aware that Dershowitz was accused of having sex with a minor. I googled it and it turns out the accusation was out there, he vigorously denied it, and threatened to sue. But somehow I missed it. 
Yeah - he got on national TV, said he visited there with his wife, and threatened as strongly as a man can about suing over this.  His denial was strenuous.

Bucky86 said:
"Believe me, if I had known that anything improper had ever taken place in that house, I never would have allowed my children, my grandchildren, my wife, my daughter-in-law, my son, to have spent time there
I actually possibly believe this. Maybe he did bring his family down there. Maybe he did have it for a family Christmas getaway and the masseuse was an older lady... one time.

Problem is Roberts says it was more than once:

>>Dershowitz, who was part of Epstein’s criminal defense team, was often a guest at Epstein’s homes, she said.

“I had sexual intercourse with Dershowitz at least six times,’’ Roberts wrote in the 2015 court affidavit. “<<

- Miami Herald. 

How did Dersh ever get to be friends with Epstein in the first place?

From the Washington Post: Palm Beach trial could reveal details of billionaire’s alleged abuse of teen girls. It's lawyers fighting lawyers. Dozens of the more than 80 women (now in their 20s and 30s) may testify. 

Epstein alleges that Edwards was part of a scam in which lawyers tried to win over investors by claiming to have garnered big-money settlements from famous people. Edwards denies having anything to do with the scam and has in turn sued Epstein, accusing him of filing his lawsuit as retribution for Edwards’s representation of the young women.

Dershowitz said no such probe into the lives of prosecutors ever happened. He said Acosta tried to nail Epstein but failed. Acosta’s “intention was to indict, and he fought hard and tried to get the best deal he could,” Dershowitz told The Post last year. “We outlawyered him.”

Epstein was barred from President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., “because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club,” according to court documents.

Documents revealed in the lead-up to this week’s trial show that Epstein paid $5.5 million to settle with three of more than two dozen women who have sued him. Epstein’s lawyers have declined to say whether the billionaire made similar payments to settle any of the other lawsuits against him. In an investigation published last week, the Miami Herald reported that it had used court documents and other records to identify about 80 possible victims of Epstein.
Many of the sexual assault victims came forward after the 2007 case.  

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Here’s Dersh, from a 2016 article in the Palm Beach Daily News. Link.

>>Flight logs of Palm Beach billionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's private jet show attorney Alan Dershowitz flew on it at least four times.<<

>>On one of Epstein's flight logs where Dershowitz is listed, there was "an (apparently young) woman named 'Tatiana' who did not appear to serve any business purpose for Epstein," according to court papers.<<

>>The agreement not only gave immunity to Epstein, but it also provided immunity to Sarah Kellen, Adriana Mucinska and Nadia Marcinkova, his "potential co-conspirators." The three women all took the Fifth when asked about Dershowitz's awareness of Epstein's sexual abuse of underage girls or whether Dershowitz was involved in massages with young girls, according to court records. Kellen also was on one of the flights with Dershowitz.<<

>>"I never got a massage from anybody. It's made up out of whole cloth," Dershowitz said in a Jan. 21, 2015, article in the New York Daily News. In an interview the following day on Local 10 News, he said, "I kept my underwear on during the massage."

Dershowitz said he received one massage at Epstein's house "from a woman in her 40s. I think her name was Olga. I called my wife after getting the massage. It was an unpleasant experience. I've always acknowledged I had one massage. I said that from day one."<<

Yeah - he got on national TV, said he visited there with his wife, and threatened as strongly as a man can about suing over this.  His denial was strenuous.
The thing is, a man with his experience and connections does not threaten to sue, he sues, at least he does so if he has been wronged and he is in the right.  He only threatens to do so and eschews actually doing so when he is bluffing because he does not hold the cards.

Yeah - he got on national TV, said he visited there with his wife, and threatened as strongly as a man can about suing over this.  His denial was strenuous.
His denial was strenuous? Is that how it works? Hm? "Denied." "Overruled." "Oh, no, no, no. No, I STRENUOUSLY deny." "Oh. Well, if you strenuously deny then I should take some time to reconsider."

Now, a complex web of litigation could reveal more about Epstein’s crimes. A lawsuit, set for trial Dec. 4 in Palm Beach County, involves the notorious convicted Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein, in whose law firm Edwards once worked.

In 2009, Epstein sued Edwards, alleging that Edwards was involved with Rothstein and was using the girls’ civil lawsuits to perpetuate Rothstein’s massive Ponzi operation. But Rothstein said Edwards didn’t know about the scheme, and Epstein dropped the lawsuit.

Edwards countersued for malicious prosecution, arguing that Epstein sued him to retaliate for his aggressive representation of Epstein’s victims.

Several women who went to Epstein’s home as underage girls are scheduled to testify against him for the first time. 
- Miami Herald.

- Pretty good explanation of why Dersh ain't gonna sue.

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