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Jodi Arias case (1 Viewer)

I have. Can't wait till the prosecutor tears her stories apart! Who's on trial here, her or Travis?? If I were a family member I wouldn't be able to sit quietly hearing all this bs. She's already lied 3 times with her story from a break in attack to oh yeah, I did kill him. :rolleyes: And her memory! How can you remember you had a latte on 2/4/08 and he had a coffee! She's rehearsed her bs story for 4 years and it's nothing but comical what's coming out of her mouth! She probably won't get death but the jury better not be that stupid to let her go! :loco:

I have. Can't wait till the prosecutor tears her stories apart! Who's on trial here, her or Travis?? If I were a family member I wouldn't be able to sit quietly hearing all this bs. She's already lied 3 times with her story from a break in attack to oh yeah, I did kill him. :rolleyes: And her memory! How can you remember you had a latte on 2/4/08 and he had a coffee! She's rehearsed her bs story for 4 years and it's nothing but comical what's coming out of her mouth! She probably won't get death but the jury better not be that stupid to let her go! :loco:
The cross examination is going to be epic. I don't follow many trials but don't remember many where the defendant took the stand in such a high profile murder case.
I have. Can't wait till the prosecutor tears her stories apart! Who's on trial here, her or Travis?? If I were a family member I wouldn't be able to sit quietly hearing all this bs. She's already lied 3 times with her story from a break in attack to oh yeah, I did kill him. :rolleyes: And her memory! How can you remember you had a latte on 2/4/08 and he had a coffee! She's rehearsed her bs story for 4 years and it's nothing but comical what's coming out of her mouth! She probably won't get death but the jury better not be that stupid to let her go! :loco:
The cross examination is going to be epic. I don't follow many trials but don't remember many where the defendant took the stand in such a high profile murder case.
No one has ever taken the stand in a high murder profile case. She has no choice because the prosecution has a ton on her while the defense has nothing, so they have to contrive an abusive "wife" syndrome while tearing Travis down with things like he's a pedophile as well. I just hope it won't be another OJ or Casey Anthony verdict... All it takes is 1 juror to fall for her bs and it's over. I watch the trial live during the day on HLN. Jane Valez Mitchell/Nancy Grace/Dr. Drew do a great job summarizing and analyzing the nutty day.
Haven't been following the trial, but did follow the case as it developed. I firmly believe they don't have enough evidence/witnesses/proof to convict her. Thanks for posting the trial link! :)

her husband was shot in the face, stabbed 20 times, and had his throat slit from ear to ear. She's claiming self defense. I'm no blood splatter analyst but that seems like an awful lot for self defense.

her husband was shot in the face, stabbed 20 times, and had his throat slit from ear to ear. She's claiming self defense. I'm no blood splatter analyst but that seems like an awful lot for self defense.
It wasn't her husband, just a guy that penetrated her every way imaginable.
On lunch until 3 eastern. Should be crazy to hear a defendant on the stand testifying about slaughtering someone. All evidence points to her using the knife and killing him before he was shot. Pretty nuts that she diced a guy twice her size in less then 2 minutes with no cuts or bruises to herself.

Now he's doing the standard yanking over the phone talking about blowing loads on her face.I always thought Mormons were pretty tame, this guy definitely had the porn lingo down.

Reminds me of the old saying... "No matter how hot a woman is, somewhere there's a guy who has been shot, stabbed 27 times, and had his throat slit by her".Or something like that.

Defense should have used this after she describes filleting him. At the moment i'm starting to like her, but it will be all ruined when they start talking about the butchering.

'McGarnicle said:
I'm going to just throw this out there and let the chips fall where they may. She's guilty.
Oh, guilty as hell but that is no reason to throw a perfectly crazy, hot chick away forever.
'moderated said:
'azgroover said:
They're playing a recording of him talking about tossing her salad right now.HTH
Good recording. Now he's talking about wanting to tie her up to a tree and #### her in the butt.
Man, she had some ammo so to speak. I'll upgrade her to better than zero chance of walking out free. 1-5% chance.
She's okay. Far from hot. To be that crazy, you better be smoldering hot.
She has nice skin.
You know, I think I just came up with a way to help solve the deficits states are experiencing. Round up all the hot female prisoners and make them work in a brothel, the gov't keeps the money. Arias should be able to fetch some good money.
That's why we need a 3rd party. It's ideas like this one. Solid, money maker, everybody wins.
She's okay. Far from hot. To be that crazy, you better be smoldering hot.
She has nice skin.
You know, I think I just came up with a way to help solve the deficits states are experiencing. Round up all the hot female prisoners and make them work in a brothel, the gov't keeps the money. Arias should be able to fetch some good money.
Love it.I had an idea to put executions on PPV and hold a raffle to let people be the ones who could kill the bad guy. I bet somebody like Jeffery Dahmer would fetch enough money to fund medicare for a year.
I'm far from picky, but you guys really think she is soooo hot?
I'd say she's in top 10 when it comes to murderers.
Easily. Don't be swayed by her 'act' on the witness stand. This girl is a sex freak. She's been dressed down also. Doll her up and get her going and she is juicy.
No doubt, just seeing pre courtroom pictures of her i never dawned on me that she is SMOKING hot.Hopefully they let her go then she can go kill Nancy Grace

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