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Joe Juriv. in Cleveland (1 Viewer)

Captain Spaulding

I think its safe to say Braylon Edwards will be a starting WR this season for Cleveland (more for $$$ invested as opposed to performance). I own Joe J. in dynasty league and do you guys think Cleveland will give Joe the well deserved opportunity to be a legit starter at WR in the NFL. Injuries and WR depth have kept him as a journeyman thus far but he seems after last seasons spot starts in Seattle that he can take on top cornerbacks and perform as a #1/#2 guy. I realize Cleveland's offense isn't close to as good as Seattle's and Joe's TD's might be lower.


I think its safe to say Braylon Edwards will be a starting WR this season for Cleveland (more for $$$ invested as opposed to performance). I own Joe J. in dynasty league and do you guys think Cleveland will give Joe the well deserved opportunity to be a legit starter at WR in the NFL. Injuries and WR depth have kept him as a journeyman thus far but he seems after last seasons spot starts in Seattle that he can take on top cornerbacks and perform as a #1/#2 guy. I realize Cleveland's offense isn't close to as good as Seattle's and Joe's TD's might be lower.

Edwards blew out his knee late in the season last year, so it's far from certain that he'll be ready for the start of next season. Jurevicius might be the man among the CLE WRs, pending other moves in FA/the draft.
My appologies for not being up-to-speed on the Cleveland WR situation (easily ignored)? So from the blown knee issue for Edwards and the decent $$$ that JJ is getting, it sounds safe to say he's a lock as a #2 and at least a decent percent chance he may even be their #1 in 2006. I'm sure they'll still sign another FA WR before its all said and done but that still probably only bumps JJ to #2 status worst case scenario.

CLE didnt pay JJ that kind of money to be a backup.
Actually, they didn't give him big money. I believe just 10 million over 4 years.
2.5 million per year isn't bad coin for a NFL #2 WR...just ask Keyshawn. :)
True, I love the signing as a Browns fan, and am very excited to have him. If I were to guess with what they have, when Edwards is healthy, he will be the number 1, Joe J. the number 2, Northcutt the number 3, with Frisman Jackson and Ridau at 4 and 5. I see them drafting another receiver this year, maybe 3rd roundish.
The talk I've heard here in Cleveland is that Northcutt will be moved back to the slot, which is where he is best anyway. That leaves J.J. for the #2 slot, and to start the season, the #1, since I don't think Edwards will be ready. With Frye at QB, I'm predicting shorter, possession type passes, which is what J.J. and Northcutt excel at. Throw in Winslow at TE and Edwards as the home run hitter.

J.J. > Tim Carter.

The talk I've heard here in Cleveland is that Northcutt will be moved back to the slot, which is where he is best anyway. That leaves J.J. for the #2 slot, and to start the season, the #1, since I don't think Edwards will be ready. With Frye at QB, I'm predicting shorter, possession type passes, which is what J.J. and Northcutt excel at. Throw in Winslow at TE and Edwards as the home run hitter.

J.J. > Tim Carter.
Pretty much right on. I expect JJ to start with Northcutt coming in on 3WR sets when Edwards is healthy. I'd say that means we'll see less of Northcutt because of Winslow + Heiden this year.

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