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JT O'Sullivan the best QB ever under Martz? (1 Viewer)


49ers offensive coordinator Mike Martz told Sunday's Fox broadcast crew that J.T. O'Sullivan could be the best quarterback he's ever coached.As beat writer Kevin Lynch said, "Even for someone who tends towards bombast, that's a bold statement." Martz added that O'Sullivan sees the field like Kurt Warner and has the quick release of Marc Bulger. Hyperbolic, sure, but the 49ers just may have stumbled upon a legitimate starting quarterback for the present and future.Source: San Francisco Chronicle
Somebody search his car...when they find the pipe, don't be shocked.

In all seriousness, good for the 49ers, those fans need something to look forward to.

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This is no different than "Our latest album is the best one we've ever recorded" or "This new movie is even funnier than my last one."

For 49er fans, I hope he's right. They struck out on their #1 pick Alex Smith, so maybe they can get lucky with a retread QB.

And Vernon Davis is such a talent that Martz was going to find a way to make him an outstanding TE this year (so he said).

Would a coach ever say, "He's definitely not the best QB I've ever coached, but he could be in the top 5."?

Two of the local radio guys have coined him "The Red ###." He has apparently been pretty firey and intense, both on the field and in interviews. I think that's great for the 49ers. Everyone over the last few years, Smith included, has had a "Let's see what I can do" attitude, rather than one of authority. That obviously didn't instill a lot of confidence in the rest of the team. I think you'll see a significant improvement in the demeanor/performance of this offense, and JTO is a big part of that. Obviously, having a real offensive game plan is paramount, but don't dismiss O'Sullivan's contribution here.

Is he the best that Martz has coached?


Two of the local radio guys have coined him "The Red ###."
:goodposting: Where I'm from, if you have "the red ###" , that means you have diahhrea.
red ###

as a noun, red ### refers to a person that has a bad temper, as an adjective, red ### describes an angry person (man, that guy has the red ###) and has levels depending on how angry the person is (red ###, red hot ###, red hot chili pepper ###).

Noun: Mike Tyson is a red ###.

Adj: That guy has the red ###.
Where I'm from, diarrhea is called swamp ###.
“Tatum (Bell) right now is a different level. He’s better than I thought he’d be. He’s the whole package. … He’s got so much juice to him. He can go. He’s taken our offense and learned it so well. He doesn’t make any mistakes. He’s catching the ball extremely well. He’s playing at such a high level right now.”
That is what Mike Martz said last preseason about Tater tot. Obviously Mad Mike lies about the quality of his players.
I don't know about all this best ever talk...but I watched him a lot in the presesaon and I think he has looked really good. Good pocket presence and seems to have a good arm. Throws a sweet deep ball and seems to have toch on the short and immediate stuff.

Again, best ever...probably not. But I wouldn't be surprised if he has a very nice season, especially if that O-line can get it together. A solid running game with Gore would do wonders for the passing game.

-jb- said:
simey said:
-jb- said:
Two of the local radio guys have coined him "The Red ###."
:lmao: Where I'm from, if you have "the red ###" , that means you have diahhrea.
red ###

as a noun, red ### refers to a person that has a bad temper, as an adjective, red ### describes an angry person (man, that guy has the red ###) and has levels depending on how angry the person is (red ###, red hot ###, red hot chili pepper ###).

Noun: Mike Tyson is a red ###.

Adj: That guy has the red ###.
Where I'm from, diarrhea is called swamp ###.
I'm assuming this is Tolbert/Ralph, and that definition isn't quite what they mean. I first heard them use it for Jeff Kemp, and frequently also for Schilling. It's more related to an outspoken attitude than a temper.
MTskibum said:
“Tatum (Bell) right now is a different level. He’s better than I thought he’d be. He’s the whole package. … He’s got so much juice to him. He can go. He’s taken our offense and learned it so well. He doesn’t make any mistakes. He’s catching the ball extremely well. He’s playing at such a high level right now.”
That is what Mike Martz said last preseason about Tater tot. Obviously Mad Mike lies about the quality of his players.
:thumbdown:Maybe the problem is that the players let the hype get to their heads? Maybe Martz should be more like Parcells and insult his team every week.
The key word here is "could". My unborn son COULD be the second coming of the messiah... but I certainly wouldn't bet on it.

He doesn't even come close to what Warner did when he was with Martz. O'Sullivan has had two games and we want to put him in the class of guys that have played for years.

-jb- said:
simey said:
-jb- said:
Two of the local radio guys have coined him "The Red ###."
:lmao: Where I'm from, if you have "the red ###" , that means you have diahhrea.
red ###

as a noun, red ### refers to a person that has a bad temper, as an adjective, red ### describes an angry person (man, that guy has the red ###) and has levels depending on how angry the person is (red ###, red hot ###, red hot chili pepper ###).

Noun: Mike Tyson is a red ###.

Adj: That guy has the red ###.
Where I'm from, diarrhea is called swamp ###.
I'm assuming this is Tolbert/Ralph, and that definition isn't quite what they mean. I first heard them use it for Jeff Kemp, and frequently also for Schilling. It's more related to an outspoken attitude than a temper.
I think Rich Gannon was labeled "Red A** Rich" in OAK by a few of his teammates.
I'm assuming this is Tolbert/Ralph, and that definition isn't quite what they mean. I first heard them use it for Jeff Kemp, and frequently also for Schilling. It's more related to an outspoken attitude than a temper.
It wasn't (Barbieri drives me nuts...unlistenable). It was the two d-bags in the morning on 680.
I'm assuming this is Tolbert/Ralph, and that definition isn't quite what they mean. I first heard them use it for Jeff Kemp, and frequently also for Schilling. It's more related to an outspoken attitude than a temper.
It wasn't (Barbieri drives me nuts...unlistenable). It was the two d-bags in the morning on 680.
Dear God those two jackasses are horrible. A shame that a major market like the Bay Area doesn't have a legitimate sports morning drive show.
I'm assuming this is Tolbert/Ralph, and that definition isn't quite what they mean. I first heard them use it for Jeff Kemp, and frequently also for Schilling. It's more related to an outspoken attitude than a temper.
It wasn't (Barbieri drives me nuts...unlistenable). It was the two d-bags in the morning on 680.
Dear God those two jackasses are horrible. A shame that a major market like the Bay Area doesn't have a legitimate sports morning drive show.
KNBR hasn't found a decent replacement for Frank Dill since he retired. That was a good show, and Dill was able to carry the show after his radio partner retired before him. Madden's weekly segment was always entertaining.I can't stand Gary Radnich. I don't know how that guy stays on the air talking about himself for 3 hours. I can't stand Rod Brooks either.
I'm assuming this is Tolbert/Ralph, and that definition isn't quite what they mean. I first heard them use it for Jeff Kemp, and frequently also for Schilling. It's more related to an outspoken attitude than a temper.
It wasn't (Barbieri drives me nuts...unlistenable). It was the two d-bags in the morning on 680.
Dear God those two jackasses are horrible. A shame that a major market like the Bay Area doesn't have a legitimate sports morning drive show.
KNBR hasn't found a decent replacement for Frank Dill since he retired. That was a good show, and Dill was able to carry the show after his radio partner retired before him. Madden's weekly segment was always entertaining.I can't stand Gary Radnich. I don't know how that guy stays on the air talking about himself for 3 hours. I can't stand Rod Brooks either.
Radnich and Tolbert are easily their best talent. Sort of like the prettiest girl at the fat camp prom type of thing.
PumpusX said:
Would a coach ever say, "He's definitely not the best QB I've ever coached, but he could be in the top 5."?
Nobody in SF ever thought that Steve Bono or Jim Druckenmiller were as good as S.Young or Joe Montana. So a coach that is relatively sober might say something along those lines
We all realize that Mike Martz himself said this right? And that whatever he says, he actually thinks is true but is only true in his alternate quasi-verse? That maybe he's trying to hype up what he's doing in San Francisco because if he succeeds even marginally so, then a lot of people are going to have to admit that he actually exists?

Since we're all being so trusting of other peoples statements, I just uh.. drank a fifth of whiskey, put out a fire, flew around for a little bit, and then came home and BEAT Madden 09. Like, the computer was so sick of getting destroyed every game that it actually paused and said, "I give up. You win. I forfeit. You are the best Madden player to have ever lived in the Milky Way galaxy."

Seriously though, how does he know he's the best QB he's had play under him after TWO games? Didn't Alex Smith have a pretty good first two games?

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Seriously though, how does he know he's the best QB he's had play under him after TWO games? Didn't Alex Smith have a pretty good first two games?
No. Exactly 126 yards passing in both of the two games, 5.25 yards per attempt over that span.Anyway, Martz doesn't KNOW he's the best QB he's had play under him, he said that O'Sullivan *COULD BE* the best QB he's had play under him. And who are any of us to argue? O'Sullivan could be the next Tom Brady and a sure-fire first-ballot HoFer. It's not likely, but strictly speaking, the possibility most certainly does exist.

My first thought is that this is Martz engaging in a touch of mind games. The 49ers go up against Kitna this week, Warner in week 10, and Bulger in week 11 and week 16. Nothing like a quiet put-down to your future opponents.

I don't know what the big deal is. All of his QB's, Warner, Bulger, Kitna, are good not great QB's. What were they before Martz coached them? How bout after?

Kurt played unbelievably well but had a tremendous scheme and probably 3 HOF'ers on that offense.

I'm not saying JT is going to amount to anything but I have to admit he looked pretty darn good on the road in a hostile stadium against a good defense in his 2nd career start. Let's see what the kid has...

I don't know what the big deal is. All of his QB's, Warner, Bulger, Kitna, are good not great QB's. What were they before Martz coached them? How bout after?

Kurt played unbelievably well but had a tremendous scheme and probably 3 HOF'ers on that offense.
Hmmm..........Methinks Kurt is still playing pretty darn good. Granted he's got Boldin & Fitz, but that's about it.

I wouldn't say Whisenhunt/Haley have an offensive scheme anywhere near as effective as the one Warner played in during his time in St Louis with Martz & a 30 year old Edge ain't nowhere near the same as the Marshall Faulk Kurt played with. I also don't think this Cards O'line is as good as the one he played behind in St Louis.

Yet despite that, Warner is putting up some pretty solid QB stats.

I don't know what the big deal is. All of his QB's, Warner, Bulger, Kitna, are good not great QB's. What were they before Martz coached them? How bout after?

Kurt played unbelievably well but had a tremendous scheme and probably 3 HOF'ers on that offense.
Hmmm..........Methinks Kurt is still playing pretty darn good. Granted he's got Boldin & Fitz, but that's about it.

I wouldn't say Whisenhunt/Haley have an offensive scheme anywhere near as effective as the one Warner played in during his time in St Louis with Martz & a 30 year old Edge ain't nowhere near the same as the Marshall Faulk Kurt played with. I also don't think this Cards O'line is as good as the one he played behind in St Louis.

Yet despite that, Warner is putting up some pretty solid QB stats.
I agree that he's playing good but as you mentioned he has two of the top wr's in the game to chuck it to. To me he's an average QB in a very good situation. I'm not going to sit here and compare JT to Kurt at this point because it's two whole games into the guys career. I'm just saying it wouldn't shock me if Martz created another rags to riches story and from what I saw on Sunday this kid was cool under fire and threw the ball extremely well. JT Highlights...
I'm assuming this is Tolbert/Ralph, and that definition isn't quite what they mean. I first heard them use it for Jeff Kemp, and frequently also for Schilling. It's more related to an outspoken attitude than a temper.
It wasn't (Barbieri drives me nuts...unlistenable). It was the two d-bags in the morning on 680.
Dear God those two jackasses are horrible. A shame that a major market like the Bay Area doesn't have a legitimate sports morning drive show.
KNBR hasn't found a decent replacement for Frank Dill since he retired. That was a good show, and Dill was able to carry the show after his radio partner retired before him. Madden's weekly segment was always entertaining.I can't stand Gary Radnich. I don't know how that guy stays on the air talking about himself for 3 hours. I can't stand Rod Brooks either.
Radnich and Tolbert are easily their best talent. Sort of like the prettiest girl at the fat camp prom type of thing.
KNBR 680 has a pretty decent lineup throughout the day. I'll admit that Paulie Mac in the early AM isn't that good, but his partner Brian Murphy is much better. Uncle Gary is great, even if he is just talking about himself. And that segment with Bruno is must-hear radio. Fitz and Brooks are ok (I usually listen to Mike O'Meara during that timeslot and switch back in forth with Fitz and Brooks). Now, it doesn't get any better than the Ralph and Tom. Great rapport with each other. They don't always agree on everything. And when Ralph goes on his rants/tangents it's great. I always picture Joe Pesci's character from Good Fellas when I hear Ralph talk. Also, with KNBR 680 being the SF Giants and SF 49ers flagship station, they don't pander to the teams. Tom's analysis and takes on situations are usually spot on.Now, KNBR 680's brother station KNBR 1050 has a couple of egocentric shows (Dan Patrick and Jim Rome) that aren't always listenable.
KNBR 680 has a pretty decent lineup throughout the day. I'll admit that Paulie Mac in the early AM isn't that good, but his partner Brian Murphy is much better. Uncle Gary is great, even if he is just talking about himself. And that segment with Bruno is must-hear radio. Fitz and Brooks are ok (I usually listen to Mike O'Meara during that timeslot and switch back in forth with Fitz and Brooks). Now, it doesn't get any better than the Ralph and Tom. Great rapport with each other. They don't always agree on everything. And when Ralph goes on his rants/tangents it's great. I always picture Joe Pesci's character from Good Fellas when I hear Ralph talk. Also, with KNBR 680 being the SF Giants and SF 49ers flagship station, they don't pander to the teams. Tom's analysis and takes on situations are usually spot on.Now, KNBR 680's brother station KNBR 1050 has a couple of egocentric shows (Dan Patrick and Jim Rome) that aren't always listenable.
Ralph is EASILY the worst interviewer in the history of radio. His "questions" involve 3 minute ramblings about his thoughts on the subject, before Tom or the guest cuts him off and interjects his/her own thoughts. The guy makes Chris Yandek look like a HOF broadcaster.
Taking Martz literally here is irrelevant in FF terms.

What is relevant is that a 20th round flier or WW pickup is playing well early, has job security, plays in a weak division, is a Top 12 FF QB through 2 weeks, and has a mouthwatering Week 3 matchup.

A lot to like here given his initial price.

My first thought is that this is Martz engaging in a touch of mind games. The 49ers go up against Kitna this week, Warner in week 10, and Bulger in week 11 and week 16. Nothing like a quiet put-down to your future opponents.
Yeah, nothing like over-inflating your own player's ego while simultaneously creating poster-board material to get your opponent fired up.
I'm assuming this is Tolbert/Ralph, and that definition isn't quite what they mean. I first heard them use it for Jeff Kemp, and frequently also for Schilling. It's more related to an outspoken attitude than a temper.
It wasn't (Barbieri drives me nuts...unlistenable). It was the two d-bags in the morning on 680.
Dear God those two jackasses are horrible. A shame that a major market like the Bay Area doesn't have a legitimate sports morning drive show.
KNBR hasn't found a decent replacement for Frank Dill since he retired. That was a good show, and Dill was able to carry the show after his radio partner retired before him. Madden's weekly segment was always entertaining.I can't stand Gary Radnich. I don't know how that guy stays on the air talking about himself for 3 hours. I can't stand Rod Brooks either.
Radnich and Tolbert are easily their best talent. Sort of like the prettiest girl at the fat camp prom type of thing.
KNBR 680 has a pretty decent lineup throughout the day. I'll admit that Paulie Mac in the early AM isn't that good, but his partner Brian Murphy is much better. Uncle Gary is great, even if he is just talking about himself. And that segment with Bruno is must-hear radio. Fitz and Brooks are ok (I usually listen to Mike O'Meara during that timeslot and switch back in forth with Fitz and Brooks). Now, it doesn't get any better than the Ralph and Tom. Great rapport with each other. They don't always agree on everything. And when Ralph goes on his rants/tangents it's great. I always picture Joe Pesci's character from Good Fellas when I hear Ralph talk. Also, with KNBR 680 being the SF Giants and SF 49ers flagship station, they don't pander to the teams. Tom's analysis and takes on situations are usually spot on.Now, KNBR 680's brother station KNBR 1050 has a couple of egocentric shows (Dan Patrick and Jim Rome) that aren't always listenable.
Some sage commentary here. Wise. I loved Bruno, then all of a sudden he was gone. Also, I was quite pissed when KNBR yanked the Chris Meyers Show. I think KNBR must have realized that the syndicated shows (minus Rome) were so much better than the crap they were shelling out on 680 that they just cut out the competition. As for Rome, I'd rather have someone blare an air horn in my ears for two hours than listen to him. Absolutely abysmal.

I disagree with the "KNBR doesn't pander to the Giants / Niners." The homerism in the morning show is sickening. Sickening. Maybe it's changed in the past year, but to be honest, I wouldn't know because Murph and Mac are simply unlistenable.

Echo Seven said:
Bob Loblaw said:
I'm assuming this is Tolbert/Ralph, and that definition isn't quite what they mean. I first heard them use it for Jeff Kemp, and frequently also for Schilling. It's more related to an outspoken attitude than a temper.
It wasn't (Barbieri drives me nuts...unlistenable). It was the two d-bags in the morning on 680.
Dear God those two jackasses are horrible. A shame that a major market like the Bay Area doesn't have a legitimate sports morning drive show.
KNBR hasn't found a decent replacement for Frank Dill since he retired. That was a good show, and Dill was able to carry the show after his radio partner retired before him. Madden's weekly segment was always entertaining.I can't stand Gary Radnich. I don't know how that guy stays on the air talking about himself for 3 hours. I can't stand Rod Brooks either.
Radnich and Tolbert are easily their best talent. Sort of like the prettiest girl at the fat camp prom type of thing.
KNBR 680 has a pretty decent lineup throughout the day. I'll admit that Paulie Mac in the early AM isn't that good, but his partner Brian Murphy is much better. Uncle Gary is great, even if he is just talking about himself. And that segment with Bruno is must-hear radio. Fitz and Brooks are ok (I usually listen to Mike O'Meara during that timeslot and switch back in forth with Fitz and Brooks). Now, it doesn't get any better than the Ralph and Tom. Great rapport with each other. They don't always agree on everything. And when Ralph goes on his rants/tangents it's great. I always picture Joe Pesci's character from Good Fellas when I hear Ralph talk. Also, with KNBR 680 being the SF Giants and SF 49ers flagship station, they don't pander to the teams. Tom's analysis and takes on situations are usually spot on.Now, KNBR 680's brother station KNBR 1050 has a couple of egocentric shows (Dan Patrick and Jim Rome) that aren't always listenable.
Some sage commentary here. Wise. I loved Bruno, then all of a sudden he was gone. Also, I was quite pissed when KNBR yanked the Chris Meyers Show. I think KNBR must have realized that the syndicated shows (minus Rome) were so much better than the crap they were shelling out on 680 that they just cut out the competition. As for Rome, I'd rather have someone blare an air horn in my ears for two hours than listen to him. Absolutely abysmal.

I disagree with the "KNBR doesn't pander to the Giants / Niners." The homerism in the morning show is sickening. Sickening. Maybe it's changed in the past year, but to be honest, I wouldn't know because Murph and Mac are simply unlistenable.
I should have been clearer. I meant Ralph and Tom don't pander to the teams. Ralph was very open and candid about his feelings re: Bonds and Alex Smith. Tom is quick to criticize the Warriors (even though he is a former member of said team).
Echo Seven said:
Bob Loblaw said:
I'm assuming this is Tolbert/Ralph, and that definition isn't quite what they mean. I first heard them use it for Jeff Kemp, and frequently also for Schilling. It's more related to an outspoken attitude than a temper.
It wasn't (Barbieri drives me nuts...unlistenable). It was the two d-bags in the morning on 680.
Dear God those two jackasses are horrible. A shame that a major market like the Bay Area doesn't have a legitimate sports morning drive show.
KNBR hasn't found a decent replacement for Frank Dill since he retired. That was a good show, and Dill was able to carry the show after his radio partner retired before him. Madden's weekly segment was always entertaining.I can't stand Gary Radnich. I don't know how that guy stays on the air talking about himself for 3 hours. I can't stand Rod Brooks either.
Radnich and Tolbert are easily their best talent. Sort of like the prettiest girl at the fat camp prom type of thing.
KNBR 680 has a pretty decent lineup throughout the day. I'll admit that Paulie Mac in the early AM isn't that good, but his partner Brian Murphy is much better. Uncle Gary is great, even if he is just talking about himself. And that segment with Bruno is must-hear radio. Fitz and Brooks are ok (I usually listen to Mike O'Meara during that timeslot and switch back in forth with Fitz and Brooks). Now, it doesn't get any better than the Ralph and Tom. Great rapport with each other. They don't always agree on everything. And when Ralph goes on his rants/tangents it's great. I always picture Joe Pesci's character from Good Fellas when I hear Ralph talk. Also, with KNBR 680 being the SF Giants and SF 49ers flagship station, they don't pander to the teams. Tom's analysis and takes on situations are usually spot on.Now, KNBR 680's brother station KNBR 1050 has a couple of egocentric shows (Dan Patrick and Jim Rome) that aren't always listenable.
Some sage commentary here. Wise. I loved Bruno, then all of a sudden he was gone. Also, I was quite pissed when KNBR yanked the Chris Meyers Show. I think KNBR must have realized that the syndicated shows (minus Rome) were so much better than the crap they were shelling out on 680 that they just cut out the competition. As for Rome, I'd rather have someone blare an air horn in my ears for two hours than listen to him. Absolutely abysmal.

I disagree with the "KNBR doesn't pander to the Giants / Niners." The homerism in the morning show is sickening. Sickening. Maybe it's changed in the past year, but to be honest, I wouldn't know because Murph and Mac are simply unlistenable.
The only show I listen to is Ralph and Tom's. I used to listen to Barbieri before Tom was brought on, and I think Tolbert was brought in for the Rome demographic (Tolbert was on Rome's show quite a bit, and was in one of Rome's "smackoff's", and told his famous "Dr. Boudrou" story on Rome's show) which was then 1050's prime demographic. 1050 was horrible when it first started to broadcast. JT the Brick's local show was dumb, and the 2 guys who followed him were even worse. Rod Brooks sucks. He was a bad Raider apologist when he covered them, and is a worse 49ers apologist now that he works their sideline. He is as bad as Rich Walcoff was on the former 49er flagship station.

Ralph and Tom always have great guests, and I like it when the local writers come on the show. The local writers are a lot more objective than what they write in their columns and blogs. Ralph and Tom grilled Nolan after the Smith debacle last season, and Nolan deserved it. Barbieri also digs into Brian Sabean as well. Plus, they always have great co-hosts to fill in. Ted Robinson is fantastic. So is Brent Jones, and the weekly segment with Steve Young is a must listen to me.

People I would like to see back on there is Greg Papa, who had a short stint for the 12 noon program. He is great, and a fantastic broadcaster. But I really wish Scott Ferrall was back in the Bay. His show got me hooked on KNBR, and I used to call in his show a lot, and even was on one of his Sportchannel segments on local TV, when he was trying to find 49ers fans in the Haight. :bag:

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Taking Martz literally here is irrelevant in FF terms. What is relevant is that a 20th round flier or WW pickup is playing well early, has job security, plays in a weak division, is a Top 12 FF QB through 2 weeks, and has a mouthwatering Week 3 matchup.A lot to like here given his initial price.
:whoosh: Dude has nothing but upside at this point in time!
Will he admit this is the worst group of wide receivers he's ever had? Player comparisons comeing from their coach arent worth anything.


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