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Just did lasik (2 Viewers)

Niles Standish

In case anyone is interested and considering lasik but hasn't done it.  Or maybe did it in the past and curious how it goes nowadays.  Here is my experience so far.  First of all I went to one of the more expensive places so it was over $3000 (that's with a work discount).  Not very cheap.  I had the surgery yesterday and this is how it went step by step.

They talked to me in a room and I was pretty freaked out.  They explained procedure.  Gave me some eye drops and went over risks etc...  I know they have to do that stuff legally but it was making me more freaked out.  Then after everything was signed they gave me some sort of anxiety pill.  Benzo I think.  About 30 minutes later they started on the surgery.

They tape your eye lids back and then numb you even more and put some sort of contraption in your eye that doesn't let you blink.  That is kind of scary but you don't really feel anything except in your eyelid and it wasn't really painful just uncomfortable.  Then they put something over your eye which is the laser that makes the flap it was very uncomfortable lots of pressure feels like they are trying to push your eye into the back of your skull.  Good news is it's only 45 seconds or so but it feels like 5 minutes.  I was counting one one thousand two one thousand in my head and that helped it some.  Plus I had a squeezy ball but I'm not sure that really helped.  After that they have the other laser which is just a bunch of colors and you don't feel a thing at all from that but it's the one that is lasering your eye.  The one bad thing about that is you smell burning which you have to assume is your eye.  Not the best smell but no feeling so that one wasn't too bad.  That's it.  Then they go to the next eye and do the exact same thing.  The pressure and the smell of burning were about the only bad things.  The first eye was so fast it was pretty easy the second one the pressure thing seemed a lot worse and I was just sitting there squeezing and really happy that this was the last eye.

Walk out of the laser room and I already can see better than I could with my glasses (note they were 7-8 years old and really scratched to hell so we're not talking 20/20 at that moment).  No pain at that moment and they gave me numbing eye drops that were good for another 30 minutes which was just enough for my driver to get me home.  I sat in the car with my eyes shut and got home went to sleep for a few hours.  Woke up at about 6-7 last night (surgery was 2ish) with sore/dry eyes.  But not nearly as bad as I expected.  Watched South Carolina game.  Went to bed with the goofy goggles.  And then woke up now with no real pain this morning.  My vision is probably 20/20 right now.  Have my next day followup in a few hours.

But so far (and I know a lot of the bad things that can happen are not day of the procedure but a few days after) the procedure was not as bad as I was expecting (although still not fun).  The recovery (again so far since lasik was only about 12 hours ago) is way way way less than I expected.  I pretty much woke up this morning feeling 90-95% my eyes don't hurt just feel slightly tired.  At this moment I'm very happy I did it.  If an infection or something sets in well that changes things of course.  But hopefully it won't.

nice update.. you'll now be able to spot the fat chicks from the cows like the rest of the free world

Glad it worked out for you!

Many years ago I thought about getting LASIK but with modern disposable contacts that I can sleep in, it's not a big deal to me.

Wife had it done about 10 years ago. She's been complaining that she thinks she needs to go back lately. Nothing bad just not as clear as it was before, but bad enough that it's time to trade her in for a newer model. 

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Getting Lasik surgery was the best money I ever spent on myself.  I squeezed the #### out of the teddy bear that I was given during the procedure.

Congrats!.  I've been going back and forth on contacts vs Lasik.  Did you have an astigmatism in either eye?  I have one in my left, and I've heard it makes me a hit or miss candidate for Lasik.  Curious as to other's experience with this and Lasik.

Congrats!.  I've been going back and forth on contacts vs Lasik.  Did you have an astigmatism in either eye?  I have one in my left, and I've heard it makes me a hit or miss candidate for Lasik.  Curious as to other's experience with this and Lasik.
I had an astigmatism in my right eye.  Which was the first one they did and the one that seemed easier.  So far today did my follow-up appointment and was 20/15 vision.  Started something like 5 or 6 correction in contacts so pretty bad before.  Remembered all my medicated drops about on time so far but since my eyes haven't really been dry have been forgetting the moisturizing drops and doing them probably half what I should.  Was outside and drove quite a bit today.  Went for a run.  Eyes seem a bit tired right now.  But that is about the extent of it.

Glad it worked out for you!

Many years ago I thought about getting LASIK but with modern disposable contacts that I can sleep in, it's not a big deal to me.
I felt the same as you until I took up caving.  You get dirt/dust in your eyes which is no good with contacts.  But that got me in the habit of wearing glasses.  And they stink for cold weather sports where you wear something covering your nose because they fog.  If I wasn't a caver I'd probably be happy as a clam still using contacts because they never bothered me before caving.  It's a weird weird feeling being able to see with no correction though.  Not used to that yet.

Got lasik done when I was about 31.  No glasses needed until my early 40s when I started needing them for driving again. Hopefully you make it longer or never need to go back.

Had mine done about 10 years ago, and have been wearing glasses for movies and night driving for the past year.  I have a lifetime guarantee just not bad enough yet.

I would only do it once more.  I know some people have had it a few times but screw that.

The procedure wasnt bad.  They gave me valium before, unfortunately only about 5 minutes before the procedure.  

I cant complain about my eyes getting worse.  I had astygmatism in both eyes with a prescription of -8

Whatever they gave me, I had no worries.   Just incredible how fast and easy it was.   Drove to the store that night.   Like others have said, should've have done years earlier.   

Yeah, I still want to do this at some point. 

Our doctor down here pimps that he is one of the 5 best in the nation.....hmmm.

I didn't care about lasik before (been wearing glasses since I was 6 years old -10.25/-9.5), but now that I have gotten into shooting guns (MURICA!!) I'm highly considering it.

Unfortunately, I always come up with other things I can do with the $3-4k - a new roof, a nice deck, etc.

Always tempted but the risks scare the Jesus out of me and daily disposable contacts are damn easy. Then again with what my wife and I spend on those disposables on a yearly basis, the surgery would probably pay for itself and then some. 

I did it almost 20 years ago.

Cost $3200

Best money I've ever spent.

This was before they had the laser for cutting the flap.  They used a device that sliced the flap...sort of like a mandolin slicer.  Then the zap, zap, zap of the laser burned away the excess cornea.

Only couple of drawbacks.  I have large pupils...always.  So, at night...I think my pupils enlarge too big...all headlights on other side of freeway are like mini-sunbursts.

Secondly, my eyes have become near-sighted again.  So I'll have to go back.  I was hoping the price had come down in 20 years.  Heard on the radio about a great deal for $1000 off.  I called...total for procedure...after discount...still around $3200...damn.

Both eyes were hella astigmatic...doctor said my eyes were shaped like footballs.

My left eye was a weak, lazy eye since birth...so it never focused fully.  My prescription put me in the legally blind category.  Right eye was 20/800.

Got lasik and was 20/40 left eye, 20/20 in my right.

But like I said, it's gotten bad once again over the last year or so...I had to memorize the five lines of letters when I took my vision test at dmv while I was at her counter filling out paperwork...in order to pass.

Mr. R had cataracts due to diabetes.  He had them removed and had lenses implanted.  Very cool.  After the first eye surgery, he needed a couple of Tylenol.  After the next one, he didn't need anything.  Immediate results.

It's a weird weird feeling being able to see with no correction though.  Not used to that yet.
He can now find his glasses without already having them on.  (He can also drive without glasses, but it's not that great an idea.)  He'd been wearing coke-bottle glasses since he was eight, so this is fantastic.


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