Yes, really.Well, if the case series reflect the general prevalence, it’s a rare complication of non-MOM joints.I wonder what percentage of those suits were related to metallosis from older, metal-on-plastic joints?
No idea but if I were to guess I'd say not much, if any. Plenty of evidence that the industry didn't do enough due diligence on MOM before introducing it to the market. While metal-on-poly still has some risks, it has success going back to the 60's. Trying to win any kind of lawsuit on something with so much history typically requires showing that the surgeon didn't something negligent.
And I was thinking a potential lawsuit against the prosthesis manufacturer, not the surgeon.
Either way, I’m surprised recommending he seek legal action was one of the first responses in the thread.
Really? You're surprised somebody suggested legal action? Society is becoming increasingly litigious.
Involved in a car accident = sue, dispute with your neighbor = take him/her to court.
Experiencing a medical/health problem = who can I sue?
Of course I’m aware of highly publicized lawsuits, e.g. scalding coffee at McDonalds. But I assumed, perhaps wrongly, a lot of those types of suits are sensationalized, and we hear about so many of them because news is much more accessible than when we grew up.
IRL, I don’t know many people who have pursued, or been defendants in lawsuits. I know one coworker who is suing the prior owner of her home for not disclosing mold damage, and a group of radiation oncologists who sued the hospital for monopolizing their patient services. That’s it.
I don’t know anyone who’s been involved in a malpractice case. Sure, that’s not exactly something people are proud of, but I have many close friends in medicine, and I‘ve been in the field over two decades, so you’d think I’d hear about some. Same goes for people suing/being sued by their neighbors, or after an accident.
Heck, I didn’t even involve a lawyer in my divorce.
I believe the rest of the US has become more litigious. But fortunately, the islands haven’t followed suit, yet.
And to be clear, the OP may certainly be justified in pursuing legal action. But should that be the initial reaction to his post?