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Kendrell Bell Asked to Restructure deal (1 Viewer)

Stillers Jr.

This was on a "pay" site so I can't link it, but the gist is this...

Bell is going to count 7.2 MM against the cap in 06 and he had an unproductive 1st season in KC.

Bell may end up getting cut...

What a downward spiral from the Def ROY to this...

This was on a "pay" site so I can't link it, but the gist is this...

Bell is going to count 7.2 MM against the cap in 06 and he had an unproductive 1st season in KC.

Bell may end up getting cut...

What a downward spiral from the Def ROY to this...
There is no way that you can justify Bell counting $7.2 million against your cap.If healthy and signed for the right price I wouldn't mind seeing Bell back in a Steelers uniform. I know it is not going to happen but I think it might be too early to give up on Kendrell -- he may still be able to turn it around.

The ONLY reason he was signed is that KC badly needed LBs (didnt know MItchell would show as much as he did & tehy didnt know Derrick Johnson would fall in 05 draft).

Last offseason, Trotter, Hartwell and Bell all visited KC. We almost had each of them, but Trotter went back home and Hartwell got a little more dough form ATL....so KC HAD to sign Bell, arthritic shoulders and all. At least they were smart about it and he counted little against the 2005 cap and the bonus money awas mostly in the form of roster bonuses.

Now, LB is a strength in KC, and will only get better as DJ matures. Thats not to say that if we go to a 3-4, there might not be anotehr LB signing.

This is the exact reason salary cap figures that come out before the start of UFA arent worth the paper they are printed on. Most KC fans knew Bell was gone back in November.

Most KC fans knew Bell was gone back in November.
Really, it was that bad? I knew I wasn't hearing anything good about him in KC, I didn't know that by mid-season he was a goner...Wow. That's a shame for a guy with so much talent.

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