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Legend of Korra ... (Avatar: The Last Airbender sequel) (1 Viewer)


Wondering if anyone else has been enjoying The Legend of Korra as much as I.

I missed the start of it and waited until I was able to get all of the first season/book from DirecTV's Video on Demand. Caught up and now and watching the new episodes of book two now as they come out.

I thought Avatar: The Last Airbender was pretty amazing for an animated series. A little heavy on the childish humor early on, but that let up after awhile and it had such good writing and character development.

Seeing the same thing in Legend of Korra. It takes place about 70 years later. Ang and the rest from the first series have lived out their lives, most of them having passed on already. The Avatar has been reborn as a water bender named Korra, and she ends up with Ang's son Tenzen as her mentor.

The world has changed quite a bit. The whole series has a little bit more of a mature feel to it than Avatar did, though it's not without the occasional fart joke by Tenzen's air-bending children. And Korra's growth is a lot different than Ang... instead of being on her own and fending for herself continually, she has support and guidance though they also embroil her in politics and a rebellion, which really helps keep it feeling fresh and like it's own show and not just a rehash of Avatar.

So far I've liked the direction. First season/book seemed to kind of stand on its own. Assuming it's another three season arc, the way the second one is going seems to have set the major plot now. We get a chance to see how the first Avatar came into being which was kind of cool.

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Loved avatar as a show kids and parents could enjoy. About a quarter into season 1 of korra but the kids discovered the avengers earths mightiest superheroes and were all hooked on that. Blows the shield show out of the water.

Loved avatar as a show kids and parents could enjoy. About a quarter into season 1 of korra but the kids discovered the avengers earths mightiest superheroes and were all hooked on that. Blows the shield show out of the water.
That Avengers one is definitely pretty good. Though I think I prefer Avatar and Korra more. I was actually trying to think of better animated shows than the latter two, outside of the comedies like the Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, etc. I considered Avengers, but the only show I could think of that I'd compare would be Boondocks.

My kid likes it, but would still rather watch The Last Airbender over and over. And over. And over.

So they are now on the third season of Legend of Korra and I have to say, I really don't like it. It seemed like the creators had this idea in their heads and ended the original series too abruptly. They should have continued with the oroiginal group and focused on how they rebuild after. I also hate that Legend of Korra made me dislike Aang a little, since you find out he wasn't a great dad. Although they have Zuko back this season and I am looking forward to that.

Well nuts, I guess I had my record series option for it set on one of the other Nik channels where they were doing reruns but not the new runs.

I've liked the new series. It isn't exactly like the old one, without a doubt. But most of the things that made me like the original are present in the new one while it still being its own series. I wasn't sure if I was going to like it at first with the direction they went with the expansion of technology and all, but I thought it's worked.

I was rather disappointed with the first season. The love triangles felt forced and the threat seemed to be kind of bleah. Also, Korra herself was pretty bratty and yeah I know she is a teenager. The main parts I liked about the first season were the glimpses into the lives of the original Gaang. I was disappointed with the fact that they seemed to ignore Katara. Aang was the Avatar, Toph was the leader of the police force and Sokka was on the council and Katara and Zuko were just missing. I'd love to find out who Toph, Sokka and Zuko ended up marrying. I really hope Zuko didn't end up wih Mai, he could do better.

The new characters seemed to be an amorphous reincarnation of the original characters. Korra being Kaatara. Makko being Zuko. Bolin being a Sokka. Asami seemed like a nicer remake of Jun who's in there just because she's hot. ETA: The twins from season two were obviously a play on the Mai character.

The second season was also really disappointing. The only thing I really liked was learning about the first Avatar, which was the most engaging episode of the season.

The third one looks better but I won't say anything since you haven't seen it. But it's nice to see Zuko back. Also, I love that all the really strong waterbenders in the series are always women. I have to say I think the creators could have done a spin off focusing more on the Zuko character and his trying to continue his redemption and rebuilding the fire nation. I've read some of the comics and well they are disappointing in how they deal with the character. Personally, he's the most engaging of the original characters because he's so complex.

I'd love to hear your opinion when you watch the new episodes of the third season.

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Appreciate your impressions. I'm thinking I might go back and rewatch the first two seasons before starting the third, just to have everything from the past fresh in my mind again for going forward. Will let you know what I think when I get caught up again.


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