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McClure's BBQ (1 Viewer)

Going on the local FOX affiliate again this morning.....kind of a promo / demonstration for&with the Hogs for the Cause guys.

Travel Channel show filming on Monday

Local Food Radio Show on Tuesday

I'm living in some kind of weird reality right now. Never would I have dreamed of being such a media whore darling.
FYP ;)

Going on the local FOX affiliate again this morning.....kind of a promo / demonstration for&with the Hogs for the Cause guys.

Travel Channel show filming on Monday

Local Food Radio Show on Tuesday

I'm living in some kind of weird reality right now. Never would I have dreamed of being such a media whore.
Please let us know when these air

Got off the phone with Tipsy a couple hours ago to talk about some BBQfest stuff.... poor dude sounds wiped.

Get some sleep GB!

Going on the local FOX affiliate again this morning.....kind of a promo / demonstration for&with the Hogs for the Cause guys.

Travel Channel show filming on Monday

Local Food Radio Show on Tuesday

I'm living in some kind of weird reality right now. Never would I have dreamed of being such a media whore.
How much more self important can you get?

Going on the local FOX affiliate again this morning.....kind of a promo / demonstration for&with the Hogs for the Cause guys.

Travel Channel show filming on Monday

Local Food Radio Show on Tuesday

I'm living in some kind of weird reality right now. Never would I have dreamed of being such a media whore.
What show on the travel channel?

I am not being overly dramatic when I say I almost died here at work yesterday.

I only slept three hours Thursday night....I hosted a poker game / team meeting for hogs for the cause that lasted until 2 am+. After getting the restaurant running and taking a couple of catering orders I slipped into "get the heck out" mode and was getting more food on the smoker so I could turn it over to my assistant pit guy and go get some sleep.

I lifted the very heavy door of the smoker, something I do dozens of times a day, and thought it was fully open & let go of my grip on it while sneaking a peak at the meat in the back....WHAM. Door to smoker fell on the back of my head knocking me out almost cold. I lost control of my legs and such and hit the deck where I was stunned, drooling, and moaning face down in a pile of wood chips and my soot pile until a stranger walking by saw me and got my cook to come help.

Lots of ice & aleve...discussion with a nurse from a neurosurgery department (ie my mother) about if I needed an ER visit but decided not too since my vision was fine, I wasn't nauseous, and I wasn't dizzy after a few minutes back on my feet.

Slight headache this morning...slight swelling on back of my head....sore as heck to touch.

But...2 inches away was the internal thermometer probe which would have gone 4 inches into my brain if I had been under that part of the door. It freaked me out pretty good.

Back on the horse.....
First of all - glad to hear you're okay. Second, in all seriousness, what are you doing about that? Remembering to be extra careful doesn't cut if with this kind of thing. As someone who experienced organizations that are top notch with safety experience fatalities, you need to make an adjustment so that type of thing is flat out impossible in the future. Anything less and you are doing yourself and your employees a disservice.


I have been a little slow this week....my motor skills are definitely not normal. I tripped and fell (yes...walking to the pit) two days ago smacking my face and apparently my ribs pretty good on the bricks simply because I didn't lift my foot fast enough for my pace.

I guess the lid falling did give me at least a slight concussion. At least my head isn't pounding anymore...nor is it too sensitive for combing anymore either. I did start closing Tuesdays so I can force myself to rest some. I only worked 4 hours or so yesterday for my first day off since two weeks ago! :victory: Funny thing is I really don't mind the hours except for its time away from the kids & helping w the house duties.
What's your wife's FBG handle?

are you guys selling anything on friday night for Hogs or just Saturday. Looks like we'll only be able to make Friday b/c of a wedding on Saturday (why I can't join the team)
i don't think we can sell....but i'll have some food in the tent for friends and wanderers.....and thunderbird & ripple
Really pumped for Friday night. Me and a bunch of guys are going to be riding bikes over there around 8ish. Turns out I have friends on like 5 teams, so should be getting a solid sneak peak of the food I'm going to miss on saturdayEta: and for the ripple of course

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I have been a little slow this week....my motor skills are definitely not normal. I tripped and fell (yes...walking to the pit) two days ago smacking my face and apparently my ribs pretty good on the bricks simply because I didn't lift my foot fast enough for my pace.

I guess the lid falling did give me at least a slight concussion. At least my head isn't pounding anymore...nor is it too sensitive for combing anymore either. I did start closing Tuesdays so I can force myself to rest some. I only worked 4 hours or so yesterday for my first day off since two weeks ago! :victory: Funny thing is I really don't mind the hours except for its time away from the kids & helping w the house duties.
What's your wife's FBG handle?

I have been a little slow this week....my motor skills are definitely not normal. I tripped and fell (yes...walking to the pit) two days ago smacking my face and apparently my ribs pretty good on the bricks simply because I didn't lift my foot fast enough for my pace.

I guess the lid falling did give me at least a slight concussion. At least my head isn't pounding anymore...nor is it too sensitive for combing anymore either. I did start closing Tuesdays so I can force myself to rest some. I only worked 4 hours or so yesterday for my first day off since two weeks ago! :victory: Funny thing is I really don't mind the hours except for its time away from the kids & helping w the house duties.
What's your wife's FBG handle?
She must be a lurker...

Glad you're ok.

I don't remember hearing you say you moved the thermometer to a safer location also.

As others closer to you have said, you need to rest. Be the "Media Who re Face of the Franchise" and let your best people have a chance to step up with an opportunity to succeed and gain your trust. It's a marathon not a sprint GB. Be well.

Tipsy, you need to rest. You need to build into the business so you can work reasonable hours. I know you know this. I also know you are probably the best at the pit and the best manager you can find. But for your own health and not getting burned out, you've got to replicate yourself. Soon.
too true. but i don't wanna give up control...... :cry:
At some point you have to work on the business and not in the business if you want to grow.

Abraham said:
Tipsy, you need to rest. You need to build into the business so you can work reasonable hours. I know you know this. I also know you are probably the best at the pit and the best manager you can find. But for your own health and not getting burned out, you've got to replicate yourself. Soon.
too true. but i don't wanna give up control...... :cry:
At some point you have to work on the business and not in the business if you want to grow.
true enough....i plan on this summer being massive downtime for me.

I've been following along in here for years now, knowing that if I ever got to New Orleans and Tipsy followed through on his dream I'd have to make sure and stop in for a great meal. And now I'm a mere 4 days from making it a reality. I'm bringing myself and 6 other hungry mouths on by this Sunday afternoon. I absolutely can't wait! Tipsy- I know you occasionally close up shop for a day every once in awhile and I just wanted to make sure that Sunday being the day after Hogs For the Cause wraps up, that you'll be open. Normal hours that day?

Also, still selling those shirts at the restaurant? I'm off to Mexico on a cruise following the coming weekend in NOLA and I'd be more than happy to snap off a pic wearing one of your shirts next to some Mayan ruins or something of the like.

I've been following along in here for years now, knowing that if I ever got to New Orleans and Tipsy followed through on his dream I'd have to make sure and stop in for a great meal. And now I'm a mere 4 days from making it a reality. I'm bringing myself and 6 other hungry mouths on by this Sunday afternoon. I absolutely can't wait! Tipsy- I know you occasionally close up shop for a day every once in awhile and I just wanted to make sure that Sunday being the day after Hogs For the Cause wraps up, that you'll be open. Normal hours that day?

Also, still selling those shirts at the restaurant? I'm off to Mexico on a cruise following the coming weekend in NOLA and I'd be more than happy to snap off a pic wearing one of your shirts next to some Mayan ruins or something of the like.
you really should try to make to to Hogs for the Cause if you're in town all weekend

I've been following along in here for years now, knowing that if I ever got to New Orleans and Tipsy followed through on his dream I'd have to make sure and stop in for a great meal. And now I'm a mere 4 days from making it a reality. I'm bringing myself and 6 other hungry mouths on by this Sunday afternoon. I absolutely can't wait! Tipsy- I know you occasionally close up shop for a day every once in awhile and I just wanted to make sure that Sunday being the day after Hogs For the Cause wraps up, that you'll be open. Normal hours that day?

Also, still selling those shirts at the restaurant? I'm off to Mexico on a cruise following the coming weekend in NOLA and I'd be more than happy to snap off a pic wearing one of your shirts next to some Mayan ruins or something of the like.
you really should try to make to to Hogs for the Cause if you're in town all weekend
I would have loved to but we don't get in until Saturday evening and already have prior plans made. If there's any time in there to stop by I'll be pushing for it.

I've been following along in here for years now, knowing that if I ever got to New Orleans and Tipsy followed through on his dream I'd have to make sure and stop in for a great meal. And now I'm a mere 4 days from making it a reality. I'm bringing myself and 6 other hungry mouths on by this Sunday afternoon. I absolutely can't wait! Tipsy- I know you occasionally close up shop for a day every once in awhile and I just wanted to make sure that Sunday being the day after Hogs For the Cause wraps up, that you'll be open. Normal hours that day?

Also, still selling those shirts at the restaurant? I'm off to Mexico on a cruise following the coming weekend in NOLA and I'd be more than happy to snap off a pic wearing one of your shirts next to some Mayan ruins or something of the like.
you really should try to make to to Hogs for the Cause if you're in town all weekend
I would have loved to but we don't get in until Saturday evening and already have prior plans made. If there's any time in there to stop by I'll be pushing for it.
nice....i will be open sunday but it is doubtful ill be around. after the hogs4cause event ill be totally wiped out. Shirts available here....in house they come with a free rib!

I've been following along in here for years now, knowing that if I ever got to New Orleans and Tipsy followed through on his dream I'd have to make sure and stop in for a great meal. And now I'm a mere 4 days from making it a reality. I'm bringing myself and 6 other hungry mouths on by this Sunday afternoon. I absolutely can't wait! Tipsy- I know you occasionally close up shop for a day every once in awhile and I just wanted to make sure that Sunday being the day after Hogs For the Cause wraps up, that you'll be open. Normal hours that day?

Also, still selling those shirts at the restaurant? I'm off to Mexico on a cruise following the coming weekend in NOLA and I'd be more than happy to snap off a pic wearing one of your shirts next to some Mayan ruins or something of the like.
you really should try to make to to Hogs for the Cause if you're in town all weekend
I would have loved to but we don't get in until Saturday evening and already have prior plans made. If there's any time in there to stop by I'll be pushing for it.
nice....i will be open sunday but it is doubtful ill be around. after the hogs4cause event ill be totally wiped out. Shirts available here....in house they come with a free rib!
Nice! :thumbup:

Reporting live from the BBQ Mecca right now!

HFS! 3 plates of all meat, all sides and an extra pint of the 4 cheese macaroni! Had a tough crowd to please with 2 teens and a preteen plus 4 adults and everyone loved everything. Fantastic food and it lived up every bit to the considerable hype I gave it going in.

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Reporting live from the BBQ Mecca right now!

HFS! 3 plates of all meat, all sides and an extra pint of the 4 cheese macaroni! Had a tough crowd to please with 2 teens and a preteen plus 4 adults and everyone loved everything. Fantastic food and it lived up every bit to the considerable hype I gave it going in.

I imagine poor tipsy was passed out cold from fighting the elements all weekend at Hogs for the Cause.

FWIW, I just thought I'd mention I went to Hogs event.

It was great - muddy, tough to park, occasionally hot, really crowded (the numbers must have been fantastic), tough to get beer - but great.

Hit McClures, hit the ribs, awesome, just awesome. Delicious.

SaintsInDome2006 said:
FWIW, I just thought I'd mention I went to Hogs event.

It was great - muddy, tough to park, occasionally hot, really crowded (the numbers must have been fantastic), tough to get beer - but great.

Hit McClures, hit the ribs, awesome, just awesome. Delicious.
Went as well on Friday night and Saturday. Got to chill with Neil for a beer or so and hang b/w the rainstorms. I ended up going with the Boudin Balls on saturday, were solid. The event was great, but it's really almost overwhelming with all of the food...very hard to pick what to eat b/c it was so good...so I decided to go with some items that I didn't think I could find "normally".

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hi....been working my tail off....biz is good...people continue to love it...I think I may be on to something here if I can just get my food costs under control...a difficult feat considering the price of all of my proteins right now...beef was 2.25 in december...it is 3.42 right now for my briskets per pound. Pork is up from 1.10 or so to 2.00 a pound. I hated to do it...but I had to raise prices across the board.

Memphis in May is coming....kind of wish I wasn't disappearing for a week from the restaurant but the time away will be good for me. I will probably close the restaurant for 2 to 3 days so my staff isn't stretched too thin in my absence. I've never been out of the place for more than a day at this point and barely that. I have confidence in them but It is still tough to let go already.

Beef, pork and bacon has gone through the roof.
DrudgeReport had a headline that beef and pork prices were at an all time high or something like that. Glad to hear you didn't die tipsy. Hope you're recovered from that concussion. They're no joke. It took me a solid 2.5 months before I was totally back to normal. What was weird was that I thought I was fine only to realize later that the concussion really had affected me more than I thought.

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I hit up McClure's on Friday for lunch with the family while on vacation. All meats + all sides is definitely the way to go. Everything was delicious, and my picky kids had me order more chicken just for them. I picked up a shirt as well although I had to get a medium as they were out of large. Time for the post-NOLA diet!

Great to see you again, Neil. Enjoy MIM - I think the time away will be good too.

hi....been working my tail off....biz is good...people continue to love it...I think I may be on to something here if I can just get my food costs under control...a difficult feat considering the price of all of my proteins right now...beef was 2.25 in december...it is 3.42 right now for my briskets per pound. Pork is up from 1.10 or so to 2.00 a pound. I hated to do it...but I had to raise prices across the board.

Memphis in May is coming....kind of wish I wasn't disappearing for a week from the restaurant but the time away will be good for me. I will probably close the restaurant for 2 to 3 days so my staff isn't stretched too thin in my absence. I've never been out of the place for more than a day at this point and barely that. I have confidence in them but It is still tough to let go already.
Awesome job so far! I manage an established 50 yr family business/niche restaurant. Hot dog sales are it's flagship but I've worked to expand it. Meat prices are insane. Onion prices are insane. Best advice is to shop incessantly, look to save on every aspect, papers, etc. It will take you away from the hands on but that's where your training comes in. As one very wise older gent well versed in the restaurant biz once told me, you will make more money at the price you buy it than at what price you sell it. Probably applies more so now than when he said those words.
Went here for dinner. Meh. Can't hold a torch to McClures I'm sure...
I've been there a few times. Always liked it a lot. Wish I was closer to New Orleans. I'd love to visit McClure's. I haven't had a great brisket in a while.By the way, you live in Michigan, correct? Don't you have to be from Ohio to come to the NC/SC beaches?


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