A relative of mine asked me for suggestions on what a meaningful gift would be for my son who is graduating HS. I am not a good gift giver, which my wife tells me all the time. I'm hoping you guys might have some good ideas.
Background: Son is athletic and loves sports. Baseball is his thing, and he'll be playing in college. My wife has been building a collection of items he'll need for college already (clothes, shower items/caddy, luggage, cooking utensils/plates/cookware, shelves, hangers, etc). She did the same when my daughter graduated HS and went to college. He's going out of state, within a 3hr drive from home. He golfs, plays pickleball and Spike Ball constantly. He's not a sentimental kid. He's funny and comical, but can be an *** if you get on his bad side - like most 18 year olds.
I'm open to any ideas. Not looking for expensive, just something "meaningful".
Background: Son is athletic and loves sports. Baseball is his thing, and he'll be playing in college. My wife has been building a collection of items he'll need for college already (clothes, shower items/caddy, luggage, cooking utensils/plates/cookware, shelves, hangers, etc). She did the same when my daughter graduated HS and went to college. He's going out of state, within a 3hr drive from home. He golfs, plays pickleball and Spike Ball constantly. He's not a sentimental kid. He's funny and comical, but can be an *** if you get on his bad side - like most 18 year olds.
I'm open to any ideas. Not looking for expensive, just something "meaningful".