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MELANOTAN 2 (1 Viewer)

Hello All -My name is James, and this post is long overdue.I haven't been on this Forum since a little after I started using melanotan II...5 years ago!I'm posting today, because I feel I owe something to this Forum/Community. It was because of the vast resources of information available on this site that I felt comfortable with something that scared the crap out of me - Injecting myself with something I bought over the internet...Yikes!After doing my homework and reading everything I could find, I made the plunge. I am writing today to tell my story.About me:I am now 30 years old, living in California...where everyone but me seemed to have a tan.I am 6 ft tall, 175lbs, have naturally Strawberry Blonde hair, light blue eyes, a light amount of freckles on my arms...and the palest white skin you could imagine (major type 1).I have been plagued all my life with sunburns, heavy SPF sunblocks, and a longing to just be 'normal'. Being super pale was so embarrassing that in the 10th grade I began using self-tanners to achieve a normal looking complexion. Unfortunately, as many of you know who will read this...normal isn't really what you get with self-tanners. Spotty skin, dark spots, streaks, orange palms, drips, and stained clothes are the norm when you try to use self-tanners as a way of life.Nonetheless, it was my best option at the time so I continued on...for 10 years! For 10 years, I made self-tanners a part of my daily routine. I never perfected the application (it might just be impossible), but I got really good at it. Unfortunately, being really good at it still didn't allow me to avoid the embarrassment of the frequent mishaps.There was the 'you look orange', the 'why is your shirt collar brown', and my favorite 'are you wearing makeup?'.I first read an article about Melanotan experiments in Men's Health magazine, and from then on I began following the progress of the peptide with abated breath. A few years later I found this forum, and was cautiously optimistic as I read through what must have been every post (there was a lot less content back then).My first order was through Melanocorp for 30mg. That was on 3/9/2007.***Side note. Only a few months after my first order, Melanocorp got shut down by the FDA which left me stranded without a supplier I felt I could trust. I ended up contacting a US Peptide manufacturer and had them make me a 1,000mg batch for about $3,500. The quality was unmatched, and the quantity lasted me over 3 years. Since then the prices have come way down, and now I order through Melanotan Europe...which I believe is just the Euro version of Melanocorp. One thing I like about Melanotan Europe, is they ship within the US which makes delivery times amazingly quick. I'm not, however, 100% sold on the stoppers they use for their vials, as they seem pretty cheap.I was concerned that because of my fair complexion (and the questionable results for redheads back then) that it might not work, however, I was convinced about three weeks into taking melanotan II when I saw a light tan line on my body for the first time ever! I couldn't stop smiling. This was the last day I ever used self tanner.The results over the next few months were nothing short of amazing. I didn't just get a light tan, I was able to get fairly dark. I was sticking to the dosing charts I found on this forum, and things worked perfectly.Once I found my desired skin tone, I began to use a maintenance phase of about 3.2mg/week (I typically inject 1.6mg, so to maintain I do one dose about twice per week). I have been maintaining this phase for the last 5 years with what I would consider amazing results. I hit the tanning bed about once a week for 7 mins.There have been times when I wanted to deepen my tan for a vacation or something, in which case, I just begin a daily dose routine until I reach the desired level.Observations/Lessons learned over 5 years of continuous use:- This is my own theory, but I find that going to the tanning salon earlier is better than later when you are beginning to load or beginning a new cycle. I have read some people wait a long time before tanning or sun exposure, but I don't agree with this method. Here's why: I find that more new freckles/moles pop up when you are not getting UV exposure. My theory, is the melanotan II is looking for a place to go, and if there is no sun exposure, then it builds up and forms a freckle/mole. I have seen this happen over and over with myself and I finally realized it was the tanning that kept the new freckles/moles from forming. This is just my theory, but I live by this now. If I start loading for whatever reason, I make sure to get some UV exposure within the first couple days. It doesn't need to be a lot, but it seems to keep new moles/freckles from forming.- The sexual side effects were unreal when I first started. In fact, it was stressful trying to keep erections from popping up at random times. After 5 years, the libido enhancing effects are still potent, however, it is a lot more manageable. When I first started using it, I could have sex-ejaculate-stay hard-continue having sex-and ejaculate again. Sorry if that was TMI for anyone.One thing I have noticed, is that after taking melanotan II consistently for awhile, if I stop taking it for a couple days, my libido disappears. It scared me a bit in the beginning, so I stopped taking it for a couple weeks. What I found was that my libido would start to come back naturally after my body adjusted.- I have had two girlfriends in the last 5 years, and both of them eventually wanted to try it for themselves. I administered it to both of them, and they had amazing results. Both of them got tan naturally, so they got incredibly dark on melanotan II.- Always start slow, and build. Stick to the dosing chart, and you wont go wrong. My girlfriend has used it on and off, and the few times she wanted to start again and I tried to use a regular dose...she got very nauseous and the experience wasn't pleasant.- Always buy from trusted suppliers. I use Melanotan Europe. They have been good to me over the years, and I hope they remain a trustworthy supplier. (If anyone from Melanotan Europe reads this...please upgrade your vials/stoppers. They are the only part of your product that sucks)- If you are using this as a lifestyle and not just for a vacation coming up, make sure to always order early and keep extra on hand. I order a new supply when I'm down to my last two/three vials, and always keep an extra box of bac water and syringes on hand. You never know when suppliers will disappear or there will be a run on some item. Right now it seems bac water is becoming more difficult to find.- If your just starting and you are getting freckles/moles, don't fret. A.) Make sure you are tanning or getting a little sun to activate the melanotan II. B.) The first loading phase is awkward at times. My girlfriend got a dark face before anything else. But with a few more days of continued use, things started to balance out. Give yourself 30-40mg before thinking about throwing in the towel.- If you are getting nauseous, cut the dose back for a few times until your body adjusts.- The best time to inject is right after your eat. Almost no sides when I do it this way. Conversely, the worst time is on an empty stomach.- The fatigue/tiredness issue seems to persist every time I take it. There are a few exceptions. I find that using it daily reduces the feeling of fatigue/tiredness. I think the body adjusts. But a schedule of a couple doses per week will always make me tired.- Taking it right before bed has worked great for my girlfriend, but it is horrible for me. I find that a dose before bed makes me toss and turn all night.- If you workout...taking melanotan II right before a workout seems to contract all the sides (including fatigue). I don't know why this is, but when I take it right before a workout, I seem to avoid the fatigue/tiredness issue.- Syringe of choice for me: 100cc, 29g, 1/2", Easy-Touch (brand)- Some people have experimented with a stronger solution, but I prefer to reconstitute with the most bac water possible. For me it is about maximizing the usage of your vial. A stronger solutions means every drop left in the vial when you are done is more money wasted.- A high thigh injection point seems to hurt less than a stomach injection. (for me anyways).- If you are a woman, I recommend injecting in your ### cheek. Let me explain. If you are a woman, then you are very exposed in a bathing suit. A high thigh or stomach injection point is a bad idea, because sometimes you will get a bruise where you made the injection. Injecting in the ### cheek keeps those ugly bruises from being seen if they occur.- I have found that if there is enough melanotan II in your system, you could almost never burn. I was experimenting with this awhile back, and was taking about 2.1mg per day for several weeks. I ended up spending the day at an amusement park in the middle of the summer. I was in the direct sun for about 6 hours with no sunblock and didn't even get pink(NOT RECOMMENDED. STUPID AND VERY UNHEALTHY. Always wear some kind of sunblock).I was going to post some before and after pics, but there seems to be enough of them on this forum all ready. My results mirror the amazing progress pics you see.To date, I have used just over 2,000mg.What I can tell you, is that this product has been life changing for me, and I hope this post contributes to the great resource this site is for everyone.God Bless,- James
Supposedly good for you because it lets you tan without exposing yourself to UV rays of the sun or tanning beds. Will give you an even tan. Even usually white places like your inner arms and sides.Not yet approved by FDA because long term effects are unknown. Can only be used by subcutaneous injection. One downside is that it will make freckles/brown spots darker.

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I have a buddy who lives in Pacific Beach that takes it. Last time I was there, he was like a spokesperson for this stuff. As we got drunker, he would rattle off a self-penned infomercial and yell "Thin and Tan! You get thin and tan! This is going to make billions!"

He was more tan than I ever remember him and in pretty good shape.

I have a buddy who lives in Pacific Beach that takes it. Last time I was there, he was like a spokesperson for this stuff. As we got drunker, he would rattle off a self-penned infomercial and yell "Thin and Tan! You get thin and tan! This is going to make billions!"

He was more tan than I ever remember him and in pretty good shape.
I should also note that this guy also grows marijuana pods (like, that's all he does), rolls on E pretty much every other night and will put just about any chemical into his body.

Whole lotta warnings online about this stuff :popcorn:
So post the specifics here.
What is Melanotan II?

Melanotan II is a cosmetic product that stimulates a natural increase in melanin production. Melanin is the main determinant of skin color in humans, a brown pigment which causes skin to become darker in appearance, instead of red, when exposed to UV rays. Users of Melanotan II develop a gradual, natural looking tan with minimal sun exposure. It is particularly useful for fair-skinned individuals who find that they cannot tan simply by spending time in the sun; however, excellent cosmetic tanning results are achieved by all skin types.

What Melanotan II is not

Melanotan II is not a treatment or cure for any disease, nor should it be used with the aim of preventing skin cancer. While melanin is known to have excellent photo protectant properties, no clinical studies have ever indicated the efficiency of Melanotan II specifically in reducing UV damage, therefore the product should not be used solely as a replacement for sunscreen or other appropriate UV protection.

I am very fair skinned; will Melanotan II work for me?

Melanotan II works for very well for all skin types and you can expect your tan to darken several shades regardless of how fair your skin is to begin with. Those with very pale skin have the most to gain from Melanotan II usage and usually end up seeing the most significant degree of change in their tan compared to those who have darker skin to begin with.

How many vials should I purchase to start with and when will I see results?

Generally most people will see excellent results by the end of 20mg (2 vials) of Melanotan II, although some see results from as little as 5-10mg - which equates to being as quick as 7-10 days of beginning their injections. Those with extremely fair skin will need more Melanotan II to see initial results and most likely won’t see optimal results until 4-5 weeks of usage. The average time for great tanning results is 2-3 weeks assuming Melanotan II is combined with a sufficient amount of UV exposure.

Doses are weight dependant so those who weigh less (particularly women) can get away with purchasing less than those who are heavier. Your first Melanotan II vial will usually only last 2-3 weeks as daily injections are required. For maintenance (i.e. once you have a tan you are happy with), vials should last longer at 4-8 weeks depending on your dose.

What is the difference between Melanotan I & Melanotan II?

Although they both stimulate the release of melanin, their purposes and mode of action are vastly different. Melanotan I (Afamelanotide) is being clinically trialed for its therapeutic benefits in the treatment of rare skin conditions. It is not used to cosmetic purposes as a dose of 6-8 times more would be needed to achieve similar tanning results to Melanotan II – a product used solely to assist cosmetic skin tanning results.

Comparing these two products would be similar to comparing a prescription stimulant medication such as Ritalin to a Red Bull drink. Both work as stimulants, but the prescription stimulant is used to treat medical conditions such as ADHD while Red Bull is a product used simply to assist in boosting energy.

How much Melanotan II do I need to take each time?

The dosing guideline for Melanotan II is 1mg per 100kg of bodyweight. Generally for females this equates to around 0.5-0.65mg of Melanotan II per injection (meaning 15-20 doses per vial) and for males 0.65mg-1mg per injection (10-15 doses per vial).

How often do I need to take Melanotan II?

It is recommended to take your Melanotan II dose each day initially and go tanning 1-2 times a week if you wish to see results quickly (within 2-3 weeks). When you're happy with your color you can cut back to injecting your dose to every 2nd or 3rd day and go tanning just once per week for maintenance. Basically the darker your skin becomes the less Melanotan II and UV rays you will need to maintain the tan.

Why do I still need to get UV exposure on Melanotan II?

Clinical data indicates the tanning efficiency of Melanotan II without the need to combine it with any UV exposure, but results can achieved much faster, and usually with a nicer overall color, when you also incorporate 1-2 short tanning sessions per week with your Melanotan II usage.

The reason for this is that while Melanotan II does significantly raise levels of melanin in the body, UV rays play an important factor in the secretion of the your body’s melanin in to surrounding skin tissue – melanin is of course being the brown pigment responsible for giving your skin its tanned appearance.

How much water should I mix into the vial?

The amount of water you use makes no difference, it just means you will have 10mg of Melanotan II diluted in however much water you have used. For ease of dosing we recommend using just 1ml (100 units) of water. Therefore every 0.1ml (10 units) will be 1mg of Melanotan II. 0.05ml (5 units) will be 0.5mg of Melanotan II etc.

How do I store Melanotan II?

The manufacturer instructs that both mixed and unmixed vials of Melanotan II should be stored at refrigerator temperature at 2-8 degrees celcius. At this temperature mixed vials should be used within 2 months, while vials in powder form will remain stable for up to 1 year. To ensure no cross-contamination vials should always be stored away from food in an enclosed plastic satchel or container.

Are there any initial side effects?

For most users who take the appropriate dosage Melanotan II does not present any adverse side effects. Of those who do experience side effects they are generally those documented in the original clinical study of Melanotan II in humans, namely: flushing of the face, nausea and spontaneous erections in males. These side effects usually only last for 1-2 hours after the injection and usually only occur after the first 1-3 injections, after which they do not occur again unless a long break is taken between usage.

To reduce the occurrence of side effects its recommended to take your dose just before going to sleep at night and preferably having eaten 1-2 hours before (i.e. not on an empty stomach). If you are sensitive you should also take an anti-histamine 2 hours before injection.

Are there any long term side effects of Melanotan II?

While Melanotan II was developed by scientists in the 1980’s its usage in the general population is relatively new, with the earliest reports dating back to 2003. Unfortunately it’s impossible to know for certain the long term side effects of any product until it has been used by many individuals for a long period of time. Pleasingly though, reports and detailed logs from people using the product consistently for the past 5-6 years indicate that there are no documented long term side effects of Melanotan II usage.

This is not to say that we can guarantee the safety of Melanotan II, the information we present should not be mistaken as medical fact. As with any product (even licensed over the counter products) the safety and reaction of each individual cannot be 100% assured. So far though, no serious negative consequences have been reported by users. Furthermore, no hypothetical side effects or warnings reported in the media have been proven or substantiated with scientific fact – they are merely attempts not to get consumers to use an unlicensed product.

Whole lotta warnings online about this stuff :popcorn:
Causes nausea for some a few minutes after injection. May also cause drowsiness (never has for me). They advise taking before bed if that's an issue. As noted earlier, will cause your little light brown skin spots to become little dark brown skin spots.

Personally, I like to be a little tan, so the cons of this stuff are way worse than the cons of tanning beds or too much natural sun.

Whole lotta warnings online about this stuff :popcorn:
So post the specifics here.
Sorry to hear your google is broken.

My name is Robert, I'm 23 and I had been using melanotan II for over 1 year with great results. However, recently I got vision problems (with gradual onset) and thus went to see an ophthalmologist. I was diagnostized with a severe form of central serous retinopathy (CSR). Although CSR rarely leads to blindness, usually some vision impairment remains. There is no effective treatment for this condition.

She also found a rather big nevus (mole) on the choroid in my left eye which hasn't been there before (have had an eye exam in the past). This cannot be removed and have to be monitored for the rest of my life because it may lead to cancer at some point. She had no idea regarding the cause. Apart from being a bit myopic, my eyes were perfectly healthy before. I didn't tell her about Melanotan by the way.

Afterwards I did some research and found out that Central serous retinopathy is linked to therapeutic use of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH):

"ACTH has a melanotrophic part, melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), that may affect RPE cells, which are melanin-pigmented cells of neuroectoderm origin, and alter their ionic pumping properties. This is supported by evidence in the literature for the effect of MSH on animal RPE cells, as well as on other secreting epithelia."

Melanotan and melanotan II are are both analogs of (alpha) MSH and thus sharing the same effects. Therefore it can be assumed that my condition is connected to the prolonged intake of melanotan II.

I then checked back with my doctor and was advised to stop taking Melanotan immediately.

I also made an appointment with the director of the dermatology department on our university (I'm a medical student myself) to get an expert opinion on Melanotan. He had heard of Melanotan before, but he would strongly discourage anyone from taking it especially for merely cosmetic purposes.

Though it may be beneficial to some people with certain skin diseases, it certainly bears great risks. He also didn't seem to be surprised about my case at all. Because the choroid (the underlying layer of the eye's retina) contains melanocytes, it will also be necessarily affected by Melanotan which in turn may effect the function of the retina. He also warned me about hormone and skin changes, which are probably not fully reversible even after being off of Melanotan for a very long time. There is a study that says MSH (again, Melanotan is just a synthetic copy of MSH) not only stimulates the melanocytes to produce melanin, but also cause proliferation of melanocytes:

"alpha-Melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) and ACTH increase the proliferation and melanogenesis of cultured human melanocytes."

This is quite contrary to an older study from 1986 which is cited on Clinuvel's website. Personally, I would not put much trust in studies published by Clinuvel. They are not obligated to release informations about dangers connected to Melanotan at this point. And I doubt they will voluntary discredit their only product.

Being a type I myself nobody can understand you better than I but there certainly are things in life that are more important than having a tanned skin. Don't put them at risk.

Actually, I curse the day when I first heard of Melanotan.

Zamir E (1997): "Central serous retinopathy associated with adrenocorticotrophic hormone therapy. A case report and a hypothesis". Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel

I Suzuki et al. (1996): "Binding of melanotropic hormones to the melanocortin receptor MC1R on human melanocytes stimulates proliferation and melanogenesis" Department of Dermatology, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Whole lotta warnings online about this stuff :popcorn:
So post the specifics here.
Sorry to hear your google is broken.
>My name is Robert, I'm 23 and I had been using melanotan II for over 1 year with great results. However, recently I got vision problems (with gradual onset) and thus went to see an ophthalmologist. I was diagnostized with a severe form of central serous retinopathy (CSR). Although CSR rarely leads to blindness, usually some vision impairment remains. There is no effective treatment for this condition. She also found a rather big nevus (mole) on the choroid in my left eye which hasn't been there before (have had an eye exam in the past). This cannot be removed and have to be monitored for the rest of my life because it may lead to cancer at some point. She had no idea regarding the cause. Apart from being a bit myopic, my eyes were perfectly healthy before. I didn't tell her about Melanotan by the way. Afterwards I did some research and found out that Central serous retinopathy is linked to therapeutic use of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH): "ACTH has a melanotrophic part, melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), that may affect RPE cells, which are melanin-pigmented cells of neuroectoderm origin, and alter their ionic pumping properties. This is supported by evidence in the literature for the effect of MSH on animal RPE cells, as well as on other secreting epithelia." Melanotan and melanotan II are are both analogs of (alpha) MSH and thus sharing the same effects. Therefore it can be assumed that my condition is connected to the prolonged intake of melanotan II. I then checked back with my doctor and was advised to stop taking Melanotan immediately. I also made an appointment with the director of the dermatology department on our university (I'm a medical student myself) to get an expert opinion on Melanotan. He had heard of Melanotan before, but he would strongly discourage anyone from taking it especially for merely cosmetic purposes. Though it may be beneficial to some people with certain skin diseases, it certainly bears great risks. He also didn't seem to be surprised about my case at all. Because the choroid (the underlying layer of the eye's retina) contains melanocytes, it will also be necessarily affected by Melanotan which in turn may effect the function of the retina. He also warned me about hormone and skin changes, which are probably not fully reversible even after being off of Melanotan for a very long time. There is a study that says MSH (again, Melanotan is just a synthetic copy of MSH) not only stimulates the melanocytes to produce melanin, but also cause proliferation of melanocytes: "alpha-Melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) and ACTH increase the proliferation and melanogenesis of cultured human melanocytes." This is quite contrary to an older study from 1986 which is cited on Clinuvel's website. Personally, I would not put much trust in studies published by Clinuvel. They are not obligated to release informations about dangers connected to Melanotan at this point. And I doubt they will voluntary discredit their only product. Being a type I myself nobody can understand you better than I but there certainly are things in life that are more important than having a tanned skin. Don't put them at risk. Actually, I curse the day when I first heard of Melanotan. Zamir E (1997): "Central serous retinopathy associated with adrenocorticotrophic hormone therapy. A case report and a hypothesis". Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel I Suzuki et al. (1996): "Binding of melanotropic hormones to the melanocortin receptor MC1R on human melanocytes stimulates proliferation and melanogenesis" Department of Dermatology, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Yeah I was hoping for something a little more solid, something that didnt start with "Hi I'm Robert..."And I've done lots of research/reading on the subject matter, including teh Google.
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Although side effects do become less troublesome with each administration of MT or MT-II, most users will experience at least some of the side effect to varying degrees, most commonly nausea, appetite suppression, facial flushing and dull headaches. These will typically become apparent within a few minutes of administration but can last for many hours. In the case of MT-II, increases in libido are often seen in conjunction with outwardly physical signs of sexual arousal whereby the male user experiences prolonged periods of increased blood flow to the penis. This particular side effect does not diminish in severity over time and instances of occurrence are to be expected throughout the period of MT-II use. As I'm sure you can appreciate, this aspect may prove embarrassing and perhaps quite uncomfortable, so I must stress again the importance of building dosage up gradually to assess personal tolerance and susceptibility.

Some users will notice the new appearance of freckles as these particular areas of skin have increased melanin. The good news is that as the tan is developed, the visual appearance of them will diminish, probably completely. Moles commonly become darker too as these are actually highly concentrated clusters of melanocytes. Both of these occurrences will reverse some time after discontinuation of the peptide and suntanning is ceased.

In addition to freckles and mole changes, there are fairly rare reports of a phenomenon called hyperpigmentation. This is typified by blotches of darkened skin, normally much larger than regular moles. Not all incidences of hyperpigmentation are attributable to increased melanocyte activity even though their appearance may only become apparent during melanocortin receptor agonism by Melanotan I or II. This condition is specifically referred to as diffuse hyperpigmentation, with many possible underlying causes or disorders including Addison's disease, haemochromatosis, hyperthyroidism and certain medications which may induce phototoxic reactions.

Previously unseen white spots or white patches of skin may also become apparent as the tan deepens. Again, this is not thought to occur as a direct result of using Melanotan, rather it merely uncovers the underlying condition. There are a range of actual causes. White spots (typically 2-5mm in size) may be the result of Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis where there are reductions in the number of melanocytes and melanin in those particular areas. Larger white areas of skin may be due toTinea versicolor which is a fungal infection caused by the yeast Malassezia furfur which is found on the skin and is not normally troublesome. Treatment would normally include an oral or topical anti-fungal though it may take many weeks for the skin tone to become consistent with surrounding areas.

It has been suggested that due to the greater difference of MT-II to our own α-MSH, there is a greater chance of the body to view the peptide as a 'foreign body' and produce an allergic response. This could potentially trigger anaphylaxis, a potentially life threatening situation whereby large amounts of histamine are produced by the body which can lead to a host of effects including severe bronchoconstriction and rapid drops in blood pressure.

Read more at: http://articles.muscletalk.co.uk/article-melanotan.aspx
Yes, skin color changes certainly happen.

I had a long dark mole (that had been cut when younger) that got dark when tanned with M2, then lost ALL of its color after I lost my tan.

Now it just looks the same color as whatever my skin is at the time.

nearly everyone gets a darkening of freckles/moles while on, and then they revert to normal when off.

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Not from what I've read. "Some may revert, Many do not" is the most common phrase I've read. But you know that since you've done your googling
I'm referring specifically to people who I know.

Which probably somewhere around 40-50 of them. Men and women.

*someone did tell me a story of a guy who looked "kinda purple" and claimed it may have been Melnotan (not Melnotan 2).

So as such Ive also "heard" of an extreme reaction.

Its probably like anything else, 'depends on the user'.

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Wait did you just link the UKs National Enquirer?

Even as such, there is no telling what she actually was using.

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I'm referring specifically to people who I know.

Which probably somewhere around 40-50 of them. Men and women.
OH... well why didn't you say so? Seems like a legit scientific study and a valid sample size. Not sure why I doubted you guys.... Carry on!

I'm referring specifically to people who I know.

Which probably somewhere around 40-50 of them. Men and women.
OH... well why didn't you say so? Seems like a legit scientific study and a valid sample size. Not sure why I doubted you guys.... Carry on!
I stated it as such in my very first post.

And further more, chimp, its EXACTLY what the OP was asking for.

Not National Enquirer posts and rumor mill crap. But people who actually have used it.

You stated some non-specific hyperbole, and I simply asked for the actual info... you went to internet Robert and theSUN. :lol:

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I'm referring specifically to people who I know.

Which probably somewhere around 40-50 of them. Men and women.
OH... well why didn't you say so? Seems like a legit scientific study and a valid sample size. Not sure why I doubted you guys.... Carry on!
I stated it as such in my very first post.

And further more, chimp, its EXACTLY what the OP was asking for.

Not National Enquirer posts and rumor mill crap. But people who actually have used it.

You stated some non-specific hyperbole, and I simply asked for the actual info... you went to internet Robert and theSUN. :lol:
:goodposting: exactly...thank you BST

Anytime BK.

And ftr NEVER get premixed.

Get yourself a sterile vial and some bacteriostatic water, mix it when ready and keep in the 'fridge.

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Im happy to report that for the first time in my life im as tanned as any Italian i know....and im `as Irish as they come. This #### really REALLY works miracles

hey guys. This message is regards to melanotan II. I see you guys use it/have used it too. I went on it for about 2 weeks but ended up getting a lot of new moles and darkening of current ones. I got a sweet tan out of it though. Any solution to this? I've been off since March 13 and lost the tan/kept the moles and darkened freckles. Other than that it was an amazing drug. I'm considering getting back on it. But I need to hear from others who have been using it for a while. What has your success been like? 


hey guys. This message is regards to melanotan II. I see you guys use it/have used it too. I went on it for about 2 weeks but ended up getting a lot of new moles and darkening of current ones. I got a sweet tan out of it though. Any solution to this? I've been off since March 13 and lost the tan/kept the moles and darkened freckles. Other than that it was an amazing drug. I'm considering getting back on it. But I need to hear from others who have been using it for a while. What has your success been like? 

thats normal...gotta take the good with the bad ...i love the fact that i havent had a sunburn in 3 years ...im a fair skinned irishman  with auburn hair so burning has always been a staple ...now i just turn dark brown ...its amazing...the sun doesnt even feel hot on my skin when im on it

Btw I love trump. Your account I cant send messages to. So I take it your still using MT2? Awesome lol. Yes I am Irish and german so I tan but yeah burn too. This #### got me so dark. Have you had blood pressure spikes? That's something I got too but I can deal with it. What's your dosing like? 

No it doesn't change bone structure. You missed the point entirely as expected. It affects the melanocortin receptors (MCR1,MCR2,MCR3,MCR4,MCR5). Many of these receptors are located on melanocytes throughout the body some of them are located in the brain. By binding to these receptors it stimulates the melanocytes to produce the pigment melanin.

No it doesn't change bone structure. You missed the point entirely as expected. It affects the melanocortin receptors (MCR1,MCR2,MCR3,MCR4,MCR5). Many of these receptors are located on melanocytes throughout the body some of them are located in the brain. By binding to these receptors it stimulates the melanocytes to produce the pigment melanin.
Does Melanotan pay you well for this?  Are there benefits?  Discounts?

bodybuilder50 said:
@ahrn I don't have time for that bull####. Go troll somewhere else. Also being white isn't just your skin tone. It's your facial features bone structure muscle tone hormones the whole lot. Nursing major here.  Having a golden bronze tan is attractive protects you from the sun and shows off musculature more than being a light pigment. So I really don't have time for petty bull#### from people like you.
Is this George takai?

bodybuilder50 said:
Btw I love trump. Your account I cant send messages to. So I take it your still using MT2? Awesome lol. Yes I am Irish and german so I tan but yeah burn too. This #### got me so dark. Have you had blood pressure spikes? That's something I got too but I can deal with it. What's your dosing like? 
this is who i get it from ..they are legit


ive never had any side effects ..my buddy gets a little  nauseous  right after he uses it ...but he says if he eats right before hes all set...ive never had HBP spikes or anything...just get tanned...its great going to somewhere like florida and spending the entire day in the sun with no sunscreen and never burning....for someone whos never been able to do that its a god send

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bodybuilder50 said:
@ahrn I don't have time for that bull####. Go troll somewhere else. Also being white isn't just your skin tone. It's your facial features bone structure muscle tone hormones the whole lot. Nursing major here.  Having a golden bronze tan is attractive protects you from the sun and shows off musculature more than being a light pigment. So I really don't have time for petty bull#### from people like you.
Your ideas intrigue me and I'd like to sign up for your newsletter.

bodybuilder50 said:
@ahrn I don't have time for that bull####. Go troll somewhere else. Also being white isn't just your skin tone. It's your facial features bone structure muscle tone hormones the whole lot. Nursing major here.  Having a golden bronze tan is attractive protects you from the sun and shows off musculature more than being a light pigment. So I really don't have time for petty bull#### from people like you.
You're going to have to lighten up - no pun intended...

Just for people who don't know:

The review posted on page 1 of this thread was obviously written by a marketer for the product.

The 2nd review about the person who got sick from the product was obviously written by a marketer for a competing product.

The person who showed up yesterday to necrobump this thread is clearly another marketer for this product.

BustedKnuckles is an actual FBG who is injecting himself with this :unsure:

Yeah man I actually live in Florida LOL.  Great state. But yeah you did get the hyperpigmentation of moles and freckles though. I didn't get any nausea either... What is your dosing for loading and your maintenance? I did 1mg eod. For loading and then I stopped because of the hyper pigmentation problem.
no hyper pigmentation....i do have a few spots that dont get as tanned as the rest of me ...i do about .25  mg and up it .50...ive never done a full mg 


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