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Mewelde Moore (1 Viewer)


Looking at this guy's stat line is impressive for his pro career. What can you tell me about his college days? Was he just a late bloomer? Is he the real deal?

like many college athletes, i think he did pretty well with the ladies. "stud" might be stretching though...

Looking at this guy's stat line is impressive for his pro career. What can you tell me about his college days? Was he just a late bloomer? Is he the real deal?
He was a beast at Tulane.
Year   Age College/Univ  G	  Att	 Yds	  TD	 Y/A	 Y/G	   Rec	   Yds		TD	   Y/R2000	18	   tulane 10	 174	 890	   2	 5.1	89.0		33	   350		 1	  10.62001	19	   tulane 12	 263	1421	   8	 5.4   118.4		65	   756		 7	  11.62002	20	   tulane 13	 288	1138	   6	 4.0	87.5		52	   545		 3	  10.52003	21	   tulane  9	 185	 915	   5	 4.9   101.7		39	   408		 4	  10.5						44	 910	4364	  21	 4.8	99.2	   189	  2059		15	  10.9

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